So, that's your "best guess"? You really are ignorant. Joseph didn't want a "human-dog head man" in his scriptures?CONFLICT OF JUSTICE wrote:My best guess is that Joseph Smith looked at the finished printing plate and thought it might be confusing to people; he did not want in scripture a fanciful image of a human-dog head man. Perhaps he thought that would confuse and make it harder for the meaning of the Figure to be evident. Indeed, as far as everything discussed in this article is concerned there is no importance of whether the Figure has a canine or human head.
You stupid, ignorant apologist!
Look at Facsimile No. 2, and see how it directly contradicts your apologetic nonsense!
Tell me, CONFLICT OF JUSTICE, about Fig. 1, of Jah-oh-eh and the residence of God -- WHAT kind of head does he have?
Tell me, CONFLICT OF JUSTICE, about Fig. 2, which is near to the celestial or the place where God resides -- holding the key of power -- WHAT kind of head does he have?
Tell me, CONFLICT OF JUSTICE, about who is made to represent God in Fig. 3, and WHAT kind of head he has?
Tell me, CONFLICT OF JUSTICE, about Fig. 7, and the Holy Ghost portrayed as a serpent?