Marriage In Trouble?

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Re: Marriage In Trouble?

Post by Schreech »

canpakes wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:25 pm
Honestly we don't need more debate and discussion. That's been done ad nauseam. We need action. We need separate countries.
This will never be a solution. You will never be able to live in an ideal society completely surrounded solely by others that you agree with politically and socially. You’ll always have people near that you’ll have to compromise with in some way, or that will not think in lockstep with you. And there’s not any distinct line that can be drawn, for the purpose of winnowing all of them out of your life.

This mindset would not result in a society that could thrive, as you’d be trying to create and maintain one where there would essentially be no real freedom.
The guy can't even create his ideal situation in his own home. He is miserable with the ONE person he chose to live with and still thinks he will finally be happy if he can surround himself with people who "think" like him...As if he would never disagree with another impotent/angry, racist trumper about anything - lol. His posts are a case study of what ceeboo details in the OP. He actually avoids interacting with anyone who might challenge his views and hyper-focuses on finding fringe sources that fully agree with what he has chosen to believe. THEN, he makes up scenarios where he is the victim of the people he refuses to interact with or learn from..It couldn't just be that he has made himself into an ignorant asshole that nobody wants to be around. The cycle of resentment and anger is just pathetic and sad. Dude needs a 12 step program...

I may have strong feelings about certain things but I am happy to learn and reevaluate my beliefs based on new information. The idea of not talking to someone in my life because they hold (or may hold) different beliefs than me is asinine. The first people I call when my wife and I have disagreements are women so I can get their perspectives to better relate to what my wife is feeling. The fact that he wouldn't consult a woman about his marriage woes because he won't get the answers he wants says everything you need to know about the mindset of a huge percentage of our population that thinks like him...The fact that he believes he is not "allowed" to talk about certain things in mixed company says more about him than any of the institutions mentioned.
Last edited by Schreech on Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Marriage In Trouble?

Post by Gadianton »

Right-wing media is driven by outrage. If Ajax got his wish then all of those crisis actors who have told him how to think all these years will be out of jobs if they don't find something new to complain about. There has to be a sequel or the script writers are out of a job.
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Re: Marriage In Trouble?

Post by ceeboo »

Hey Gad,
Gadianton wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:53 am
Not following Ceeboo on this:
Ceeboo wrote: I have seen countless examples of people that have simply stopped talking to other people (in real life, family, friends, social media, etc)
Can you give an example?

I have a cousin who is married with two young kids. She has not spoken to her parents for years. Thus, her young children have not spoken to their grandparents - Nor has her husband.

So, as I mentioned in my OP (even though I understand how relevant it can be) I am not really that interested in the reason/reasons behind the people in this example not speaking, I am interested in other people's thoughts/opinions concerning them not speaking. What impact (if any) do you think these things have on a society - a country.
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Re: Marriage In Trouble?

Post by ceeboo »

honorentheos wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2023 3:32 am
ceeboo wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:52 pm
My desire for this thread is not to discuss the reason or reasons that people have stopped talking to one another, rather, I am hoping to hear your thoughts/perspectives about what has happened to America, if anything, because of this - And, what do you think will happen, if anything, if this continues?

The floor is yours.
Hey ceebs,
Hey Honor,
I watched the movie version of Brigadoon this holiday with family and realized I'd completely forgot the main storyline. I'd vaguely recalled it being about a Scottish village that appeared for a day and then disappeared after, and Gene Kelly had to decide whether or not to stay there for true love.

I was shocked to realize how much of the movie I had missed or forgotten. I'd forgotten the reason it disappeared was because the priest has given his life in exchange for a deal with God to protect the village from witches heading it's way they were concerned would corrupt the people away from God. I'd forgotten that the weak antagonist in the movie was a guy who wanted to leave the village in order to go to university and do something other than be trapped in the village for eternity. That Gods deal was that if anyone left it then it would disappear, poof, with everyone in it being lost forever. That the antagonist was shot trying to escape on accident by the skeptical atheist foil to Gene Kelly because he was fed up with the village and just wanted to hunt which is why they'd gone to Scotland in the first place. And the village elders covered up the guy's death because that's how magic God-blessed villages do things. I'd forgotten how it portrayed New York City as the contrast to this perfect god protected oasis from time. Or that Gene Kelly basically made his decision after being around his true love for less than twelve hours.

What does that have to do with the OP? I don't know...
Your point (brilliantly delivered) is taken.

Perhaps one can't reasonably discuss the result and/or impact without talking about and/or factoring in the various things that lead up to these things.

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Re: Marriage In Trouble?

Post by ceeboo »

Hey Cakes,
canpakes wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:14 pm
ceeboo wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:52 pm
I am hoping to hear your thoughts/perspectives about what has happened to America, if anything, because of this - And, what do you think will happen, if anything, if this continues?
Some of this looks to be driven by the idea that a person with a different perspective has somehow disrespected another person by merely holding that different perspective.
While I agree with this, I think it can go way beyond mere disrespect. In some cases, it terminates human-to-human relationships.
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Re: Marriage In Trouble?

Post by ceeboo »

Hey Doc
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:41 pm
ceeboo wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:52 pm
Hey all,
What do you want to see happen, and how will you make it so?

- Doc
I want to see American citizens unified. I want to see families repair familial relationships that are fractured/broken - Parents with kids - sisters with brothers - kids with grandkids - etc. I believe these relationships are extremely important to all involved.

How will I make it so? Other that what I do in my very little bubble, I'm not sure. In my little bubble I warmly welcome every single member of my family/friends in my home. I don't care what political party they belong to or how they voted in a specific election or who they happen to have sex with - they are welcome. (Obviously, there are some exceptions, I am speaking generally)
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Re: Marriage In Trouble?

Post by ceeboo »

Jersey Girl,

Thanks for the link - I will try to find the time to take a peek.
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Re: Marriage In Trouble?

Post by Gadianton »

Ceeboo wrote:I have a cousin who is married with two young kids. She has not spoken to her parents for years. Thus, her young children have not spoken to their grandparents - Nor has her husband.
Maybe you meant that she has ceased social media with her parents, not with everyone? I took your OP to mean people completely isolating themselves. I assume she still talks to her husband and kids. Is she a gamer or big into some other Internet thing?
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Re: Marriage In Trouble?

Post by Res Ipsa »

ceeboo wrote:
Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:28 pm
Hey Gad,
Gadianton wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:53 am
Can you give an example?

I have a cousin who is married with two young kids. She has not spoken to her parents for years. Thus, her young children have not spoken to their grandparents - Nor has her husband.

So, as I mentioned in my OP (even though I understand how relevant it can be) I am not really that interested in the reason/reasons behind the people in this example not speaking, I am interested in other people's thoughts/opinions concerning them not speaking. What impact (if any) do you think these things have on a society - a country.
Hi Ceebs. I'm not sure that what you are describing is a trend, as opposed to increased awareness of something that has always existed. I've seen lots of examples throughout my life of members of various families who don't speak for one reason or another. It's not uncommon among LDS families where someone decides the church isn't for them. It used to to be more common, I think, in families when someone came out as gay.

It's possible that social media has increased this situation. in my opinion, people self censor less online than they do in person. That could create more opportunities for the degree of conflict that can result in people cutting each other out of their lives. Ironically, the problem could be that the internet allows us to talk to each other too much. ;)
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Re: Marriage In Trouble?

Post by Res Ipsa »

ceeboo wrote:
Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:57 pm
Hey Doc
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:41 pm
What do you want to see happen, and how will you make it so?

- Doc
I want to see American citizens unified. I want to see families repair familial relationships that are fractured/broken - Parents with kids - sisters with brothers - kids with grandkids - etc. I believe these relationships are extremely important to all involved.

How will I make it so? Other that what I do in my very little bubble, I'm not sure. In my little bubble I warmly welcome every single member of my family/friends in my home. I don't care what political party they belong to or how they voted in a specific election or who they happen to have sex with - they are welcome. (Obviously, there are some exceptions, I am speaking generally)
So no raccoon-whale sex? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I agree with your general sentiment. I'm not sure about American beings unified, other than around some basic principles about how we treat each other and the general rules of how we govern ourselves. I think that interpersonal relationships are very important. It would be wonderful if all families could be close, but I'm not sure that's a realistic expectation. One branch of my family always has some ongoing drama, with some being on the outs with others. And then they reshuffle into new alignments. I just smile and stay out of the melee.

I really like your approach to your bubble. I try to do the same thing -- make my home a welcoming place to all.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

Benjamin Franklin
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