Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Shulem » Thu Oct 12, 2017 5:06 pm

Elder Andersen is NOT a prophet, seer, or revelator. He doesn't know the future and is totally clueless of what's to come. Here's proof that he's a false prophet in the LDS church. In March of 2017, elder Andersen visited the Caribbean and spent a week there giving all kinds of wonderful assurances to the Latter-day Saints. He presided over a host of different meetings all over the islands.


Now, here's the kicker: Andersen extends his full blessings to the people and gives them all the assurances they need to make them feel safe and secure with no mention of what was really to come -- Hurricane Irma.
LDS.org wrote:Puerto Rico, an unincorporated U.S. territory, also struggles with high unemployment. Many members—especially young adults with families—have considered moving to the U.S. mainland for better employment opportunities, Elder Martinez said.

“Elder Andersen had a message of hope in the future of Puerto Rico that resonated with many members,” he said.

Instead of telling individuals whether they should stay in Puerto Rico or go to the mainland, Elder Andersen counseled them to ponder and pray about the decision and to ask, “Where is it that the Lord would want me to help build the kingdom of God? Where will my talents be of most value?”

President John Hernandez, president of the Cagaus Puerto Rico Stake, said he felt personally uplifted by the Spirit during the meetings and knows many other members did as well. “[Elder Andersen] gave us hope, letting us know that things in Puerto Rico will get better as a whole, for the people and the Church overall.”

And there you have it, folks. Rather than tell the people their island is about to be wiped out, Andersen assured them that things are going to be better than ever. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Elder Andersen is a false prophet.

Elder Andersen Shares Message of Hope with Members in Caribbean


These people are totally unaware and misled by a false prophet and will soon suffer terrible losses as their nation is utterly ravished by the coming storm.
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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fetchface » Thu Oct 12, 2017 5:15 pm wrote:Well, that's the nice thing about making a prophecy about the future without a time limit: It can never be wrong!

Elder Andersen was talking about ten years from now, not this year. Apologetic checkmate.

But on a serious note, the ability of the human mind to rationalize failed prophecy fascinates me. Have you ever read When Prophecy Fails? People's minds don't even usually skip a beat when they are presented with total disconfirmation of even the most specific prophecies when they are invested in a belief system. Joseph Smith made end-of-world prophecies with somewhat specific dating (that have definitely passed). JWs and SDAs as well. I read a really interesting one in It's Not About the Sex, My Ass (hilarious book, highly recommended).

People rationalize failed prophecies all the time. Logic in the human mind is astoundingly malleable. We are not a rational species.
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Shulem » Thu Oct 12, 2017 5:44 pm wrote:Elder Neil L. Andersen spoke in General Conference as the final speaker just the other week and his talk was entitled, "The Voice of the Lord". He goes on to glorify how the church is led by living prophets and through them the Lord speaks. But no mention of Hurricane Irma or the Puerto Rico disaster just months after he went and blessed the land and its people as an apostle of the Lord. The poor saints in Puerto Rico don't have electricity so they were not favored to hear the Lord speak through his apostle in General Conference as they ponder whether the Lord has forsaken them.
sock puppet » Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:40 pm wrote:Hell, Anderson didn't even see and prophecy that the Mango in Chief would visit and show off his skills at Bounty basketball. What kind of a revelator leaves those details out, even if he didn't mention Hurricane Irma would be coming?
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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I have a question » Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:54 am wrote:
April 2016, an LDS Prophet, Seer and Revelator stated:
God rarely infringes on the agency of any of His children by intervening against some for the relief of others. But He does ease the burdens of our afflictions and strengthen us to bear them, as He did for Alma’s people in the land of Helam (see Mosiah 24:13–15). He does not prevent all disasters, but He does answer our prayers to turn them aside, as He did with the uniquely powerful cyclone that threatened to prevent the dedication of the temple in Fiji;6 or He does blunt their effects, as He did with the terrorist bombing that took so many lives in the Brussels airport but only injured our four missionaries.
https://www.LDS.org/general-conference/ ... s?lang=eng

April 2017, an LDS Prophet, Seer and Revelator in Puerto Rico stated:
The Lord is blessing these people,” he told the Church News in an interview following his return. “And He’s giving them His peace and His Spirit.”
https://www.LDS.org/church/news/elder-a ... n?lang=eng

October 2017
Although she has no job to go to Ms Diaz, her two sons and grandmother flew to California to escape the aftermath of Hurricane Maria — the strongest storm to hit Puerto Rico in nearly a century.

Some estimates suggest that more than 400,000 of the country’s 3.4m population will follow Ms Diaz in the coming years as the Caribbean island, which has already defaulted on its debt obligations, now confronts something that could be even more devastating to its economic recovery — losing thousands of its most talented people.

It was hard to find food and water,” says Ms Diaz, a resident of Corozal, a municipality 20 miles from the capital San Juan. “We waited for four hours for gas. The kids don’t have school.” Ms Diaz is following a well-trodden path. Hundreds of thousands have left the island since 2010 as economic activity slumped and manufacturers moved offshore, taking well-paying Puerto Rican jobs with them. The departures have left fewer people to shoulder Puerto Rico’s debt and pension obligations of more than $120bn. Ultimately, they could help push the island into insolvency.

“Emigration is a painful process, but for many on the island that may be the best option,” says Barry Bosworth, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, who estimates that the population could drop below 3m within a few years as annual migration doubles. “The economic problems are becoming increasingly evident.”
https://www.ft.com/content/fb4740c4-a90 ... 8314d2c72c

October 2017, A Puerto Rico Stake President describes what the Lords peace and spirt look like in practice:
Wilfred Rosa wages daily battles with food and water shortages, power outages, gas lines and spotty cell phone service.

Such challenges have come to define life in the days and weeks since Hurricane Maria decimated Puerto Rico. But perhaps his greatest fear is "that people will forget about us. We don’t want to be forgotten. We will have needs here for months to come.”

The San Juan resident’s worries stretch beyond caring for his family and reinvigorating his robotics business. As president of the San Juan Puerto Rico Stake, he’s responsible for the temporal and spiritual health of thousands of Mormons living in 10 wards and branches in and around the capital city.

“The hurricane was so tough,” he told the Church News. “We still have people struggling just to find food and water. We wait in long lines to get supplies. And, for most people, there’s still no [running] water or power.”

President Rosa counts himself among the lucky on this U.S. island territory. He had running water in his home for a couple of days (but no longer) and his cell phone usually works. But when he drives through San Juan and the outlying communities in his stake, he’s reminded that Puerto Rico’s recovery remains a slow, uncertain process.

It’s been almost a month since Hurricane Maria dramatically changed this island. Only 15 percent of the people have electricity and 40 percent still don’t have reliable access to drinking water, according to USA Today.

“There is still so much need,” said President Rosa.

The local Mormon leader had hoped to travel to Salt Lake City to attend the recent general conference. Instead, he spent conference weekend looking after folks in need in his stake.

About 15 percent of the San Juan stake members lost their homes. “They were left with nothing but a floor,” he said.
https://www.deseretnews.com/article/865 ... otten.html
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Shulem » Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:54 am wrote:It's the same old story. The General Authority goes to a foreign land and gives the people a song and dance about how special they are and how much the Lord loves his children in this choice part of the vineyard. The General Authority is a shyster and tells the people how much the leaders of the church pray for their wellbeing. Nothing will ever be said about an upcoming hurricane or earthquake. The prophets of Mormonism are blind as bats and wouldn't dare risk actually prophesying like prophets are supposed to do. If they did, they would be exposed as false prophets. The Spirit of Mormonism cannot foresee or know the future. Not even the prophet knows what is going to happen. They just spoon feed the poor members silly stories and pump them up all for the sole purpose of creating more loyalty and future tithe revenues.

That's the bottom line.

Puerto Rico is out of luck. I don't care what promises elder Andersen made to the people. The leaders in Puerto Rico were sold a bill of goods. Andersen is a conman.
Doctor CamNC4Me » Fri Oct 13, 2017 12:53 pm wrote:I don't really know what the difference is between preventing a natural disaster and turning one aside is, so, I think God just kind of let's it all roll. He's a real flip-of-the-coin kind of god.

- Doc
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Elder Neil L. Andersen wrote: 1. “The Lord is blessing these people”
2. “And He’s giving them His peace and His Spirit.”
Shulem » Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:17 pm wrote:Andersen goes back to the states and makes those false promises. Actually, the Lord in the coming months (unknown to the prophets & seers) is going to bless them with hurricane Maria and shove her right down their throats. The blessed saints can then scramble to dig themselves out of their blown out homes and go without electricity, food, and water.

Yes, the Lord really is blessing the Puerto Rican saints. Lot's of wonderful blessings.

Andersen, please don't show your cursed face in Puerto Rico again, you false prophet!
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Shulem » Fri Oct 13, 2017 7:32 pm

From left, Elder Neil L. Andersen, Elder Richard J. Maynes, Elder Walter F. Gonzalez, and Elder Claudio D. Zivic participate in an interim mission presidents’ seminar for the Caribbean Area on March 17.

A real prophet might have said:

"Brethren, the time is at hand. These are the last days and the scriptures have warned us that great consequences would fall upon the wicked and that the children of Israel will be tried in the fire and be found worthy of Jesus Christ and prepared for the second coming. President Monson has asked us to warn the saints about the impending storms and famine which will effect the islands, including Puerto Rico. The time is at hand. The saints are commanded to lay up in store and to prepare" . . . .
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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moksha » Sat Oct 14, 2017 1:46 am wrote:There is a difference between being an inspirational speaker who does not know the future and a false prophet.
Shulem » Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:15 am wrote:One thing is for sure, neither of them know the future so neither of them are real prophets.
Choyo Chagas » Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:19 am wrote:that difference may be as small as desired (rigorous def... see below)

In calculus, the (ε, δ)-definition of limit ("epsilon–delta definition of limit") is a formalization of the notion of limit. The concept is due to Augustin-Louis Cauchy, who never gave an ( ε , δ {\displaystyle \varepsilon ,\delta } \varepsilon,\delta) definition of limit in his Cours d'Analyse, but occasionally used ε , δ {\displaystyle \varepsilon ,\delta } \varepsilon,\delta arguments in proofs. It was first given as a formal definition by Bernard Bolzano in 1817, and the definitive modern statement was ultimately provided by Karl Weierstrass. It makes rigorous the following informal notion:
the dependent expression f(x) approaches the value L as the variable x approaches the value c if f(x) can be made as close as desired to L by taking x sufficiently close to c.

I have a question » Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:52 am wrote:The difference being that the inspirational speaker doesn’t claim to be a prophet, and the false prophet doesn’t claim to be an inspirational speaker who does not know the future.
DrW » Sat Oct 14, 2017 6:50 am wrote:Agreed, Choyo. There is no doubt that the Q15 consider themselves as "prophets seers and revelators". Jeffrey ("I'm no dodo") Holland delivered an address to general conference in 2004, the title of which is shown below.

"The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve are commissioned by God and sustained ... as prophets, seers, and revelators."

With Elder Anderson's recent address in Puerto Rico as just one example among many, mathematical concepts are not required to understand that he and others of the Q15 can be considered the very definition of false prophets.

These individuals travel around the world delivering milk messages that have varied little in the last century. These "inspirational" addresses are filled with worn out platitudes and imagined visions of the growth and prosperity that Elohim has in store for his church - this while the true growth rate of the Church is falling behind that of the general population and two thirds of the members it claims no longer participate.

These unfortunate individuals are surely among the best examples of false prophets to be found anywhere.
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Shulem » Sat Oct 14, 2017 8:57 am wrote:
Bull'seye, DrW:

The so-called prophecies of Mormonsm have already been given through Joseph Smith in his D&C and Book of Mormon and anything else said by others is just speculation and window dressing. The buck stops with Joseph Smith. General prophecy in Mormonism has long been dead and is completely inoperable in the lives of modern LDS prophets. All they provide are the scriptures and the ad nauseam repetition and recitation of old worn out scriptural sayings.

Mormonism is addicted to the dead prophecies. New prophecy is a thing of the past. It's long over and never coming back. Just like Jesus. Never coming back. I'd bet everything I have that Jesus won't be returning this year or the next, and so on and so on. I would put my money where my mouth is and bet that he's never coming back. Is there a Mormon that would ever take that bet? Of course not, because they don't know if and when he's ever coming back. 100 years are going to go by and there will still be no Jesus. Why? He's dead!

Same thing with Mormon prophecy, it's dead!
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Shulem rebukes Andersen!

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Shulem » Sat Oct 14, 2017 5:21 pm wrote:Hey, Elder Andersen! Shut your Goddamn mouth and listen up. In the coming months during the next hurricane season, there is going to be a great storm called Maria and it's going to wipe out the islands including Puerto Rico in which you have been pampering these people with all kinds of niceties and platitudes saying all is well and that God is blessing the people. But you, sir, and the Mormon Spirit are wrong. The blessings which you claim are going to turn to curses and the people of Puerto Rico are going to suffer horribly. Your apostolic blessings are empty words and will not provide the food, water, and electricity that this island needs to sustain the basics.

So, take your "All is well" preaching elsewhere and recognize you don't know what you're talking about and have failed to prophesy to these people telling them what they really need to know to prepare for the coming disaster. You, elder Andersen are no prophet. You are not a seer. You have no revelation. So, go back to the United States and take your missionaries with you. I, Shulem, prophesy that your mission will be shut down completely and all of your missionaries will be removed from the island in haste as they cannot endure the hardships you failed to foresee.

Be gone you conman! I, Shulem rebuke you!
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