Whether they like it or not, they can't legally do that because the U.S. Post Office is a constitutionally mandated public service. The Republican rejection of the very idea of providing public service to U.S. Citizens is morally reprehensible. The main purpose of any legitimate government is ultimately to serve the people it is supposed to govern, not to further enrich without limit the wealth and power of the government officials elected to govern and serve the best interests of those who elected them. How has this dismissal of the hallowed responsibility of elected officials and government employees to serve the American people to the best of their ability become so alien to the once respectable Republican party?
Good postal workers not only deliver the mail, but they have been known to serve the people in other ways as well. For example, as one commentator to his video pointed out:
There is nothing inherently wrong with having commercial alternatives to the USPS (like UPS and FedEx) as well, but no other service serves virtually every person in the US or less expensively. Completely privatizing the Postal Service is not only constitutionally illegal but would do an unconscionable disservice to the American public and would further demonstrate that Trump cares only about things that personally benefit himself and his already obscenely wealthy associates and donors.The United States Postal Service, even in its present state, is a phenomenal service. In addition to last-mile service, which makes rural life so much easier, having mobile people in your neighborhood provides a community service. I know of two specific instances of people who had fallen or suffered a seizure in their home and were helped because the mail carrier noticed a break in their routines. They were used to seeing these people out and about.
Public services provide connection that businesses simply cannot.