An odd case of liberal intellectual honesty on COVID

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An odd case of liberal intellectual honesty on COVID

Post by ajax18 »

Maher: We’re Better Off Under Biden, Don’t Have Excessive COVID Restrictions
During his closing monologue on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher argued that America is better off than it was four years ago because we’re not in the middle of the time “when COVID hit and America wet itself, emptied its pockets, and curled up in a ball” by overreacting to the coronavirus pandemic.

Maher said, “Now that both Biden and Trump are asking voters the age-old question, are you better off than you were four years ago?, Someone must tell them that everyone’s answer is, you’re f*cking kidding, right? Four years ago? Yeah, I remember March 2020. I was bartering for toilet paper and eating all the food out of my earthquake kit. Yes, what a great time that was, when COVID hit and America wet itself, emptied its pockets, and curled up in a ball. And let me say, I get no pleasure having to characterize my country as panicky, inefficient, and stuck on stupid, but that’s what we are. And nothing proved it more than the flight from hell four years ago.”

After Maher recounted the handling of and lack of quarantine of passengers on the Costa Luminosa cruise ship, Maher said, “Some people said closing schools for so long was pointless and would cause much worse collateral damage to kids, and they were right. ... Four years ago, The Daily Beast ran a story with the headline ‘Bill Maher Pushes Steve Bannon Wuhan Lab [COVID] Conspiracy‘ ... , which was typical of the mainstream media at the time. Of course, it wasn’t a conspiracy theory, and it wasn’t owned by Steve Bannon, and now everyone, including the Biden administration, admits there’s at least a 50-50 chance that the virus could have begun in the lab in Wuhan that was doing gain-of-function research on that virus, duh. But I don’t see a lot of retractions being printed.”

He added, “When COVID hit, we did a lot of stupid things, because America never reacts, it only overreacts. Ubers looked like those Orthodox Jews who wrap themselves in Saran Wrap in case their plane flies over a grave. We washed the mail. We played baseball in front of cardboard cutouts and ate in parking lots or with inflatable dolls, they closed the ocean, we banged pots and pans to show our love for nurses and our hatred for people trying to get a baby to sleep, for two years, we had to get nostril-f*cked every time we left the house, serious people talked about having sex through glory holes — and if you don’t know what a glory hole is, I wouldn’t look into it — we were told to wash our hands every five minutes, and don’t ever touch your face, and if you absolutely must go to the beach, for the sake of all that’s holy, wear a mask, outside, because the last thing you want to do when a disease is afoot is get fresh air and sunshine and Vitamin D, no, much better to stay locked up, stressed out, and day drinking. And if you do get COVID, remember, natural immunity is always the worst kind. So, even if you’ve had the disease, you need a shot.”

Later, Maher stated, “We handed out four trillion dollars of free money, 280 billion of which was just flat-out stolen in what the AP called ‘the greatest grift in U.S. history,’ and which started an inflationary spiral that we now blame on Biden. So, we’re going to bring back Trump, the guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check?”
Does it anger any of you that one of your fellow leftwing atheists would admit these facts?

I honestly remember thinking in March of 2020 that God was smiting the world in an effort to get our attention. By the time BLM riots began and the left took the position that rioting and looting nationwide to protest the death of career criminal and fentanyl addict George Floyd while he was resisting arrest was more important than social distancing, most of us had figured out that this virus was not nearly as deadly as the Deep State/CDC propaganda would have you believe. This was about politics and a deliberate attack upon the finances of working Americans who voted for Donald Trump and the America First agenda. This was further proven by the massive borrowing against the credit of working people by the Democrat party machine to purchase the votes of nonworking people which has always been a staple of the Democrat party platform. I'll admit that I got the vaccine because I wasn't willing to lose my job. Thankfully nobody forced me to get a booster as long as I didn't complain to loudly about the idiotic masks that made doing a subjective eye exam next to impossible. Admittedly I started relying more on my retinoscope and said the hell with this one or two BS for the remainder of the scamdemic. And now all we have to show for it is massive bill that we'll never be able to pay off and an interest payment which will soon surpass our nations military budget. What comes next? I'd say climate change lockdowns and other attacks upon the wages of American workers again paid for not by the rich but with borrowed money and an inflated currency to pick away at the working class American whose vote hasn't mattered since the election of 2012.
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Re: An odd case of liberal intellectual honesty on COVID

Post by Gadianton »

280 billion of which was just flat-out stolen in what the AP called ‘the greatest grift in U.S. history,’ and which started an inflationary spiral
And it all began with Donald Trump insisting on signing the first round of checks with his own name. Have you dropped 59.99$ on a Trump Bible yet, Ajax?
Social distancing has likely already begun to flatten the curve...Continue to research good antivirals and vaccine candidates. Make everyone wear masks. -- J.D. Vance
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Re: An odd case of liberal intellectual honesty on COVID

Post by Vēritās »

Maher is an idiot when it comes to COVID and he got schooled on the subject when Neil DeGrasse Tyson tried explaining it to him.
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Re: An odd case of liberal intellectual honesty on COVID

Post by ajax18 »

Gadianton wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:13 pm
280 billion of which was just flat-out stolen in what the AP called ‘the greatest grift in U.S. history,’ and which started an inflationary spiral
And it all began with Donald Trump insisting on signing the first round of checks with his own name. Have you dropped 59.99$ on a Trump Bible yet, Ajax?
You make that dishonest counter argument as if I wasn't on this board and watching mainstream media clips of the left saying DeathSantis is going to kill us all. I'll concede that Trump's $2000 scamdemic payout was just a feeble attempt to purchase some votes. I don't think Trump ever figured out that his Vaccine was ultimately useless for 99.96% of us. But I saw with my own eyes who was on the wrong side of this scamdemic and it wasn't Trump and it certainly wasn't DeSantis. In fact DeSantis was the only one who really stood up to the Deep State tyrants, who sought to keep us unemployed and our kids out of school for partisan political purposes long after any reasonable person should have known that COVID was not what the CDC initially claimed it to be. Had COVD turned out to be what the left claimed it to be, DeSantis undoubtedly would be a political prisoner now. But when the left is wrong and usurps our civil rights in the process, there's no accountability, not even an admission of an error, except by Bill Mahr in this rare case of an intellectually honest liberal.

And Gadianton, congratulations on surviving the Omicron variant. I remember how worried you were about it at the time. But hey, you're now one of the 99.96% of us to pull through. And as it turns out, you don't even have blood on your hands for anyone else you might have breathed on during the time when you were having doubts about additional COVID vaccines.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: An odd case of liberal intellectual honesty on COVID

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

ajax18 wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:04 pm
Gadianton wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 5:13 pm

And it all began with Donald Trump insisting on signing the first round of checks with his own name. Have you dropped 59.99$ on a Trump Bible yet, Ajax?
You make that dishonest counter argument as if I wasn't on this board and watching mainstream media clips of the left saying DeathSantis is going to kill us all. I'll concede that Trump's $2000 scamdemic payout was just a feeble attempt to purchase some votes. I don't think Trump ever figured out that his Vaccine was ultimately useless for 99.96% of us. But I saw with my own eyes who was on the wrong side of this scamdemic and it wasn't Trump and it certainly wasn't DeSantis. In fact DeSantis was the only one who really stood up to the Deep State tyrants, who sought to keep us unemployed and our kids out of school for partisan political purposes long after any reasonable person should have known that COVID was not what the CDC initially claimed it to be. Had COVD turned out to be what the left claimed it to be, DeSantis undoubtedly would be a political prisoner now. But when the left is wrong and usurps our civil rights in the process, there's no accountability, not even an admission of an error, except by Bill Mahr in this rare case of an intellectually honest liberal.

And Gadianton, congratulations on surviving the Omicron variant. I remember how worried you were about it at the time. But hey, you're now one of the 99.96% of us to pull through. And as it turns out, you don't even have blood on your hands for anyone else you might have breathed on during the time when you were having doubts about additional COVID vaccines.

A swing and a miss. Literally.

- Doc
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Re: An odd case of liberal intellectual honesty on COVID

Post by Binger »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:54 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:04 pm

You make that dishonest counter argument as if I wasn't on this board and watching mainstream media clips of the left saying DeathSantis is going to kill us all. I'll concede that Trump's $2000 scamdemic payout was just a feeble attempt to purchase some votes. I don't think Trump ever figured out that his Vaccine was ultimately useless for 99.96% of us. But I saw with my own eyes who was on the wrong side of this scamdemic and it wasn't Trump and it certainly wasn't DeSantis. In fact DeSantis was the only one who really stood up to the Deep State tyrants, who sought to keep us unemployed and our kids out of school for partisan political purposes long after any reasonable person should have known that COVID was not what the CDC initially claimed it to be. Had COVD turned out to be what the left claimed it to be, DeSantis undoubtedly would be a political prisoner now. But when the left is wrong and usurps our civil rights in the process, there's no accountability, not even an admission of an error, except by Bill Mahr in this rare case of an intellectually honest liberal.

And Gadianton, congratulations on surviving the Omicron variant. I remember how worried you were about it at the time. But hey, you're now one of the 99.96% of us to pull through. And as it turns out, you don't even have blood on your hands for anyone else you might have breathed on during the time when you were having doubts about additional COVID vaccines.

A swing and a miss. Literally.

- Doc

Literally, you posted the link to the actual video and got sucked in on the fake. Literally.
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Re: An odd case of liberal intellectual honesty on COVID

Post by canpakes »

ajax18 wrote:
Sat Mar 30, 2024 7:04 pm
I don't think Trump ever figured out that his Vaccine was ultimately useless for 99.96% of us.
After more than a million US deaths from COVID, as was ivermectin or a bleach injection.
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Re: An odd case of liberal intellectual honesty on COVID

Post by msnobody »

Original COVID was very bad. I know people who died from it, and had coworkers who had it and weren’t sure they were going to make it, and several who still suffer from long term effects. When one of the docs where I worked said, “It’s not a matter of if it comes here, but when it comes here,” that the seriousness of COVID hit home for me. I thought, “How will I protect myself?” Thankfully, I decided to look for, and enrolled in a COVID vaccine trial. I figured I would have a 50-50% chance of receiving the vaccine versus a placebo. Turned out, I did receive the vaccine. If I had to do it all over again, I’d make the same choice.

Yes, a lot of dumb stuff was done during the pandemic. I think a lot of what was done was a normal reaction to the unknown, as we panicked, and probably rightly so. It is easy to look back and criticize others as we now have more information than we did at the time.

We should now be moving forward with thankfulness that we are still here. We should be thankful for what this taught us, and be united in moving forward. Unfortunately, our human nature gets in the way of us moving forward.
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Re: An odd case of liberal intellectual honesty on COVID

Post by Gadianton »

left saying DeathSantis
I don't know if that's true or not. I know I never said that. In fact, I've pointed out previously that DeSantis's track record isn't what Ajax imagines it to be, and he locked down like everyone else. As things played out, he reversed course as he sought to promote whatever was popular with his people.
Vaccine was ultimately useless for 99.96% of us
That's not true at all. Most people got vaccinated, otherwise the number would have been higher. That's like saying seatbelts were useless for all of us who didn't die in a car crash, including those who wore seatbelts.

Besides, .04% is a lot of people, we lost about the same percentage of Americans during WW2, are you going to say WW2 was no big deal for us? What about your America first policy, that we can risk any more American lives in war?
nd Gadianton, congratulations on surviving the Omicron variant. I remember how worried you were about it at the time.
More proof you don't actually read what anybody writes. Here is a typical Omicron sentiment from me back then:
me wrote: I'd decided the normal booster path wasn't for me given less effective with Omicron and Omicron is less deadly.
Sounds like I was really terrified. I did try to avoid it, but I eventually went to a family reunion and got it. It was far worse than I thought it would be, it was like a strep throat x 10, but I was okay. My wife got it from me and it was far worse. I'm surprised I wasn't arrested when we were in public; her face was black and blue from the several times she passed out and landed on her face. That's never happened to her with any other illness.

You don't care because nobody close to you died. The world revolves around you and your personal situation. I personally know of several unvaccinated right-wingers who died of Covid; I'm sure their families wished they'd have gotten vaccinated. I know at least one of them did, although he would never be able to make the connection that his unhinged politics paved the way for his son's death.
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Re: An odd case of liberal intellectual honesty on COVID

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

My wife and I caught whatever variant of Covid last year around this time. It was brutal. It basically aged me 20-30 years. It’s only been recently, and I’m talking about this March, that I’ve been able to climb our stairs without getting winded. My joints hurt constantly, and I have trouble making a fist; my grip is about as strong as a child’s now - I literally use a lid grip to be able to open caps, jar lids, etc. I also experience daily nerve pain, as in I’m getting acute electric shocks in my hands or feet.

I’m slowly improving, but it’s been challenging. Why do I bring this up? Because when the idiots start spouting their nonsense about Covid being no big deal, they show themselves as being totally myopic. Covid was and is very real, and even if ‘only’ ~1,300,000 Americans have died from Covid, I’d bet many, many more are suffering quietly from post-Covid symptoms.

- Doc
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