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Having Fun With A.I.

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 5:01 am
by Nomomo
Trump parody news article I created with an A.I. news generator:
Truth Unveiled

In a stunning turn of events at the CPAC conference, Donald Trump took to the stage with a somber expression that betrayed the usual confidence in his demeanor. The crowd fell silent as he began to speak, his words measured and deliberate.

"I have something important to tell you all," Trump started, his voice firm yet laced with a hint of vulnerability. "I must admit that I have lied to you about the election being stolen."

Gasps echoed through the conference hall as attendees exchanged bewildered glances. Trump continued, his gaze unwavering.

"I let my personal ambition cloud my judgment. The truth is, the election was conducted fairly, and I lost. I apologize for spreading falsehoods and sowing division."

The room erupted into chaos, with some supporters shouting in disbelief and others nodding in resignation. Trump stood there, his confession hanging heavily in the air.

As the commotion settled, Trump concluded, "I hope that by coming clean today, we can start to heal as a nation and move forward together."

And with that, he left the stage, leaving behind a divided audience grappling with the revelation of his admission. The truth had been unveiled, but its consequences are yet to be determined.

Re: Having Fun With A.I.

Posted: Thu Feb 29, 2024 5:17 am
by Nomomo
This one I created with an A.I. short story generator:
"Gas to Enlightenment"

Lenny was an ordinary man in every way, except for one peculiar talent. Every time he passed gas, a feeling of profound enlightenment washed over him. At first, he dismissed it as a silly coincidence, but as the days went by, Lenny started to see a pattern.

One evening, while sitting on his porch after a hearty dinner, Lenny let out a particularly powerful toot. Suddenly, he found himself floating in space, surrounded by swirling galaxies and shining stars. It was as if his fart had opened a portal to the cosmos.

As Lenny gazed at the vast expanse before him, he felt a deep sense of peace and understanding wash over him. He realized that his farts were not just random bodily functions but a pathway to cosmic consciousness.

From that day on, Lenny embraced his unique gift, meditating before each fart to tap into the wisdom of the universe. People from far and wide sought his guidance, eager to learn the secrets hidden within their own flatulence.

And so, Lenny became known as the Farting Sage, a humble man whose farts led him to a level of enlightenment few could ever hope to achieve.