Trump Campaign Promises 2025

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Re: Trump Campaign Promises 2025

Post by Doctor Steuss »

ajax18 wrote:
Tue Dec 31, 2024 6:26 pm
You don't win elections when your money printing and environmentalist boondoggles lead to hyperflation. Only Jimmy Carter's policies lead to inflation as high as Bidenomics. Sadly the American people did not learn their lesson from Carterflation and as a consequence we're beginning the painful task of paying for Bidenflation. That being said, I'd agree that Jimmy Carter was a far better person than anyone in the Biden family. Jimmy Carter was just honestly mistaken in his political beliefs. But for the American people who voted for Biden in 2020, these mistakes and failure to judge based on historical experience was just willful ignorance and we'll all pay a hefty price for it.
Carter tried (and succeeded in many ways) to reduce regulations in an attempt to undo the stagflation caused by Nixon and exacerbated by Ford. It likely would have succeeded if it weren't for the spike in global demand that caused the rampant energy inflation. Or was Carter somehow not only responsible for the stagflation caused by the policies of Ford, and Nixon, but also responsible for global energy demand?

An opinion piece from The Regulatory Review last year even went so far as to call him the The Great Deregulator. If he had used the sledgehammer of the Fed (remember that 20.5% fed rate that Raegan bludgeoned America with?), there's no telling how low inflation could have gone his second term. Without Raegan's typical Republican money-printing deficit spending in order to give himself and rich friends more money, the deregulatory efforts combined with a fed intervention would likely have gotten it well below the 4.1% Reagan achieved in his smash-and-grab that America's middle class is still trying to recover from.

It never ceases to amaze me how party loyalty can make people see a problem caused by their team, and reliably twist it around and blame it on the person that had to try to clean it up. I am so glad I've never allowed who I vote for to become a core component of my identity.
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Re: Trump Campaign Promises 2025

Post by Moksha »

Gunnar wrote:
Tue Dec 31, 2024 9:01 pm
Why do you insist on ignoring that the inflation rate in our country was lower than that in the rest of the world during the Biden Administration and was declining faster than that in other leading countries of the world up to now?
At least Ajax is no longer arguing against that "awful war" of Mr. Lincoln's or how Trump wants to repeal the Magna Carta.
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Re: Trump Campaign Promises 2025

Post by Gadianton »

Doctor Steuss wrote:Without Raegan's typical Republican money-printing deficit spending in order to give himself and rich friends more money, the deregulatory efforts combined with a fed intervention would likely have gotten it well below the 4.1% Reagan achieved in his smash-and-grab that America's middle class is still trying to recover from.
Many years ago and prior to Republicans becoming isolationists and men of beards and barns, a talking point I'd hear from die-hard Reaganites was that Reagan was a genius who won the cold war by outspending Moscow. I guess they don't believe this anymore? Or it doesn't matter because every Republican until Trump was a RINO.

Ajax is really stumped on the idea that prices can go up for reasons other than printing money. If there are 100 widgets in the economy and 100 dollars, and 1$ buys one widget, then printing a hundred more dollars would seem to inflate the cost of widgets to 2$. But don't tell him that burning 50 widgets would also leave more dollars chasing fewer goods and that widgets would now also seem to cost 2$!

Ajax just takes the name of Democrats and slaps on "flation" and that's his answer for everything. And as Trump said, let's hurry and raise the debt ceiling under Biden's watch so that we can blame them. Ajax is the perfect target for that message and strategy.
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Re: Trump Campaign Promises 2025

Post by ajax18 »

Ajax just takes the name of Democrats and slaps on "flation" and that's his answer for everything. And as Trump said, let's hurry and raise the debt ceiling under Biden's watch so that we can blame them.
Well Jesse Kelly did admit that Trump will probably not cut deficits either. He won't make the necessary cuts to social security, medicare, medicaid and other entitlement spending. And for what political reason should he? To lose an election so that the Democrats can get in power and bring about socialism by fanning the flames of inflation.

As I've said even before the election, we're headed for a recession and things will get worse before they get better. Whether the American people choose to believe it or not, there are severe consequences of the scamdemic that will come due. But I still rejoice in the thought of the political prisoners being freed and perhaps even draining the swamp, including severely punishing those who weaponized the criminal justice system, IRS, and every other institution against conservatives or anyone who worked for Trump. If the Democrats don't like it, then they might want to reconsider my offer of a national divorce. What they're not going to get is to continue to do is to feed their putrid socialism with the sweat and labor of working people. It is immoral and unjust and it's something worth fighting for.
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Re: Trump Campaign Promises 2025

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

I’m excited to see Trump keep his promise to end the Russian/Ukraine war within 24 hours of taking office.

That’s going to be awesome and will surely cement Trump as one of the greatest negotiators of all time.
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Re: Trump Campaign Promises 2025

Post by canpakes »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed Jan 01, 2025 3:49 pm
As I've said even before the election, we're headed for a recession and things will get worse before they get better.
Yes, you’ve been saying this for a few years now, but it didn’t pan out.


Now you’re predicting that Trumponomics is going to bring around Trumpflation, and you’re seemingly OK with that. You’ll just need a way to reason out how it will be the fault of Democrats while Republicans control the Presidency and Congress.

Maybe you can just label it all Muskonomics, since Trump has already abdicated his job to Elon.
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Re: Trump Campaign Promises 2025

Post by Gunnar »

canpakes wrote:
Wed Jan 01, 2025 7:08 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Wed Jan 01, 2025 3:49 pm
As I've said even before the election, we're headed for a recession and things will get worse before they get better.
Yes, you’ve been saying this for a few years now, but it didn’t pan out.


Now you’re predicting that Trumponomics is going to bring around Trumpflation, and you’re seemingly OK with that. You’ll just need a way to reason out how it will be the fault of Democrats while Republicans control the Presidency and Congress.

Maybe you can just label it all Muskonomics, since Trump has already abdicated his job to Elon.
Ajax is amazing! Following the discussions, including the thread you just linked to above, it appears that he is only becoming more and more irrational and divorced from reality. He seemingly can't fathom how badly he keeps losing the argument! Like he keeps insisting, despite strong economic indicators to the contrary, that we are or were heading towards a serious recession. Now that Trump has won election and is advocating policies and actions that the most prominent economists predict will almost certainly lead to the very recession Ajax has been predicting, he seems to be positioning himself to spin that any recession that occurs as a result of Trump's machinations will be somehow the fault of Democrat policies, which Trump seems determined to reverse or replace.

Have I got that right, canpakes?
Last edited by Gunnar on Thu Jan 02, 2025 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Trump Campaign Promises 2025

Post by Moksha »

I feel bad for Fani Willis. She went after a top-level crime syndicate and its Capo di tutti capi and got slapped down for her effort.
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Re: Trump Campaign Promises 2025

Post by Gunnar »

Moksha wrote:
Thu Jan 02, 2025 7:48 am
I feel bad for Fani Willis. She went after a top-level crime syndicate and its Capo di tutti capi and got slapped down for her effort.
And probably too bad for all Prosecutors and Attorneys General not willing to pledge unconditional loyalty to Trump alone and whatever self-serving policies and actions he decides to push, unethical, ethical, illegal, legal or not.
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Re: Trump Campaign Promises 2025

Post by Gadianton »

Ajax wrote:Well Jesse Kelly did admit that Trump will probably not cut deficits either. He won't make the necessary cuts to social security, medicare, medicaid and other entitlement spending. And for what political reason should he? To lose an election so that the Democrats can get in power and bring about socialism by fanning the flames of inflation.
It goes well beyond that Ajax. Trump needs the deficit to increase so he can cut taxes to the rich (like himself) and still pay for all those things that Trump voters need, like Medicare and Obamacare. It's interesting that you think these programs will be such a big deal after Trump deports 13 million people living off government benefits and solves the Fentanyl crisis caused by the open border and also lowers inflation. Don't you think after he does all of that, older Republicans or disabled Republicans should be given a small break?
Ajax wrote:As I've said even before the election, we're headed for a recession and things will get worse before they get better. Whether the American people choose to believe it or not, there are severe consequences of the scamdemic that will come due.
Now you've done gone and put yourself in a fork: If the recession comes it will most likely lower prices. So will we get to say that Trump lowered prices, or the price lowering was put into place 5 years in advance by Democrats? Did Obama cause the 2008 recession? If so, then I should have voted for him, because that recession saved me. I was lucky to get a new job making more money and between that and housing prices and interest rates collapsing, I was able to refinance and reverse some mistakes that had been made.

Overall Canpakes is right, you are smarter than the average Republican and therefore have limited hope Trump can fix anything, even though he lies and says he will. You've had other excuses for him in the past anytime I've asked how Trump will fix it.
But I still rejoice in the thought of the political prisoners being freed and perhaps even draining the swamp, including severely punishing those who weaponized the criminal justice system, IRS, and every other institution against conservatives or anyone who worked for Trump. If the Democrats don't like it, then they might want to reconsider my offer of a national divorce.
This is what it all comes down to. The one thing you might get. Will Trump distract from the fact that he can't fix crap and put on a spectacle of revenge that stupid people can get behind and take as a consolation prize?
What they're not going to get is to continue to do is to feed their putrid socialism with the sweat and labor of working people. It is immoral and unjust and it's something worth fighting for.
I don't know what you're complaining about because you've admitted flat out that Republicans have voted for socialism just as much as Democrats. That's why the real disruptive candidate Nicky Haley couldn't win.
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