Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Bimbo sister missionary

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Shulem » Wed May 08, 2019 8:55 pm
Hermana Kali Green Puerto Rico, San Juan Mission


The greatest spiritual experience this week, for me, was when Elder Neil L. Andersen, who was visiting us at our mission conference, came down from the pulpit to the floor to start talking to all of us. He started by expressing his love, and the love our beloved Prophet, his counselors, and Quorum of the 12 bring to us. I immidiately was hit with The Spirit and felt this overwhelming love from them, the Savior, and Heavenly Father, and all at once I was reminded of how much our Heavenly Father knows us and loves us. Elder Andersen just has this Christ-like light and love to him. Wow...The Conference with Neil L. Andersen was incredible. He is so so so loving and nice, and funny, and he speaks 4 different languages! We arrived a little later than we thought so we ended up sitting in the very back row. President Boucher announced over the pulpit that before the conference would start, we had time to all shake his hand. I almost died of excitement. It was so cool to see everyone go through this line and just be BEAMING with smiles after having just met a member of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. I did the same, it was something I will always remember. We went and sat down and the conference started. Just a couple minutes into it, before the opening hymn, President Boucher turns to Elder Andersen, then back to us and says, "Elder Andersen would like those in the last row to come up to the front row." Hermana Pichiule and I , and a couple other sisters were in that last row he was talking about. So we quickly moved to the VERY FRONT ROW. It was a huge miracle I did NOT see coming. Once the meeting started, and it was time for Elder Andersen to speak, he came down from the pulpit to talk to us, and stopped right in front of me. I thought I was going to die of excitement. There were a lot of laughs shared with him, as well as, so much wisdom and advice for our lovely island of Puerto Rico. He talked a lot about miracles and how we need to be praying for them. There is one thing he said that really stuck with me, "Most miracles come from being more motivated, pushing hard, and having more trust in the Lord. It has to begin with someone to move up, to think higher, and to expect more." That really struck me, and I immidiately wanted to be that type of person. As I have begun to input these principles in my life these last couple of days, I truly have seen a difference.


What a BIMBO! Listen up, elder Andersen didn't do you any favors. He came to Puerto Rico to sell you a song and a dance. He's a used car salesman for the church! He was probably just looking at your breasts all along. I'm sure he was lusting.

Ha ha ha!

Yeah, your miracle is coming, bitch. The hurricane is going to put an end to your missionary work in just 5 months from now! You can thank bastard Andersen for that.

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Bimbo sister missionary

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Shulem » Sat May 18, 2019 11:48 am

Sister (bimbo) Green shared a letter that got printed in LDSLiving. She tells of so-called multiple promptings she got when she was hastily packing her bags to head to the mission home for safety just prior to hurricane Maria's arrival to Puerto Rico.

Missionary in Puerto Rico When the Hurricane Hit Shares Experience in Powerful Letter
Sister Bimbo Green wrote:While I was packing, I wasn’t thinking that this might be the last time I would be packing, but I did get this prompting many times, that came to my mind saying, “pack what you REALLY don’t want to lose”. So, I followed it and packed my scriptures, missionary journals and memory cards of all my mission pictures, still not thinking anything severe was going to happen, but I followed the prompting anyways.

Here she seems to credit the Spirit for prompting her to take scriptures, missionary journal, and other important keepsakes. But really, isn't that something any missionary would just do out of necessity figuring they are fleeing their ragtag apartment to head to the mission home because a monster hurricane is on its way? Wouldn't every missionary pack their scriptures and journal? But here we see Bimbo Sister Green acting likes it's practically some kind of miracle or spiritual prompting from the Spirit that caused her to place those items in her bag. I mean come on, what missionary is going to leave their scriptures and journal behind even for a day? And yet the Mormons eat this crap up like it's spiritual food to their souls.

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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Shulem » Sat May 18, 2019 5:01 pm

Elder Andersen visita a Senadora del gobierno de Puerto Rico

On March 16, 2017, just months prior to the hurricane that wiped out Puerto Rico, Elder Neil L. Andersen visited government officials in Puerto Rico for "the purpose of knowing the needs of the country from the perspective of the government of the island and thus making the programs of the Church available".

They talked about societal needs and church programs. But no talk about the impending hurricane looming on the near distant horizon and how church programs will have little effect in curing the devastation which about to take place. After all, Mormon prophets don't prophesy, Mormon seers can't see the future, and Mormon revelators don't reveal anything. They are false prophets dressed in business suits pretending to be like prophets of the Bible.
Elder Andersen spoke about the importance of: wrote:Information related to the International Day of Service and Mormon Hands that help the Church's program to provide service to the community and help the needy in case of catastrophe was also shared

Probably the best thing Andersen could have done was to warn the people of Puerto Rico that a killer storm was on its way and the island would be uprooted by years end. He should have warned government officials. After all, that's what Bible prophets did! He should have warned the members of the church and especially the LDS mission. But no! Elder Andersen was blinded to the fact that Category 5 Hurricane Maria was coming -- having no idea, not even an inkling, all he did was tell the people they would be blessed and that the future of Puerto Rico looks bright.


Neil Liar Andersen is a Liar for the Lord
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Another Special Message from Andersen

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Shulem » Sat May 25, 2019 6:49 pm


Neil L Andersen is a do nothing prophet, seer, and revelator. He may think he's a prophet, but he's not. He may think he's a seer, but he's not. He may think he's a revelator, but he's not. He's a prophet, seer, and revelator in name only by virtue of his paid calling in the church -- pretending to possess miraculous gifts and insight. But none of these things have ever been manifested and never will be. What a joke!

Neil L Andersen, you're a fake. Your silly stories about "miracles" are nothing but faith promoting exaggerations about how you pretend to see Mormonism as miraculous. You, sir, are a joke!
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Philo Sofee » Sat May 25, 2019 7:40 pm wrote:Sooooo, I take it you really like this Anderson guy...... :lol:
Shulem » Mon May 27, 2019 12:02 am wrote:
He's like a used car salesman selling a false gospel. Here are some points gleaned from Neil L Andersen's address (It's a Miracle) he gave in General Conference April 2013:
Elder Neil L Andersen wrote:The mortal life of Jesus Christ was filled with miracles: a virgin mother, a new star, angels appearing to shepherds, the blind seeing, the lame walking, angels in Gethsemane and at the tomb, and the greatest miracle of all—His glorious Resurrection.

Granted, those stories in the New Testament most certainly do describe miracles because they are miraculous events. These are amazing examples of what constitutes a miracle according to the Christian religion:

1. Virgin mother
2. New Star
3. Angels appearing
4. Blind see
5. Lame walk
6. Resurrection of a dead man


But let's dig further into elder Andersen's talk and you'll see that there is a clear difference between Christian miracles and Mormon miracles:
Elder Neil L Andersen wrote:Our day is a remarkable time of miracles. Six months ago as President Monson announced the age change for young men and young women desiring to serve missions, there was an undeniable spiritual outpouring. Faith overcame doubt, and young men and women moved forward. The Thursday following conference, I was assigned to recommend missionary calls to the First Presidency. I was amazed to see the applications of 18-year-old men and 19-year-old women who had already adjusted their plans, visited their doctors, been interviewed by their bishops and stake presidents, and submitted their missionary applications—all in just five days. Thousands more have now joined them. It’s a miracle.
Here we see that Monson's policy change in lowering the missionary age is considered a miracle!

Jesus Mormon Christ! What a joke. Is he kidding? How is this a bloody miracle? Where is the New Star? Where is the virgin mother? Where do the blind see or the lame walk? Where are the bloody angels? Andersen is a total conman. He's a faker and spreading the Mormon gospel of false miracles.


Andersen continues to spew more idiotic claims that the Mormons are performing miracles:
Elder Neil L Andersen wrote:We are witnessing the miracles of the Lord as His gospel is spreading across the world.

The Lord needs you now more than ever to be an instrument in His hands. All of us have a contribution to make to this miracle.

Faith will overcome doubt, and the Lord will bless you with your very own miracles.

It’s a miracle. It is a miracle. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


Elder Neil L Andersen is the Flim-Flam Apostle. He's a used car salesman. He's a laughing joker
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The jokes on you!

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Shulem » Mon May 27, 2019 12:53 pm

It's a miracle!

18 year old boys can serve missions!

The church is true!


Modern "miracles" of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints trump the Bible.

It's a Miracle!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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It's a miracle

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Shulem » Mon May 27, 2019 1:35 pm

The Mormons are coming and the gospel is going to be preached in Oz.

It's a miracle!


It's a miracle, it's miracle!!
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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Shulem » Mon Aug 05, 2019 2:26 pm

(Missionary) Elder Chelson May 6, 2019 wrote: 6 months down and the Puerto Rico Temple!

Oh and Elder Walter F. González, president of the Caribbean Area surprised us and came to our mission conference/dinner later that day before he flew out, and spoke to us as well. The Spirit was strong on the island this week! Everyone is so excited for this to begin, and have the opportunity to go to the Temple. One of my favorite parts was the blessings that took place asking Heavenly Father to protect this land from storms, it was emotional for everyone here, especially the members.

That's poppycock! Elder González was with Andersen just months prior to the hurricane so why couldn't they offer the prayer of protection then? See smug looking González (3rd from the left) in photo below:


This silly Elder González now thinks he can get Heavenly Father to protect the island AFTER it was already wiped out? Oh but the odds are in his favor now that the storm has passed. What a bunch of hypocritical nonsense. These men are powerless. They spew crap out of their mouths and acts like they have a special channel to God. Worthless turds they are!

González, you're a steamy turd. Maybe it's your lack of faith and failure to ask Heavenly Father to protect the island PRIOR to the hurricane is what caused the hurricane. You're responsible! Maybe the Lord caused the whole island to suffer because YOU and bastard Andersen failed to heed the Spirit and pronounce the blessing at that time.

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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

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Shulem » Tue Aug 06, 2019 10:12 am wrote:
President NelSatan's move to build a token temple in Puerto Rico is going to backfire. Here's why: The members are already worn out and fighting for their livelihoods. But now the church is going to emphasize even more the importance of paying tithing in order to be worthy to enter the temple and receive the choicest blessing the Lord has to offer. Yes, those blessings are very expensive and the members are going to be pushed to the limit in trying to pay the temple door fee.

Also, nonmembers are not going to be enticed to join a church that tells them they have to somehow come up with 10% of their income and give up their Word of Wisdom pleasures.

So, I think it's safe to say that existing membership is going to struggle even more and those who are partially in but not fully are going to back completely out rather than agree to pay tithing. The church in Puerto Rico is going to lose even more members. More wards and branches will be shuttered. Plus, to add to their misery, missionary success resulting in baptisms is going to decrease significantly. Instead of missionaries boasting about miracle baptisms they will have to resort to boasting about miracle teaches!

Ha ha ha ha!

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Re: Elder Andersen's false prophecy to the people of Puerto Rico

Post by Shulem »

Shulem » Tue Aug 06, 2019 12:22 pm wrote:
Last conference, flim-flam-apostle Neil Andersen (a used car salesman for the Lord) had the audacity to declare that church prophets foresee the future with The Eye of Faith.

I'm not kidding, see for yourself:
Prophet-want-to-be Andersen wrote:Prior to being the President of the Church, President Russell M. Nelson said: ‘Prophets see ahead. They see the harrowing dangers the adversary has placed or will yet place in our path. Prophets also foresee the grand possibilities and privileges awaiting those who listen with the intent to obey.’

You, Andersen are a punk. You and NelSatan don't see the future. You don't see ahead. You simply state what you expect will happen to members of the church when they refuse to obey the commandments or how they will fare when they do what the so-called prophets say. That is not prophecy. That is not seeing the future. You are a damned fake! You bastard apostle of Mormonism!

You're a joke, Andersen. A freaking joke. You don't see the future. You don't know what's going to happen. You don't know jack.
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