New Church Logo of Jesus in a Bell Jar?

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Drop the Logo Now!

Post by Shulem »

Frankly, I tend to think, if Thorvaldsen were alive today he'd be displeased with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for using his art and incorporating it selfishly as their official Church logo. For all we know, Thorvaldsen wouldn't approve and would oppose it! How would the church look in that instance? But that is conjecture, however, it's reasonable conjecture based on how people in general feel about Mormonism.

The Church should employ its own artists to secure an international logo that represents its private brand of Christianity and the official name of its church. It shows disrespect and lack of regard by using a famous masterpiece for commercial purposes in order to advertise itself and represent its own brand. I think it's a bit shameful to use someone's work of art for their own personal gain without their direct permission. The Church should forfeit using the statue as an international logo and personal icon to represent its brand. I would be thrilled to see a movement develop to protest this action and pressure the Church to drop the logo. I would support such a protect. I think Thorvaldsen would too!
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It won't last long

Post by Shulem »

It just occurred to me that the use of the new Church Logo won't last too long but really only serves in the fleeting moment for this time and era. The Church will continue to find new ways of advertising itself. The Logo won't last! It's just a temporary icon used by today's Mormonism. Why didn't I think of that before? It will be replaced with something else sometime down the line. The Church always explores new ways and means to advertise itself, its brand, and its name. The use of the Logo is an advertisement to represent a brand in a commercial setting and to identify that brand universally.
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What will members say?

Post by Shulem »


I'm glad they changed the logo because I never really cared for the Christus statue

A new logo is just what the Church needs to express a modern view of Christ

The new logo is better than a statue

I was surprised that the Church kept the logo as long as it did

I wasn't keen with the logo and I'm glad they finally changed it

The new logo is truly inspired and proves that God is watching over his Church

The old logo had too many problems

The logo with the arch was Nelson's idea but it never really caught on

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Re: New Church Logo of Jesus in a Bell Jar?

Post by Shulem »

It seems reasonable to suggest that Latter-day Saints in 30 or 40 years time will look back at this era as a time when Heavenly Father wasn't able to influence his prophet (Nelson) in a meaningful way because the man was too interested in worldly things and making appearances for appearances sake. The Mormon era in which we live in now will be chalked up as a time of apathy for deep spiritual things whereby God was grieved that he didn't have the ears of his prophets because they were too caught up in worldly things and things of mammon.

The Mormons of a future generation will be grateful that God cleaned his house and sent more effective prophets and Church logos.
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Re: New Church Logo of Jesus in a Bell Jar?

Post by Moksha »

In terms of determining their response to personal moral dilemmas, today's Saints can always ask the question, "What would the Christus statue do?"
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Re: New Church Logo of Jesus in a Bell Jar?

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Sat Apr 10, 2021 6:27 am
In terms of determining their response to personal moral dilemmas, today's Saints can always ask the question, "What would the Christus statue do?"

There is no way of knowing how long this fad will continue in the Church and when interest in using it as a form of worship will die down. Right now, the Mormon people look to their Christus as an expression of their Savior's love and so the statue itself is more than just appreciated and admired, it's adored. The statue has become a representation of Christ's love and it's very presence is considered sacred and divine. Taking the image of God and shaping it into stone or wood is exactly what Moses and the prophets warned about and now we see the Mormons have ignored that warning and have fallen into the temptation of idolatry in making it their own private brand.

It's incredible to watch Mormonism fall for the greatest of all religious temptations.
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Changes are coming

Post by Shulem »

It could be construed that the new Church Logo is just a temporary thing. It could change tomorrow.


The Church Logo will be whatever the President of the Church says it will be.


I'm perfectly satisfied with the Christus statue and that will be the new Logo.

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Cast your vote

Post by Shulem »

I feel fairly confident that probably not too many years after the passing of President Nelson, members of the Church will be afforded a new opportunity to sport a new logo and this time perhaps there will be more input from general members of the Church.

You'd think?
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Re: New Church Logo of Jesus in a Bell Jar?

Post by Moksha »

The back of President Nelson's Gravestone

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Re: New Church Logo of Jesus in a Bell Jar?

Post by Torquemada »

My eyes keep getting attracted to the statues habsburg jaw. Anyone else see that?
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