Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Post by Shulem »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote: For anyone paying attention check out this scene with Anubis:
https://ancientneareastdotorg.files.wor ... -mummy.jpg


Notice the upper and lower motif consisting of a row of stars, the lower row is easily discernible:


This signifies that it's a heavenly scene -- the afterlife -- Anubis bringing the mummy to life to live in heaven forever among the stars. This is not an earthly scene among mortals but is immortality expressed among the stars with the gods. Praise be to Amon-Ra!

HalleluRA! For ever and ever, halleluRA, halleluRA!

And Amon-Ra shall reign for ever and ever!

Recall that Facsimile No. 3 also has a row of stars in the upper motif. That too, is a heavenly scene. It represents what was happening in heaven as Hor was being ushered into the presence of Osiris. Smith's interpretation set the scene on earth among mortals and his cast of characters amount to nothing more than a joke coming from the mouth of a snake oil salesman -- a liar.

Now take into consideration the Facsimile No. 1. The rising of Osiris took place on earth where his wife received him in order to conceive Horus. There is no motif of stars because it's not a heavenly scene. The motif is that of the Nile and the niched bricking or carved stones signifies the temple walls adjacent to the Nile where the river crocodiles are ever present.

All glory to Osiris my lord!

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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Post by Shulem »

From the mouth of a liar:

Kerry LIAR Muhlestein wrote:The Book of Abraham is not about Egyptology and it's not based on Egyptology really in any way . . . . we don't know . . . .

Interview with Kerry Muhlestein: Book of Abraham (11:15 mark)
It makes me wonder if Muhlestein has even read the Book of Abraham in conjunction with the Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language. President Joseph Smith called appointed scribes by revelation to assist him in translating the papyrus and to produce the Grammar and Alphabet into the Book of Abraham. Historical statements made by Smith, members of the Twelve, scribes, and other eyewitnesses, contradict Muhlestein at every turn. Muhlestein hasn't a leg to stand on and speaks with the forked tongue of a lying serpent! Muhlestein's temple recommend should be revoked immediately. He is not worthy to enter the temple! His bishop should be contacted STAT.

Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language 1835

The Book of Abraham *IS* about Egyptology and *IS* based on (Smith's) Egyptology:

translating this chara[c]ter

Phah eh. The first man

Phaah. The largest riegn

Ho oop hah Queen Kah tou mun, a distinction of Royal <​female​> lineage or descent, from

her whom Egypt was discovered while it was under water, who was the daughter of Ham.— a lineage with whom a record of the fathers was intrusted by the tradition of Ham and accordding to the tradition of their elders; by who<​m​> also the tradition of the art of embalming in <​was​> kept.

Kah ton num: a lineage with whom a record of the fathers was intrusted by tradition of Ham, and according to the tradition of their elders, by whom also the tradition of the art of of embalming was kept.

Ho-e-oop A prince of the royal blood a true desendant from Ham, the son of Noah, and inheritor of the Kingly blessings from under the hand of Noah, but not according to the priestly blessing, because of the trangrissions of Ham, which blessing fell upon Shem from under the hand of Noah

Ha e oop hah— honor by birth, kingly power by the line of Pharoah

in lineage by royal descent, in a line by onitas one of the royal families of the Kings of Egypt.

Iota toues Zip Zis: The land of Egypt which was first discovered by a woman <​White Housele underwater​>, and afterwards settled by her Sons she being a daughter of Ham— any land over flown with water

Zi oophah— a distinction by Pharoah a princess of Egypt.

Ho e oop— A prince of the line of the Pharoahs

Phah ho e oop. Royal blood or pharoah

Kah tou mun, a distinction of royal female lineage

Zi oop hah a distinction by right of heirship by Pharaoh

Ho e oop A virtuous prince

Phah-ho-e-oop The lineage of the royal family

Kah-tow-mun The name of a Royal family in the female line

Iota toues-Zipzi: The land of Egypt

Kahtu=aim: Another Kingdom governed by different laws, composed of subjects who receive their place at a future period, and governed by those who are under the directions of another

a sign among the Egyptians that is used for influence or power
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The title Pharaoh is abused by Smith

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As mentioned earlier, the title PHARAOH used in the context of Smith's Book of Abraham is an anachronism (See here, here, and here). This is proven conclusively by nonMormon Egyptologists (such as Ritner) although a pair of APOSTATE Egyptologists (Gee & Muhlestein) have been known to deny it and defend Smith's ignorant use of the term found in the Book of Abraham wherein this dynastic era must belong to the Middle Kingdom.

Smith uses the word "Pharaoh" a total of 13 times in chapter 1 of the Book of Abraham:

1. Pharaoh, king of Egypt;
2. Elkenah was also the priest of Pharaoh
3. Pharaoh, the king of Egypt
4. god of Pharaoh
5. priest of Pharaoh offer upon the altar
6. god like unto that of Pharaoh, king of Egypt
7. and the god of Pharaoh, king of Egypt
8. court of Pharaoh
9. Pharaoh signifies king by royal blood.
10. Egypt was established by Pharaoh, the eldest son of Egyptus
11. Pharaoh, being a righteous man, established his kingdom
12. Pharaoh being of that lineage
13. notwithstanding the Pharaohs would fain claim it

Smith IGNORANTLY corrupts the word "Pharaoh" in his Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language to form bogus words and definitions:

1. Phah eh. The first man, or Adam coming from Adam. Kigs or right over Patriarchal right by appointment.
2. Phaah. The largest riegn, the greatest dominian, possessions or power.
3. Phah ho e oop— A king who has universal dominian, over all the earth.
4. Ha e oop hah— honor by birth, kingly power by the line of Pharoah . . . .
5. Hoeoophahphaheh Patriarchal government; or authority . . . .
6. Phah=eh Kingly power coming from some other Kingly power
7. Phaah Extending the Dominion, possession and power state further.
8. Phah ho e oop= extension of power by marriage or by ordination, or annointing
9. Ho oophah. Queen who has been married the second time
10. Hoe-oop hah phaheh: A land, Kingdom or dominion governed by wise,upright kings or rulers,
11. Phah=eh. Kingly <​power,​> or first king
12. Pha ah Havinng still greater dominion, or possesion or Power.
13. Phah ho e oop an extension of power
14. Zi oophah— a distinction by Pharoah a princess of Egypt.
15. Haeaopkahphakeh. A land Kingdom of or country, governed, by wise upright rulers . . . .
16. Phah=eh Kingly power= or king
17. Pha=ah— Having greater dominion, or possession
18. Phah ho e oop. Royal blood or pharoah
19. Zi oop hah a distinction by right of heirship by Pharaoh
20. Ho e oop hah phah eh. The principle of rule or ruling or reigning upon the . . . .
21. Phah=eh— The first man.— Adam, first father
22. Pha-ah— a more universel reign
23. Phah-ho-e-oop The lineage of the royal family
24. Ho=e-oop=hah=Phah eh: Reign or rule, government, power, Kingdom or dominion.

All of this is coming from the mind of the man who wrote the Book of Abraham! I'd have to say that chapter 1 of the Book of Abraham has shown to be utter rubbish. How much longer can stubborn Mormon leaders allow this horrific forgery to remain in their canon? How embarrassing. :oops:
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"King Pharaoh"

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Fri Sep 04, 2020 7:52 pm
Smith IGNORANTLY corrupts the word "Pharaoh" in his Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language to form bogus words and definitions:
I apologize for reneging somewhat on my promise not to discuss Facsimile No. 3, but I can't resist in making a connection to Smith's anachronistic use of the word Pharaoh and how he incorrectly applied it as a personal name of the Egyptian king in whose throne Abraham allegedly sat upon.
Facsimile No. 3 Fig. 2. wrote:King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head.
"King Pharaoh" !!

King Pharaoh is Smith's joint use of a title in combination with a name whereas "King" is the title and "Pharaoh" is the name. That certainly seems to be Smith's understanding of the named definition of the Egyptian monarch. The text of the Book of Abraham in conjunction with the Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language verifies this is exactly what Smith believed.
Book of Abraham 1:20 wrote:and also in the court of Pharaoh; which Pharaoh signifies king by royal blood.
The above statement in the Book of Abraham tells us that the person by the name of "Pharaoh" was a king and that the name signifies a royal man having descended from a royal blood line. The definition in the Book of Abraham text is confirmed by Smith's Grammar of the Egyptian Alphabet in varying degrees:

a) Phah eh. The first man, or Adam coming from Adam. Kigs or right over Patriarchal right by appointment.

b) Phah ho e oop— A king who has universal dominian, over all the earth

c) Ha e oop hah— honor by birth, kingly power by the line of Pharoah

(Note above that "the line of Pharaoh" signifies an ancestral family line of the personal name: Pharaoh who according to the Book of Abraham was "Pharaoh, the eldest son of Egyptus")

e) Phah=eh. Kingly <​power,​> or first king

f) Phah ho e oop. Royal blood or pharoah

g) Ho-e-oop A prince of the royal blood

(Dr. Shades, please make an exception to the red-colored font rule in this case)


Do you now understand, my apprentice?

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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

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moksha » Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:32 pm wrote: Shulem, could you help decipher this bit of Reformed Egyptian?

zi pit ti ae tie ae
zi pit ti oow

Book of Abraham 1:6 wrote:For their hearts were set to do evil, and were wholly turned to the god of Elkenah, and the god of Libnah, and the god of Mahmackrah, and the god of Korash, and the god of PHAH HO E OOP, PHAH of Egypt;
Book of Abraham 1:7 wrote:Therefore they turned their hearts to the sacrifice of the heathen in offering up their children unto these dumb idols, and hearkened not unto my voice, but endeavored to take away my life by the hand of the priest of Elkenah. The priest of Elkenah was also the priest of PHAH HO E OOP.
Book of Abraham 1:8 wrote:Now, at this time it was the custom of the priest of PHAH HO E OOP, the PHAH of Egypt, to offer up upon the altar which was built in the land of Chaldea, for the offering unto these strange gods, men, women, and children.
Book of Abraham 1:9 wrote:And it came to pass that the priest made an offering unto the god of PHAH HO E OOP, and also unto the god of Shagreel, even after the manner of the Egyptians. Now the god of Shagreel was the sun.
Book of Abraham 1:10 wrote:Even the thank-offering of a child did the priest of PHAH HO E OOP offer upon the altar which stood by the hill called Potiphar’s Hill, at the head of the plain of Olishem.
Book of Abraham 1:13 wrote:It was made after the form of a bedstead, such as was had among the Chaldeans, and it stood before the gods of Elkenah, Libnah, Mahmackrah, Korash, and also a god like unto that of PHAH HO E OOP, PHAH of Egypt.
Book of Abraham 1:17 wrote:And this because they have turned their hearts away from me, to worship the god of Elkenah, and the god of Libnah, and the god of Mahmackrah, and the god of Korash, and the god of PHAH HO E OOP, PHAH of Egypt; therefore I have come down to visit them, and to destroy him who hath lifted up his hand against thee, Abraham, my son, to take away thy life.
Book of Abraham 1:20 wrote:Behold, Potiphar’s Hill was in the land of Ur, of Chaldea. And the Lord broke down the altar of Elkenah, and of the gods of the land, and utterly destroyed them, and smote the priest that he died; and there was great mourning in Chaldea, and also in the court of PHAH HO E OOP; which PHAH HO E OOP signifies PHAH by HO E OOP.
Book of Abraham 1:21 wrote:Now this PHAH of Egypt was a descendant from the loins of Ham, and was a partaker of the blood of the Canaanites by birth.
Book of Abraham 1:25 wrote:Now the first government of Egypt was established by PHAH HO E OOP, the eldest son of Egyptus, the daughter of Ham, and it was after the manner of the government of Ham, which was patriarchal.
Book of Abraham 1:26 wrote:PHAH HO E OOP, being a righteous man, established his kingdom and judged his people wisely and justly all his days, seeking earnestly to imitate that order established by the fathers in the first generations, in the days of the first patriarchal reign, even in the reign of Adam, and also of Noah, his father, who blessed him with the blessings of the earth, and with the blessings of wisdom, but cursed him as pertaining to the Priesthood.
Book of Abraham 1:27 wrote:Now, PHAH HO E OOP being of that lineage by which he could not have the right of Priesthood, notwithstanding the PHAHS HO E OOPS would fain claim it from Noah, through Ham, therefore my father was led away by their idolatry;
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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Post by Shulem »

After the flood whereby God swore to destroy all flesh from off the earth, they disembarked from the ark: Noah and his wife, Shem, Ham, Japheth, and their wives. The waters receded after the ark had sailed safely from what was once ancient Jackson County Missouri to what would become Mesopotamia -- the New World. That's eight people to replenish and repopulate the earth, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
Book of Abraham 1:23 wrote:The land of Egypt being first discovered by a woman, who was the daughter of Ham, and the daughter of Egyptus, which in the Chaldean signifies Egypt, which signifies that which is forbidden;
Ham's daughter was of exceptionally good health and took a journey until she found a strange land way out yonder far away from what would become the promised land in the New World. Way to go, Mrs Darkie, you've just discovered Egypt! By the way, your mom's name is Egyptus because she is so royal! Apparently your mother and father have serious issues because your mother is black and will preserve the curse. Future prophets such as Brigham Young and Joseph Fielding Smith will comment on that but in the meantime you're going to have to settle for the fact that you're cursed. Your father Ham has been a very naughty man. He married a black woman! You too are cursed because you're black.
Book of Abraham 1:24 wrote:When this woman discovered the land it was under water, who afterward settled her sons in it; and thus, from Ham, sprang that race which preserved the curse in the land.
Mrs Darkie was healthy and strong. She had many sons. She settled them on the Delta wherein the river was constant and the land was fertile.
Book of Abraham 1:25 wrote:Now the first government of Egypt was established by Pharaoh, the eldest son of Egyptus, the daughter of Ham, and it was after the manner of the government of Ham, which was patriarchal.
After the flood Noah planted vineyards, tilled the ground, and got drunk. One day, Ham found Noah drunk and passed out in his tent. Ham's daughter gave birth to a son and called him PHAH. He would rule all the land in which she founded. She called his name Pharaoh which signified king by royal blood and he being a righteous man, established his kingdom and judged his people wisely and justly all his days. They went to live in the land of Egypt on the Nile River. Ham's daughter frequently sent letters to Noah and her uncle Shem who lived up north in Mesopotamia.

Can you believe this garbage?
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Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote: Abraham is not just talking about the idolatrous Pharaoh of his own day fain claiming the priesthood but ALL the Pharaohs (PLURAL) since the days of Ham!! And with that said, how may Pharaohs ruled Egypt over the course of 350 years? This implies a sure knowledge that the kings of Egypt would have known of HAM and details of this information would have been contained in Egyptian chronicles and in the records not just from the days of Ham but all the way to Abraham and THEREAFTER!!!

Now with that said, it only gets worse, much, much, worse.


Noah was 600 years old (Gen 7:6,11) when the earth was flooded and his sons (Japheth, Shem, and Ham) were 150, 108, and 100 years old, respectively (Moses 8:12).

Now get this, and listen up: Noah lived to the age of 950 years (Gen 9:29) and died at about the time Abraham journed to the land of Canaan (Abr 2:14,15) after living in Haran for 10 years (Gen 16:3).

This means that (according to Egyptian chronology) the grand patriarch Noah was alive all the way up till the time of the Middle Kingdom!

QUESTION for John Gee:

Explain how Abraham is sitting on a Middle Kingdom throne while the grand patriarch Noah presides over the entire earth according to the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith?

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Tower of Babel

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Folks, you do realize that I'm just getting started?

I am destroying the Book of Abraham, finally, and completely -- once and for all.


At the Tower of Babel, the earth was divided whereby the Adamic language was confounded and other tongues were employed. The patriarch Eber named his newborn son Peleg which means division. The Tower fell and nations were established (Gen 10:25,32). This means that the Egyptians under PHARAOH (PHAH HO E OOP) were still speaking in the Adamic tongue. At what point did they convert from Adamic to Egyptian? Where in the potsherds do we find evidence of this?

John Gee, please explain!
John Gee wrote:

According to biblical chronology, the Tower of Babel fell only 101 years after the flood (BUT IT'S NOT FAIR TO SAY THAT BECAUSE THE EARTH WAS DIVIDED SOMETIME IN THE DAYS OF PELEG AND LANGUAGES WERE CONFOUNDED, BUT WHEN I CAN'T SAY) and the Jeredites prepared for their journey to the Book of Mormon promised land (Ether 2). The Egyptian civilization thrived during the time that Peleg age 30 begat Reu (Gen 11:18), Reu age 32 begat Serug (Gen 11:20), Serug age 30 begat Nahor (Gen 11:22), Nahor age 29 begat Terah (Gen 11:24), Terah age 70 begat Abram (Gen 11:26), wherein within 70 years Abraham is sitting on an Egyptian throne in the midst of the Middle Kingdom or thereabouts!

And, you'll note, I've said absolutely nothing about the Great Pyramids!!!

The biblical account mingled with the Book of Abraham is IMPOSSIBLE. Period. End of story.

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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

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moksha » Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:06 am wrote:
Ham's daughter gave birth to a son and called him PHAH. He would rule all the land in which she founded. She called his name Pharaoh which signified king by royal blood and he being a righteous man...
Little good that royal blood be for Pharaoh if the Saints would exclude him for the color of his skin.
Ur getting ahead of me. You're very perceptive my little black and white friend!

moksha » Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:22 am wrote:Sorry, watched too many PBS mysteries I suppose.
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Re: Pearl of Great Price Central Facsimile 1 as a Sacrifice Scene

Post by Shulem »

QUESTION for John Gee:

Please check the box that best describes the biblical chronological time when the 4th Dynasty Pyramid of Kufu was built:

[ ] Before Noah's flood
[ ] Shem begat Arphaxad 2 years after the flood
[ ] Arphaxad age 35 begat Salah
[ ] Salah age 30 begat Eber
[ ] Eber age 34 begat Peleg
[ ] Peleg age 30 begat Reu
[ ] Reu age 32 begat Serug
[ ] Serug age 30 begat Nahor
[ ] Nahor age 29 begat Terah
[ ] Terah age 70 begat Abram
[ ] Abram age 100 and Sarah beget Isaac
[ ] Isaac age 60 begat Esau and Jacob
[ ] Joseph age 39 when he reveals himself to his brethren


You are beaten! I win! Ha ha.
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