God, the Meaning of Life

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Shift in Consciousness

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By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne wrote:

My physical body walks in the world of matter, but a subtler aspect of me woven within and throughout my physical body, moves and interacts on a level of pure energy. There are energies that surround me, just like radio waves surround me, and these energies float around as particles and waves. These energies all have a particular vibration. I have a particular vibration – my own, special vibration that I radiate out from myself. I need to realize that I create my larger environment and physical world as I know it by propelling my thoughts and emotions into matter. I act as a transformer, unconsciously, automatically transforming highly sophisticated electromagnetic units into physical objects. I am in the middle of a matter-concentrated system. Each thought and emotion spontaneously exist as a simple or complex electromagnetic unit.

Everything has its own frequency – just like my brain waves. DNA has its own frequency. My words have their own frequency. Every particle of energy has its own frequency. Everything in the universe is vibrating, nothing is at rest. I am living in an ocean of energy and movement. When I recognize these vibrations, I call them feelings. When I feel unwell, I can change those feelings by thinking good thoughts and then I will alter my vibrations and frequency. When I pick up bad vibes from someone else, I realize that they must be having disturbing thoughts. I must not allow their negative vibrations to affect my way of thinking. My thoughts are vibrations that I broadcast to the universe. When I concentrate, these vibrations are stronger. My thoughts are cosmic waves of energy, vibrations that penetrate all time and space. Universal laws such as the law of vibration govern everything. This is the law that enables the law of attraction to work. The law of attraction is actually secondary to the law of vibration. Since everything vibrates, including my body, my thoughts, and my cells, I am more like an electric light-being than a being of flesh and blood. I’m like a beacon but can’t see what I’m broadcasting. My frequency is different than that of other things in the universe. I transmit and receive signals at different frequencies. My reality and dimension operate at one type of frequency but I have the capability of switching frequencies in order to enter other dimensions and realities.

The universe is like a thought wave, an invisible state or quantum wave spread over time and space. Not a wave of matter. But a wave in what? In a universal ocean – an ocean of pure potentiality – a unified field – a superstring field of which I am made. At this level everyone is united. Everyone is linked together and is part of the universal consciousness – a universal mind. Everything is one. Everything is the same. Everything is part of the source. This is why it’s important that I not judge others because everyone including myself am part of the Source – we are all connected. To judge others is to judge oneself.

The entire universe is made of the same substance. Break everything down and see that even the physical body is made of pure energy. This energy appears to be surfing on an ocean of universal consciousness. Everyone is a drop in a large universal ocean and everyone is connected. In space time geometry on a fundamental level there is no empty space. Going down to the micro level, down – down – down – there are vibrations – stuff popping – invisible connections. Moving down from the scale of cells to molecules to atoms to atomic nuclei and to sub-atomic particles there are leptons, bosons, and quarks. These vibrate at extremely high speeds and constitute the ocean of energy in which everyone exists. My thoughts travel in this ocean of energy, creating waves and they make a difference. Every day when I am thinking, my thoughts create waves in the universal ocean, my thoughts produce an effect – they mean somethings. My thoughts create waves and affect people on this planet. I am a soul. I have unlimited potential. I now step into my power and appreciate all of me. The Divine Source flows in me and through me, and from me, and I can achieve anything I want. I know myself as I really am. I own my power, I am power.

This life begins with a starting point at birth. However, before the soul incarnates, it chooses a path leading towards the destination that it wishes to follow, and this based on unresolved karma and the lessons it wishes to experiences and explore in this life. It then incarnates on Earth in a human body. Due to free will all previous memories are deleted about who I am and what I am supposed to be doing here. I can start to follow the path leading towards my destination. There are an infinite number of paths all leading towards the same destination. Some of these are harder and involve greater challenges than others. Some of them run through rugged terrain with tall mountains and sinister marshy landscapes, while other are wide paths that are easy to follow with just the odd bump here and there. All these paths lead towards my destination, which is death. When I die, I take with me what I’ve experienced and explored in the form of all my feelings as they evolved. It is therefore, important to live in the now and to be aware of all of the feelings being played out. It is the memories of these I take with me when I die. They enrich the Source. Thus, when seen from the soul’s point of view, a life that might to all appearances be tough, involving poverty and misery, could actually result in as much or more gained experiences as an affluent life lived out in safe surroundings.

Because I have free will, I can opt to change my path in route, as I head towards my destination. There are an infinite number of places on the map where these paths cross and where I can choose a different path other than the one, I started out on. This is free will in action. In addition, I have the power of thought since I am a thinking being in a thinking world of illusion, and I can therefore influence how the path I’ve selected will continue running towards my destination. God is not the creator or decider of all things in my life. God is the observer, not the creator. God stands ready to assist me in living my life, but not in the way most people expect. It is not God’s function to create or uncreate the circumstances and conditions of one’s life. God created me in the image and likeness of God and I create the rest through the power God has given me. God created the process of life and life itself as I know it. Yet God gave me free choice to do with life as I will. I realize that life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. What I expect to happen, will happen. The whole world is the result of what I believe about myself. I may not see it now but I am the one who creates that which exists. I have the power to create the reality I want with my thoughts. I must dream, visualize, and expect the future I want and it will happen. I depend on my intuition, instincts, and inspiration.

Watch my thoughts, for they become words.
Watch my words, for they become actions.
Watch my actions, for they become habits.
Watch my habits, for they become my character.
Watch my character, for it becomes my destiny.
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The Paradox of Creation

Post by Shulem »


If you've managed to read thus far, then please allow your interest and curiosity to take you to a higher level because I have more to share! Isn't that wonderful? Thank you for taking an interest and pondering the message of this thread and considering the amazing implications of what it suggests. Use what you like and apply what you like according to your needs and what resonates with YOU! In my next post, I will begin to share these amazing teachings, but first, let's look at Camillo's book.

I will share teachings that I've extracted and rewritten, taken from Camillo Loken, another wonderful book he authored which I highly recommend that you purchase. Camillo's book is available here at Amazon, and free chapters are also available on his website:

The Paradox of Creation


Camillo Loken
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Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


How do I know if something agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and the benefit of one and all? I know it when I use my intellect and heart. Most people are quick to judge others if their values and truths are not matching their own. They judge others based on their ego – based on their intellect. They never connect with the heart and allow for a broader view – a more open-minded view of reality. If they did, they might be able to see through the eyes of another. If more people connect with their heart and with their intuition this world will change for the better. Connecting with the heart is letting the Yin energy, the feminine energy, rise and balance out the dominating masculine Yang energy. The balancing of the Yin and Yang energies are in progress. Then more people can connect with their heart and get in touch with their intuition. It’s all part of the ongoing shift in consciousness. This shift is part of the huge cycle of creation from forgetting to remembering. It is the Divine Plan. All is Mind and I’m it. I am a point of consciousness representing this One Mind and it is using the physical world – the space-time construct – the Universe – to create and experience in order to be. This One Mind is God wanting to define and know Himself. It’s all about being by doing.

The cycles of creation are driven by the core paradox of the infinite and the finite – everything is One Cosmic Mind. This mind is both infinite and finite at the same time. It’s like being asleep and awake in the same moment. It is an impossibility. It’s a paradox. Everything already ‘is’. The finite, and in that the linear existence is an experience of what eternity is, and eternity is not a very long time any more than infinity is a very big ‘thing’. Eternity actually means no time, no time passing. I exist, “now”. I don’t exist in the past or future, I only exist now. The appearance and experience of past and future are achieved by exploding the “now”. The infinite is like a movie that is complete, an is-ness, but then I can’t know the movie that way. I have to watch it frame by frame. Pass the frames across the lens in sequence and it seems to be moving. The infinite does not move into – to allow for movement, no next moment, there is no other than the infinite. The infinite is not divided into dark and light, apparent and void, all is ONE and so it is still and unobserved. The infinite ‘is’ and it is on one static “now”. That’s why I can’t be aware of it because awareness is a feedback loop, re-cognition, and that requires time, past present and future for the feedback! Again, it’s why I sleep and wake, my mind as a fractal copy of the ALL paradoxically reverberates from each contradicting state, chicken, egg, chicken egg. The paradox never resolves. So, I’m awake or aware, with a sense of space-time in mind, and then I sleep with no re-cognition facility. The infinite explodes to create a void to move into. This is the Big Bang.

The universe was un-manifested before the Big Bang – a potential. An infinite mind which has the potential to be anything. It is something abstract. Some scientist say that the universe came out of nothing, but there is no action in nothing. Nothing remains “nothing”. It cannot turn into “something”. When I talk about creation nothing means No Thing. It is not a thing, yet. It is not concrete, solid. It is infinite potential that has the ability to become something – anything. The Big Bang can be seen as the beginning of the transformation from nothing to something. The unmanifested becomes manifested. The abstract becomes concrete, and for this to happen there must be intelligent design behind all creation – a creator – a God. God realizes its potential by creating a space-time structure – a place or environment where it can create, do and experience the unmanifested. Creation is all about manifesting the unmanifested. The potential is being realized. The infinite mind wants to realize itself. It wants to love itself because there is only one mind, alone. However, everyone is all one, but being one is being alone. Look at the words All One. All One is the same as Alone. All One = Alone. This mind must therefore create a game to not be alone. It wants to bring forth love. As such I experience the world of duality as part of this game.

The paradox is that the cosmic mind is both unconscious and conscious at the same time. The mind has infinite, unmanifested potential (unconscious – like a sleep state) and at the same time it ‘creates’ a finite world, The Big Bang where it is conscious (awake) and able to experience. The Big Bang moment is like smashing a puzzle into billions of pieces. Then the pieces are slowly but surely put together as a complete picture. Logic is the tool I use to understand creation. I use logic to find new pieces of the puzzle and put them together. When the last piece of the puzzle has been found the cosmic mind has gone full circle in the finite world. So, what happens next? The finite and the infinite ‘meet or intersect’ and this is the Paradox Point – the core. This is the point I can no longer be conscious. The finite world has reached its end. It is the exact same thing everyone does every night when falling asleep. I’m conscious, and slowly but surely, I move into an unconscious state and fall asleep. The point where my conscious state is left behind and where I move into an unconscious state is the paradox point.

The Law of Correspondence is a universal law and it states that what happens on the macro level also happens on the micro level. As above so below. So, I do what the cosmic mind is doing, I experience the paradox point but it happens so fast I cannot be aware of it. When the cosmic mind reaches this point there is nothing more to experience in the finite world. There are no more pieces left in the puzzle and therefore everything must start again. A new Big Bang. The puzzle is being smashed once again and scattered into billions of pieces only to be reassembled all over again. It is like watching a movie and when it’s finished it restarts.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

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Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


Creation includes intelligent design. I am a conscious being and have a concept of God. I need consciousness to have a concept of God and as conscious being I see God as the Creator of all of Creation – a supernatural creator who is omnipresent (in all places at the same time) omniscient (has infinite knowledge), omnipotent (has unlimited power), and omnibenevolent (is all good). No definitions of God are adequate because to define God is to limit God. God goes beyond the boundaries of human comprehension – it goes beyond the boundary of logic and science – it goes beyond consciousness. God is more than science and more than logic. God is also Magic – the unseen – the un-manifested – the infinite. God is a force within but it’s not an external force. It’s within everyone. It’s saturating everything – every atom in the physical world, the finite world and it’s also in the unseen – the un-manifested infinite. This God is ALL MIND. This God is All and Nothing – this God is within me. God cannot be found outside me, because there is no God who can ever be outside me. Godliness is the ultimate fragrance of my consciousness.

I am the GOD force and I’m part of All That Is. I am like a cell in a body – an individual cell, but together the cells make up the whole body. Together everyone is God. I am part of a Cosmic Mind – The Mind of God. Nothing external. All is Mind and I’m part of that Mind. I am in control of creation if I understand that my thoughts and feelings are the force that run the Universe. I create the so-called heaven and hell, because I’m God in Disguise. I’m the architect and dreamer of the great matrix of expression and creation. I am God, but I’m hiding from myself in order to gain as much as possible out of the experience of expression. It’s part of the set-up to know who I really am – for God to know who God is. What I experience is the potential of God. God is all knowing, but not all experienced. God has the potential to be or do anything, but until God lives out that potential it will forever stay a potential. As such I am created as a soul aspect to manifest the potential – the knowing – of God. In creating and experiencing I become the mirror, the reflection needed for God (myself) to really know Himself both as a potential and as an experience.

Within infinity I became the architect and the dreamer of the great matrix of expression and creation. So, I’m here to express and create and if I don’t do that I’m caught in someone else’s dream – someone else’s nightmare. The practice of Infinity is really about dreaming my world into being. I’m a thinking being living in a thinking universe and I possess tremendous powers of creation within myself. I am here to discover that I’m the Source – God – that expresses and manifests Himself through the uniqueness possessed by me. I’m unique. My thoughts are like mental fingerprints. No one can think or feel exactly like I do. Why am I unique? It’s part of The Plan – part of the construct set up by The Mind – God – in order to experience His vast potential in the finite world – in the physical plane through as many individual consciousness’ as possible. I am part of this Plan and am unique. I’m a point of consciousness in the Mind of God. Everyone is. When I understand that I’m really the source that expresses itself though my uniqueness, I understand that I also possess the most fantastic powers of creation. I have the ability to think independently of circumstances and as such can create everything my heart desires within this space-time construct, which is like an illusion, but a great one at that. It’s a hologram – something current science is now beginning to understand wherein mathematical formulas and equations show that the universe is a giant hologram, a theory called the Holographic Principle. The entire Universe is a like a 3-dimentinal projection of information found on a 2-dimentinal information structure. The world and everything in it is an illusion – a hologram.

The Holographic Principle holds that the information that describes all of the particles of matter and vibrations of energy in the bulk of the sphere fundamentally “lives” at the boundary of the sphere. It’s like the Universe is a consciousness hologram where reality is projected illusion within the hologram. It is a grid system created by the Mind for the purpose of experiencing creation. I perceive it as my reality – a reality used as a “doing environment” for The Mind. Reality is really thought construction. The core substance of the cosmos is consciousness. Thought is an attribute of consciousness, the filter through which consciousness manifests itself into the hologram of form. This illusion is so real and it has to be otherwise the set-up will not work. I would be onto the illusion and not gain as much from this experience as I do now. This illusion is like a movie and I’m starring in it. I play a character – everyone does, but it’s a character. It is not who I really am. I am God in Disguise and I am here to manifest the unmanifested – to create and do in order to be. It’s important to remind myself of this because repeating something over and over again will lock it into my subconscious mind and ultimately change my vibration and what I attract into my life. The key point that I’m God in Disguise will help me become a conscious co-creator.
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Yes, there is more, much more. I'll post PART III soon enough.

After that, get ready for The Frequency Game. I'm going to take you on a journey with me into the amazing realm of frequencies!

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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

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Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


The power of creation – God – is within everyone. Why? Because All is Mind. Yes, I’m part of this Mind – this consciousness – I am God in Disguise and now it’s time to wake up to this reality so I can move on to the next level in this creation game. I need to increase my vibrations and raise my level of consciousness. This will lead me into new dimensions, new levels where I can partake in new ways to create and experience – still all in The One Cosmic Mind. I am a soul aspect of The One Mind. I am a point of consciousness and through me The One Mind creates and experiences. The Mind has seemingly split itself up so that each unit observes the dream from a different point of view, which explains my own personal experiences. This means that some souls or points of consciousness will experience what I label ‘bad’ and others will experience what I label ‘good’. Everyone is connected and when ‘bad things’ happen it affects the global consciousness field. In other words, it affects everyone since all are one. All is Mind and The Mind uses the different points of consciousness (everyone) to create and experience who it is.

As souls using a human body, everyone has forgotten who they are and end up attacking each other. They have forgotten their mission which is to express the potential of God – to experience and live out the potential through their own uniqueness. Everyone had to forget in order to do this. Forgetting is part of the set-up, but not on a permanent basis. Everyone is supposed to re-member and those who re-member must remind the others. Sadly, everyone has been forgetting for a long time. They hurt and cause pain and suffering to each other. Humans think they are separated and not connected when they are in fact All One. It’s time to move along the cycle. It’s time to re-member.

The way forward is by unity and co-operation instead of separation and competition. More people are waking up to the fact that everyone is all connected like cells in a body or points of consciousness in the Cosmic Mind. No matter what gender, skin color, sexual orientation, religious stance or viewpoint on reality everyone is equally important representations of the One Mind playing their character in the movie called Life. The Mind is experiencing the manifestation of its infinite, unmanifested potential of consciousness through everyone in the finite realm. The mind wants to feel how it is to go from an abstract state to a concrete physical one. It wants to feel how it is to be physical and dense instead of just “floating consciousness” – an un-manifested thought – a potential.

The Mind has to forget its own truth in order to be part of “reality”. It has to tie itself to a linear time frame or the experience won’t stick. It creates a ‘bubble’ of time and space called the Big Bang in order to experience its vast potential. It needs to create a mirror to really see and know itself. The infinite un-manifested potential of consciousness seeks the finite and that is in itself a paradox. The infinite is like the sleeping part of the cosmic mind and the finite is the waked part. The cosmic mind is both asleep and awake and that is an impossibility – a paradox. The infinite is still. No movement. It’s like a static now. It just is. There is no space of unknown future to move into allowing for movement. In order to be conscious and alert it must create a void to move into – a bubble of space and time – a Big Bang that turned into this incredible universe seen today.

The universe is just like a game with certain rules. The rules are the universal laws. These laws are the basic rules for the game of reality, the parameters of the program. The cosmic mind must set it all up in order to go from a state of infinite and un-manifested potential to a state of tangible, physical and limited experience. One of these universal laws is called the law of vibration. It sets in motion the law of attraction which is a secondary law since it rests on the law of vibration. In this game everything vibrates. Everything has its own frequency. The game of life is therefore a game of frequencies.

The reason many fail to attract what they want into their lives and making their dreams come true has to do with vibrations and the subconscious mind. The Law of Attraction rests on the Law of Vibration. Whatever I vibrate out is what I attract. The vibrations I am emitting right now is set-up by my subconscious mind and for most people it goes unnoticed and are not aware of it. The subconscious mind is “running the show”. It’s in the driver’s seat of my life.

As a human being, I’m at the mercy of my subconscious mind and on a bigger plane it seems that the Cosmic Mind is too. In other words, it is not aware of what is going on because I am not aware of what is going on. When I start to wake up then the Cosmic Mind will wake up. I’m moving along a cycle from forgetting to remembering. Since I am at the mercy of my subconscious mind the question I have to ask myself is this: Is my subconscious mind thinking positive or negative thoughts? How is it programmed? This will determine what I vibrate out into the Universe – to the Mind and ultimately what I attract into my life.

However, the time has come for shift in order to move along the cycle of creation and as such I am starting to see this set-up. I start to realize that I’ve become what I think about and what I think about is run by my subconscious mind. When I am aware of this set-up, I can use techniques to alter the programming. By constantly feeding my subconscious mind with “new programs” I will set up a different vibration and attract new situations and events into my life.

I am becoming a conscious co-creator. This awareness is also part of the bigger plan. I wouldn’t be getting an idea to reprogram my mind in order to attract new events, circumstances and people into my life if my part in the play was to be subject to my current programming and conditioning. Everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences and as such the question arises if I really have free will. It might seem like I have free will, but most people live in bondage subject to their subconscious programming unaware that they attract everything into their lives.
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Frequency game

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Frequency game Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


I am awake and am able to remind others that we are God, experiencing the God potential. I realize that matter is NOT all that matters. Science is discovering that all is consciousness – all is Mind and this Mind has created a construct of space and time with universal laws as real as the Law of Gravitation in order for us to play the game of frequencies.

A construct of space and time is needed to do, to create, and to experience life. The Universe is that construct and earth is part of it. It’s a playground – a doing environment needed to live out the God potential – to create, to do, to experience, in order to be. The construct also contains universal laws making up the “rules of the game”. By understanding these laws, I become a conscious co-creator and realize that nothing happens by chance. There are no coincidences. I create my world with what I think and feel which sets up the Law of Vibration which triggers the Law of Attraction drawing what I want to experience into my life.

Within this space-time construct, which is my reality, everything has its own unique frequency. In order to understand the secrets of the Universe, I must think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. I can’t see the vibration or the ocean of energy that I live in. I can’t see people’s auras or other energy fields but there are people who can. They tune into these frequencies by lowering their brainwaves from beta to alpha and allow for awareness beyond the normal active walking state and are able to be more sensitive to surrounding energies.

When I shut down external stimuli and turn my mind inward and focus on self-reflection, my brainwaves shift moving from beta to alpha and further down to theta. The ego loses its grip and the soul awareness rises. Some people do this with ease, others need to meditate for a long time in order to lower their brain waves. Others never meditate and never see or feel the surrounding energies. Since most people can’t see these energies they don’t believe the world is an ocean of energy.

Since birth, I’ve relied on my five senses to verify if something is real or not. Seeing is believing and if I can’t see it (measure it, prove it) – it doesn’t exist, but I don’t see with my eyes. I see with my brain. My five senses are sending electrical impulses to the brain and the brain is interpreting these signals. It’s part of the construct set up by The Mind. As I play the game of life, I have to think it’s real, otherwise the game would not be believable. If it’s not real, then neither am I. In order to make it work, I need some great tools to facilitate a reality that I think is real. God is hiding from Himself and if the reality I observe and live in was less real, I would be onto the set-up and the construct. However, it’s orchestrated in such a great and clever way it fools me into thinking that the reality I observe through my five senses, it is real – very real.

The finite realm has to look as logical as possible in order to be believable, otherwise I would see through it. When I first arrived as a soul aspect within the space-time construct to gain experiences – to live out the unlimited, unmanifested potential, I was like a baby, but I learned and grew (which is actually to remember). The space-time construct is complex and conforms to the laws of physics for the most part at least, and when I see through the illusion, then the game changes. I understand that my life is an illusion – that I exist inside a hologram. Reality is so real that it’s difficult to realize it’s all a game – that all is Mind – that I live inside a Cosmic Mind – The Mind of God.

From the day I was born I see and feel through the physical body and in that am naturally conditioned to believe that the world I live in is an absolute material reality. I grew up under the effect of this conditioning. I let my five senses tell me what was real. I built my entire life on the viewpoint that the world is one of matter. However, reality is not one of matter, but one of frequencies and energy. My five senses serve as antennas picking up information about the external world. The world I know of consist of what my eyes see, ears hear, nose smells, tongue tastes, and hands feel. I’ve been dependent on my sensing tools since the day of birth. They are at my disposal and lay the foundation for how I perceive the world. I only know the external world in the way it is presented to me by my five senses. My senses tell me the external world is solid. Objects appear solid and real but they are actually energy, vibrating at a certain speed – everything having unique frequencies.

Everything is combinations of energy. This gives an illusion of form, something solid. My five senses perceive everything around me as being solid and separate because everything is vibrating at a speed that makes it look solid. All objects are constantly vibrating at their own frequency – even myself, I’m vibrating and broadcasting frequencies all the time. Everything is energy but my senses fool me to believe that the external world is solid. If I smash my hand on a table, I can feel it, I can hear the sound it makes, and I can see it. It seems real and solid but it’s really only energy. All is Mind. My world is an illusion, but how can it be when it seems so real? Creation itself is like a magic trick and it really appears real. God is the great magician and is running a reality show because there is only One of us here. All I really need is the signals, the information, in order to create a sense of reality. Yet the mind can do that all by itself when dreaming. The One Cosmic Mind is creating reality through me.

I am God in Disguise and as such God is running the show. God needs a doing environment in order to run the show – in order to create and experience. The Universe is such a place. It seems so real but it’s not. It’s a hologram – an illusion. A great illusion – the greatest trick ever. It’s a magical trick, an illusion in order for God to experience Himself – to seek manifestation for all its potential. I am God in disguise playing this thought game. The majority of people on earth are still being mesmerized by this magical illusion and think it’s real. The five senses keep verifying that the world outside myself is real.

I can see a flower, touch it, smell it and it’s real in this wonderful world which is actually a hologram – a construct for me to experience myself. As such, I should enjoy every minute of the time I spend on this beautiful Earth. The earth is a brilliant destination, a hidden diamond that is about to reveal its true beauty because I’m creating heaven on earth. As I realize the Earth and everything on Earth is part of a grand illusion in the Divine Plan and that I am God in Disguise, my time here will be even better because I know that I’m here to enjoy this beautiful planet and the manifestation process from idea to realization – to appreciate life in every moment.

When I look into the sky at night, I’m actually seeing the stars inside my head. I don’t see with my eyes, but with the center of vision in the brain. This is the construct and part of the illusion. My eyes provide me with the most extensive information about the outside world. I see the external world as a place of matter, although the eyes deceive me. At the instant of seeing light particles or photons travel from the object to the eye, they then pass through the eye lens where they are refracted and focused on the retina at the back of the eye. The information is passed on further as electrical signals by neurons to the center of vision at the back of the brain. The act of seeing actually takes place in the center of vision in the brain. Everything I see and experience takes place in the center of vision which is a small area in the brain. This center is inside a dark brain sealed from light. I see and observe a colorful and bright world inside my dark brain. I observe the electrical signals inside my brain. As such, every single atom, ever single object in the entire Universe is not really matter, but electrical signals in my brain. When I look at my body, I think I’m inside it, however, the body is only an image formed inside my brain. The soul that animates the body can never be found inside the physical. The body is electrical signals being turned into images inside my brain – in my vision center. I actually see with my mind the same as I do at night when dreaming or after I die. When I’m awake during the day and see with my eyes open, it’s not really the body’s eyes I’m seeing with any more than when I’m asleep at night. It’s always my mind that is seeing. It’s my mind that is hearing and feeling and doing the things I credit my body senses. There are no exceptions to this. The body itself is just part of my projection.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »


I'm now going to share with you the second half of The Frequency Game. I hope you benefit and learn something new. After this, I will share with you all that I know about: TIME. All this, I give you, without price and without any need for appreciation or acknowledgement. I do this because I want YOU to have an advantage and advance forward in your quest for knowledge and understanding. Nobody is stringing you along or selling you a bill of goods. I'm sharing my joy and what has raised me up to my next level. Welcome. Come forward, and relax.

Frequency game Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


Everything is energy. Everything I see and touch in the physical world is vibrating on its own specific frequency which again is part of The Mind since All is Mind. The Mind was here first. Everything relies on The Mind to define and experience itself, and experience is linear, so I keep on rolling along in the space-time construct of energy. I live in a sea of energy and am surrounded by frequencies (energies). Even though I can’t perceive these frequencies with my five senses they do have an effect on me. Life energy exists inside me, through me and around me, but it’s not energy per se, energy suggests something tangible, I AM mind!

The world that I’m familiar with, the physical world, material world, is not the only one in which I move and interact. Every day when I get up, shower and go to work, each and every step echoes through two sides of reality at once. My physical body walks in the world of matter, but a subtler aspect of myself, woven within and throughout the physical body, moves and interacts on a level of pure energy. Everything is energy and these energies surround me, just like radio waves, cell phone waves, and so much more, surround me. These energies float around as particles and waves and they all have a particular vibration. They are subject to a Universal law called the Law of Vibration. This law is as real as the Law of Gravity. Both laws are part of the construct that makes up the space-time reality.

Everything vibrates. The same with human beings. I have a particular vibration – a personal frequency – my own special vibration which I radiate out into the Universe. The home vibration is the vibration of my soul – the essence of who I am. My personal vibration is the frequency of energy I hold moment by moment in my body, emotions and mind. I set this up myself with what I think and feel. Most people let the external world influence them and as such it will affect their level of personal vibration. Watching negative news will influence my thinking and feelings and change my personal vibration. The more I let the outside world influence me the more I give away my power to control what I am vibrating out into the ether. I must stand guard at the gateway of my mind. I must be conscious of what I let inside me. All the water in the world cannot drown me if it doesn’t get inside my lungs but a small amount of water can have devastating consequences. Letting negative information from the external world get inside me will affect my life. If I let the external world and negative news and violence get into my mind it will affect my vibration. Negative information will cause a low and slow vibration and whatever I send out will get back into my life. Maybe not right away, but it will return.

This is the Law of Cause and Effect which is another law in the construct. It’s part of the set-up so I can play the game of life. The Universal laws governing my life are the ‘playing rules’. I understand these laws and that All is Mind, I am a conscious co-creator. The divine laws are extensions of the physical laws which apply to the spiritual world. They govern all planes of existence and the laws are interrelated. Understanding these laws helps me become a better conscious co-creator. Life on earth is like a game where the masses have been playing without knowing the rules. Now the rules (The Laws) are revealed and this allows for a whole new game to take place. Getting to know these Laws is a way to become God-realized. The time has come for these truths to be self-evident. The Universal Laws – or ground rules – set up by The Mind become more apparent in helping me create consciously from the heart instead of unconsciously from the ego.

Whatever I think and feel will cause vibrations and a specific frequency which is unique to me. This frequency is broadcasted out into the ether – into the sea of energy – and I get back what I send out. I am a vibrational tower broadcasting all the time. What I think and feel is setting up my personal vibration. If someone can control what I think and feel they can control my experience within this game. They influence my vibrational signals which in turn are being broadcasted out into the Universe giving me back what I send out.

If I give into fear, it will influence how I think and feel. This in turn will set up my personal vibration which I broadcast into the ether. If I’m worried and concerned, I will attract more of this into my life because that is what I’m sending out. The opposite is also true. If my thoughts and feelings are positive and happy, I emit a totally different vibration and good things come into my life. Whatever I send out is based on what I think and feel. This is how God has set it up in order for God, through me, can experience what God wants to experience. It’s all a game – a game of frequencies for the Mind to explore, to create, to do so it can be. God wants to play the game because it contributes to a range of experiences and emotions – from pain to pleasure. By myself, life isn’t much of an exploration of what consciousness may manifest as. It’s no fun playing a game all by myself. I need interaction to experience several aspects of the game. This interaction includes duality. Without duality there is nothing to interact with. There can be nothing in a mirror without an image to reflect and be observed. The world of duality and opposites is part of the set-up, the construct, but it’s all really just a game.

I’ve woke up and realize that I’m God in Disguise and that All is Mind. Within this mind game, I play a character, but since waking up everything has changed. I must raise my vibration in order to raise my level in the game – step up my vibrations to get over to the next dimension of creation. As I raise my vibrations and move along, I can go to a new level of consciousness and start to experience a new area of the Cosmic Mind. In this shift, I’ll move into the next dimension of creation and become aware that I am a multi-dimensional being, part of The Mind – God. In order to move on to the next level, I must do the following:

1. Guard the entrance to my mind. Be aware and conscious of what I let into my mind and stop reading and watching negative news. Be discerning and don’t believe anything I don’t understand.

2. Think of all the great things in my life and all I have to be thankful for. Keep an attitude of gratitude. This will set up a higher vibration and cause me to get more to be thankful for.

3. Meditate and become aware of energies around me. Intent is very important. Before meditating, state the intent to be more sensitive to these energies.

4. Be thankful for what I want to happen in my life as if it has already happened. See it vividly in my mind’s eye as something already existing.

5. Think with my heart in every situation and let love be the rule.

I am moving into a part of the cycle where I can remember more – once again, become a member of the Cosmic Mind and be aware of it. I’m learning, growing, and evolving which is the same as “remembering” who I really am.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


The world is one of space and time. Space has three dimensions: height, length, and width. Einstein introduced a 4th dimension with his theory of relativity: Space-time, because space and time are linked together. Consider further, a 5th dimension where energy is not as heavy as in the 3rd dimension. In the 5th dimension souls exist as lighter beings – beings of light. On the other hand, some claim there is no such thing as a 5th dimension. When one goes beyond the four dimensions of height, length, width, and time, linearity and counting are eliminated. One cannot go from 4 to 5. There is no 5th dimension as such but it’s a quantum state where all dimensions are interlinked, hence there is no such thing as the fifth dimension. Earth reality is 4 dimensions: height, depth, width, and time. When one moves to the next level of dimensionality, they eliminate linear things entirely, becoming quantum. So, the next level is no longer something they can work with as on earth. It’s not 4 going on 5. In three-dimensional thinking one moves to the next level, but in quantum thinking there is no next level – because levels, layers, and steps don’t exist. Numbering and counting don’t exist either because they are linear! Therefore, one can’t count to 5 in the next level.

The structure of the 3D world consists of height, length, and width, operating in a realm of time. However, time is an illusion. It’s an illusion in the space-time construct. Time is being used to explain movement. This is a universe of motion. Time is actually a stream of nows. A movie is made up of streams and when they are put together it will be motion (motion pictures), but one sees one frame at a time. It’s like the static lens of a camera viewing movie frames.

Life is a cycle – a circuit, but we perceive it as linear. Why? Because the cycle is very big so any part of the cycle will be perceived as linear. Life seems to have a future ahead and a disappearing past due to fading memory. So, one is always on a timeline, in the middle of it, going somewhere, moving forward in time. The world is a space-time construct for consciousness to experience itself. Within this space-time construct time seems linear, but when one moves closer to the truth, they see the complete cycle acutely. Indeed, linear time reveals itself to be a construct as it loops back on itself and it seems like a complete book rather than a linear journey, page by page. Eventually, we end up where we started – when the last piece of the puzzle goes in. The mind reboots – it starts over – another round on the cycle. Mind loops back. Consciousness has experienced itself in what seems like a linear format, but it’s actually a circle. In the end it “bites itself in the tail” so to speak. The past becomes the future in a circular circuit.

When completing the circuit, we end up at the beginning and everything unravels. Then we see that reality was a circuit on a course where we are created and defined. Outside of the circuit we are nothing, No Thing – the unmanifested, but then as the whole condenses, we see that we actually created the circuit. We see this when connecting with God, we made ourselves and then lose the last of our stability. In experiencing the end of the linear view is where one reaches The Paradox Point.

The circuit is actually a perspective, seeing the All from a linear viewpoint and it has to be linear in order to see and recognize, so that evokes the paradox. The linear loops back on itself. The circuit that appears large in real life, loops back in the mind and joins itself, Bang! Short circuit. Paradox! Adam bites the apple. Consciousness falls – the puzzle is being smashed in order to start over again. Rebooting of the mind. The mind sleeps – and forgets.

Will every soul – every point of consciousness experience the Paradox Point? Perhaps, but few come back into the game of life to tell others. As such there is no need for every soul to experience it or remember it. Nevertheless, some souls need to see and experience the Paradox of Creation and share it with others or the logic circuit never resolves and nothing will ever make sense. There are those who have come close to the core (The Paradox Point) and came back to tell others about it in order to help the mind move along the cycle of remembrance. These things will resonate with those who are waking up, but others who hear about the paradox will consider it nonsense, pure fantasy, and dismiss it. Those awake may well view those people as sleepwalking – lost in their own truth and in their logical thinking. However, there is no need for judgment. We all have our own perception of reality – a reality made up of a space-time construct where logic is the tool, but we are more than logic.

We are also magic but logic can’t explain magic. One may use logic in order to reveal magic, but magic itself has no explanation by definition and nobody can explain the mystery of the infinite, not even God. God is a mystery unto itself, “I AM THAT I AM”. Logic can’t explain anything beyond the space-time construct (the finite world) and the infinite is beyond this construct. Logic is the tool for the space-time construct and within this construct time seems to be linear, but it’s not. The infinite is like a movie that is complete, an is-ness, but then one can’t know the movie that way. They have to watch it frame by frame. Pass the frames across the lens in sequence and it seems to be moving.

The infinite does not move, it just is. There is no void of unknown future to move into – to allow for movement, no next moment, there is no other than the infinite. The infinite is not divided into dark and light, apparent and void, all is ONE and so it is still and unobserved. The infinite is on one static now. That’s why we can’t be aware of it because awareness is a feedback loop, recognition, and that requires time – past, present, and future, for the feedback! Again, it’s why we sleep and wake, our mind as a fractal copy of the ALL paradoxically reverberates from a contradicting state: Which came first the chicken or the egg? The paradox never resolves. So, we are awake and aware, with a sense of space-time in mind, and then sleep with no recognition facility. The sleep peels away as one wakes.

The infinite explodes to create a void to move into. This is the Big Bang. It’s like the Mind is asleep in an infinite state and at the same time is awake through the Big Bang and that is the paradox. The infinite Mind becomes finite. A sleeping Mind that is also awake. The Mind needs the Paradox. If the Paradox did not see the Mind explode, if the Paradox did not have the power to destroy the Waking Mind, then nothing and no one would ever sleep or forget, which is not possible because the linear would have no tangible beginning. This only makes sense when realizing that space-time, the finite linear realm begins and ends and is forced into being by way of the conscious element of the ALL. It emerges like a bubble (Big bang) from the ever-constant unobservable infinite. That is its origin!

The finite world has always existed since it represents the Waked Mind that can never stop moving – never go into an off mode. Since creation is a never-ending cycle (a circuit), the Mind has experienced endless Big Bang events. The infinite does not have an origin; the word origin is a space-time concept. Origin asks “how long, when” – and these are elements of time, but there is no time from the infinite perspective. Time is part of the finite world – the linear view. Hence, time is a necessary part of the set-up in order for the Mind to live out its potential in this space-time construct. Time exists as a means of conveying the creative process of consciousness. Consciousness facilitates itself by having a space-time construct in place as a playground – a doing environment. It all boils down to being by doing.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


I need time in order to create and experience life. Without time there is no awareness – no feedback loop. Time = Tie me. I’m tied to time in order to provide the linear experience. Time moves to make me feel as if I’m also moving, and by way of the construct time seems to move in a very constant way. If time is like water it could flow like a river and I’m carried along with it. In the river I feel the current and the current belongs to the present time. I feel the now (the current moment) from a daily experience, I’m being carried along by time, the current. It moves me along. I move with the river – with the current – with time.

The world has 3 dimensions – length, depth, and width. The 4th dimension is time. In the river analogy the river has 3 dimensions with length, depth and width, and the current is time dragging me along – the 4th dimension. What happens when the river reaches the sea? What is the sea? What is beyond the 4 dimensions? A linear view would be entering into the 5th dimension, but the river flows into the sea of many dimensions – a multidimensional sea. In the sea there is no current. At least one doesn’t feel it as they do in the river. So how does one experience time when the water does not move as it does in the river? The answer is that we move about in it. Therefore, we can see our space-time bubble which is the universe as an endless circular river and the water never stops moving. This is the linear view with past, present, and future. I’m in a river moving along, but in the end, it loops back on itself.

People with near-death experiences say they have been out of time. There was no time and they felt one with everything. Where did they go? When they died, where did they end up? They ended up in the metaphoric sea. They were floating around in the three-dimensional river (Earth life) and experiencing the river – but when dying they moved out of the current and into the sea. In the river we are always seemingly going somewhere, which is tied to our belief in reality which itself is the river in time. Whereas in the sea, we can swim about and never really go anywhere, especially if we see the sea as endless, where could we go, ultimately?

When we move out of the river the feeling of being dragged along by the current stops and this is the same as feeling time stopping since current = time. The river ends up in the sea – calmness. Melted in – no current, but the water is still there, it’s just not moving as it was in the river. It’s an experience being outside the river. When you step out of existing constructs, the past, present, and future, are as fluid as the ocean. When people with near-death experiences have been in this sea it’s like no time exists. This sea is so big that they see no reflected movement. The only movement they see is their own splashing. They move about in the sea. In other words, they move about in time. The sea or the water is symbolic for The One to swim in the sea and to see and love itself through the different points of consciousness – soul aspects. There is no water in the core, and where there is no water there is no life. Water is in space-time and time-space and souls are copies of the One Mind moving about in fragmentation.

In this world we need time to create and experience our creation. We have the opportunity to observe ourselves progressing in a linear way. In our world we can see how consciousness affects our reality. What we think and feel has an impact on our reality. This is the purpose – to create, to do, to experience in order to BE, and we have been at this for a long time in many three-dimensional realities. We have had a long interaction with polarized three-dimensional reality experiencing countless incarnations of being both male and female. As we now move along the cycle and progress towards our return to the next level, we begin to lose our need and desire for a polarized expression. We will blend more into Oneness since we will understand that we are all points of consciousness in the One Mind. There is a Shift of Consciousness going on and we are moving on to the next dimension – the so-called 5th dimension. A dimension is a measurable component of reality within a space-time construct. We tend to think of the 5th dimension as higher on the scale, than the 3rd dimension, but is it? All dimensions exist at the same time – they are entangled, but then again dimensions don’t really exist because ALL is Mind. It’s a way to explain the different areas or compartments of the mind we experience. What is beyond the 4th dimension? Is it a 5th dimension? What would that be?

All is Mind, so in the so-called 5th dimension we would be experiencing another part of the Mind. We would perceive ourselves to be lighter than we are in the 3rd dimension and more connected to the Mind. We are made of light, but we are really made of Mind. Light is mind; we are our own light source, think about it. If I close my eyes and imagine an image, what is illuminating that image? I can’t see a light source because I am the light source, I am the illumination of my own mind. All that exists is light, endless unstoppable light. The mind is light! Darkness is a lie, it’s achieved by way of exploding the mind, severing the connections in order to forget, so metaphorically it’s darkness. But the darkness doesn’t last, because the truth is light and one can’t hide from it for long.

The light is truth, we are the truth, we are all that is and are eternal. Darkness is not equal to light which never really goes out. We can’t turn it off but we can hide from it. It’s like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand. It’s symbolic of those who think God can’t see them as they can’t see God. A funny view is that we think that God the constant goes away – where God may well ask us, “Where do you keep going to?” But God is always there, a constant. It’s us who leave and return. And yes, we perceive ourselves to have light bodies, but what are these bodies made of? They are not solid; they are made of energy oscillating, which is Mind. Our light bodies are no more real than our fleshy ones. They are just symbols, a format for communication in the dense manifest.

After death, we look much the same as we do now, seeing as we went to all the trouble to ground and accept the format. But we can’t be alive and dead at the same time. You can’t get killed when you are past life, which also speaks volumes of the wonders of this construct we are now in, how so? Well, take motorcycle racing for example. If everyone couldn’t die or get hurt, they could magically ride as fast as they want, no fear at all. But without the magic, being a world champion is a real achievement. In real life, if one fell off the bike at 200 mph, they would get hurt or be killed.

We don’t use much magic in this realm, why? Because it’s cheating and it renders everything pointless. What if football had no rules, would it be worth playing? The rules make for the game! The use of out and out magic is reserved for the last stages before the fall; indeed, magic contributes to the fall because magic is the most addictive drug ever! One can do whatever they like. Manifest their wildest fantasies, so they can see how it leads to emptiness, pointlessness. Much like how some rich and famous people can lose the plot and turn to drugs in order to try and fill the void in their lives. So, we won’t use much magic, because we aren’t allowed to use it as God is our commander still. God will protect us from that trap, we won’t go from a lump of flesh to Merlin the Magician in one step.

This shift is going to be somewhat scary. Like the first day at school, but then scary good! God will slow us up, where’s the rush past life? We will have all the time we can handle. And less really is more; we will be able to relax. So, a body made of light is not real, and one can’t kill it physically, it’s just a projection of the Mind. The Mind is the real part, and even that is a construct. Indeed, everything we are speaking about amounts to more symbolic ways to understand and communicate, none of it is real other than consciousness. It’s all just ways to glimpse the infinite.
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