The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

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Re: The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

Post by yellowstone123 »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 5:02 pm
yellowstone123 wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 4:43 pm
I do believe this that the first impeachment trial was a witch-hunt. One of the squad when she took office the first day of the new congress said lets go impeach the m’thr fkr. The first impeachment was a clown-show- case and they would never get a conviction with McConnell as the majority leader of the Senate and those who were under his influence. The second impeachment was about the January 6th 2020, debacle. I believe they did it to prevent a second presidency in the future. I’m not too sure about timelines if the senate could convict after he left office to prevent him from being reelected in four years.

In the God Father the famous line, “It’s not personal, it’s business”. I would say the first impeachment was personal. The second one had merit, but someone needs to explain the process, likely Res Ipsa.

The shame of the United States Government to create kangaroo courts for some of those entering the capital especially Mr. Antler with his red, white and blue face was heart breaking and he should have sued his attorney for malpractice. First, he needed to be assessed by psychiatrist from the prosecution side and those of the defense. But I don’t think he ever saw one or anyone to deal with his mental health issue.It was a shark frenzy by the media, likely told to plead guilty by his attorney to avoid a longer sentence if he went to trial. He sat in jail and then prison without the needed mental health help.

Trump may be immune to certain things as president but not all. He can’t do what President Nixon did who we all know resigned before impeachment. He can’t break the law while in office, and if he did and it was not a witch hunt, and obvious, both the House and the Senate would convict. I actually believe in the process.

*To be continued
You should have to say my name three times to get me to appear... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I've got to rush off to an appointment. The short, superficial answer is that impeachment is a political remedy, so politics will always be involved. I'll try to give you a better response when I get home.
Thank you, Res Ipsa.
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Re: The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

Post by ajax18 »

Part two is about the problem of self-reference and contradiction. If I say "this sentence is false" -- what does that really mean? If a president is elected democratically, but then figures out how to subvert the system and stay in power beyond his term, is it still a democracy?
No it's not a democracy. We've seen Obama be able to hold onto power after his two terms expired by getting a senile but loyal doddering fool elected by taking advantage of the global scamdemic to use mail in voting to increase voter turnout in the 2020 election to a percentage never seen before.

And just because politicians offer other peoples wages and property in exchange for their vote as a means to win elections in perpetuity, doesn't mean that we're still a nation who respects private property law.

Nor is it a democracy when freedom of speech is not respected and the FBI and CIA can censor politically inconvenient speech by their political opponents. It's not a democracy when the IRS is permitted to target people based on how they voted. It's not a democracy when one political party is able to use lawfare to bankrupt and imprison their political opponents and disenfranchise the voters through election interference. It's not constitutional when illegal immigrants are counted to determine how many state representative seats are allotted to a state in the House of Representatives, not to mention the fact that they're very likely voting illegally. We've been living in a post constitutional America for a while now.
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Re: The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Mail-in voting was implemented to ensure everyone could vote safely during the pandemic, not as a political ploy, and its efficacy in increasing voter turnout has been supported by research and data analysis. It’s used in Utah and Florida, where Mike Lee and Trump used it respectively.

- Doc
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Re: The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

Post by Res Ipsa »

ajax18 wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 5:36 pm
Part two is about the problem of self-reference and contradiction. If I say "this sentence is false" -- what does that really mean? If a president is elected democratically, but then figures out how to subvert the system and stay in power beyond his term, is it still a democracy?
No it's not a democracy. We've seen Obama be able to hold onto power after his two terms expired by getting a senile but loyal doddering fool elected by taking advantage of the global scamdemic to use mail in voting to increase voter turnout in the 2020 election to a percentage never seen before.

And just because politicians offer other peoples wages and property in exchange for their vote as a means to win elections in perpetuity, doesn't mean that we're still a nation who respects private property law.

Nor is it a democracy when freedom of speech is not respected and the FBI and CIA can censor politically inconvenient speech by their political opponents. It's not a democracy when the IRS is permitted to target people based on how they voted. It's not a democracy when one political party is able to use lawfare to bankrupt and imprison their political opponents and disenfranchise the voters through election interference. It's not constitutional when illegal immigrants are counted to determine how many state representative seats are allotted to a state in the House of Representatives, not to mention the fact that they're very likely voting illegally. We've been living in a post constitutional America for a while now.
Man, it must really burn to see a very competent Joe Biden contrasted with your hero who is clearly suffering from dementia.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Re: The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

Post by Gadianton »

We've seen Obama be able to hold onto power after his two terms expired by getting a senile but loyal doddering fool...
please, Ajax, let's not be nine years old.
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Re: The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

Post by ajax18 »

The shame of the United States Government to create kangaroo courts for some of those entering the capital especially Mr. Antler with his red, white and blue face was heart breaking and he should have sued his attorney for malpractice. First, he needed to be assessed by psychiatrist from the prosecution side and those of the defense. But I don’t think he ever saw one or anyone to deal with his mental health issue.It was a shark frenzy by the media, likely told to plead guilty by his attorney to avoid a longer sentence if he went to trial. He sat in jail and then prison without the needed mental health help.
Did you see the police calmy leading Jacob Chansley around the capital during this supposed insurrection to overthrow the US government? Most people didn't because the January 6 committee would not release that evidence. It wasn't released until the Kevin Mccarthy became speaker of the house. Those who don't watch Tucker Carlson still don't know about this because they are willfully ignorant to the truth.
Trump may be immune to certain things as president but not all. He can’t do what President Nixon did who we all know resigned before impeachment. He can’t break the law while in office, and if he did and it was not a witch hunt, and obvious, both the House and the Senate would convict. I actually believe in the process.
Biden mishandled classified documents while in office. He was then let off due to being assessed by the prosecutor as senile and mentally unfit to stand trial at the same time as he was serving as President of the United States.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

Post by Dr Exiled »

Gadianton wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 4:01 pm
Dr. Exiled wrote:Democracy isn't at stake if the population votes against the billionaire class and their chosen puppets
Except they only think they are voting against the billionaire class and the chosen puppets when in actuality, they are voting for the billionaire class and its chosen puppet. You'd think it would be obvious given the chosen puppet is also a billionaire who just came out of a billionaire fund raiser bragging about the millions that were raised. And given the first thing he did in office was pass tax reform from the RINO's that was hugely regressive, the richer, the more benefit.

Part two is about the problem of self-reference and contradiction. If I say "this sentence is false" -- what does that really mean? If a president is elected democratically, but then figures out how to subvert the system and stay in power beyond his term, is it still a democracy? Is Russia still a democracy because Putin won his first election fairly (at least I think so)? Even weirder, what if people in general who are voting for a shameless autocrat actually want a dictatorship, with their guy in charge permanently? Is it still a democracy if the majority decide they want a king?

One thing that the last few years has taught me is how unnatural democracy really is. It's always seemed so obvious and natural, but in reality, what's more obvious is how prone to mob mentality people are, and how easy that is to exploit.
  1. This an many other reasons is why I am for RFK, Jr.
  2. We aren't in a democracy, but a constitutional republic. Even so, we do have a 4 year experience where your parade of horribles didn't happen. This is more fear mongering, it seems to me.
  3. This is why the constitution didn't give the people more power over the day to day governing issues. The founders were afraid of mob rule as well and set out a plan to have power remain with the landowners. This why originally the Senate was elected by the state legislators and why the Senate has the more power than the house in the constitutional scheme.
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Re: The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

Post by Gunnar »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:25 am
They haven't reached a decision yet, have they? If not, how can the court have "just sealed everyone's fate?"
I concede your point there. They haven't reached a final decision yet, but indications, so far, suggest that they will decide in Trump's favor. I still hold out hope, though, that they won't. :)
No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.
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Re: The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

Post by Res Ipsa »

ajax18 wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:42 pm
The shame of the United States Government to create kangaroo courts for some of those entering the capital especially Mr. Antler with his red, white and blue face was heart breaking and he should have sued his attorney for malpractice. First, he needed to be assessed by psychiatrist from the prosecution side and those of the defense. But I don’t think he ever saw one or anyone to deal with his mental health issue.It was a shark frenzy by the media, likely told to plead guilty by his attorney to avoid a longer sentence if he went to trial. He sat in jail and then prison without the needed mental health help.
Did you see the police calmy leading Jacob Chansley around the capital during this supposed insurrection to overthrow the US government? Most people didn't because the January 6 committee would not release that evidence. It wasn't released until the Kevin Mccarthy became speaker of the house. Those who don't watch Tucker Carlson still don't know about this because they are willfully ignorant to the truth.
Trump may be immune to certain things as president but not all. He can’t do what President Nixon did who we all know resigned before impeachment. He can’t break the law while in office, and if he did and it was not a witch hunt, and obvious, both the House and the Senate would convict. I actually believe in the process.
Biden mishandled classified documents while in office. He was then let off due to being assessed by the prosecutor as senile and mentally unfit to stand trial at the same time as he was serving as President of the United States.
Maybe stop being eight?
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Re: The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own

Post by Res Ipsa »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:46 pm
Gadianton wrote:
Sat Apr 27, 2024 4:01 pm
Except they only think they are voting against the billionaire class and the chosen puppets when in actuality, they are voting for the billionaire class and its chosen puppet. You'd think it would be obvious given the chosen puppet is also a billionaire who just came out of a billionaire fund raiser bragging about the millions that were raised. And given the first thing he did in office was pass tax reform from the RINO's that was hugely regressive, the richer, the more benefit.

Part two is about the problem of self-reference and contradiction. If I say "this sentence is false" -- what does that really mean? If a president is elected democratically, but then figures out how to subvert the system and stay in power beyond his term, is it still a democracy? Is Russia still a democracy because Putin won his first election fairly (at least I think so)? Even weirder, what if people in general who are voting for a shameless autocrat actually want a dictatorship, with their guy in charge permanently? Is it still a democracy if the majority decide they want a king?

One thing that the last few years has taught me is how unnatural democracy really is. It's always seemed so obvious and natural, but in reality, what's more obvious is how prone to mob mentality people are, and how easy that is to exploit.
  1. This an many other reasons is why I am for RFK, Jr.
  2. We aren't in a democracy, but a constitutional republic. Even so, we do have a 4 year experience where your parade of horribles didn't happen. This is more fear mongering, it seems to me.
  3. This is why the constitution didn't give the people more power over the day to day governing issues. The founders were afraid of mob rule as well and set out a plan to have power remain with the landowners. This why originally the Senate was elected by the state legislators and why the Senate has the more power than the house in the constitutional scheme.
You're equivocating on the term "democracy." We all know that democracy comes in several flavors, only one of which is "direct democracy." You are reacting to the term "democracy" as if Gadianton had said "direct democracy." But you should know better from context. Pretending that "democracy" and "constitutional republic" are somehow mutually exclusive is pure nonsense. Our federal and state governments are "constitutional" because we have constitutions. Our federal government, but not our states, are a "Republic" because Congress and the President are elected by State. Both are also representative democracies because the people elect representatives to govern, as opposed to directly voting on legislation. Although many states also have an element of direct democracy in the form of initiatives.

Rejecting "democracy" as a description of our country is a false, right-wing talking point.

The Constitution is a balance between the power of the people to control the government and the power of the government to prevent mob rule. Neglecting one side of that balance or the other is madness.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

Benjamin Franklin
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