Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Puerto Rico Blacks Out

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Shulem » Wed Apr 18, 2018 2:44 pm wrote:Hey, elder Andersen! The Puerto Ricans you recently blessed are back in the DARK, 100%. You blessed those people and gave them a sense of security and then cut and ran. You coward! Go back to the island and apologize to those people for leading them on.

Puerto Rico loses power island-wide for first time since Hurricane Maria hit U.S. territory

President Trump gives them paper towels. Elder Anderson gives them fake blessings coupled with pretended prophecy.

What a joke.


moksha » Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:55 pm wrote:Trump's lobbing of paper towels into the Puerto Rican crowd was a godsend for those experiencing a paper towel shortage. No one could have foreseen the great paper towel shortage.

#Make Puerto Rico Great Again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKxZdA8_bPY
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

Post by Shulem »

Shulem » Thu Apr 19, 2018 9:33 am

Liar for the Lord

Elder Neil L. Andersen prior to the hurricane wrote:The Lord is blessing these people, and He’s giving them His peace and His Spirit.

Blessings of darkness and lack of working facilities -- misery and woe for months on end with no end in sight. These are the blessings given to the people of Puerto Rico from elder Andersen as he pretended to bless the island with his apostolic presence. Elder Andersen is a conman and fake.

In the meantime, skunk Andersen fills his belly with hot meals and enjoys all the accommodations of life thanks to gullible tithe payers of the church. You stink, Andersen -- you liar for the Lord!
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Doctor CamNC4Me » Thu Apr 19, 2018 9:51 am wrote:https://www.LDS.org/church/news/threads ... o?lang=eng

The Church donated $100k to a food bank. And they also talk a lot about members helping one another. Hrm...

This is their 2017 summarized report of humanitarian efforts:

https://www.ldscharities.org/bc/content ... f?lang=eng

Here is their Hurricane Maria effort:

https://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/ ... 2-2017.JPG
Despite severe communication challenges, the Church Welfare Department reports more than 40 containers of ocean shipments have been sent so far to various islands in the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. MartIn and other locations.

The shipments contain food, water, building materials, hygiene kits and cleaning supplies. In addition, one plane loaded with 80,000 pounds of food and water has been delivered to Puerto Rico.
I'm not really sure what to think of it. It feels like they're doing something, but how much of what do we expect the LDS church to provide to its members or citizens of PR?

- Doc
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Shulem » Thu Apr 19, 2018 12:27 pm wrote:
How many meals is 80,000 pounds of food and water? How much of that total weight is water which weighs 8.33 lbs per gallon? A healthy water diet is 1/2 gallon of water per person per day. Assume that half of the 80,000 lbs is water, therefore = drinking water for 1000 people for 10 days.

You can be asured that the drinking water is being delivered to LDS buildings for LDS people. Same for the food. It's going to the stake center come hell or high water.

Also, church leaders (apostles & prophets) are white collar men who don't do any real work. All they do is bark orders. Oh, you might see them wearing an apron to make them look busy but those lazy bastards don't do any real work -- sweat and labor. They're too good for that.

Bottom line, elder Andersen didn't see this coming and failed to warn the saints in Puerto Rico that their god was about to send the storm of the century upon them and wipe out their island and leave them in the dark. Mormon god loves to torture his people kind of like a mean bully pulling the legs off spiders and torturing helpless animals. The apostles glorify the beastly nature of Mormon god as if he was righteous for torturing his people. It was Mormon god who sent the storm. It was Mormon god who unblessed the people his apostle blessed. What a GODDAMN joke!
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NelSatan weighs in

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Shulem » Mon Sep 03, 2018 8:45 am wrote:President Nelson promises Puerto Rican Saints that 'better days are ahead' after last year's deadly hurricane

Well DUH! It can only get better. Sounds like a fair bet to me. Now watch Nelson attempt to take credit for future improvements due to faith and apostolic prayers.

In the meantime, elder Andersen best not show his face in Puerto Rico again. He did absolutely nothing to warn the saints or encourage them to get out while they still could.

Pathetic, stupid, Mormons. False prophets.
Shulem » Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:39 am wrote:President Nelson promises Puerto Rican Saints that 'better days are ahead' after last year's deadly hurricane


It can't possibly get any worse. All it can do is get better. Just watch how the Mormons will later credit Nelson with making inspired prophecy when things improve in Puerto Rico. Saints will be all drippy eyed and thanking the Lord for a prophet. The fact is that Nelson & Andersen failed the people of Puerto Rico by not being able to prophecy in the first place. Mormons DON'T really prophesy -- they don't know the meaning of the word.

Stupid Mormons! What a silly people.
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A special message

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I'm a prophet but I will never prophesy. I'm a seer but I don't know the future. I'm a revelator but I have nothing new to reveal. I've never even seen the Lord. I don't know anyone who has.
My name is Neil Andersen and I approve this message.
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

Post by Shulem »

Shulem » Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:21 pm wrote:
The church feels guilty for what happened in Puerto Rico and fearing all is lost promises to erect a temple someday after the mud finally dries.

Here is the cardboard box (Masonic doll house) the church intends to build:

Shall we call it the Bell Tower Outhouse?


President NelSatan pledged to do something special for Puerto Rico.


Give me a break. This looks like a glorified outhouse with a steeple to mark the importance of the Lord's piss and dung.
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We bring you this special message:

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Me get a revelation?

Me predict a catastrophe? Me see the future?

Am I a prophet, seer, and revelator?

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Sister missionary testifies

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Shulem » Wed May 08, 2019 5:35 pm

sister missionary wrote:
Missionary Mem

Oh yeah, and we had a conference with Elder Anderson!!!! I have never been in the same room as a member of the 12 but it was really amazing!! . . . . One thing that really stood out to me from the conference with Elder Anderson was his thoughts on faith. He said that when the Presidency of the church wants to see an increase of miracles in an area, they start with the missionaries! Why? Because missionaries have more faith that miracles can happen!!! How cool is that? Just think about what could happen to an area if everyone, including the local leaders, had missionary-like faith???? It would have an amazing amount of miracles!! I just love that thought and I want to help others increase their faith as well so that we can keep seeing miracles!

LOL! Yep, we see how the faith of the missionaries failed and the Lord sent the hurricane and all the missionaries had to leave the island as their missions in Puerto Rico came to an end. Thus we see that the faith of the missionaries and apostle Neil L Andersen failed to bring those promised blessings.

So the Lord sent a miracle, a hurricane, and sent the missionaries packing!


Stupid damned Mormons and their Miracles. What a joke.
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Missionaries testify

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Shulem » Wed May 08, 2019 8:24 pm
Elder Glazier in Puerto Rico


We met Elder Anderson, of the Twelve on Saturday. Elder Gonzalez, Elder Acosta, and Elder Maynes of the Seventy and Presidency of the Seventy were there too. So it was full of great inspiring messages. The meeting was foncused on improvement here in Puernto Rinco. The Baptisms are progressing but Church attendance is not. So Elder Anderson posed us the question of how can we fix it. It was interesting that I didn’t even make any comments in the meeting but what I was thinking about was what Elder Anderson said.

For example he asked us what a good goal would be for Baptisms here as a mission in the future and I was thinking well 50 is pretty good a month. And after two Elders Said 90 and 100 Elder Anderson said well I think for April May and June the good goals would be 40 50 50 respectively. Then as he asked the question of how to meet those goals I thought to myself well, if we find more people to teach our probability of baptizing will be higher and after some comments Elder Anderson gave us his ideas of how we can do it and the first thing he said was double the number of people in our investigator pool. So I was kind of like wow, I basically thought exactly what an Apostle was thinking. Maybe I should have piped up?

Ha ha ha, so sorry to hear about lousy church attendance. Silly of you to prepare for monthly baptism goals just two months before the hurricane comes and kicks your sorry missionary asses off the island!

Ha ha ha! I'll bet you didn't see that coming! Neither did Neil L Andersen who pretends to be a prophet, seer, and revelator. He didn't see it coming. He simply told you to double your contacts and set baptismal goals.

The miracle hurricane is coming! Take cover you fools!

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