Houston temple flooded

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Re: Houston temple flooded

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Shulem » Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:29 pm

I wonder just how many months the temple will be closed while reconstruction and repairs are underway for Gordon B. Hinckley's flooded temple. The damage is going to be far worse than simply pulling the carpets and painting the walls. Damage to the electrical distribution systems must be extensive and if the electrical mains are below ground level they are going to be utterly wasted. Electrical contractors in the greater Houston area are swamped handling repairs to other buildings that are far more important than a Mormon temple that performs secret handshakes and chants.

Yes, the basement no doubt was flooded. The baptistery was baptized by Harvey's own water. There is nothing Mormon god could do to stop it. That would have required a miracle like something we read in the Bible, but, everyone knows that Bible miracles are subject to Bible times only. Anyway, the repairs to the temple will be extensive. The cleanup will be intense. All of this could have been avoided had Gordon B. Hinckley been inspired to build on a higher elevation. But, as we see, the prophet could not see or know what was to come. He was a blind fool that thought mother nature would respect the bounds Elohim had set. But not so!

I'm willing to guess the temple will not be back in operation for at least a year. The brainwashing deeds performed in the Houston temple are on hold. The work of Mormon god has been thwarted and thus there will be no more secret handshakes in Houston.
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Re: Houston temple flooded

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Shulem » Mon Sep 11, 2017 5:43 pm

Hurricane Harvey closed the temple for the rest of the year! No more secret handshakes in Houston!
LDS.org wrote:Temple Closures 2017

Sunday, August 27, 2017 - Sunday, December 31, 2017


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Re: Houston temple flooded

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Shulem » Sat Oct 07, 2017 7:24 pm wrote:
Pathetic Gordon B. Hinckley failed to see that his Houston temple which was built on a flood plain would be inundated by hurricane water in less than 20 years of it being built. What a marvelous work and wonder to see mother nature knock a Mormon prophet on his ass!



Hey Gordon, how about another revelation, you fool?

DoubtingThomas » Sat Oct 07, 2017 7:47 pm wrote:
God works in mysterious ways
Wonhyo » Sun Oct 08, 2017 12:40 am wrote:
I used to live near the Houston temple. The floods that happened in that area in April 2016 (and which flooded the parking lot of the temple) were unprecedented. The floods from Hurricane Harvey in 2017 (which flooded the building and large chunk of Spring, Texas) were virtually unimaginable.

I don't know whether the precise location of the Houston temple was in a designated flood plain before 2016. But it is adjacent to Cypress Creek (more like a sloughy bayou), as well as next to Raveneaux Country Club (an area that looks designed to take on water). This alone would have suggested the possibility of floods from time-to-time.

As the temple was flooding in August, I was speaking with a TBM neighbor about the hurricane and its aftermath. She commented that she was surprised the Lord had allowed the temple to flood and expected that he would have stopped the waters before they entered the building. (That would have made for a goose pimple-raising, faith promoting Mormon urban legend.)

I bit my tongue as I thought of thousands of houses in that area being inundated. Homes whose owners have not the resources to repair and rebuild. As special as a temple is, worrying about the Houston temple flooding seemed silly to me compared to the backdrop of thousands people in the same area losing their homes.
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Re: Houston temple flooded

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Shulem » Sun Oct 08, 2017 9:36 am

Thank you for your comments, Wonhyo. And yes, the flood in Houston was quite unprecedented and unimaginable to mortal Americans but just the opposite to an omniscient and omnipotent God. You'd think an all knowing and all seeing God would have commanded his prophet (Hinckley) to build a protective wall or some kind of barrier around the temple to prevent the rising waters from inundating the land and polluting his holy house so soon after it was built. If God can tell Noah to build an ark he can also tell Hinckley to build a wall. After all, it's his own house! It's his temple, for God's sake!

Mormon god is not eager to prove his omniscient ways and neither can his prophet see or foretell the future. Hinckley called himself a prophet, SEER, and revelator -- but was incapable of acting like one because he can't see and his god doesn't tell.

It's more proof on the mountain of proof that Mormonism is false. A church run by prophets who do not prophesy, seers who see not, and revelators who divine not.

TBM's felt the divine hand of God and miraculous protection for their temple when it survived the first flood, years prior. For them, it was a miracle of sorts. But now we see that it really wasn't a miracle but simply a random act of nature doing its thing. Mormon Houstonians are now stuck with the memory that their all knowing God is quite willing to let his temple flood and he's not about to tell his patrons when and if it will flood again.

Blind obedience is all that is required. What is to come remains a mystery.
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Re: Houston temple flooded

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Choyo Chagas » Sun Oct 08, 2017 11:44 pm wrote:
do pray? no... go anywhere except in or around a church !

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Re: Houston temple flooded

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Shulem » Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:26 pm

President M. Russell Ballard, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, rededicated the Houston Texas Temple.

Dedicatory Prayer

The prayer is a total joke -- an utter farce. Words just can't describe the silly world of Mormonism and how far out of touch they are with reality. I'm going to quote a few lines from this silly prayer and add commentary in CAPITAL LETTERS:
Our beloved Father in Heaven, with deep love and reverence for Thee and Thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we Thy children join together to rededicate the beautiful Houston Texas Temple, which suffered great damage as a result of flooding WHICH GORDON B. HINCKLEY FAILED TO FORSEE caused by the catastrophic Hurricane Harvey WHICH THOU SENT on Aug. 25-29, 2017 — exactly 17 years from the day of dedication.
We acknowledge the dedicatory prayer pronounced by Thy prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley, on Aug. 26–27, 2000 THOU FAILED TO PROTECT THY TEMPLE.
We petition that all of President Hinckley’s blessings on the temple and upon families and Thy work throughout the world remain in force ALTHOUGH MANY WHITE TEMPLES HAVE HAD TO BE TORN DOWN AND COMPLETELY REBUILT AFTER JUST 20 YEARS BECAUSE OF POOR PLANNING AND EXECUTION ON OUR PART.
We come here today to rededicate the temple under the direction of thy prophet, President Russell M. Nelson AND TRUST HE HAS MORE FORESIGHT THAN HINCKLEY HAD
Now, after the hurricane WHICH YOU SENT and the flooding WHICH YOU ALLOWED, and as a result of the damage requiring extensive repairs and restoration, we rededicate THIS SORRY TEMPLE
We ask Thee Heavenly Father for protection over Thy temple THAT YOU PLEASE DON'T SEND ANOTHER HURRICANE that Thy sacred work for the living and for the deceased may continue from this day forward
May Thy work on both sides of the veil progress as Thou hast revealed to Thy prophet, President Joseph F. Smith in the 138th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants THE LAST OF THE DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS GIVEN 100 YEARS AGO WHICH CANON HAS BEEN CLOSED BY PROPHETS WHO CAN'T PROPHESY.


What a joke!
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Re: Houston temple flooded

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Craig Paxton » Thu Apr 26, 2018 4:33 pm wrote:
I gag on the Mormon Worship of Temples...and to be clear, I am not talking about Temple Worship
Mormonicious » Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:55 pm wrote:
Biggest problem we are dealing with is the Environmental damages such as mold, invasive bacteria and other pathological critters.

Nasty beasties from the pooh water that got mixed into the rising river water
Shulem » Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:09 pm wrote:
Blame it on Elohim, Jehovah, and Michael. They are the bastards that sent the hurricane in the first place and caused the water to overflow the banks and flood the temple. Elohim must have been having a bad day in heaven or had an argument with one of his slutty wives and decided to take it out on the Texas saints by handed them a hurricane laced with poo poo.


Elohim loves his children so much he tortures them and then orders them to kneel down, pray, and worship him. What a pig.
Shulem » Fri Sep 20, 2019 1:15 pm wrote:
The Houston temple was reopened in April of 2018 after being flooded by Hurricane Harvey. I wonder if the temple will survive the latest storm, Imelda? It's flooding really bad in Houston right now. Major flooding!

Anyone know if the temple is taking in water, again?
Philo Sofee » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:44 pm wrote:The apologists can always resort to the issue that anciently temples had holy waters of life flowing beneath them, so this flood literally proves that Joseph Smith is a true prophet, that the church has been restored, and latter day scripture is true, the succession of prophets have continued uninterrupted until to this very day, this very minute there is a true prophet in Israel for all the world to enjoy, namely President Russell M. Nelson, formerly the world's foremost and best, greatest, and most knowledgable heart surgeon on the planet and now healing broken spiritual hearts, and that God continues to spread his work since today he actually did help Martha, a poor single mother of three find her lost watch after she lost it at WalMart this afternoon, verifying thusly that miracles occur, and all because of this magnificent witness to God with all this flooding of the temple...
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Rededicated — dedicatory prayer

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The Houston Temple was rededicated 22 April 2018. The following are clips from the Dedicatory Prayer and my inspiring remarks follow.
President M. Russell Ballard wrote:Now, after the hurricane and the flooding, and as a result of the damage requiring extensive repairs and restoration, we rededicate the flooded basement and baptistry, the main floor, areas of the upper floor damaged by high humidity, and the temple grounds and ancillary buildings.

It's interesting to note that Heavenly Father decided to cause great damage as a result of flooding caused by the catastrophic Hurricane Harvey —exactly 17 years from the day of the first dedicatory prayer given by Hinkley.

President M. Russell Ballard wrote:Now, after the hurricane and the flooding, and as a result of the damage requiring extensive repairs and restoration, we rededicate the flooded basement and baptistry, the main floor, areas of the upper floor damaged by high humidity, and the temple grounds and ancillary buildings.

Hopefully, the second dedication will have a more lasting effect than the first. One has to wonder if Heavenly Father will honor the requests this time around. Could it be that Heavenly Father will send another storm for round two? No one knows, not even the prophet.

President M. Russell Ballard wrote:Additionally, we dedicate the new mechanical and electrical equipment and those new devices which will help prevent flooding in the temple should there ever be a recurrence of catastrophic flooding.

Right. This time the Church is ready for the next big one. Too bad they weren't ready for the first one. If only the Holy Ghost had whispered into Hinckley's ear while he was giving his uninspired dedicatory prayer none of this may have happened.

Newsroom wrote:Bishop Waddell commented on how quickly the repairs were made. He said that completing the renovation in seven months “is nothing short of a miracle.” It was done in almost half the time and under budget.

Temple repaired after hurricane flooding

What is it with Mormons and their miracles? Why does everything have to be a miracle?

For Christ sake!

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