Let's cut to the chase (it was late last night) and not worry about when or what year the earth was divided and when exactly the tower of Babel fell in the days of Peleg, although according to the biblical account, it happened sometime during Peleg's long life. I don't want to make mistakes and get sidetracked because as soon as I make one little mistake the apologists will discount everything I say and judge my work completely unreliable. That is one of the tricks apologists like to use. Nonetheless, let's focus strictly on the chronology established by the biblical account and see how it's utterly IMPOSSIBLE (0% plausiblity) that the Egyptian civilization was founded by Ham's progeny. Let's put all the chips on the table right now. Shall we? The Mormons can't justify the Book of Abraham's false narrative unless they deny Egyptology & science for the sake of defending their doomed book of scripture. Let's now account for the string of events recorded in the Bible:
1. Noah disembarks from the ark as the grand patriarch of the new world.
2. Shem begat Arphaxad 2 years after the flood.
3. Arphaxad age 35 begat Salah
4. Salah age 30 begat Eber
5. Eber age 34 begat Peleg
6. Peleg age 30 begat Reu
7. Reu age 32 begat Serug
8. Serug age 30 begat Nahor
9. Nahor age 29 begat Terah
10. Terah age 70 begat Abram
11. Abram age 75 begins his journey to Canaan (Book of Abraham says age 62)
This accounts for a total of 365 years since the flood.
Abraham is now in Egypt!
But note the following patriarchs were still alive during Abraham's Egyptian sojourn:
Noah (died at age 950)
Reu (died at age 239)
Serug (died at age 230
Tera (died at age 205)
Arphaxad (died at age 438)
Salah (died at age 433)
Shem (died at age 610)
Eber (died at age 464)
Note that this includes Noah and Shem who was the so-called "great high priest" mentioned in D&C 138:41.
That is quite an assembly of patriarchs who were alive and well when Abraham went to Egypt and sat on Pharaoh's throne to teach his court astronomy and God only knows what else? But, it's imperative that it be understood that Abraham's life according to the biblical record and working backward in time would have been in or about the 12th Dynasty. Even John Gee knows this and surely wrestles with the implications of what this suggests. What does it suggest? Well, simply put: The 365 years from the flood to Abraham in Egypt is NOT by any stretch enough time to include:
1. Predynastic Egypt
2. Earlydynastic Egypt
3. Old Kingdom (Great Pyramids)
4. 1st Intermediate Period
Poor pitiful John Gee is left how to put the 4 epochs of Egyptian history into the 365 years allotted by biblical chronology! It can't be done. Science and Egyptology positively confirm beyond a shadow of doubt that that Egypt's Making and the periods mentioned above are far longer than what the Book of Abraham demands in making Ham the father of the Egyptian race! The dynastic periods alone exceed 1,000 years to say nothing of Predynastic Egpypt!!!
Folks, this an open and shut case. It *IS* John Gee's worst nightmare and he knows it!
It's the silver bullet in killing the Book of Abraham.
The Book of Abraham is DEAD. There is nothing the Mormons can do to save it.