Question for Evangelicals

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Re: Question for Evangelicals

Post by Fence Sitter »

Fence Sitter wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:27 am
Interesting thread.

This makes me wonder what the imagery of Christ was in Smith's culture and time?
Gadianton wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:05 am
I don't know, except didn't one of our fellow apologists-turned-apostate do a master's thesis or something on Mormonism and the cross?
I think you mean Mike Reed, and his book is Banishing the Cross: The Emergence of a Mormon Taboo
Though I do not know about him going from apologist to apostate.
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Re: Question for Evangelicals

Post by Jersey Girl »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:10 am
Gadianton wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:10 am
that's a nice chapel, Jersey Girl. I like the windows a lot. LDS chapels literally have no class. they are cinder block bomb-shelters with horrible square windows.
I like the simplicity and the clean lines. I find the flag near the pulpit jarring. Was it there when you were a kid.

It’s been so long, I can’t recall whether there was a flag in the LDS chapel I attended as a kid. Are there flags in the LDS chapels now? If so, has it always been that way?
There is a lot of wood work in there though I wouldn't call it ornate by any measure and I wish you could see the lights overhead. I remember when they put them in. They're very beautiful, light, and kind of ethereal. The building is nearly 100 years old. Yes, it was just like that, RI. American flag on one side and Christian flag on the other. I feel like when we had VBS we started in the morning with a pledge for both flags. (Where did that memory come from?)

The way you see it there just like that...picture a young Jersey Girl and JB their exchanging vows. :-) Reception was in the basement. The basement is very plain. Just classrooms and you know, support poles like any basement. It is used for classes and fellowship pot lucks as well.

One thing that I always thought was so lovely. On Christian holidays (that doesn't sound right, sacred days, ok?) my pastor's wife would put flowers around the altar rails. Pansies and Lily's in Spring and Poinsettias for Christmas. Years after I got married and had kids, I took my kids over to visit them at their house. I described the flowers to my pastor's wife and she got tears in her eyes. She was so pleased that I remembered her flowers.

Fun eyebrow raising memory. The pastor's father-in-law would sometimes play the organ when visiting. You know how they do a sort of whatever it's called...a prelude when people are coming in? He'd set the organ to sound like a Hawaiian steel guitar. That gave us kids a thrill!

Sooooooo many memories, RI. Before I left Jersey I donated my piano to the church. It sits in the basement to this day so part of me is still there. <3 I still have my attendance pin from the church so part of it is will me here.
Last edited by Jersey Girl on Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Question for Evangelicals

Post by Jersey Girl »

msnobody wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:19 am
Res Ipsa wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:10 am

I like the simplicity and the clean lines. I find the flag near the pulpit jarring. Was it there when you were a kid.

It’s been so long, I can’t recall whether there was a flag in the LDS chapel I attended as a kid. Are there flags in the LDS chapels now? If so, has it always been that way?
We had a US flag and a Christian flag in the church I grew up in (UMC), and we have an American flag and flags of the countries in which we provide financial support to missionaries in those countries(PCA).
Did you guys do a pledge? I feel like we did one at the start of VBS in the mornings. Keep in mind that my Pastor was schooled at Bob Jones so maybe you did the same as we did? At your SB church at least?
Last edited by Jersey Girl on Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Question for Evangelicals

Post by Jersey Girl »

Here it is!!! Googled it!

What is the pledge to the Christian flag?

One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty to all who believe.
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Re: Question for Evangelicals

Post by Res Ipsa »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:26 am
Res Ipsa wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:10 am

I like the simplicity and the clean lines. I find the flag near the pulpit jarring. Was it there when you were a kid.

It’s been so long, I can’t recall whether there was a flag in the LDS chapel I attended as a kid. Are there flags in the LDS chapels now? If so, has it always been that way?
There is a lot of wood work in there though I wouldn't call it ornate by any measure and I wish you could see the lights overhead. I remember when they put them in. They're very beautiful, light, and kind of ethereal. The building is nearly 100 years old. Yes, it was just like that, RI. American flag on one side and Christian flag on the other. I feel like when we had VBS we started in the morning with a pledge for both flags. (Where did that memory come from?)

The way you see it there just like that...picture a young Jersey Girl and Jersey Boy their exchanging vows. :-) Reception was in the basement. The basement is very plain. Just classrooms and you know, support poles like any basement. It is used for classes and fellowship pot lucks as well.

One thing that I always thought was so lovely. On Christian holidays (that doesn't sound right, sacred days, ok?) my pastor's wife would put flowers around the altar rails. Pansies and Lily's in Spring and Poinsettias for Christmas. Years after I got married and had kids, I took my kids over to visit them at their house. I described the flowers to my pastor's wife and she got tears in her eyes. She was so pleased that I remembered her flowers.

Fun eyebrow raising memory. The pastor's father-in-law would sometimes play the organ when visiting. You know how they do a sort of whatever it's called...a prelude when people are coming in? He'd set the organ to sound like a Hawaiian steel guitar. That gave us kids a thrill!

Sooooooo many memories, RI. Before I left Jersey I donated my piano to the church. It sits in the basement to this day so part of me is still there. <3 I still have my attendance pin from the church so part of it is will me here.
Thanks for sharing your memories, Jersey Girl. They brought a smile to my face.
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Re: Question for Evangelicals

Post by Jersey Girl »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:39 am

Thanks for sharing your memories, Jersey Girl. They brought a smile to my face.
Aw, thanks. They bring a tear to my eye. But it's the good kind.
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Re: Question for Evangelicals

Post by Moksha »


This Jesus might get the bum's rush in Parowan, Utah, or Little Rock, Arkansas.
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Re: Question for Evangelicals

Post by Tim »

Gadianton wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:44 am
So as a Southern Baptist, pictures of Jesus was okay? Yes, my friend doubled down on that: no way, no Baptist would ever allow a picture of Jesus.
Like Mormons, this is one of the most Southern Baptist things ever. "No way anyone ever does anything thing differently than the way I've always done them. ALL Southern Baptists, think, act and feel exactly as I do."

Interesting, have you ever lived more than 250 miles away from where you were born?

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Re: Question for Evangelicals

Post by Jersey Girl »

Tim wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:22 pm
Gadianton wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:44 am
So as a Southern Baptist, pictures of Jesus was okay? Yes, my friend doubled down on that: no way, no Baptist would ever allow a picture of Jesus.
Like Mormons, this is one of the most Southern Baptist things ever. "No way anyone ever does anything thing differently than the way I've always done them. ALL Southern Baptists, think, act and feel exactly as I do."

Interesting, have you ever lived more than 250 miles away from where you were born?

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Re: Question for Evangelicals

Post by msnobody »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:27 am
msnobody wrote:
Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:19 am

We had a US flag and a Christian flag in the church I grew up in (UMC), and we have an American flag and flags of the countries in which we provide financial support to missionaries in those countries(PCA).
Did you guys do a pledge? I feel like we did one at the start of VBS in the mornings. Keep in mind that my Pastor was schooled at Bob Jones so maybe you did the same as we did? At your SB church at least?
I think we did too. Both the US flag and Christian flag.
I had forgotten too about sometimes having flowered in the church.
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