Will the Republic as we know it end?

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Re: Will the Republic as we know it end?

Post by Hawkeye »

I guess the answer from Hawkeye/Ajax is, "NO! I can't!"
The narrative that police are out hunting down and killing black men because they are black just isn't true. It turns out that criminals don't like being arrested and accusations of racism by the police has proven to be their most effective defense.

I recommend Candace Owen's documentary on "the greatest lie ever sold."

Here's the youtube link

Last edited by Hawkeye on Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The best part about this is waiting four years to see how all the crazy apocalyptic predictions made by the fear mongering idiots in Right Wing media turned out to be painfully wrong...Gasoline would hit $10/gallon. Hyperinflation would ensue.
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Re: Will the Republic as we know it end?

Post by Kishkumen »

Hawkeye wrote:
Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:04 pm
The narrative that police are out hunting down and killing black men because they are black just isn't true. It turns out that criminals don't like being arrested and accusations of racism by the police has proven to be their most effective defense.
A careful reader would notice that I was not at all accusing the police of "hunting down" young Black men because they are Black. That is a simpleton's misconstrual of a situation they can unfortunately only dimly grasp, whether they agree with one ideological take or another.

Look, I get it, you are the kind of person who can only handle simple messages and simple proposals to fix complicated problems. I was hoping you could understand that there is a problem, and that, even if it is not unique to Black men, it would greatly improve everything if fewer Black men were killed by police officers in the line of duty.

Unfortunately, I overestimated your ability even to grasp that simple idea.
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Re: Will the Republic as we know it end?

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Hawkeye wrote:
Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:04 pm
I guess the answer from Hawkeye/Ajax is, "NO! I can't!"
The narrative that police are out hunting down and killing black men because they are black just isn't true.
Probably because it's a strawman. That's usually how those work.
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Re: Will the Republic as we know it end?

Post by canpakes »

Hawkeye wrote:
Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:04 pm
The narrative that police are out hunting down and killing black men because they are black just isn't true. It turns out that criminals don't like being arrested and accusations of racism by the police has proven to be their most effective defense.

I recommend Candace Owen's documentary on "the greatest lie ever sold."

Yep, Candace lied to you. The issue was never that “police are out hunting down and killing black men because they are black”. Cool straw man, though.

The issue concerns what can or has happened when a black citizen is pulled over or detained by officers.
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Re: Will the Republic as we know it end?

Post by honorentheos »

D&D story: Early in the campaign I'm DMing the party captured a person they found who was hiding from a group of gnolls. They weren't sure what was up with him, knowing only that when they showed up and killed the gnolls he seemed to be hesitant to get in the fight. Everyone asked if they thought he was lying when he gave an explanation for his behaviour, resulting in their each making separate insight checks against him.

One member of the group rolled very high while the power gamer in the group rolled low. I told the person who rolled high he picked up on some body language suggesting the person was thinking of answers on the spot. The power gamer said he wanted to grab him and restrain him which I told him made no sense in game because his PC did not pick up on that. Doing so would be metagaming.

So the power gamer said his PC responded with being friendly to the guy and nodding along with his story, staying close to him.

Very soon thereafter the guy made a sudden move to pull something out of a cloak pocket and the power gamer said, "I punch him." The reason given was the NPC did something threatening and his PC would react to that by trying to knock him out. I asked him why this made sense given his PC had only moments before trusted the guy and believed his story to which the power gamer said his PC would always be on guard for someone reaching suddenly into a pocket.

After I finished laughing at the stupid rational I pointed out this was a perfect example of why disproportionate police violence occurs against minorities and how it is justified.

In other words, implicit bias = metagaming. Only, the "meta-knowledge" is not knowledge, it's just based on assumptions derived from racial biases.
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Re: Will the Republic as we know it end?

Post by Gunnar »

Hawkeye wrote:
Fri Nov 18, 2022 3:06 pm
RIght, so free speech and protesting are only legal when you agree with their reasons.
That is NOT what I said or even implied!!! It is outrageously dishonest of you to infer anything of the sort! I think that, as usual, you are projecting your own attitudes onto people who don't agree with you to them (including me). I agree with what was ascribed to Voltaire.
“I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” is said to have come from Voltaire. It is not from Voltaire, the 18th-century philosopher, but it was a paraphrase from a biographer named Evelyn Beatrice Hall of what she thought Voltaire was thinking.
I firmly believe people should be free to protest anything they honestly feel deserves to be protested, as long as they do it peacefully, without endangering anyone else or their property, or exhorting others to violence. Would you agree to concede the same to BLM protesters? I doubt that you would!
Last edited by Gunnar on Sun Nov 20, 2022 9:45 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Will the Republic as we know it end?

Post by Gunnar »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri Nov 18, 2022 3:51 pm
Notice Ajax18 skimmed down to the bottom of the post and only read the last half of the last sentence. That’s why his responses often seem trollish and incongruent with a good faith post.


- Doc
Thanks for pointing that out. As you and others have often pointed out, Hawkeye/ajax18 is incorrigibly dishonest and trollish and he made not the slightest attempt to honestly address the main points of my post.
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Re: Will the Republic as we know it end?

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Trump attacks the legitimacy of the Supreme Court because they ruled against him with regard to his tax returns:


The autocrat would rather see our Republic destroyed than have to comply with the Judicial branch. Man. The GOP really screwed up with this guy.

- Doc
Last edited by Doctor CamNC4Me on Thu Nov 24, 2022 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Will the Republic as we know it end?

Post by Kishkumen »

It is almost impossible to take someone who voted for this guy seriously. I know that I must do so, but damn is it difficult. He is so obviously a grifting, narcissistic piece of excrement. I thought this was obvious at the outset. I would bet that probably half of Americans did see that. He still managed to get elected, and now we are stuck with the knowledge that millions of Americans, for whatever bad reason, voted for him.
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Re: Will the Republic as we know it end?

Post by Gunnar »

Kishkumen wrote:
Wed Nov 23, 2022 6:51 pm
It is almost impossible to take someone who voted for this guy seriously. I know that I must do so, but damn is it difficult. He is so obviously a grifting, narcissistic piece of excrement. I thought this was obvious at the outset. I would bet that probably half of Americans did see that. He still managed to get elected, and now we are stuck with the knowledge that millions of Americans, for whatever bad reason, voted for him.
I'm with you on this. Like you, I had not the slightest difficulty seeing from the beginning how corrupt, hateful and dishonest he is. I still can't get over how many people couldn't and still can't see something so blazingly obvious as that! What I find most dismaying is how blatantly he appealed to people's prejudices and bigotry, and how many of my fellow Americans fell for that, including some of the people I love the most. :cry: To call him a narcissistic piece of excrement is an insult to narcissistic pieces of excrement! If I wasn't normally so tolerant and restrained, I might tell you how I really feel about him!
No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.
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