2024 Election Campaign MEGATHREAD

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Re: 2024 Election Campaign MEGATHREAD

Post by Some Schmo »

Ken Buck Teases More Republican Resignations Are Coming
Colorado House Republican Ken Buck has hinted the GOP could suffer more resignations after announcing he will step down at the end of the week, further shrinking his party's already wafer thin majority in the chamber.


Earlier this month, in an interview with NewsNation, Buck said: "I am not going to lie on behalf of my presidential candidate, on behalf of my party. And I'm very sad that others in my party have taken the position that as long as we get the White House, it doesn't really matter what we say."
Of course, we've all known for quite some time the GOP will say whatever they think they need to in order to gain/retain power, but it's nice to see one of them admit it.
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Re: 2024 Election Campaign MEGATHREAD

Post by Gunnar »

Some Schmo wrote:
Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:01 pm
Of course, we've all known for quite some time the GOP will say whatever they think they need to in order to gain/retain power, but it's nice to see one of them admit it.
Here is another surprising admission -- from the current co-chairman of the RNC, no less! RNC Chair Says Americans Are Better off Under Biden Than Under Trump
While Republicans are intent on running with the claim that Americans are not better off today than they were four years ago, despite the fact that the country was in the midst of a devastating pandemic four years ago, an inadvertent admission from a key figure in the Republican Party sheds light on the flawed nature of this approach.

In an accidental moment of truth, newly appointed Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Michael Whatley appeared to undermine the Republican case for Donald Trump’s reelection. Whatley posed a straightforward question: 'Were you better off four years ago than you are today?' However, his response diverged from the expected Republican narrative. 'The answer for this entire country is no,' he stated. Whatley attempted to correct himself but inadvertently again admitted that the country is better off under President Biden when he said, 'I mean, yeah, we are better off today.'

While Republicans may dismiss this as a mere mistake, it's quite telling that even a seasoned political operative like Whatley finds it challenging to reiterate such a contradictory line, especially given everything the country went through in 2020.

Whatley’s inadvertent moment of truth is another instance highlighting that Donald Trump may not have installed the best and the brightest at the RNC. So far, it has been his daughter-in-law, RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump, who has delivered a number of statements that call into question the capabilities of the RNC leadership team.
RNC Chair Whatley: At the end of the day, this comes down to a very simple contrast between President Trump and President Biden. Were you better off four years ago than you are today? The answer for this entire country is no.
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Re: 2024 Election Campaign MEGATHREAD

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His own VP won’t endorse him.

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Re: 2024 Election Campaign MEGATHREAD

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

For the next time Ajax claims Turnip drained the swamp:


Also, don’t forget Kush got $2B from the Saudis, the family who most likely was involved in 9/11.

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Re: 2024 Election Campaign MEGATHREAD

Post by Moksha »

Trump replacing swamp water with raw sewage was not a good thing, even if die-hard MAGAists liked nibbling on the floaters.
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Re: 2024 Election Campaign MEGATHREAD

Post by Gunnar »

Moksha wrote:
Sun Mar 17, 2024 1:24 am
Trump replacing swamp water with raw sewage was not a good thing, even if die-hard MAGAists liked nibbling on the floaters.
That's a very apt analogy!
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Re: 2024 Election Campaign MEGATHREAD

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

We’re going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you’re not going to be able to sell those guys if I get elected. Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole – that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That’ll be the least of it. But they're not going to sell those cars.
You can see it at about 29:47 here: https://youtu.be/NwF5SeswFQc?t=1789

The rest of the speech is similar in nonsensical everything. Dementia is a helluva drug.

- Doc
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Re: 2024 Election Campaign MEGATHREAD

Post by Gunnar »

Potential 2024 ‘Chaos’: Election Deniers Refusing to Certify Results
This seems to be a growing, dangerous and scary trend. Extreme Republican election officials throughout the country are simply refusing to certify election results they don't like, no matter how large the margin or how many recounts have confirmed the initial results. What better proof than that can we have that extremely conservative Republicans (particularly Trump supporters) have utter disdain for democracy, when election results don't turn out the way they like.
Workers strained their eyes to decipher ballot designations that voting machines had already tabulated as the hand count dragged on. Some officials on the Spalding County Board of Elections and Registration in Georgia didn’t trust the machines, so they’d initiated automatic hand recounts of all elections, and at the end of the third day of counting, Nov. 14, 2023, the workers had found what was to be expected: The counts by machine were the same as counts made by hand. The hand count was completely unnecessary, but the results had added up just fine, so everyone should have been happy. Except everyone wasn’t.

As the final results came in and two members of the board prepared to vote to officially certify results from the Nov. 7 municipal elections, Republican election board member Roy McClain walked out of the room. Then he walked out of the building and into his truck in the parking lot, and began to drive away. County election supervisor Kim Slaughter, a Donald Trump-supporting Republican with a librarian’s glasses, called McClain and coaxed him to come back. Without McClain, the board wouldn’t have a quorum, and the three members of the five-person board there that day wouldn’t have been able to certify election results.

Eventually, McClain came back into the room. But he was no more convinced than when he had left. Despite the results of the hand recount being exactly the same as the results tabulated by voting machines, McClain refused to certify the election.

The motion to certify results passed 2-1, with McClain voting no in protest.

That day, McClain joined what has become a startling number of Republicans who have refused to certify election results in recent years, despite their legal obligations to do so. In at least 15 instances since November 2020, local Republican officials in eight states have refused to certify election results, a typically routine matter that has become anything but in the wake of Trump’s lies about his loss in the 2020 election, Rolling Stone has found.
Do any of you fail to see that there is something deeply and fundamentally immoral and dishonest about this growing trend, not to mention selfish and utterly dismissive of any honest opinions that conflict with one's own?
O’Brien believes McClain’s refusal to certify election results is “a setup for the upcoming national election,” he says. “It’s possible that it’s going to happen all over the place, cause chaos, and tie the election up in the courts.”

Wendy Weiser, a vice president at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, which tracks threats to democracy, says the instances of Republicans refusing to certify election results show clear intent: “Part of the strategy is to create chaos and to create a false basis for trying to find some way to challenge the outcome” of the November election, she says. “The chaos that ensues when something like that happens simultaneously across the country creates its own problem.”
Does anyone want to live in a despotic and even murderous Tyranny like Kim Jong Un's Korea, which such trends will very likely ultimately lead to if they continue unchecked? Hopefully, opposition to such trends will continue to check them and lead to criminal prosecution for any who promote and participate in them.
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Re: 2024 Election Campaign MEGATHREAD

Post by Jersey Girl »

The man is in my phone again with inflammatory rhetoric and pleas. Haven't posted about this prior but I thought you guys might be interested in hearing about the current level of desperation.

As follows:

From Trump:

Will you at least answer 1 question?

Take my MAGA POLL now: (link)
At the link:
Trump Make American Great Again! 2024 (banner)
Photo of Trump with US flag in the background.

Are you voting for me again?


Tell me you'll answer the first question...



The poll is only going to my



So if it isn't too much trouble,
can you respond by the end of the night?

Answer today if you're voting for TRUMP!

Signature as 45th President of the United States

To be fair, I didn't take the actual MAGA POLL. :roll: But here are the questions. The emojis are mine.
Are you voting for President Trump in 2024
Do you support President Trump more or less after every single witch hunt, raid, indictment, and arrest the radical left has thrown at him?
What are the most important issues to you?

(Firing Joe Biden, Building the Wall, Ending election interference ( :lol: ), Stopping skyrocketing crime, Save the economy, Fixing healthcare, Defending the Union ( :lol: ) Protecting the second amendment.

Do you support impeaching Joe Biden?
Do you support Securing the Border?
Do you support gun rights?
Do you support putting American first?

Where do you stand on the political spectrum? (choices)

What would you say to President Trump right now if you could speak to him for 5 minutes? *

Signature fore securing submission Followed by donations ask, amounts, and a bunch of other junk.
*Hello Donald. I am not your strongest supporter. I'm not even a member of your political party. Leave me alone, Donald. Get out of my phone. Get out of my face. Get out of my ears. I am sick of the sight of you and I never want to hear your voice ever again in my life unless it's the last "I am not a crook" you croak out when you are either remanded to custody in a correctional facility or locked away at Mar a Lago for the rest of your natural life without your devices, without your passport, without any mode of transportation, and without any money--like you have any. I don't care where you go. Just shut up and go. Oh and by the way Donald, you're fired."
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Re: 2024 Election Campaign MEGATHREAD

Post by Moksha »

All funds received by the RNC can help pay for Trump's legal obligations and fines.
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