FAIRMORMON wrote:Question: Was Joseph Smith commanded by the Lord to go to Salem, Massachusetts to hunt for treasure in the cellar of a house?
Answer: The trip was apparently made on their own initiative, and was not commanded by the Lord.
FAIRMormon (Victory for Satan) has no right to say Joseph Smith didn't receive a direct commandment to go to Salem in effort to soften the blow. There is no record in which Smith states he was NOT commanded and was simply doing it on his own whim or accord. Absence of evidence is not evidence! It's hypocritical of FAIRMORMON to use this tactic. FAIRMORMON simply cannot say that Smith was not commanded by God to go to Salem. They can only say that they know of no account or statement in which God commanded him to go to Salem and have no choice but to leave the question open ended. Obviously, Smith was dreaming about treasure and seeing he was a prayerful man and always getting revelations and commandments it's reasonable to think he got one to go to Salem. But who knows? Obviously he was told by God that there were treasures to be found so he ran with it.