Inflation? What inflation?

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Inflation? What inflation?

Post by Gunnar »

Hard right-wingers are incessantly blaming Biden and his administration for inflation; ignoring the fact that typical thanksgiving dinners cost American consumers less in 2023 than in 2022. So did the cost of traveling to visit beloved relatives for the holidays. ... cost-2023/
Here's how much a typical Thanksgiving Day feast will cost this year


The cost of preparing your Turkey Day feast is likely to be cheaper this year — and you can thank the turkey.

Turkey costs per pound fell to $1.25 in September, down 43 cents from a year earlier, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The prices of some turkey products has also fallen, with boneless and skinless turkey breasts 61% cheaper in August 2023 than at the same time last year, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation.

Overall costs for a typical Thanksgiving meal, including the usual fixings, are also modestly lower compared with 2022, when prices hit a record high. Dinner for 10 will cost an average of $61.17, the farm bureau said. That's down from $64.05 last year but an increase from $53.31 in 2021. Those figures include the cost of typical side dishes such as cranberries, dinner rolls, green peas and sweet potatoes.
On the Meidas Touch Thanksgiving Day podcast, they also discussed (along with other things) how we should be grateful for how despite Republican inflation claims, many prices have actually been coming down. Starting here, they pointed out specifically how expenses associated with the Thanksgiving Day holiday, including travel and gasoline expenses, were lower in 2023 than in 2022. Gasoline prices in particular were and are the lowest since in 2020.
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Re: Inflation? What inflation?

Post by Vēritās »

I saw a guy on FOX say inflation was 0% in October and .01% in November.

I've been saying for years now that the spike in inflation was a result of supply/demand issues due to the global bottlenecks caused by COVID. I've also been saying that the Fed is incorrect to insist unemployment has to rise in order for inflation/interest rates to drop. Bidenomics has really kicked conventional economic wisdom in the teeth and walked a fine line to near perfection just to prevent the "eminent recession," that had been predicted for months. This was done while at the same time dramatically reducing the rate of inflation, and keeping Americans working at a record level all the while producing more oil supply than has ever been produced in US history.

This was the first thanksgiving I can remember where I was able to purchase Turkey at $.99 cents per pound at Costco. I get a kick out of all these MAGAs on Facebook who keep talking about grocery costs because whenever I go to the store I'm amazed at some of the deals I can get. Arizona Tea was famously known for its $.99 cent per can prior to COVID and it has been back to that price for over a year. I get eggs at $1.29/dozen, and milk in Georgia has been under $3 for at least a year now. I've never once paid more than $3.99 for a gallon of whole milk.

What we saw in the early stages of the inflation rage was corporations trying to take advantage of the situation by gouging us. But Americans eventually figured out how to get food cheaper elsewhere so they ended up being overstocked and had to slash prices. Last week they had 2 liters of Coke on sale, regular priced at $2.99, you could get them for $.99 cent if you bought three or more. That's what I remember coke being 15 years ago.
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Re: Inflation? What inflation?

Post by Vēritās »

Gunnar wrote:
Wed Jan 03, 2024 6:56 am
So did the cost of traveling to visit beloved relatives for the holidays.
More Americans are traveling in 2023 than ever before and even more are planning to travel in 2024. This speaks to the financial stability of the average American family under Biden, as traveling is a luxury not a necessity. I was listening to a show on the radio the other day talking about the polling about how Americans feel about the economy and why they always tend to be dire and bleak, but when you looked into the details of the polling most of those questions weren't about that individual's particular financial situation but rather the "perception" they had about the economy for the rest of the country. The reason the perception is bleak is because Right Wing propaganda has been on steroids pushing these false narratives and shoving them in our faces everywhere we turn. I can't even go to the gym anymore or turn on the radio in Georgia without having some idiot on FOX News or talk radio talking about how Biden's economy is on the brink of a communist state akin to Venezuela. WTF?

It cracks me up sometimes listening to some of my friends rant on Facebook who were unemployed during Trump and are now thriving with higher paying jobs. One guy literally tweeted from his vacation in Milan Italy, complaining about how Bidenomics is hurting Americans. Meanwhile, he's enjoying life abroad for the first time in his life.
Last edited by Vēritās on Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Inflation? What inflation?

Post by Vēritās »

And yes, gasoline is now cheaper than it was during Trump's second year in office, even if you don't adjust for inflation. But FOX and MAGA morons will still bring it up as if Trump did something to reduce energy costs. Last week it was $2.39 at Sams/Costco, and the EV revolution driven by Left Wing politics has had a noticeable affect on reduced demand for gas which in turn, benefits those who pay for gas.

Back around 2009 after Obama got elected I was arguing with EA about this, insisting this push towards electric vehicles would gradually reduce gasoline prices. But the consensus at the time was that EVs taking off enough to affect energy prices was just a fantasy that couldn't be realized for at least another half century. And yet, here we are seeing it happen. And it would have happened much quicker if FOX news wasn't mocking the concept of the electric car and pushing toxic masculinity and tying it with owning oversized manly trucks.

It just blows my mind sometimes how Democrats in power do so much for the country while Republicans still believe their political philosophy is what makes America great. Of the past 11 recessions, 10 of them were all started under Republican administrations. That's not a coincidence.

This is one thing Trump got right before he evolved into the monster that he is.
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Re: Inflation? What inflation?

Post by Gunnar »

Vēritās wrote:
Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:32 pm
And yes, gasoline is now cheaper than it was during Trump's second year in office, even if you don't adjust for inflation. But FOX and MAGA morons will still bring it up as if Trump did something to reduce energy costs. Last week it was $2.39 at Sams/Costco, and the EV revolution driven by Left Wing politics has had a noticeable affect on reduced demand for gas which in turn, benefits those who pay for gas.

Back around 2009 after Obama got elected I was arguing with EA about this, insisting this push towards electric vehicles would gradually reduce gasoline prices. But the consensus at the time was that EVs taking off enough to affect energy prices was just a fantasy that couldn't be realized for at least another half century. And yet, here we are seeing it happen. And it would have happened much quicker if FOX news wasn't mocking the concept of the electric car and pushing toxic masculinity and tying it with owning oversized manly trucks.

It just blows my mind sometimes how Democrats in power do so much for the country while Republicans still believe their political philosophy is what makes America great. Of the past 11 recessions, 10 of them were all started under Republican administrations. That's not a coincidence.

This is one thing Trump got right before he evolved into the monster that he is.
It's heartbreaking how many people, some of whom I dearly love, can't see and acknowledge the glaring reality that Trump is probably the most successful and audacious con artist in U.S. history, and perhaps even world history. Practically the only Americans who have significantly benefited from Trump's tenure are the ultra-wealthy and powerful. More real economic improvement in our country occurred in just the first year of Biden's Presidency than in the entire 4 years of Trump's tenure, and it is still growing strongly. I am of the strong opinion that one of the main reasons that so many conservatives can't or won't see that is that Trump recognized that there is still a latent but strong streak of bigotry in enough politically conservative and religious people that he could tap into by making them feel it was ok to be bigots again, and think they were somehow inherently better and more deserving than others who don't share their religion, race, or ethnicity. I'm sure that many of them are not even consciously fully aware of the extent of their own bigoted motivations.
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Re: Inflation? What inflation?

Post by ajax18 »

GDP numbers actually count welfare checks as part of GDP. This is one reason the numbers don't line up with real lived experience. Spam might cost what steak did in 2019, but you don't have to read Breitbart to figure that out. In fact I'd say there are people who have never even seen a conservative pundit who know/believe that things are more expensive than they were 4 years ago.

Are you still flipping homes Veritas? Is that 7.5% interest on a refinance just a right wing conspiracy theory?
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Re: Inflation? What inflation?

Post by Vēritās »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jan 04, 2024 3:17 am
GDP numbers actually count welfare checks as part of GDP. This is one reason the numbers don't line up with real lived experience. Spam might cost what steak did in 2019, but you don't have to read Breitbart to figure that out. In fact I'd say there are people who have never even seen a conservative pundit who know/believe that things are more expensive than they were 4 years ago.

Are you still flipping homes Veritas? Is that 7.5% interest on a refinance just a right wing conspiracy theory?
I've been seeing Ribeye steaks at $14/lb and Filet Mignon at $20/lb for about 10 years now. Only variances coming with "grass/corn fed" and other brands claiming to be "premium."

Mortgage rates averaged over 12% throughout Reagan's eight years in office and they peaked around 19%. Where was the outrage and how come 8 years of Conservatives policies didn't do anything to help?

Interest rates have no effect on home flippers. Today a 7.5% mortgage is on the high end for those with no credit, the average loan is already in the mid sixes and some are in the high fives depending on how they structure the loan and their credit worthiness. Jerome Powell, Trump's appointed Fed Chairman, is the reason rates went up.
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Re: Inflation? What inflation?

Post by ajax18 »

Jerome Powell, Trump's appointed Fed Chairman, is the reason rates went up.
Then why doesn't Biden replace him with someone more competent? I'll tell you why! Because it's not RINO Powell's fault. These are the fruits of Biden's "infrastructure welfare spending," boondoggle in response to the scamdemic. No interest rate can fix that.
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Re: Inflation? What inflation?

Post by honorentheos »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:59 pm
Jerome Powell, Trump's appointed Fed Chairman, is the reason rates went up.
Then why doesn't Biden replace him with someone more competent? I'll tell you why! Because it's not RINO Powell's fault. These are the fruits of Biden's "infrastructure welfare spending," boondoggle in response to the scamdemic. No interest rate can fix that.
The Fed rate shouldn't be at zero in a healthy economy. Trump pushing the Fed to keep rates artificially low was the sort of political manipulation at the expense of folks you accuse Democrats of doing regularly. Not that there aren't issues but your perspective is myopic.
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Re: Inflation? What inflation?

Post by Vēritās »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:59 pm
Jerome Powell, Trump's appointed Fed Chairman, is the reason rates went up.
Then why doesn't Biden replace him with someone more competent? I'll tell you why! Because it's not RINO Powell's fault. These are the fruits of Biden's "infrastructure welfare spending," boondoggle in response to the scamdemic. No interest rate can fix that.
If you're so stupid that you can't even understand how the Fed manages interests rates, then you're not in any position to tell anyone anything.
"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal ...(there are) mentally challenged people with special needs like myself- Ajax18
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