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Radio Free Mormon: 187: “Borrowed Robes”–The JST’s Reliance on the Adam Clarke Bible Commentary
cwald » Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:42 pm wrote:Downloaded.
Craig Paxton » Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:03 pm wrote:Do we know if Joseph Smith ever made any claims regarding the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible? Did he ever make claims of revelation or inspiration or visitations regarding his JST? It would be interesting, particularly in light of his plagiarisms from Clark's Bible Commentary to know what he himself had actually claimed regarding the book. His statements on the book would be damning evidence of his efforts to commit fraud in getting his adherents to believe his prophetic claims.
Question asked Question answered:
On the title page of the JST is this intoduction:
While translating the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery found they held different views on the meaning of a passage in the Bible. They “mutually agreed to settle” the question “by the Urim and [Thummim].” As a result, Joseph received a revelation giving the translation of an account by the ancient disciple John, written on parchment but lost to history. This early experience seeking revelation that expanded the text of a Bible passage was an important precedent. About a year later, during the summer of 1830, Joseph and Oliver received by revelation an account of a vision of Moses not found in the Old Testament. This revelation marked the beginning of Joseph Smith’s efforts to prepare an inspired revision or translation of the Bible. For the next three years, Joseph continued work on his “new translation of the Bible,” considering the project a “branch of [his] calling” as a prophet of God.1