The happiest countries in the world 2025 AGAIN.

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The happiest countries in the world 2025 AGAIN.

Post by hauslern »

What are the happiest countries in the world?

New Zealand ... world-2024

Why does the United States not appear? I checked prison populations and recidivism. Scandinavian countries do better. Some people argue because of NATO which the US makes a larger injection allows the NATO countries to have an easier time. With regard to Ukraine Australia not even in NATO has made donations of money and equipment. I read recently that both Ecuador and Argentina have contributed some of the Russian equipment: ... 024-02-02/
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Re: The happiest countries in the world 2025 AGAIN.

Post by yellowstone123 »

I dated a girl in the 90's. She captured my heart by her spirit. She was the happiest person I had ever known. She brought out the good in everyone around her. She was vert pretty and the first time I fell for a blue eyed blonde at 32. She had a different type of a last name, Italian like. One time she took me to one of the good parts of the city to buy me lunch. She and the lady behind the counter talked in another language but her last comment was, Thank you and then said her name in what I would called American English which I recognized.

A little while longer it was the presidential elections in 1992 and when I asked who she voted for, which I never do, maybe to family members but never to a friend. It's their business. She looked at my with a funny look, smiled and said I'm not a citizen. I could never tell. When she talked to me it was in perfect western American English. I was stunned. I asked her where she was from which was Sweden. She spoke fluent Swedish, Danish, German, Italian and told me if workers were speaking in Spanish in the elevator she could pick up 50 percent of what they were saying. She was just amazing.
“One of the important things for anybody in power is to distinguish between what you have the right to do and what is right to do." Potter Stewart, associate justice of the Supreme Court - 1958 to 1981.
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