The Wallaby cult challenge

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The Wallaby cult challenge

Post by Gadianton »

Whose actions and antics better approximate cult-like behavior, democrats or republicans?

Here is my submission of mainstream republicans engaged in cult-like behavior. I believe Eric Trump counts as a mainstream republican, correct? Later in this same video is a runner-up with Kari Lake, but this conversation between Julie Green and Eric Trump really takes the cult cake.

So my challenge to Wallaby (or Binger or anybody else on this forum who thinks the participants here who voted Biden are cult members) is to share a clip of mainstream democrats acting in a manner more cult-like than the republicans in this video clip.

My prediction? Crickets. There is no response to this.
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Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Post by canpakes »

You might be waiting a while. Neither Atlanticmike nor Binger is going to come through for you anytime soon.

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Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Post by Some Schmo »

Gadianton wrote:
Mon Dec 12, 2022 12:09 am
Whose actions and antics better approximate cult-like behavior, democrats or republicans?
There's no contest. Democrats don't even come close to worshipping Biden; they tolerate him. And they certainly don't all mimic the party line.

The GOP base, on the other hand, are willing to forgive an obvious fraud. They all repeat the same idiotic talking points. The GOP doesn't just engage in cult-like behavior. They are a perfect example of a modern cult. You can tell by how idiotically they all talk.
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Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Post by Some Schmo »

And by the way, the only reason the Trumptards have found it fashionable to call liberalism a cult is because they know they're in one. Projection is the primary tool these tools have. I know you are but what am I is the apex of their rhetoric.
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Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Post by Dr Exiled »

Republicans have religion to lead the way to cultism and so I have to agree that there won't be any submissions any time soon, at least any worth consideration. Perhaps the anti-trump drum beat we have that started in 2016 could arguably come close to cult like behavior. The media constantly shouted the walls are closing in, the walls are closing in for at least 3 years. However, there wasn't any worship of one leader like there are in cults. It was a march to the tune of "anyone but the Republican cult leader and let's do whatever to get this guy out."
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Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:14 pm
Republicans have religion to lead the way to cultism and so I have to agree that there won't be any submissions any time soon, at least any worth consideration. Perhaps the anti-trump drum beat we have that started in 2016 could arguably come close to cult like behavior. The media constantly shouted the walls are closing in, the walls are closing in for at least 3 years. However, there wasn't any worship of one leader like there are in cults. It was a march to the tune of "anyone but the Republican cult leader and let's do whatever to get this guy out."
Yes, documenting the bananaspants-tier shitbaggery of Trump (and his enablers) definitely was akin to cult members unquestionably supporting their dear leader. Anti-Trumpists having to continuously debunk the firehose of disinformation being shared online was super cult-like, too. :roll:

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Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Post by Some Schmo »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:14 pm
Perhaps the anti-trump drum beat we have that started in 2016 could arguably come close to cult like behavior.
I will reserve comment on the kind of brain it would take to come up with a thought like this. No, it isn't even "arguable."

I am as anti-Trump as it gets, and that all came from my own first-hand observations of his speeches and behavior. Nobody had to convince me he was a total “F”-up. I've been saying that since seeing his stupidity on The Apprentice, long before it was common knowledge. I don't need the media or anyone else to tell me he's an incompetent moron. It's obvious to even people with average intelligence (which I suppose is why it's not obvious to the GOP base). I don't believe anything about him that he hasn't demonstrated himself countless times.

In other words, pretending that condemning Trump's behavior is cult-like behavior is damned dumb, and would only be said by someone projecting, probably because they're embarrassed by their own party's behavior.
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Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Post by canpakes »

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Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Post by Gadianton »

I see that thus far, Wallaby is not able to rise to the challenge.

I mean, a prophetess telling Eric Trump daddy is coming back to take power by means outside the constitution per the dictate of God isn't a cult at all, right Wallaby? Eric says, "I totally believe it will happen".
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Re: The Wallaby cult challenge

Post by MeDotOrg »

Every time I see this statue of Trump...


...I think of the Golden Calf from the Old Testament:


...and the worship of a Graven Image instead of a code of laws.
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