Way Off-Topic: Question for RPGamers

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Re: Way Off-Topic: Question for RPGamers

Post by Xenophon »

honorentheos wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 3:59 am
Hey xeno, good to hear from you.

I mentioned up thread I have a new player in our work campaign who had no D&D experience but is fun to have in the game. His only experience was having played BG3 and listened to an actual play. That seems to have given him an intro to the mechanics and a sense of how to rp. And it's been a good base to build from. So I think I see what you mean about it giving someone a feel for the game. But also seeing where he needs guided, too.
The other thing I'd worry about in the BG3 to D&D flow is in learning table etiquette. Especially if their BG3 was a single-player run I think extra emphasis on the give and take of being part of a party and the human interaction with the DM is important. The best tables I've ever sat at were so because everyone passed the vibe check and really did a great job making openings for everyone's contributions. I'm sure you're doing a great job bringing him into the fold, that was meant a bit more generally.

"A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play, his labour and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation. -L.P. Jacks
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Re: Way Off-Topic: Question for RPGamers

Post by honorentheos »

Xenophon wrote:
Fri Mar 29, 2024 1:07 am
honorentheos wrote:
Thu Mar 28, 2024 3:59 am
Hey xeno, good to hear from you.

I mentioned up thread I have a new player in our work campaign who had no D&D experience but is fun to have in the game. His only experience was having played BG3 and listened to an actual play. That seems to have given him an intro to the mechanics and a sense of how to rp. And it's been a good base to build from. So I think I see what you mean about it giving someone a feel for the game. But also seeing where he needs guided, too.
The other thing I'd worry about in the BG3 to D&D flow is in learning table etiquette. Especially if their BG3 was a single-player run I think extra emphasis on the give and take of being part of a party and the human interaction with the DM is important. The best tables I've ever sat at were so because everyone passed the vibe check and really did a great job making openings for everyone's contributions. I'm sure you're doing a great job bringing him into the fold, that was meant a bit more generally.
I've been thinking about this in broad terms because of the way vrpgs seem to influence game play today, more than BG3. I am struggling to find ways to communicate that the best gaming comes out when the group is setting each other up for fun moments; when players and GM are collaborating in the emergent storytelling. I am finding that new players with no D&D exposure at all need a good player to seed the game. I'm benefiting now from having that in one of the new additions to the work game. But it highlighted how limited my teaching the game has been to that point and that I needed to do better in many ways myself.

To that point, the new gent I mentioned has been a blast to have at the table. He places roleplay over just about everything else and many of my favorite moments from the recent games came from those interactions. I'm thinking the exposure to Dimension 20 plus his being a bit of a theater kid who loves fantasy literature is the main reason. He has a strong PC motive in his backstory and uses it every session to inform his actions, including some that are suboptimal. So who knows. He's a natural and the other new person who has played before is awesome as well. It makes me feel like I really have to step up my game preparation to be at the same level, to be honest.
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Re: Way Off-Topic: Question for RPGamers

Post by honorentheos »

Next work session is coming up. Thought I'd post my preparation notes and see what input anyone has if any, knowing it is not easy to follow without the maps and unwritten context.

Session 18 preparation:

0845: Beginning of Session. Captain Zeno arrives at Stoa to join guards just after Null stepped into the portal. Zeno has come specifically to question Juomo since only Zeno knows that Juomo is also Jai Tum and situations with Juomo can be politically sensitive. Captain Zeno will wait with Juomo for party to return out of the pocket dimension. A squad of 13 spearmen will also be within earshot if he calls for them. Four will be standing outside the Stoa from this time until it makes sense for them to leave for reasons yet to be determined. Remainder will be inside the tavern occupying tables.

Theran – Aasimar rune knight fighter. Former member of the Sh’lar seeking revenge on the Atakar and to stop a dangerous book. She has been influenced by Lolth who will continue to try and get her to help spread her influence. Starts the game frightened of Lloth.

Dimitri – Aasimar wild magic sorcerer. Had been part of the Sh’lar, now with Theran seeking to avenge the tribe against the orc horde’s searching for “the book”. He has been promised Lolth can help him overcome death if he will help her.

Annallee Bina – Elven artificer armorer. Left town with broken dreams, assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop the proliferation of copies of the Mallus Deus. Currently trying to kill Lolth.

Keno - Goliath barbarian Path of the Totem Warrior. Had been seeking to start a new life, joined party and is assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop the proliferation of copies of the Mallus Deus. Trying to kill Lolth but will start the session restrained in spider web.

Ellery Lenore – Elven bard college of spirits. assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop the proliferation of copies of the Mallus Deus. Is returning to main chamber after exploring with Dimitri.

Artica – Eladrin Rogue Inquisitive, fled her home with niece who she left with gnomes in Poppenweillen. Assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop the proliferation of copies of the Mallus Deus. Attempting to kill Lolth.

Xerxia - Hafling rogue assassin, wants to avenge killed friends murdered by orcs searching for something. Assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop the proliferation of the copies of the Mallus Deus. Currently with Skjoter.

Rasxan - Dragonborn artificer armorer, left town due to girl troubles. Been wandering, joined party and is assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop proliferation of copies of the Mallus Deus. Currently with Skjoter

Null – Aasimar Oath Breaker Paladin. Father ordered him killed by Sire Bedivere but he did not finish the job due to his having genuine attachment to Null that kept him from slicing his throat. He had taught Null, including teaching him to never leave a violent enemy at one’s back without assuring oneself they will not rise again. Null wants to find power enough to return one day and usurp his father. He slipped away from the party and went to the Jessels. Is now at the entrance gate of the necropolis being engaged by PPd’P.

Preston Grimwell, drow male wizard, about 50 years old. Had been a mediocre potion salesman who resented not being taken seriously. Had studied in Palisades and graduated from the arcane academy but was part of a failed adventuring party that had attempted a heist on a storm giant’s cloud castle. He survived through cowardice.
1. Location: He is with the party currently in the main crypt chamber where Lolth has taken control of the pocket dimension. He no longer controls the undead there. He is in as much or more danger as the party.
2. Agenda: in flux due to not having had time to process what is going on. Previously, use the Mallus Deus to truly become a great wizard. I.e. Return to Laimëndor, a drow city in the underdark whose entrance is near the blinding land’s city of Malinska to show the fools there who they were messing with.

## Scenes
*Crypt above ground: Null is confronted by Petit à Petit du Pointe, the Tabaxi wight who serves as steward of the necropolis. Petit à Petit is antagonistic to Null as he has entered without permission, and will attack him along with the other undead. Anticipate Null will command undead PaPdP (DC 15 Wis, has +1 on save).

* Crypt below ground: The remainder of the party is locked in combat with the Aspect of Lolth in the expanding chamber that reflects the absorption of the space into the Demonweb Pits.

* Necropolis: The Aspect of Lolth has been severely injured now and is attempting to dimension door away from the party now that she has successfully begun to corrupt the crypt main chamber.

* Lycea Stoa: Returning to the Stoa, provided it happens during the day, the party will emerge out of the stopwatch in the presence of Juomo and Captain Xeno in the same room they had left. The passage of time will be marked by whatever event would be happening then. If the party waits longer than 18 bells to return, Juomo will accept Xeno’s demands that the stopwatch be placed in a prison cell in the Keep of Orossads so that anyone who emerges from it at that time will be trapped.

* Marketplace aftermath from the party’s morning adventures. A squad of the Order of Aurelius has made its way through the market after the unleashing and killing of the ancient basalisk.

## Secrets and Clues
* Lolth: Ellery is connected to the orcs that destroyed the Sh’lar.
* Lolth: The Abyssal Convergence is coming which is an event where the Abyss is closest to the material plane.
* Bertio is a scoundrel and sold the pocket dimension to Preston while the former owner was inside.

1) Crypt Main Chamber
a. Monsters
i. Aspect of Lolth
ii. Six zombies
iii. Lolth will open a dimension door at the start of round 1 and summon a Yochlol, then leave in round 2.

2) Lost alter room. 25x25
a. Center of room is a large stepped column that leads to what appears to be a trap door directly over the center, about 5 feet above the top of the column.
b. Who is in here?
i. Had zombies but they were largely destroyed by Dimitri and Ellery.

3) Crypt.
a. Who is in here?
i. Nothing currently, but zombies are coming down stairs.

4) Preston’s Sleeping Chambers. 20’x20’, Bed, desk, books. Most of his treasure is located here.
a. Who is in here? No monsters.
b. What information/treasure is in here?
i. 1048 GP in coins.
ii. The Arcane Codex of Bari’i: This set of engraved clay tablets is contained in a platinum coffer set with chrysoberyl. When used in divine research, this tome provides a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Relgion) checks.
iii. Vial of drow poison
iv. Potion of Resistance (poison)
v. Scroll of Paper Cuts (Scroll): A magic word chosen by the creator causes it to look like a scroll of fireball. Instead, reading it causes it to explode into a spray of paper shrapnel. Each creature in a 15 foot radius must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
vi. Wand of Cure Duck (Wand): This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and tap an adjacent creature. If that creature is a duck, it regains 3d8 hit points. Otherwise, if the creature is willing, it is first polymorphed into a duck, then regains hit points. The polymorph effect ends at the start of the creature's next turn. The wand regains any expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand itself transforms into a duck and flies away.

5) Storage rooms behind main chamber.
a. Who is in here?
i. Zombie limbs. Stealth 19
b. What information/treasure is in here?
i. An electrum coin defaced with a dark symbol

6) Vestibule. 10x10, Stone Knight carved on the wall that animates slightly and warns, “Stay, lost ones, and cower. The shadow of the demon queen of arachnids has fallen upon our halls. Turn back now, lest you become entangled in her web, doomed to suffer an eternity.”
a. The sculpture’s eyes are closed. If commanded to open them or look at the person, on a successful DC 14 persuasion check it will open them to reveal two diamonds, each 100 gp in value. If the attempt is to intimidate the statue, it triggers a trap (DC 15 Dex), causing a 5 ft line of lightning to erupt dealing 2d8 lightning damage on a failed save or half damage on a success.

7) Hall. 70x5, unlit. Three will-o-wisps dance at the far end, beckoning with soft, floating glowing lights and attempting to distract from the shadow who is quietly waiting in the middle of the hall.
a. Who is in here?
i. Shadow
ii. Three Will-o-wisps
b. What information/treasure is in here?
i. None.

8) Hall of Erevan the Flameskull. 75’x15’
a. Who is in here?
i. Flame skull
ii. Six Boneless
b. What information/treasure is in here?
i. Zebrawood Box of Cyphers (very rare), contains one each of the following:
1. An abyssal iron nail, bent with runes carved on it. When impaled into the flesh, the cypher allows you to cast Web one time within the next hour. Save DC 14.
2. Cypher of the Iron King: A jagged iron spike, smeared with blood. When impaled into the flesh of another creature, that creature becomes your thrall, as per the spell dominate person.
3. A jagged copper shard warped by magic. When impaled into the flesh, the cypher grants you a +1 bonus on ranged attack rolls for 1 minute.
4. A twisted scrap of platinum coated in a viscous purple syrup. When impaled into the flesh, the cypher allows you to alter your appearance for 1 minute.
5. A patina copper needle smeared with golden ichor. When pushed into flesh, the cypher grants you resistance to Acid damage until you take a short rest.
6. Clone Cypher: A jagged shard of diamond, inlaid with broken patterns of silver. When implanted into flesh, the cypher dissolves and emits a cloud of luminous smoke, which after a minute coalesces into a clone of the target. The clone has 10 hit points but is otherwise sharing all other abilities and stats unless otherwise noted. Roll 1d6: 1-3 exact duplicate; 4 opposite gender, 5 adolescent, 6 slightly better (d6, ability result = 18). The clone has no clothing or equipment.
7. A slender shard of green glass smeared with crimson blood. When impaled into flesh, the cypher dissolves and grants you tremorsense until the end of the session.

9) Nothic’s lair. Zaltharax who seeks to follow and hide from the party.
a. Each of the five tombs contains a zombie trapped under the lid that will come out and attack when they are opened.
b. Who is in here?
i. Nothic
ii. Five zombies
c. What information/treasure is in here?
i. Tomb 1: The tomb of Sir Aldric. Zombie wearing rusted armor and using a long sword+1. A rusted shield lies over him pinning his hands down until the lid is lifted. His eyes are covered by two gold pieces that have sunken into the rotted flesh of his face.
ii. Tomb 2: Female elven zombie who had been a warlock; clad in robes woven from celestial silk, her delicate fingers clutch a polished wooden staff adorned with mystical runes. Rod of the Pact Keeper +1. She only uses it to strike with as a club.
iii. Tomb 3: Leather armored zombie, rotting off the body. Rotting pages of parchment lie under where the head had been, illegible and worthless.
iv. Tomb 4: Thalador, Orc Mage, his spell book has survived. Around his neck is a jeweled necklace worth 250 gp
v. Tomb 5: Dwarf artificer, ring of feather fall and Wand of Enemy Detection.

10) Nothic stuff.

11) Nothic Stuff.

12) Nothic stuff.

13) Wardrobe.
a. Table with the statues.
i. Dragon faces carved and painted on the doors. See PDF for DM puzzle.
b. What information/treasure is in here?
i. Inside the wardrobe is a Armor of the fallen (Breastplate).

14) Banshee’s chamber.
a. What information/treasure is in here?
i. ART (Banshee Lair):
1. Three silvered mirrors (100 gp each) AC 5, HP 5
2. Linen Choker threaded with platinum thread (25 gp)
3. Silk Gown threaded with Gold (100 gp)
4. Gold Ring engraved with Dwarven Runes (75 gp)
5. Brass Bracer set with Chalcedony (25 gp)
6. Cloth Sash trimmed with Lynx Fur (25 gp)
7. Pewter Warhammer etched with Draconic Scales (25 gp)
8. Dragon Horn Orb engraved with Mythical Imagery (500 gp)
ii. Gems
1. diamond (50 gp),
2. chalcedony (50 gp),
3. chrysoprase (50 gp), sardonyx (50 gp),
4. zircon (50 gp)

15) Chamber entrance. Size, descriptions.
a. Disappointingly empty.

16) Crypt.
a. What information/treasure is in here?
i. Potion of Superior Healing (rare, dmg 187)

17) Crypt. Coffin holds zombie.
a. What information/treasure is in here?
i. Green Dragonscale Bracer, has a sheath built in for a short sword +1 that looks like it should be for a dagger. Once inserted in the sheath, the sword disappears into a pocket dimension and the bracer sheath appears empty. It can be revealed by identify or the detect magic spell.

18) Closed shrine. The final resting place of the former owner who had the pocket watch stolen and sold out from him to Preston. He is now dead and a trapped zombie. His writings are on the back of a used paper left in a corner of the room.

I pen these final words with trembling hands, knowing that my time draws to a close. The zombies, once under my control, turned on me suddenly leaving me barely able to crawl within the confines of this small room. Petit à Petit purrs his promises of what he will do with me if ever I open the door, and I am surrounded by the relentless moans and shuffling footsteps of the undead horde that once obeyed my every command.

To whoever finds this message, I know that I am beyond salvation and what afterlife I find will have been earned. But heed my warning: I can only assume that the bastard sold the ownership of the vessel without concern for me, nor did he likely care how I may have lost possession of it which I know not myself. If you find this, you too must have dealt with that idiot, Bertio. Perhaps you stole the watch and somehow discovered the means of transferring ownership. Know this: I have cursed you with such a curse as my powers can bring upon you. If I had such power as to curse the deceiving little crap I’d do so as well. If you do want redemption, avenge me and make penance.

May we meet in the hells we both surely deserve,

Wogen Ghast

19) Skeleton platform. Three skeletons with shortbows taking pot shots are Null.

20) Crypt Main Chamber Entrance.

21) Shrines with the statues of deities whose heads have been removed and smashed on the ground. The sculptures have been defiled and defaced.

22) Area enclosed with wrought iron fence with a large burial mound in the middle. It's a Zombie T-Rex waiting to explode out.

23) Crypt with zombies.
a. What information/treasure is in here?
i. Boots of Haste, wearer can cast haste on themself once per day as a bonus action. Until the spell ends, the target’s speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.

24) Crypt w/ zombie
25) Crypt w/ zombie
26) Crypt no undead

## Potential Monsters
• Aspect of Lolth (random)
• Demonfeed Giant Spiders (random)
• Zombies (random)
• Skeletons
• Wight (PaPd’P)
• Yochlol
• Hill Giant Skeleton
• Tyrannosaurus Zombie
• Banshee
• Shadow
• Boneless
• Zombie Limbs
• Flame Skull
• Will-o’-Wisps

## Random Monsters
Roll 1d12 every dungeon turn. On 1, a warp to the Demonweb pits forms in the room where the players are. Roll iniative. Lolth emerges out of it the next round. On a 2, either three zombies or a demonfeed giant spider begins encounter with players.
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Re: Way Off-Topic: Question for RPGamers

Post by honorentheos »

Bret Ripley wrote:
Sun Dec 17, 2023 3:21 am
honorentheos wrote:
Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:03 pm
Love the update, Bret. It also raises a question for me: how do you handle the party splitting up in game?
I'm glad you asked -- because it reminded me to ask you that same question. :)
I am coming back to this question to add, I really enjoyed the breakout sessions I've had over the last couple of months where I've had one or two players run through what they were doing away from the party. I wish it was something that I could do every time someone said they wanted to do their own thing, so it's not a perfect solution. But if there are points where it might make sense to suggest the end of the current session and running shorter mini sessions with the split groups later, I think it's worth trying out.

It also further enforces how mind-boggling it was that PG was running games with over a dozen players. Playing with a couple of players is so much easier than running for the large group I have which usually tops out at 7, I can't fathom running even more in a meaningful way.

Anyway, hope things are well.
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Re: Way Off-Topic: Question for RPGamers

Post by honorentheos »

An example of something we discussed before regarding effort and information that players may never even get near let alone use is the scrap below. To find it, the players have to decide to open a standalone 5'x5' shrine building on the ground level of the cemetery/ necropolis which releases the zombie inside and make a minimal search of the shrine.

It doesn't change the main story line. But the information in it would affect one of the player's back stories and I am guessing would influence decisions they make in the near future.

Odds are, they won't find it. So why do it? I don't know. I like the colour it adds to the world so in part it's there for me. And if they find it? It's always fun to hand the players a prop.

Is it good graphic design? No. It's a prop for a particular purpose and I gave it little thought. But it still took a half hour to create in addition to the time I had spent previously coming up with the message from the unfortunate Wogan Ghast

Being a DM is probably part insanity, really.

ETA: Huh. The image didn't load because of our board attachment quota. You'll have to imagine it then. And I take back what I said about it not being good graphic design. Visualize the most spectacular example of whatever you think it looks like and that will get you most of the way there. :)
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Re: Way Off-Topic: Question for RPGamers

Post by Res Ipsa »

honorentheos wrote:
Sun Apr 07, 2024 10:30 pm
An example of something we discussed before regarding effort and information that players may never even get near let alone use is the scrap below. To find it, the players have to decide to open a standalone 5'x5' shrine building on the ground level of the cemetery/ necropolis which releases the zombie inside and make a minimal search of the shrine.

It doesn't change the main story line. But the information in it would affect one of the player's back stories and I am guessing would influence decisions they make in the near future.

Odds are, they won't find it. So why do it? I don't know. I like the colour it adds to the world so in part it's there for me. And if they find it? It's always fun to hand the players a prop.

Is it good graphic design? No. It's a prop for a particular purpose and I gave it little thought. But it still took a half hour to create in addition to the time I had spent previously coming up with the message from the unfortunate Wogan Ghast

Being a DM is probably part insanity, really.

ETA: Huh. The image didn't load because of our board attachment quota. You'll have to imagine it then. And I take back what I said about it not being good graphic design. Visualize the most spectacular example of whatever you think it looks like and that will get you most of the way there. :)
You can post images using a free third-party image hosting service. I've used both Imgur and ImgBB. Upload to the service, copy the link (full phpBB), and paste the link into your post.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Way Off-Topic: Question for RPGamers

Post by honorentheos »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:39 pm
honorentheos wrote:
Sun Apr 07, 2024 10:30 pm
An example of something we discussed before regarding effort and information that players may never even get near let alone use is the scrap below. To find it, the players have to decide to open a standalone 5'x5' shrine building on the ground level of the cemetery/ necropolis which releases the zombie inside and make a minimal search of the shrine.

It doesn't change the main story line. But the information in it would affect one of the player's back stories and I am guessing would influence decisions they make in the near future.

Odds are, they won't find it. So why do it? I don't know. I like the colour it adds to the world so in part it's there for me. And if they find it? It's always fun to hand the players a prop.

Is it good graphic design? No. It's a prop for a particular purpose and I gave it little thought. But it still took a half hour to create in addition to the time I had spent previously coming up with the message from the unfortunate Wogan Ghast

Being a DM is probably part insanity, really.

ETA: Huh. The image didn't load because of our board attachment quota. You'll have to imagine it then. And I take back what I said about it not being good graphic design. Visualize the most spectacular example of whatever you think it looks like and that will get you most of the way there. :)
You can post images using a free third-party image hosting service. I've used both Imgur and ImgBB. Upload to the service, copy the link (full phpBB), and paste the link into your post.
That's cool. I don't get the impression it's really of that much interest and it was more of a prop than something worth much discussion.
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Re: Way Off-Topic: Question for RPGamers

Post by honorentheos »

We had the session tonight and it's fresh on my mind right now. Guesses on how much of that preparation was used? I've highlighted what got used in red.
honorentheos wrote:
Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:37 am
Next work session is coming up. Thought I'd post my preparation notes and see what input anyone has if any, knowing it is not easy to follow without the maps and unwritten context.

Session 18 preparation:

0845: Beginning of Session. Captain Zeno arrives at Stoa to join guards just after Null stepped into the portal. Zeno has come specifically to question Juomo since only Zeno knows that Juomo is also Jai Tum and situations with Juomo can be politically sensitive. Captain Zeno will wait with Juomo for party to return out of the pocket dimension. A squad of 13 spearmen will also be within earshot if he calls for them. Four will be standing outside the Stoa from this time until it makes sense for them to leave for reasons yet to be determined. Remainder will be inside the tavern occupying tables.

Theran – Aasimar rune knight fighter. Former member of the Sh’lar seeking revenge on the Atakar and to stop a dangerous book. She has been influenced by Lolth who will continue to try and get her to help spread her influence. Starts the game frightened of Lloth.

Dimitri – Aasimar wild magic sorcerer. Had been part of the Sh’lar, now with Theran seeking to avenge the tribe against the orc horde’s searching for “the book”. He has been promised Lolth can help him overcome death if he will help her.

Annallee Bina – Elven artificer armorer. Left town with broken dreams, assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop the proliferation of copies of the Mallus Deus. Currently trying to kill Lolth.

Keno - Goliath barbarian Path of the Totem Warrior. Had been seeking to start a new life, joined party and is assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop the proliferation of copies of the Mallus Deus. Trying to kill Lolth but will start the session restrained in spider web.

Ellery Lenore – Elven bard college of spirits. assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop the proliferation of copies of the Mallus Deus. Is returning to main chamber after exploring with Dimitri.

Artica – Eladrin Rogue Inquisitive, fled her home with niece who she left with gnomes in Poppenweillen. Assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop the proliferation of copies of the Mallus Deus. Attempting to kill Lolth.

Xerxia - Hafling rogue assassin, wants to avenge killed friends murdered by orcs searching for something. Assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop the proliferation of the copies of the Mallus Deus. Currently with Skjoter.

Rasxan - Dragonborn artificer armorer, left town due to girl troubles. Been wandering, joined party and is assisting the J’A.I. Tum to stop proliferation of copies of the Mallus Deus. Currently with Skjoter

Null – Aasimar Oath Breaker Paladin. Father ordered him killed by Sire Bedivere but he did not finish the job due to his having genuine attachment to Null that kept him from slicing his throat. He had taught Null, including teaching him to never leave a violent enemy at one’s back without assuring oneself they will not rise again. Null wants to find power enough to return one day and usurp his father. He slipped away from the party and went to the Jessels. Is now at the entrance gate of the necropolis being engaged by PPd’P.

Preston Grimwell, drow male wizard, about 50 years old. Had been a mediocre potion salesman who resented not being taken seriously. Had studied in Palisades and graduated from the arcane academy but was part of a failed adventuring party that had attempted a heist on a storm giant’s cloud castle. He survived through cowardice.
1. Location: He is with the party currently in the main crypt chamber where Lolth has taken control of the pocket dimension. He no longer controls the undead there. He is in as much or more danger as the party.
2. Agenda: in flux due to not having had time to process what is going on. Previously, use the Mallus Deus to truly become a great wizard. I.e. Return to Laimëndor, a drow city in the underdark whose entrance is near the blinding land’s city of Malinska to show the fools there who they were messing with.

## Scenes
*Crypt above ground: Null is confronted by Petit à Petit du Pointe, the Tabaxi wight who serves as steward of the necropolis. Petit à Petit is antagonistic to Null as he has entered without permission, and will attack him along with the other undead. Anticipate Null will command undead PaPdP (DC 15 Wis, has +1 on save).

* Crypt below ground: The remainder of the party is locked in combat with the Aspect of Lolth in the expanding chamber that reflects the absorption of the space into the Demonweb Pits.

* Necropolis: The Aspect of Lolth has been severely injured now and is attempting to dimension door away from the party now that she has successfully begun to corrupt the crypt main chamber.

* Lycea Stoa: Returning to the Stoa, provided it happens during the day, the party will emerge out of the stopwatch in the presence of Juomo and Captain Xeno in the same room they had left. The passage of time will be marked by whatever event would be happening then. If the party waits longer than 18 bells to return, Juomo will accept Xeno’s demands that the stopwatch be placed in a prison cell in the Keep of Orossads so that anyone who emerges from it at that time will be trapped.

* Marketplace aftermath from the party’s morning adventures. A squad of the Order of Aurelius has made its way through the market after the unleashing and killing of the ancient basalisk.

## Secrets and Clues
* Lolth: Ellery is connected to the orcs that destroyed the Sh’lar.
* Lolth: The Abyssal Convergence is coming which is an event where the Abyss is closest to the material plane.
* Bertio is a scoundrel and sold the pocket dimension to Preston while the former owner was inside.

1) Crypt Main Chamber
a. Monsters
i. Aspect of Lolth
ii. Six zombies
iii. Lolth will open a dimension door at the start of round 1 and summon a Yochlol, then leave in round 2.

2) Lost alter room. 25x25
a. Center of room is a large stepped column that leads to what appears to be a trap door directly over the center, about 5 feet above the top of the column.
b. Who is in here?
i. Had zombies but they were largely destroyed by Dimitri and Ellery.

3) Crypt.
a. Who is in here?
i. Nothing currently, but zombies are coming down stairs.

4) Preston’s Sleeping Chambers. 20’x20’, Bed, desk, books. Most of his treasure is located here.
a. Who is in here? No monsters.
b. What information/treasure is in here?
i. 1048 GP in coins.
ii. The Arcane Codex of Bari’i: This set of engraved clay tablets is contained in a platinum coffer set with chrysoberyl. When used in divine research, this tome provides a +1 bonus to Intelligence (Relgion) checks.
iii. Vial of drow poison
iv. Potion of Resistance (poison)
v. Scroll of Paper Cuts (Scroll): A magic word chosen by the creator causes it to look like a scroll of fireball. Instead, reading it causes it to explode into a spray of paper shrapnel. Each creature in a 15 foot radius must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
vi. Wand of Cure Duck (Wand): This wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge and tap an adjacent creature. If that creature is a duck, it regains 3d8 hit points. Otherwise, if the creature is willing, it is first polymorphed into a duck, then regains hit points. The polymorph effect ends at the start of the creature's next turn. The wand regains any expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand itself transforms into a duck and flies away.

5) Storage rooms behind main chamber.
a. Who is in here?
i. Zombie limbs. Stealth 19
b. What information/treasure is in here?
i. An electrum coin defaced with a dark symbol

6) Vestibule. 10x10, Stone Knight carved on the wall that animates slightly and warns, “Stay, lost ones, and cower. The shadow of the demon queen of arachnids has fallen upon our halls. Turn back now, lest you become entangled in her web, doomed to suffer an eternity.”
a. The sculpture’s eyes are closed. If commanded to open them or look at the person, on a successful DC 14 persuasion check it will open them to reveal two diamonds, each 100 gp in value. If the attempt is to intimidate the statue, it triggers a trap (DC 15 Dex), causing a 5 ft line of lightning to erupt dealing 2d8 lightning damage on a failed save or half damage on a success.

7) Hall. 70x5, unlit. Three will-o-wisps dance at the far end, beckoning with soft, floating glowing lights and attempting to distract from the shadow who is quietly waiting in the middle of the hall.
a. Who is in here?
i. Shadow
ii. Three Will-o-wisps
b. What information/treasure is in here?
i. None.

8) Hall of Erevan the Flameskull. 75’x15’
a. Who is in here?
i. Flame skull
ii. Six Boneless
b. What information/treasure is in here?
i. Zebrawood Box of Cyphers (very rare), contains one each of the following:
1. An abyssal iron nail, bent with runes carved on it. When impaled into the flesh, the cypher allows you to cast Web one time within the next hour. Save DC 14.
2. Cypher of the Iron King: A jagged iron spike, smeared with blood. When impaled into the flesh of another creature, that creature becomes your thrall, as per the spell dominate person.
3. A jagged copper shard warped by magic. When impaled into the flesh, the cypher grants you a +1 bonus on ranged attack rolls for 1 minute.
4. A twisted scrap of platinum coated in a viscous purple syrup. When impaled into the flesh, the cypher allows you to alter your appearance for 1 minute.
5. A patina copper needle smeared with golden ichor. When pushed into flesh, the cypher grants you resistance to Acid damage until you take a short rest.
6. Clone Cypher: A jagged shard of diamond, inlaid with broken patterns of silver. When implanted into flesh, the cypher dissolves and emits a cloud of luminous smoke, which after a minute coalesces into a clone of the target. The clone has 10 hit points but is otherwise sharing all other abilities and stats unless otherwise noted. Roll 1d6: 1-3 exact duplicate; 4 opposite gender, 5 adolescent, 6 slightly better (d6, ability result = 18). The clone has no clothing or equipment.
7. A slender shard of green glass smeared with crimson blood. When impaled into flesh, the cypher dissolves and grants you tremorsense until the end of the session.

9) Nothic’s lair. Zaltharax who seeks to follow and hide from the party.
a. Each of the five tombs contains a zombie trapped under the lid that will come out and attack when they are opened.
b. Who is in here?
i. Nothic
ii. Five zombies
c. What information/treasure is in here?
i. Tomb 1: The tomb of Sir Aldric. Zombie wearing rusted armor and using a long sword+1. A rusted shield lies over him pinning his hands down until the lid is lifted. His eyes are covered by two gold pieces that have sunken into the rotted flesh of his face.
ii. Tomb 2: Female elven zombie who had been a warlock; clad in robes woven from celestial silk, her delicate fingers clutch a polished wooden staff adorned with mystical runes. Rod of the Pact Keeper +1. She only uses it to strike with as a club.
iii. Tomb 3: Leather armored zombie, rotting off the body. Rotting pages of parchment lie under where the head had been, illegible and worthless.
iv. Tomb 4: Thalador, Orc Mage, his spell book has survived. Around his neck is a jeweled necklace worth 250 gp
v. Tomb 5: Dwarf artificer, ring of feather fall and Wand of Enemy Detection.

10) Nothic stuff.

11) Nothic Stuff.

12) Nothic stuff.

13) Wardrobe.
a. Table with the statues.
i. Dragon faces carved and painted on the doors. See PDF for DM puzzle.
b. What information/treasure is in here?
i. Inside the wardrobe is a Armor of the fallen (Breastplate).

14) Banshee’s chamber.
a. What information/treasure is in here?
i. ART (Banshee Lair):
1. Three silvered mirrors (100 gp each) AC 5, HP 5
2. Linen Choker threaded with platinum thread (25 gp)
3. Silk Gown threaded with Gold (100 gp)
4. Gold Ring engraved with Dwarven Runes (75 gp)
5. Brass Bracer set with Chalcedony (25 gp)
6. Cloth Sash trimmed with Lynx Fur (25 gp)
7. Pewter Warhammer etched with Draconic Scales (25 gp)
8. Dragon Horn Orb engraved with Mythical Imagery (500 gp)
ii. Gems
1. diamond (50 gp),
2. chalcedony (50 gp),
3. chrysoprase (50 gp), sardonyx (50 gp),
4. zircon (50 gp)

15) Chamber entrance. Size, descriptions.
a. Disappointingly empty.

16) Crypt.
a. What information/treasure is in here?
i. Potion of Superior Healing (rare, dmg 187)

17) Crypt. Coffin holds zombie.
a. What information/treasure is in here?
i. Green Dragonscale Bracer, has a sheath built in for a short sword +1 that looks like it should be for a dagger. Once inserted in the sheath, the sword disappears into a pocket dimension and the bracer sheath appears empty. It can be revealed by identify or the detect magic spell.

18) Closed shrine. The final resting place of the former owner who had the pocket watch stolen and sold out from him to Preston. He is now dead and a trapped zombie. His writings are on the back of a used paper left in a corner of the room.

I pen these final words with trembling hands, knowing that my time draws to a close. The zombies, once under my control, turned on me suddenly leaving me barely able to crawl within the confines of this small room. Petit à Petit purrs his promises of what he will do with me if ever I open the door, and I am surrounded by the relentless moans and shuffling footsteps of the undead horde that once obeyed my every command.

To whoever finds this message, I know that I am beyond salvation and what afterlife I find will have been earned. But heed my warning: I can only assume that the bastard sold the ownership of the vessel without concern for me, nor did he likely care how I may have lost possession of it which I know not myself. If you find this, you too must have dealt with that idiot, Bertio. Perhaps you stole the watch and somehow discovered the means of transferring ownership. Know this: I have cursed you with such a curse as my powers can bring upon you. If I had such power as to curse the deceiving little crap I’d do so as well. If you do want redemption, avenge me and make penance.

May we meet in the hells we both surely deserve,

Wogen Ghast

19) Skeleton platform. Three skeletons with shortbows taking pot shots are Null.

20) Crypt Main Chamber Entrance.

21) Shrines with the statues of deities whose heads have been removed and smashed on the ground. The sculptures have been defiled and defaced.

22) Area enclosed with wrought iron fence with a large burial mound in the middle. It's a Hill Giant Skeleton waiting to explode out.

23) Crypt with zombies.
a. What information/treasure is in here?

i. Boots of Haste, wearer can cast haste on themself once per day as a bonus action. Until the spell ends, the target’s speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action. (NOTE: They were booking it out and did not investigate at all.)

24) Crypt w/ zombie
25) Crypt w/ zombie
26) Crypt no undead
27) Zombie T-Rex buried and slow to awaken. Will trigger on escape when more dramatic.
28) Entrance/Portal. Requires knowledge of secret word to open portal. Otherwise, leaving the gate leads into the mist which returns back to the reversed side of the necropolis. Like walking all the way around the world, the dimension is warped back on itself.

## Potential Monsters
• Aspect of Lolth (random)
• Demonfeed Giant Spiders (random)
• Zombies (random)
• Skeletons
• Wight (PaPd’P)
• Yochlol
• Hill Giant Skeleton

• Tyrannosaurus Zombie
• Banshee
• Shadow
• Boneless
• Zombie Limbs
• Flame Skull
• Will-o’-Wisps

## Random Monsters
Roll 1d12 every dungeon turn. On 1, a warp to the Demonweb pits forms in the room where the players are. Roll iniative. Lolth emerges out of it the next round. On a 2, either three zombies or a demonfeed giant spider begins encounter with players.
Everyone had fun, but the group effectively noped out of the room with Lolth under the assumption she was too tough to fight. The Paladin who showed up separated from the party did what I thought he'd do, which was take control of the wight who then had to tank damage for him while he hoovered around the edges of the fight. It was smart play which served him well, so no complaints on my part. But I think his being above ground affected the rest of the group who decided the smart play was to leave the crypts and go above ground. They then managed to handle the horde of undead above ground because FIREBALL!, and then took a vote which resulted in their leaving through the portal. We ended the session with the paladin catching a glimpse of Lolth's claw emerging from a warp in the dimension just as they disappeared back to the material plane.

So now I feel I need to figure out what to do that would be appropriate as a consequence of leaving the pocket dimension corrupting into part of the demonweb pits with Lolth asserting control over it. My impression is they think they will be able to destroy the pocket watch and make it all go away.

I'm imagining that going down about as well as Gimli attempting to destroy the One True Ring of Power in Fellowship. But then what? I'm open to thouoghts.
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Joined: Mon Nov 23, 2020 2:15 am

Re: Way Off-Topic: Question for RPGamers

Post by honorentheos »

It's been a while and I let this thread slip to page 5. Yikes. So an update is in order.

The work game is going strong, actually. Since I last posted I have had three separate mini-sessions to address side missions that all went incredibly well. As noted earlier, the smaller group size makes for much more fluid roleplay and engagement, and I see why D&D is really at its best with party sizes of around four. But the mini-sessions have also improved the larger group main game as the mini-sessions result in a few players have information they bring into the game that spikes interest and encourages further exploration. Five out of five, I'd recommend giving it a try to anyone DMing.

We're planning for a player to move away at the end of this month, so we have two sessions planned to bring her story arc to a close. Hers was one of the mini-sessions and I had a chance to make it entirely about her backstory. It is amazing how effective that is in making someone engage not only the game but what decisions are being made in the main session. Not anything folks don't know, but it is affirming.

I also started D&D Team Trivia that we played while folks were eating. It was tied to their getting inspiration, and they worked together as a group to see if they could beat a score threshold of 70% together in order to all get inspiration at the start. The questions were from the Player's Handbook, their own character sheets, or events from the campaign. It was effective in two ways. First, it helped transition into the game from the normal chitchat that takes place when we would first get together. And second, it meant these mostly new players were engaging with the mechanics in a more informed if frustrated way. I've stopped it for a little while as we focus on the one player's last few sessions, but it's something I'd recommend to anyone who is frustrated with player engagement with broader game as a game.

Finally, I also joined a group who plays weekly as a player and have now experienced a table where there were 13 PCs. It was wild. It worked but I'd say it was almost entirely due to player interest and engagement from the outset. It was not a table of newbies. I was not the only person who had cut their teeth on the Red Box and AD&D, but the youngest person at the table was not old enough to drink yet. The group was very positive and that helped the DM as I think everyone playing was making an attempt to engage with other players and have fun. That particular game alternates DM's from week to week, so we play the same campaign every other week, and the two intervening weeks have three filler campaigns. It's played at a place that serves food and drinks, and has lots of table space so it has room to expend into what I think would work well as a West Marches campaign. But either way, it's interesting and fun.
Posts: 4142
Joined: Mon Nov 23, 2020 2:15 am

Re: Way Off-Topic: Question for RPGamers

Post by honorentheos »

Backstory for a PC I'm now playing:

He must have blacked out for a moment.

“Rordin!” Molly’s scream was the first thing he remembered though he couldn’t figure out why it was coming to him from his right when moments before she had been standing on his left.

His own wide-eyed corpse, blood dribbling from the corner of his mouth standing in front of him, a rapier stabbed to the hilt into his heart, was the second. As the body – his body - slid to the ground and the rapier point sprung out, he became acutely aware the hand that held the blade was…his? But, but…

His body was shoved to the ground with a strange metallic clank as hands worked to knock the blade loose and pin…him?...down to the ground.

“Molly! What’s happening? Why am I…,” the voice that uttered the words was not his but he recognized them. Lord Reynold’s entertainment servant had used that voice when it sang, and when it..it…bid him to take his defensive stance. When was that? Minutes ago, maybe? He had thought it sport to attempt the duel. Darvon Reynolds had put on quite the show and only naturally Rordin Stonehold wasn’t to be shown up by a soft handed traveling merchant with aspirations of nobility.

“What have you done!? My Rordin!” the panic, that fear in Molly’s voice almost undid him as he realized the hands pinning him down were working hard to restrain him. And they’d succeed soon unless he acted. “They don’t know I’m me,” he thought as panic began to set in.

“My dear Molly!” Lord Reynolds had taken his – HIS! - wife into an embrace to comfort her as she buried her face into the furs of his collared dinner jacket. “I have no idea what could have possibly gone wrong! It is not supposed to be able to deal a fatal blow like that. I promise you, we’ll take it apart and find out what happened. And I swear to you, if this was no accident but someone was behind it, you and Rordin will have justice! By Torm, you will have justice! Guards! Take it to the storage room and wait for me.”

He felt himself lifted off the ground, heavier than he had been before he realized judging from the grunting of the guards. As they pushed him through the doors, down the stairs, and towards what he could only assume would be the place where this body he now occupied would be dismantled, he realized…he needed to live! To find out what, who had done this. Was it an accident? Had someone used magic or some other kind of trick? Was it gods or fiends behind this?

He saw a chance and kicked a rack of ornamental spears as they passed, causing the grips of the guards to loosen just long enough for him to twist free. Leaping, almost dancing, he found this body to be surprisingly agile as he bound off the table over the surprised men and lunged out the door and into the night…

That was some time ago, how long he wasn’t entirely sure anymore. At first, he had put as much distance as possible between himself and Reynold’s estate. He had found this body did not need to sleep nor eat, but it attracted attention. At first he had tried to avoid it but this proved difficult.

Recalling the night of the events, he had tried his hand at playing and singing, and found to his surprise he was quite good at it now. His sword play was not quite as good as he had been but perhaps it would come back with practice and time. Until then, he found himself wandering in the villages and fringes never too far from Neverwinter, playing at taverns and putting on performance duels to the delight of young villagers as he contemplated how best to proceed. Taking the name Reposte for one of he favored moves, he knew it was a matter of time. But he needed to pick his moment. Until then, he trusted what Darvon had told Molly. By Torm, he WOULD have justice some day. Against whom he wasn't quite sure but he felt in his heart he'd figure it out, eventually.
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