Hillary 2.0

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Re: Hillary 2.0

Post by Some Schmo »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2024 7:32 am
Never in my life did I imagine that we would be having to navigate the situation we are in today. Given the Holocaust, I never thought we would have to cope with a Mass movement in the US in which Americans deployed eliminationist rhetoric against other Americans. It’s mind blowing.
I've heard and been in discussions where the question was, "How would you have reacted to Hitler in 1936?" Most people are quick to jump on the right side of history, saying they would condemn him right out of the gate.

What's interesting about the time we live in is that we all have that opportunity right now (well, actually, we had it in 2015, and half the country failed). What side of history do you want to be on?

We've got a ton of Trump supporters showing us exactly how the Nazi supporters in 1936 were sucked in. And of course, they justify this by saying that Trump isn't Hitler (except for all his fans who want another Hitler). They're trying to absolve themselves on a technicality.
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Re: Hillary 2.0

Post by honorentheos »

Questioning Harris as a candidate in and of itself is hardly a bad thing. But the form of criticism the right has propagated is frankly disgusting as it plays on misogynist attitudes that are pervasive in the professional world. Claims she isn't competent rely on the underlying narrative she got to where she is through sleeping her way to the top. Her performance is held to a standard none of the males around her are held to by the same people making the complaints. To then throw in the idea the solution is to replace her with a white man?

Dude. I like Dantana as a poster and do regret the personal nature the discussion took that I led. But the narrative form presented is going to draw fire from me without apology.
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Re: Hillary 2.0

Post by Morley »

honorentheos wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2024 2:10 pm
Dude. I like Dantana as a poster and do regret the personal nature the discussion took that I led. But the narrative form presented is going to draw fire from me without apology.
I agree. I don't think you overreacted.
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Re: Hillary 2.0

Post by Some Schmo »

honorentheos wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2024 2:10 pm
Questioning Harris as a candidate in and of itself is hardly a bad thing. But the form of criticism the right has propagated is frankly disgusting as it plays on misogynist attitudes that are pervasive in the professional world.
My reaction to people calling Harris "low IQ" and such is to think they don't really believe it but have nothing better to argue. I mean, how could she be elected to her various positions if she weren't competent enough to win the job?

But then I remember that Trump supporters don't actually care about competence and their idea of high IQ is Trump. It makes their assertion pretty laughable. We already know they have the judgment of a moth on coke.

Of course, a lot of it is that Trump supporters are so stupid themselves, they don't recognize smart when it slaps them across the face.
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Re: Hillary 2.0

Post by dantana »

Morley, Jersey Girl, Honorentheos, Res Ipsa, Drumdude, Thank you so much for the kind words and endorsements. Absolutely makes my day. Also Schmo, Moksha, Huck, ceeboo, canpakes, Brack and Veritas for joining in.

As you say Res, it was unforeseeable and mind bending that this nonsense could be occurring. I can't believe that this bug wasn't squashed years ago. I am peeved and looking for someone to blame. I have two boys I don't get along with because they are maga, and a spec house I built this year that is sitting on the market now for two months. Probably because people are worried about the outcome of the election, and the possibility that Trump will stick one of his stinky little fingers in the machine again.

Just a final word then on the KH. subject. When someone asks me why I don't support Trump, the greatest thing since sliced ham. I say - because I watch him talk. There is no response to that. Similarly, when I watch KH. talk, she is no doubt intelligent and sharp. She absolutely car-killed Trump at the debate. In this thread I have never once indicated I think otherwise.

Who to be mad at then since the Kamala thing has been settled. How about Mitch McConnell? He hates Trump. He could have squashed him at the second impeachment. Trump had lost the election. Mitch was in his political twilight. Mitch chose not to. Maybe he thought Trump would just go away quietly.

How about AG. Garland? Why did he wait so long to start prosecution proceedings? My loose Goog search says if Garland would have started sooner the sonofabitch would prob be in jail now.

Anyway, Rhetorical questions. I think I know the answers.
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Re: Hillary 2.0

Post by drumdude »

dantana wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2024 11:41 pm
Morley, Jersey Girl, Honorentheos, Res Ipsa, Drumdude, Thank you so much for the kind words and endorsements. Absolutely makes my day. Also Schmo, Moksha, Huck, ceeboo, canpakes, Brack and Veritas for joining in.

As you say Res, it was unforeseeable and mind bending that this nonsense could be occurring. I can't believe that this bug wasn't squashed years ago. I am peeved and looking for someone to blame. I have two boys I don't get along with because they are maga, and a spec house I built this year that is sitting on the market now for two months. Probably because people are worried about the outcome of the election, and the possibility that Trump will stick one of his stinky little fingers in the machine again.

Just a final word then on the KH. subject. When someone asks me why I don't support Trump, the greatest thing since sliced ham. I say - because I watch him talk. There is no response to that. Similarly, when I watch KH. talk, she is no doubt intelligent and sharp. She absolutely car-killed Trump at the debate. In this thread I have never once indicated I think otherwise.

Who to be mad at then since the Kamala thing has been settled. How about Mitch McConnell? He hates Trump. He could have squashed him at the second impeachment. Trump had lost the election. Mitch was in his political twilight. Mitch chose not to. Maybe he thought Trump would just go away quietly.

How about AG. Garland? Why did he wait so long to start prosecution proceedings? My loose Goog search says if Garland would have started sooner the sonofabitch would prob be in jail now.

Anyway, Rhetorical questions. I think I know the answers.
I really enjoyed the discussion, thank you for posting the thread and your thoughts!
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Re: Hillary 2.0

Post by Moksha »

dantana wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2024 11:41 pm
I think I know the answers.
Are you too thinking that Trump has mutant powers to sway deplorables?
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Re: Hillary 2.0

Post by dantana »

Moksha wrote:
Fri Nov 01, 2024 2:11 am
dantana wrote:
Thu Oct 31, 2024 11:41 pm
I think I know the answers.
Are you too thinking that Trump has mutant powers to sway deplorables?
Well, along the lines of 'An American Werewolf in Mar-a-lago' where you have to bite someone to transform them, he musta figured some other way out because his jaw would have to be tired from lying during the day and biting at night, cause' look at all the results.
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