My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

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Philo Sofee
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My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Philo Sofee »

My most recent You Tube Video on the Joe Rogan, 60 Minutes, and Lex Fridman analysis and interviews of the UFO stuff coming out now. A must see if UFO's are your thing. A must see if they are not as well. After all, the more views I get, the more the You Tube engines like me - lol...
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Gunnar »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Sun Jun 06, 2021 12:07 am

My most recent You Tube Video on the Joe Rogan, 60 Minutes, and Lex Fridman analysis and interviews of the UFO stuff coming out now. A must see if UFO's are your thing. A must see if they are not as well. After all, the more views I get, the more the You Tube engines like me - lol...
When I saw the title of this post, with you as the author, I knew I had to take a look at it, because I can think of no one whose take on this subject was more deserving of being taken seriously than yours. I respect both your skepticism on this subject and the obduracy of that skepticism, and I remain convinced that at least 90% of claims of UFOs and UFO abductions (especially the later) are either fraudulent, delusional or misunderstood observations of rare and/or exotic natural phenomena well known and understood by modern, cutting edge science and/or technology.

Yet I can't help but agree with you that some of the things you mentioned, if accurately reported, simply cannot be satisfactorily explained by well established, known physical science. By my own calculations, some of the apparent maneuvers you described, if they involved real physical objects, would require accelerations of thousands of g's, let alone hundreds. For example the object observed to move from 80,000 to 20, 000 feet in just 1 second would have moved downward at an average speed of 60,000 feet per second (40,909.09 miles per hour). Assuming that it were flying straight and level both before and after the descent (0 vertical velocity) it would have to have accelerated downward at rate of 7,500 g's for the first half second of the descent, and then decelerated at the same rate for the second half second. That seems incredible for any material object, whether manned or not! It seems far more likely to me that the radar returns showing that incredible maneuver were due to some malfunction in the radar systems or some very sophisticated radar jamming and deception rather than that they were tracking a real, physical object! Check it out and see if you agree! I'm sure that with your scientific background you can do the math as least as well as I can, and probably better!

Whatever the case, if these observations are truthfully reported, it seems that someone is capable of incredibly sophisticated, secretive technology, whether extraterrestrial aliens (still the least likely, in my opinion), rival nations, or top secret U.S. technology (hopefully the least unlikely). If they are really due to extraterrestrial aliens, this can be either good news or bad news. On one hand, it would prove that there almost certainly is some practical means of somehow circumventing the speed of light limitation that we may eventually discover for ourselves, if it exists. On the second hand, it would prove that these aliens are so far advanced beyond us that we would be absolutely helpless against them should they be hostile towards us. On the third hand, it may be a good sign that they have not yet used their overwhelming advantage over us to destroy or enslave us.

Edited to correct an egregious math error and several typos. The acceleration required for an object to suddenly shift from an altitude of 80,000 feet to 20,000 feet in just one second is about 7,500 g's not 30,000 g's as I originally stated :oops: That's what I get for trying to do math when I'm half asleep without checking it carefully! :oops:
Last edited by Gunnar on Sun Jun 06, 2021 8:56 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Gadianton »

I liked your video, Philo. I wasn't even aware that one of the pilots was hitting the podcast circuit. So I watched David Fravor on Joe Rogan afterwards. The fighter pilot videos are certainly the most compelling evidence I've ever seen, and it was interesting to get David's walkthrough. It's not enough to convince me, and I'm one of those who hold the opinion of interstellar distances being too vast. Linking the incident to Bob Lazar doesn't help with credibility. Anyway, if there was any one thing that came out that I didn't know before, it was that their radar was getting jammed. It's really one of those things where all you can say is let's just wait and see.
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Gunnar »

Obviously I agree with Gad on this.
No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Gunnar »

No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Chap »

Gadianton wrote: It's not enough to convince me, and I'm one of those who hold the opinion of interstellar distances being too vast.
That's part of my attitude to any interpretation of these reports in terms of visits to our planet by extra-terrestrials. Basically, in order to interpret them as such, we need to make the following suppositions:

(a) We know enough about our own solar system to be pretty sure that it contains no technically advanced species other than our own. Any visiting extraterrestrials must therefore also be extra-solar. and thus have traversed distances from which light takes (at minimum) several years to reach us.

(b) Thus any supposed visiting ETs must have technology that enables them to travel at speeds that current physics says are impossible. But, even though they do not seem to have any wish to contact us, they still seem technically unable to avoid betraying their presence from time to time. Really? But they have still managed to avoid emitting any radio signals from their home planet that might reveal their presence, despite decades of careful searching on our part.

Basically, the supposition that these reports are simply do with features of our technology, our natural environment on earth, and the perceptions and witness statements of human observers that we do not yet fully understand is hugely less improbable that the 'interstellar visitors' supposition. But of course, the fact that the latter supposition is much more exciting than the first means that news organisations love to do 'what-ifs' about it, and people love to tickle their fancies by allowing themselves to believe it might well be the case.

Reality is sometimes a bit of a party pooper, I know ...
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Moksha »

What if UFOs were the power behind water dowsing, NDEs, and turning ordinary rocks into powerful translation devices and PanGalactic 5G communicators?

They are from their own Telestial Kingdoms with ships that can generate 1.3 GW of Hah-ko-kau-beams.
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Philo Sofee
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Philo Sofee »

Thank you all for your feedbacks. I agree with everyone of you. It is a most fascinating topic, and one in, which, like I say, I will look into a bit more, but I remain overall skeptical as well. But it has at least (or at last?) caught my attention a wee bit more since something possibly has happened that to me at least appears to be in the more realistic direction...

I appreciate all your thoughts, your candor, and your friendships. I am typing this as I just woke up with bleary eyes, so its off to down a cup of coffee and I shall return in a bit. Again, thank you for your very good and interesting comments.
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by honorentheos »

I don't believe the US government and military is interested in extraterrestrial visitors so much as they are concerned about US military supremacy. I appreciate the transparency to a degree and like most I'm curious what the upcoming report will reveal. But along with other categories of potential causes of these phenomenon I would add other nations. We assume too readily we are top of class when we know everyone from Israel to Russia to China to...are all in on the current arms race and wouldn't automatically share their capabilities with us. Just because North Korea or Iran make the news as they seek world-ending tech that is almost a century behind, we shouldn't be lulled into false security this is the state of the world in general.

That said, I'm curious about how strategic the publicity around this may be versus Congress and the Trump admin screwed up and the Pentagon is engaging in damage control to protect their analysis operations. Better the public imagines the military knows little green men are real and hiding it than Israel be able to watch CNN or Fox News and be up-to-date on how much we know and how we know it regarding their current hypersonic stealth drone program.
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Gadianton »

While the Joe Rogan interview was excellent by UFOlogy standards, I'll point out a typical problem. In several places the argument from ignorance is on full display from the interviewers; the pilot did pretty well to avoid that sort of thing. They pointed out that a century ago people would have thought you were crazy if you told them about an iPhone. Then they invoked geniuses ahead of their time. Jeremy briefly mentioned the critic's argument that distances are too vast. I'm paraphrasing but one of those two belted out, "people thought Einstein was crazy, but everyday his ideas are getting confirmed".

Social distancing has likely already begun to flatten the curve...Continue to research good antivirals and vaccine candidates. Make everyone wear masks. -- J.D. Vance
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