God, the Meaning of Life

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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Consciousness Creates
Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


Man is created in the image of God. Consciousness created a conscious life form in the physical, finite world of human beings. These are characters in the movie who are conscious and thus have the ability to think and feel. Hence, all human beings have the same power to create as the consciousness that created them. Everyone is part of the consciousness – The Mind of God, and there is no limit to what they can create if they believe they can do it – if they believe that we are all part of the creator – part of the consciousness – God in Disguise – we can create whatever we want. Thoughts become things and anyone can create incredible work (matter) if they produce enough energy. Yes, anything is possible for those who believe. When I believe in something, I saturate my cells with this belief and that sets up a certain vibration which my cells emit. The vibrational signal emits into the Universe – the sea of consciousness – and is basically saying: “I want this to be created” – and through the Laws of The Universe (Law of Vibration & Attraction) it will be created. The Mind is all knowing – all the inventions that the world will ever see have already been invented. Whoever connects with the All That Is, is in a strong and powerful way will be granted access to ‘this part’ of the Mind and can bring these inventions into the physical world through formless substance that consciousness creates in the physical Universe.

In order for consciousness to play out its potential, the jigsaw puzzle starts in the finite world. The Big Bang occurs. It is the urge to experience the physical – to manifest. The result is the realization and manifestation of the infinite potential of God in the Universe I live in. In the finite world the Mind is Awake and can be aware. Also, the awareness of itself comes through conscious beings, human beings. I am aware of the Universe. I am conscious. I am God in disguise because I was created in the image of God and God had to forget in order to experience Himself. All is Mind and I am inside the Mind of God acting like a separate conscious being and I’m aware of the Universe in order to gain experience – the abstract becoming concrete – the potential manifesting in the finite. I am a point of consciousness within God’s Mind and The Mind has created an incredible thought-based Universe as a playground for souls to explore through different life forms, to manifest its potential.

When I was born, I arrived with this potential. I can become and express anything my heart desires. It is a gift to the earth and world. I have this great potential within and the gift is what I manifest – what I create and share. By doing this, I gain experience and help others find out who they really are. Being by Doing. God gains experience and lives out its potential. But then how can I manifest what is not written? How can I change what already is? The character and its role, its journey is one. Therefore what will come for the character is based on who he or she is, and therefore the character naturally fulfills itself! When I resonate with certain ideas and dreams and create from my heart, I am fulfilling my role. I am here to express my unique role and when I die, I will look back and see what I did with the great potential, I was born with. Did I let it all out? Did I die empty by manifesting the ideas and dreams within me? Or, did I die full – full of potential – talents, ideas, dreams, and uniqueness that never saw the light of day? In other words, did I consciously align with my role and part of the play? What were the gifts I left behind – what did I do with my life? Did I live out the potential and die empty or did I just go through life and conform with the masses? Did I let fear overwhelm me and die full – full of ideas and dreams that never were realized? My regrets will prove who I really am. Where does that leave me?

Back at square one, I simply play my life the way I, the character, see fit, and to the best of my ability, what else can I do? And in the end, how it went down was inevitable, so no, ultimately no regrets from the macro view as the micro regrets are part of the experience. So, try not to worry, but I will, or I wouldn’t care and wouldn’t play the part. The set-up is simple, manifest the potential – the uniqueness. I, bring with me the gift of this potential and I leave behind whatever I did with this potential – the character I played. Creation is all about experiencing life – manifesting ideas and dreams and enjoying the process. The journey is the destination there is no goal. Create – produce – cause to exist. But where do the ideas come from? They come from God inside – The Higher Self guiding me so that I can play out my part in the game – be the character in the movie. I wouldn’t get an idea if I lacked the power to manifest it. I get an idea suitable for my part – my character. That’s why everyone is different. Can two people get the same idea? Yes, but the implementation and the manifestation of it will be unique for each person.

Here I am – experiencing creation in my unique way in the finite world until all is experienced – all is consumed. It’s like watching a movie. I enjoy it while it lasts, but it has to end – so also does the experience. As time goes by my conscious being gathers more and more pieces of the puzzle and remembers that I am part of the divine consciousness – that I’m God in Disguise.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Consciousness Creates
Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


The world is getting closer to completing the puzzle. Everyone experiences everything in this finite world – understand and remember more and more until there is no more to experience. It has all been done. The conscious aspect of the One Mind has remembered and consumed all that can be consumed in terms of experience around a premise. So, what’s next and what happens when “the whole movie ends”? It starts all over again. Why? Because the conscious aspect of the Mind can’t ever stop recognizing – it must stay conscious. The conscious aspect of The One Mind never ever sleeps – it’s always awake.

As souls, we pass through wake and sleep, but from the greater view wake and sleep are constant states, they just “are”. If the conscious aspect of the One Mind ever slept, became unmanifest, became infinite, then what would wake it? There is no recognition in the infinite. It may as well be seen for all intents and purposes nothing – no-thing. No action, no recognition. It has no need to manifest. It is asleep – unaware. If we see the wake and sleep as on and off, then some part of The Mind has to stay on. Why? Because the infinite is off and if The Mind is off who will turn it back on again? The on is and so it constantly blows bubbles. There is only One Mind. It’s like the hardware of a computer. If it’s turned off, then it can’t turn itself back on again, so it only ever goes into standby mode and that’s not a real off.

It’s like the smashing of a puzzle to put it back together again. All the pieces are scattered and the puzzle needs to be reassembled. The smashing of the puzzle can be seen as the Big Bang event where the space-time construct is created for consciousness to recognize itself. Then the assembly begins using logic. Logic is self-contained in the space-time bubble – in the puzzle – since it can’t explain anything beyond space-time. Logic is the framework for recognition. It is the tool being used to explain life and creation. Piece after piece is being put together – the puzzle is slowly being reassembled. It uses the linear format with time past, present, and future, so it looks like evolution. It makes sense – this goes here and that goes there. It is a logical puzzle-based space-time bubble that serves as a vent away from the unknowable infinite where consciousness can exist.

When consciousness has consumed and grasped everything in the finite real – when the puzzle is finally assembled it gets stuck. There’s nothing left to recognize! What now? And what more is there to do – to find out – to solve – to experience – to create? It needs to do something to experience itself – to be self-aware. Only then can it be something – being by doing. It has to interact to explore itself so it splits into soul aspects.

When the Mind through these soul aspects, has remembered and experienced all there is to experience in the finite realm it does not stop, indeed cannot stop recognizing and so it turns to the only “other” than itself – the infinite. It attempts to quantify and view its infinite aspect – the finite and the infinite attempt to join. The linear loops back, the circuit is very large and seems like a straight line but loops back as a complete cycle in The Mind of God and joins itself. This creates an acute paradox point, like a short circuit because the finite and infinite as opposites can’t join – they cancel each other out. Nothing can be its own defining opposite. It can’t be cold and hot, or in and out, not in the same perspective.

If the finite becomes infinite – if it slept – went into off mode, it will lose its space-time element, the viewer and view-screen aspects will condense to become one in the same and therefore it can’t feedback and recognize. Therefore, it becomes un-self-aware, it will sleep -turned off and then it can’t turn itself on again. When the Paradox Point is reached and the space-time bubble has been consumed, the positive and negative aspects of the paradoxical all touch, it short circuits at an impasse, and The One implodes and explodes, sleeps and forgets by way of fragmentation of The Cosmic Mind.

What does this look like symbolically? If the finite conscious aspect becomes infinite then the viewer and the view-screen aspects that feedback and recognize, condense into One, it implodes. On the other hand if a finite viewpoint tries to view and quantify the infinite, all it would ever see is endlessly expanding space, it explodes. But then Implode/Explode to where? There is no other than it, it can’t be lost. Therefore the fragmentation can be seen as the metaphoric smashing of the space-time bubble puzzle, to then allow for the continued linear reassembly process, that itself is time – space-time. It takes time to solve the puzzle. If the puzzle were solved there would be nothing more to do and so no time or movement would follow.

In other words The Singular Mind explodes in order to forget and alleviate the paradox of not being able to move. So, the whole becomes the hole. The further out on the explosion the more fragmented it is. Imagine having to reconnect all the fragments in order to see the whole picture and those fragments can be seen as the knowledge of the Mind of God. The more fragmented the Mind is, the more time there is. The more fragmentation there is the more time it takes to assemble (remember) and when the puzzle is complete it is again smashed and the process starts all over again. It is the fall in consciousness – God breathing in and out – the breathing universe – an infinite repeated cycle of universal expansion and contraction. What is being smashed and fragmented is The Cosmic Mind since it is All That Is. The Mind of God. God is paradoxically all, but destroys Himself in order to remember Himself and ‘be’ by way of remembrance. I am God. I am the puzzle.

God through me had to forget in order to reassemble the puzzle once more. When I start to remember, I begin to see the whole picture. Each time The Cosmic Mind falls – each time the puzzle is smashed into pieces – it forgets what it is. This is to allow for the “journey” of reassembly to make it seem as if its new. The mind in this case must be linear or it won’t make sense. It runs in a logical cycle. The endless is illogical and can’t be understood. When it finally feeds back, fully remembers at The Paradox Point, the circuit completes, it becomes circular not linear. It cancels itself out and makes no sense. Add here the concept that beyond the fragmentation that allows me to feel real. The mind actually created itself, which means it’s a figment of its own imagination, and that render the mind insane, which is also why it loses cohesion on seeing the whole truth. It loses sanity and it takes sanity and stability, which is logic, in order to recognize. It reverts to its infinite state, which basically doesn’t “make sense” – it simply is.

In forgetting and remembering a limited finite version of All That is, The Mind can be endlessly self-aware which it has to be because the infinite is a constant. It never ends, or begins for that matter. It simply just is – still – not moving, a constant. Eternity remains a constant state. Movement and time are needed for The Mind to be conscious and awake. If it just is – if it is still there is no movement – no time – no feedback loop for recognition. As such the finite, the part of the Mind that is awake has no choice but to loop back on itself as it has to keep moving seemingly forwards, and yet there is only a finite amount of reflective matter. It begins around a logical premise that has to conclude or it would be open ended and then random and in that unrecognizable.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

The Ride
Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


The Mind wants to create experience and manifest its potential and is using the space-time construct to do just that, but creation is not really in a linear format. It only appears to be. I am floating along in the river of time. What’s behind me is the past and what’s in front of me is the future, but from the Mind’s perspective all moments coexist, like all of the pages of a book or frames of a movie. They are all there but the book can only be read one page at a time and the movie is shown frame by frame. As such, I can see all life in front of me like a book that I’m about to read or a movie I’m about to watch.

Creation can also be seen as a ride that I’m about to embark upon. I get on and look forward to the exciting ride. I think that I’ve not been on the ride before so it seems like an all ‘new’ experience due to the Mind fragmenting at the previous Paradox Point. Before I started the ride, everything was wiped clean wherein consciousness fell and I forgot everything in order to remember yet again. The Mind is No Thing at the moment it embarks on the ride. No Thing wants to be Some Thing. It wants to be and must create and experience for this to happen. I’m a point of consciousness that embarks on the ride. I react to the ride to then become a product of the ride. As I see more of the ride, I become more of what it is making me be. The ride is changing me as I ride – I grow and remember – on a continuous loop. Remembering and growing would feel much the same, but I am remembering. In the linear I travel the circuit endlessly. The ride is powered much like an electric motor and a commutator by the infinite and it switches my polarity from full to empty so that I can keep going around the same thing.

The infinite explodes and implodes the finite on contact, which is the Paradox Point. It’s like a giant magnet that wipes the mind like a magnet wipes recording tape at the point when the last piece of the puzzle goes in. On the way to this point (the end or beginning) the ride keeps rolling and I never leave it no matter what level, I think I’m on. The level is really just dictated by the reflection of the stage my mind is at on the cycle. It feels like I’m growing but I’m really not, I am remembering a cycle on tracks. The ride is a circle or actually a spiral that ends up where it started, because it leaves the infinite and returns to it for re-wiping. The end is the beginning – or the beginning and the ending are the same thing, for where the beginning is, the end will be. The closer I get to this end or beginning point – The Paradox Point – on my ride the faster it goes. On my way back to remembrance I’m moving along a spiral because the more I travel around, the more I know, which means the orbit is decaying as time goes by. The more I remember the closer I get to the core – to the Paradox Point. It’s a geometric process because the more pieces of the puzzle I have completed the less time it takes to complete the rest of the puzzle.

Each soul weaves its way through the cycle. The spiral tightens exponentially and is a manifesting symbol for the shape of the remembering Mind – a tightening spiral with a singularity in the middle. Water speeds up as it goes down a drain, so also does life when it winds down on the ride as it gets closer to the core. The Time Wave Zero theory purports to show different events in time, defined as an increase in the Universe’s interconnectedness. As the Universe increases its ability to make connections everything speeds up and the Universe reaches a singularity at which point anything and everything imaginable will occur instantaneously. Time will cease to exist!

When time ceases to exist, there is no movement and with no movement there is no space-time construct and no consciousnesses – no reflection. The Finite meets the Infinite – the in-between-point – The Paradox Point and here The Mind as soul aspects fragments and gets wiped. Everything is forgotten and Consciousness falls in order to rise again. Another Big bang! It has to keep going to be awake in the finite. It can’t fall asleep in the Infinite because who would wake it again? There is only One Mind. Eventually, I will reach the end which is the same as the beginning, the circuit completes and I’ll end up back at the constant infinite where there no time, as if I never left, and remember that ‘time’ never even happened from that perspective. The ride keeps going and going. It never stops or leaves, it just gets wiped and carries on as the end is the beginning again. Like a carousel never stopping.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

The Ride
Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


The Dimensions and levels I go through are all just part of the ride – part of the one ride – first a baby, then a child, a teen, adult, middle aged, and finally old. When I pass through the core – The Paradox Point – when the last piece of the puzzle goes in – it wipes the Waked Mind. Consciousness falls – forgets – and then off I go to another round. The sleep is where I forget to remember. As the ride is moving along, more and more, I slowly wake up and remember who I am.

The ‘ride’ is simply a way to illustrate the Paradox and how my past is actually the future. Imagine walking around the globe at the equator level and at each step, I leave a mark on the ground to record my adventure. Imagine a broom far ahead of me clearing the path as I walk forward in time – wiping the ground clean of all past footprints and markings. As I walk along the path it seems like a new path every time, like it’s never been walked on – but in reality, I remember this path because I’ve been on it before. The path ahead of me is the future and the path behind me is the past – but all is One on a continuous loop or spiral. The movie of Life keeps playing and when it reaches the end it starts all over again. The earth and the whole Universe are my playground. All is Mind and I am part of this Mind playing the game, but in order for The Mind to be aware of the game and all the characters it has to recognize its reflection. At base it’s thought, but in reality, my reflection is the Universe. The Mind must recognize in order to be conscious. I use logic in order to figure out who I am and where I come from but in fact, I am really just consciousness. I don’t come from any ‘place’, per se, I am consciousness. I am God in Disguise and God is unlimited potential wanting to experience the finite realm through me.

From the heart I am able to connect with others and transcend myself. The heart transcends the boundaries of the ego and enables me to feel oneness with anything outside of myself, even with the ALL That Is – with God. As such the heart is the gateway of the energy of home. My time on earth is about becoming a conscious co-creator who creates from the heart and not the ego. The world is very dense compared to time-space wherein here the density is a heavy energy. It takes a long time in order to manifest anything here in space-time. A lot of time must pass from the point an idea is conceived until it is manifested in space-time reality. I need to learn and appreciate the slow process of manifestation. Be aware of this process from moment to moment – being present – is what God wants me to experience. Love every second of it! I need to love all the aspects of the manifestation process – all the interactions with other people until the idea is a reality. This is experiencing, creating, doing – which leads to being who I am and what I wish to accomplish. As such this world is real and actually seems real. Of course, none of it is real, per se, since all is Mind, but the world is an original place – the master copy and that’s why it seems to have very little freedom here since I’m playing out my character and role in the movie of life. But later, beyond this life of space-time reality, I can play out and learn all about this life in the time-space reality.

So, where do I go when I die? I won’t really go anywhere but will be in between spaces and be one with everything. In truth, I have always been, although logically that doesn’t make sense because the human mind wants to grasp the concept of a beginning. How can I have always existed? Logic is just the perimeter of the construct. I am part magic and ultimately simply exist. Everything about life is really just a game designed to bring love which also evokes fear in order to define the love. It takes a keen intellect to realize that intellect is only a tool. It requires being serious in order to stop taking things so seriously. Sometimes I just have to let go. By letting go there is a sense of peace and well-being. I need to let go of the fears and limitations that so often plaque me. Life can become easier knowing this reality – this game is really just a blessing for me to become Some Thing. I am God in Disguise and in the space-time construct I am creating, experiencing, and living it out while manifesting the incredible potential of God. Outside the construct I am No Thing, nothing – just a potential not being realized – unmanifested. As such I need to forget who I am and experience myself. God is hidden in every soul aspect who keep coming back to the game in multi-incarnations – the program – the construct to interact and experience every defining opposite of the things God wants to experience.

I am moving along the cycle of creation from a state of forgetting to fully remembering. I don’t live and die. I forget so I can remember! I need to let go of the ego and strengthen the actions from the heart and move into a higher dimension of consciousness and become multidimensional. When I raise my vibration, I expand my consciousness and the cosmic mind opens up new rooms and compartments to explore. This truly is a shift in consciousness.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Learn, Grow, Remember
Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


Through awareness, I consciously grow as a soul aspect of The One. Growing in this sense is remembering. By remembering, I am once again becoming a conscious member of the Cosmic Mind. I am moving a long a cycle which is a spiral. I am on a ride and the further along I go the more I remember. It seems like growing, developing, evolving, learning, but it’s really remembering. The more I am able to remember dictates how many levels I can climb, the more levels I can climb the more I remember! All That is – The One Mind – does not need to learn anything. All learning is already in The Mind, accomplished and complete. The One Mind knows everything about consciousness manifesting because it is already potential consciousness, but it needs the actual experience – Being by Doing. I don’t have to be a superstar; all I have to be is happy and happiness is wherever I find it.

I am not learning about life, creation, or God. Rather, the Mind is ‘allowing’ me to remember by moving along the cycle. It feels like learning, indeed the world feels real, but it’s not. Learning is remembering. I am a soul aspect of the One and I have a part to play. I’m here to express my uniqueness. The more I play my part and express my uniqueness, with passion, the more I will remember. I am here to create in order to experience so I can BE. I create with my thoughts and feelings. My Universe is thought based. All is Mind and thoughts can become things. My mind is a center of divine operation. This operations is for expansion and fuller expression. In my own special world in which I am the center, the Divine Mind will move forward to produce new conditions, always in advance of any that have gone before. God wants to create through my uniqueness. I have great power within me since God is creating through me. My mind is a center and there are no boundaries. Everyone, every soul is a center. There are infinite numbers of centers! Everyone is part of the Divine, the Supreme, The All, The Everything, The Universal Consciousness, The Universal Cosmic Mind which goes on forever. Everyone is part of the infinite.

The Universal Consciousness wants to express itself through me. I should seek and explore my true potential because I have infinite power and infinite potential that the Supreme Power wants to express through me. This is the cycle and the process of remembering. I have the potential to go full cycle but only if I allow God and surrender to the higher wisdom. I must not dictate what my happiness will be through greed and domination of others. I understand that I will inspire others when I help them and lift them. Everyone are particles of the universal consciousness – soul aspects – The Divine – The One Universal Mind having access to all. I can do the impossible if I believe in myself. The Divine Operations is on my side – it is part of me. The goal is joy! This operation of Divine Mind is within me – it’s within everyone and I am a center of it. It is operating within me because I am part of the universal consciousness. I am within a Cosmic Mind experiencing the physical 3-dimentional world as an illusion – living out my potential.

Divinity is Patience and Kindness, Goodness and Mercy, Acceptance and Forbearance. Wisdom and Clarity, Gentleness and Beauty, Selflessness and Nobility, Benevolence and Generosity and so much more. I can imagine all these things and think about all these things, I can hold all these things as ideas conceptually, but until I EXPRESS all these things IN me, THROUGH me, AS me, I have not experienced Divinity. Life provides me with the opportunity to do all these things!

I can express and experience the vast and unlimited, unmanifested potential in this space-time reality. The desire to produce, express, grow, and experience, is the reason for my existence. My true role is to create endlessly from the infinite storehouse of possibilities located at the virtual level. As a soul aspect I’ve taken a body of flesh in the finite realm out of a desire for this expression, growth and experience. I am part of the Divine Plan where the potential is being lived out. The more I live it out the more I remember who I am. In playing this game of life I want to qualify for higher spiritual realms. Before I was born I went through a test of initiation to choose the path and destiny I desired. I was designed having my own personality. Life’s experiences test me to see what I have mastered and what I have forgotten – what I have accomplished and how far I can go.

It's all about experiencing the potential of The Mind. The more I remember the more I see other realities of the Mind. I move along the cycle. I want to explore the vastness of feelings – the complete spectrum – all the ways that consciousness may manifest and interact with itself. The driving force is emotional. The Mind wants to experience the complete spectrum of emotions. I do what I can to make that happen and want to stretch, expand, experiment, and live out and manifest what The Mind already knows in terms of potential. But a potential is just that – a potential. How does it feel to live it out in the physical? It needs a ‘physical container’ – hence the set-up of the Universe as a playground, a doing environment, the space-time construct. Since I’m playing the game I’m also subject to its rules – the Universal Laws governing my life. Laws like the Law of Vibration, The Law of Attraction, The Law of cause and Effect, The Law of Polarity to mention a few. These laws are as real as the Law of Gravity. It may serve me to remember to be aware of the consequences of breaking laws or natural outcomes that result because of my actions. These are not retributions or punishments. Outcomes are simply that. They are what results from the natural application of natural laws. They are that which occurs, quite predictably, as a consequence of what has occurred. All physical life functions in accordance with natural laws. I must remember these laws and apply them in order to master my life. What may seem like punishment – or something evil or bad luck – is nothing more than a natural law asserting itself. The Laws of the Universe are perfect laws creating perfect function of the physical.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Learn, Grow, Remember
Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


The One Mind has created the space-time construct to facilitate itself – to help consciousness to create, and experience. I don’t have to aggressively go out and do great things and have great experiences as if life is a challenge! Expressing myself may be as simple as creating a humble garden. It’s not a question of what I think I ought to be doing, it’s a question of what I really want deep down. In this space-time construct, I am governed by the Universal Laws – like the Law of Cause and Effect – I reap what I sow. Each soul aspect has his own path – its own destiny but the goal is the same – evolving (remembering) into the higher spirit realm. The Mind is defining itself – the No Thing is experiencing being Some Thing – Every Thing. Experiencing and remembering is the name of the game. Not learning. There is nothing now, to learn. Every ‘thing’, is a game designed to bring love which unfortunately evokes fear in order to define the said love. God already knows it all. It’s the potential of God, of The One Mind, that wants to live out through the doing and experiencing of it in the space-time construct. Earth is the playground where I come to create – not learn. I already know it all but am lacking the experience in discovering and inventing what I know through doing.

In order to experience being Some Thing I must go through the different emotions from pain to pleasure. Pain is unfortunately necessary in order to know what pleasure and happiness is. On my path back to remembering, I therefore also face darkness – I see the duality in play. Dark and light – pain and pleasure or light and dark – pleasure and pain. The opposites. Everything has an opposite. When I become aware of these Universal Laws and how they govern my life I also realize that I am one with the Cosmic Mind. I spread love and bring light into a world of darkness. I appreciate being part of this reality and enjoy being in the now – I play, love, laugh, and live out my uniqueness – my part of the game. I feel safe and secure because I know that I am God in disguise.

The earth is a place to live out the potential – to enjoy the manifestation process because I have time to enjoy the process from idea to realization. I am a soul – a spiritual being – conscious, a thinking being, created in the image of God. God can realize and experience Himself through me. God wants to experience the physical – to bring out the vastness of potential and test it out in the finite world – on a planet like earth. It is a great set-up – a great construct, because I can create and enjoy whatever I am able to think about. My thoughts become things. Thoughts are energy and this world I live in is thought based – saturated with consciousness desiring to experience itself. Since I possess individual consciousness I also come up with different ideas and thoughts. God acts through me and ‘gives me’ different parts to play. I feel the air on my skin and feel free to work within the space-time construct. As a point of consciousness my purpose is to live out whatever thoughts and ideas that resonate with me – that which makes me feel passionate. When an idea all of the sudden pops in my mind it means I’m resonating with some part of the infinite potential of God. God wants to experience himself – God wants to ‘get out’ and feel and see how it is to be in the finite realm. God is setting everything up for himself to be realized through me and everyone else.

When I’m being passionate about something it is the uniqueness in me that is wanting to be expressed. It is my mission to express it. It is my character wanting to play its role, express itself, realize itself, reveal itself, and be acknowledged. When I create from the heart – with passion, I am doing what I came here to do. Expressing my character is my sole purpose, my soul purpose. In this life, I am a composite of certain chosen aspects of my soul expressed in a particular way this time around. In this life I’m seeking fulfillment in the areas that I have not yet experienced. I am branching out and expanding my soul. In order to raise my vibration, I need to stretch my frequency – it is not the new car that raised my vibration in the long term. It may be what I had to do to get the car. It’s not the possession of material things that will give my soul satisfaction but the process of challenging myself to transform that will truly give me the elation I seek. The purpose is to create my experience – and thus, create myself anew.

My destiny is to do – to create – to let God’s potential out through me. To be conscious of my destiny and manifest it, I must go within and find my inner voice and feeling always present and guiding me. When I go within, using my intuition and inspiration, I create from the heart which is what I’m supposed to do. I create whatever my heart desires for the benefit of myself and others. In order to create I must first have an idea of what to create and then the ideas come to me from the One Cosmic Mind. It is seeking an outlet for its potential – wanting to manifest through me. When I get an idea and am passionate about it, my soul aspect is seeking creation and manifestation. I have the power to manifest the ideas that come to me since I am God in Disguise. I resonate with the ideas and can bring them out into the space-time construct. No Thing wants to become Some Thing. It creates the illusion – this hologram – the space-time construct. All is Mind – it’s all a construct – not real. Everything I see is an illusion – I live inside a hologram. God is all and instantaneous – everything happens now – in The Mind. The Mind is the hologram I live in – The All – and is also the potential not yet manifested.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

The Golden Age
Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


This time of awakening is about moving on. It’s about a shift in consciousness. This next level of reality is often referred to as the 5th dimension. What indicates that this shift is ongoing? People sensitive to energies have felt a shift in energy coming into the atmosphere. The earth moves through cycles and I’m being affected by these energy waves accompanying these cycles. These cosmic waves are helping to change and activate parts of my DNA which in turn is transforming my consciousness. A shift is upon me – a shift in the cosmic mind – The Mind of God. People are waking up and starting to see other realities. It’s part of the plan. I am moving along a cycle to experience myself. I am remembering and the pieces of the puzzle are being revealed. I am experiencing a thinning of the veil between worlds and am expanding my awareness of the Divine. The curtain between the earth plane and the spiritual world will eventually disappear and I will experience and see other realities or dimensions created by The Mind. It’s like I am moving into another movie. A movie into a movie and new stories.

I am becoming multi-dimensional and in that connect with other points of consciousness in The Mind. I can tune my channel and see and hear and become aware of spiritual things in time-space. I can channel my frequency. All is Mind and all the different realities are separated by levels of frequency. By raising my frequency, I can see and experience other realities created by The Mind. I gain access to other compartments of The Mind. Since the frequency of my energy is rising it will parallel my level of awareness. A rise in my frequency is a rise in my awareness. I am expanding my consciousness. The point of consciousness I represent is widening its horizon and becoming more aware of the whole – the other points of consciousness.

I move further along the cycle now since I have experienced the pain needed in order to appreciate the joy. In this reality I experience duality – polarity as part of the set-up. How can I appreciate being warm if I’ve never experienced being cold? How can I appreciate pleasure if I haven’t endured pain? I suffer pain – I pay in. It’s part of the set-up. I fall in order to rise. The next level of existence I go to has no duality. The joy there is the result of the pain – pay in – here. There is no real pain there because I have paid here. So how much pain must I endure here before I can move on? How much suffering? I understand that the law of Cause and Effect is one of the Universal Laws in this space-time construct. I reap what I sow. When I appreciate life, even the painful moments, I expand my consciousness and understand that I am One with the All. This expansion of consciousness reveals a new reality for me to experience – a reality where I can create from the heart for the benefit of the whole – instead of creating from the ego for myself. When my frequency is higher and lighter, I become more involved in creating with awareness. I become a conscious co-creator and the process is on its way. I raise my frequency and remember that I truly am God in Disguise. The shift in consciousness is upon me.

The shift in consciousness is like a point at which question gives way to answer. It’s a point at which the Universe stops expanding, asking, and then begins to contract, answer, and heal. I use logic to understand who I am on earth. Logic is the tool of the finite world. It’s my ability to problem solve – to solve the puzzle. It makes me feel capable, more aware and awake. It makes me feel bright, less stupid and dull. It lets me see more outside of myself, understand more of the world I am looking at, and to feel more self-aware as I can see and tune into more, feedback. I feel like I am growing and learning, moving forward in mind which is part of remembering.

Logic is getting me to a place where I realize that I am also magic. I am aware that I am multi-dimensional – that I am connected to all the other points of consciousness. I am part of the One Mind. I am God in Disguise and God is All That Is – the seen and unseen – the manifested – finite world where logic is used as a tool – and the unmanifested – the infinite which can never be understood – it will always remain a mystery. As I move forward along the cycle of life the more, I remember. I expand my consciousness and in that I perceive new realities – see more of the ride and remember. Mother Earth is shifting her consciousness too. All the beings of consciousness are connected to everything and the earth’s transformation process will affect me too.

The earth is my house. The earth’s transformation process will support and enhance my personal transformation process. I welcome the inner changes of planet earth; these are extremely powering times. I am lifted by the wave of light that is presently flooding my universe. The earth is releasing the energies of struggle, competition, and drama, on inner and outer levels. The new foundation that is dawning is the energy of heart, the energy of balance and connectedness – a living energy. I am transforming and shifting my consciousness because I am moving along a cycle of remembrance. This shift is underway and will eventually come to a part of the cycle where I experience bliss – heaven on earth – the kingdom.

In truth there is only one of us here – The One Mind is moving along the cycle playing this game in order to be and it uses different soul aspects to achieve this. As the mind gets closer to the core, as it moves along the cycle or spiral, fewer soul aspects are needed. The whole creation process and construction of this space-time/time-space bubble is for God to experience love – to feel love – not to be alone. The Wake Mind must always move – be awake. It can never stand still. Stillness – no time passing is the infinite and, in the infinite, I am nothing – no awareness – no consciousness. In the finite world nothing rests and this is why I can never stay in heaven or stay in anyplace on a permanent basis. It’s a cycle – always moving from forgetting to remembering. From sleep to wake. The One forgets about being alone by moving along the cycle and this allows for a chance to love and be loved by others.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

The Golden Age
Paradox of Creation
(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


I am waking up and the Mind is shifting. It is moving along the cycle and at the end of the cycle The Mind fully remembers everything – all the tools of creation have been revealed. It has come to the last piece of the puzzle. At this stage the mind is trying to find even more pieces. Pieces outside the finite world. So, the Mind tries to use logic to understand the infinite – the unknown part of The Mind – The Sleeping Mind – it’s “other half” – the magic, but logic will never be able to explain the magic. So, the Waked Mind must continue to keep itself awake and since there is nothing more to explore, create and experience it falls (sleeps/forgets) in order to start over again – in order “to move” – exist and be aware. It’s the never-ending game. The puzzle smashes into pieces yet again and I start over. The Mind forgets in order to once more remember. Since there is no more to remember the only way is for consciousness to fall in order to rise again. It’s like the seasons of the year. I long for the summer vacation. No work and all play. Sun and light all day long. Lazy days – total bliss. However, being in bliss too long will get boring. I want more and since I can’t explore the infinite part of myself, I fall in consciousness and forget. What comes after summer – the fall. I go back to work – the holiday is over – consciousness forgets to remember and the cycle starts all over again.

Everything I call life, even the levels of dimensions, all of it, it never really happened because it is an illusion. I am The One, but by creating this game of life I can escape the chilling truth of being alone – I can give love and receive love. There is a way to be among others and this life is it. I am it. I am a gift of life. I also have others. But I am God in Disguise – hiding from Myself – pretending that I am not alone with no purpose. I need the finite space-time construct to give love, to know Myself, to experience Myself and forget the loneliness of being The Only One. God wants to give love and be loved and God is The One, and somehow by way of logic and magic, The One speaks to me – screams and begs me from the core not to waste the gift of life – the gift of being right here now. God is love and God wants me to experience love in the finite world – my Universe – my playground which is in place to allow for God through me to feel love, but I have to suffer in order to define love. I often take life for granted and don’t see the bigger picture – that everything radiates from The One solitary soul in the core.

All of this space-time construct is in place in order for The One to have peace and love through me. Love is the best thing I have. What a wonderful feeling, but I need to share love. If I am the Only One there is no-one to share it with and this is why this game is a blessing. God – The Mind – is playing this ongoing game to feel love – to be love. Love is the goal. It’s a reaction to the truth. The truth that I am alone, pointless and never seen. In that place what would I give just to hear someone say my name, let alone love me, want me, need me, give me purpose? Yes, it’s all about love and in order to know love I have to know fear. This game I play is the only game in town but it’s a great game once I appreciate others and love others. I must appreciate all the nows in my life. Appreciate all the people I meet – the events – the circumstances coming into my life. I came here to create and experience life. Right now, I am within the construct of space and time and I have others to share my experience with. I am here to enjoy the ride. I have others to engage in relationships with. I have people to love and people can love me back. I have the power to create and enjoy the nows of the manifestation process. This is my sole purpose – my soul purpose! I am not alone. I am experiencing the vastness of creation in this space-time reality. I must make the most of this gift. I must appreciate the nows in life!

I am getting ready for the New Time awaiting me. The New Atlantis – the age of Wisdom of Creation. An age where manifestation will be shown in its fullest extent where I become a conscious co-creator. It will create a heaven on earth in an entirely new frequency. I have been waiting for this time for a long time – while going through the cycles of time. I have gone through many incarnations and built a solid foundation for this culmination of love and wisdom to lift me. The time is now for the old to be left behind and for the new to arise. My soul and spirit have longed for this part of the cycle. After being in the dark and forgetting who I am, I am once again remembering who I am. I’m carried along with the river of time and am moving into a new era to act out my part on a new stage. The infinite – the unmanifested is being manifested through me – through the part I play. Everyone comes from the same place – the infinite. It’s like everyone is from the same water but then frozen and sculpted into different shapes. Although I may be only one shape, but it’s all the same water, and the water reflects the infinite. It's like everyone came from the same pool of water into this space-time construct to create and experience life as points of consciousness. In this reality I am tied to time – tie me – and thus I am like a droplet from the pool being defined and frozen. It creates shapes to experience and then I loop back like rain always going back to meet the sea. I loop from the pool; Pool – looP.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Soul Contracts
Paradox of Creation
(Teachings of Camillo Loken – Revised, Edited, and Arranged by Paul Osborne)


What I resist, will persist.

Whatever I give my attention to, will keep coming into my life. It’s like a bonfire. It will keep burning if I keep adding more wood and fuel to the fire. But, as soon as I stop adding wood, the fire will start to die because it’s not getting more energy. The same thing applies to negative things in my life. Suppose I’ve had a bad experience and I continue to think and dwell about what happened. I’m giving more attention and energy to negative experiences and this will be reflected in my vibration. As a result, I’ll continue to get more of the same type of experiences into my life because the universe acts as a giant feedback-loop through Universal Laws; it gives back what I send out.

Stop giving attention, focus, and energy to things I don’t want in my life! Stop the resistance! This will raise my vibration to higher levels and I won’t attract the things that I resist. Use various tools and techniques to stop resistance and shift my vibrations into positive energy. A powerful tool that I can apply is, Appreciation. Keep an attitude of gratitude. When I appreciate what I have and experience my reality with gratitude, I shift my vibration and let go of resistance. When I express appreciation, it guides my thoughts and leads them into another path – a positive path of appreciation. This raises my vibration. Meditation and various mental exorcise can help quiet the mind and raise my vibration in a positive way.

Learn to activate thoughts of what I want. Learn to focus my energy in order to attract what I want into my life. I must remain focused over a sustained period of time and be passionate about what I want to achieve in my life. Doing this will move energy and the matter of creation into my reality. What does it mean to focus? It’s activated thought! Whatever I’m currently giving my attention to is an activated thought. But when I turn my attention away from a thought, it becomes dormant, or no longer active. There is no longer energy given to it so it’s not gaining momentum. A sure-fire way to consciously deactivate a thought is to activate another one. Withdrawing attention from one thought allows attention to focus on another one. If I really want something in my life, I need to focus on what it is I actually want – not what I don’t want.
I want better health and to feel uplifted and fit. Therefore, I must think about being uplifted, fit, and healthy. I must imagine already being in that state! Feel it as if it’s already true, a living reality. Don’t think about what I don’t want. The unwanted and wanted are on the same scale, but on opposite ends, and operate under the Universal Law of contrast and duality that governs my life. Understanding this law will bring me closer to becoming a mental giant and having the power to transform any negative aspect of my life into a positive one.

In order to let abundance into my life and to unlock the secrets of the universe, I need to focus on the energy and frequency of my personal vibration. Everything boils down to energy, frequency and vibration – absolutely everything. I consist of some 100 trillion cells and each cell is made up of approximately 100 trillion atoms and every atom is made up of 99% empty space, but this space is not empty. It’s filled with energy. Everything is energy. I AM, energy. Every second of every hour, I’m vibrating at a certain frequency. This is my personal frequency. It’s based on what I am thinking and feeling at any given time. I AM a vibrating energy tower living in a vibrational universe and am discovering the secrets of the universe.

But when I die, what’s next? After death, I will enter into another state of existence – into another state of consciousness. In that state my level of consciousness will determine my reality; whether a three-dimensional reality like my experience on earth or another dimensional reality, that remains to be seen. Upon death, I will alter my state of consciousness and experience another reality different than the one I leave behind. It will be extraordinarily different from the spatial frame of reality in which I now exist in this physical world – there simply is no language adequate enough to describe this other state of existence or the consciousness of the afterlife. Those who have had a near-death experience have tried to explain the nature of this reality, but words are not sufficient and nothing can fully describe it. It’s an experience similar to that of dreaming, an altered state of consciousness. Therein, brainwaves slow down and move into a lower state, opening up the dream-world. While in the dream-state, everything seems logical somehow, but when I wake up there’s nothing logical about it because while in the awakened state, I’m in a different state of consciousness.

Vivid dreams can seem very realistic, but upon waking they may not make any sense at all. I do believe dying is something similar. The life I’ve lived here on earth somehow fades away as the new reality (the other side) takes center stage. The afterlife-reality is less dense than this three-dimensional world of matter. As such, thoughts become my reality much faster. In the after-life, the manifestation process is much faster than in this dense world. In order to create my own desired reality here, I have to think the same thought about what it is I want, over and over again. Thoughts are energy and it requires a lot of energy to turn it into matter; remember, (E = mc2). After death, the amount of energy required to manifest my desired reality is much less because what I think will manifest faster. People with fear-based thoughts about the after-life may experience “hell-like” realities when they die. They manifest “hell” themselves but as soon as they realize they are causing it, the “hell” disappears. The same principle applies to positive thoughts. If I believe in a heaven, then I’ll experience heaven because that’s what I’ll be thinking, “heavenly thoughts”. Increasing positive thoughts in the after-life will raise my frequency. Everything involves energy, frequency, and vibration, which is based entirely on what I think.

Perhaps, somehow, I’m living many lives at the same time. I am more than just a physical body. I’m a spiritual being have a physical experience and I use the human body as my vessel to gain experiences in this three-dimensional world of duality and polarity. While living my life in this construct of time and space, I’m bound by linear time – past, present and future. But time is only an illusion. There is only “one time” – the time of now – the present time. Past and future are human constructs to make sense of living here in this three-dimensional world. Time, as I know and understand it now, will cease to exist when I die and go to the other side. For now, I’m bound to this three-dimensional world of space and time, but the real me is a soul aspect and it’s not bound by time or dimension. Somehow, I live many lives at the same time.
I love to learn about the soul and creation and how science and spirituality are approaching each other. Science teaches how everything is connected to everything and that the universe is a conscious three-dimensional hologram called the Holographic Principle. The vast majority of the universe is non-physical matter; invisible stuff – dark matter or dark energy. The soul is the essence of who I AM, this essence is consciousness. The universe is intelligent and conscious. It’s like a sea of consciousness and consciousness is the base of everything. Since I’m part of this “consciousness-sea”, my soul is like a “point of consciousness”. I’m experiencing life through a unique point of consciousness as does everyone else. The universe learns about itself through all the points of consciousness in a sea of souls.

I live to create from this unique point of consciousness – from a soul level. The best way to do this is to tap into what I’m passionate about. Passion is the love of turning something into action. It fuels the engine of creation. It changes concepts to experience which is exactly what the universe (The One Cosmic Mind) wants. Passion is the fire that drives me to express who I really am! Passion is a love of doing. When I begin to create something, I develop expectations. I want to see results. If the results don’t come fast enough (according to the time-plan I’ve set), I may become annoyed and even frustrated and may slip into a negative mindset. I look for a reason for not achieving the results even though I worked so hard for them. As an excuse, I may blame it on bad luck or bad circumstances. But the joyride is the creation process, not the outcome – not the result itself but in the expectations. Suppose I had a goal to climb a high mountain. Would I run as fast as I could to reach the top or would I enjoy the journey on the way to the top? Life is not about the results! Life is about the process. It’s about the journey. I came here to enjoy the process of creation. I chose this dense energy world of matter with its linear time-system to experience all phases of the manifestation process. An idea and concept forms in my mind until it manifests as a physical experience. My thoughts create my reality – the experience of life through manifesting power – life is not random or governed by chance or luck.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Soul Contracts
Paradox of Creation
(Teachings of Camillo Loken – Revised, Edited, and Arranged by Paul Osborne)


The universe is intelligent and run by Universal Laws. One of these laws is: The Law of Oneness. All is Mind. There is only one of us here so everything is connected to everything else. Think of the expression, “We are all one”, but being ONE is being alone; ALL ONE = ALONE. The One Cosmic Mind is All That Is; The Alpha and the Omega. Nothing is outside the One Mind. It’s alone and in that it can’t experience itself from outside itself. In order to gain self-reflection, the One Mind divided itself into soul aspects so it could experience itself from many different perspectives and created reference points from within.

I AM God in Disguise, even though I hardly remember. People in general think everyone is separate. We think we are our bodies, our names, our titles. We think we are the actors in the play. As actors playing in a movie called “Life on Earth”, how would we get our part? How would it be “handed out to us”? How can I become the character that I’m meant to play? There must be a set-up to ensure we play our character. Actors in movies or on stage read the script to understand and get acquainted with their roles – with their characters. The same is true for the soul. As souls we choose what we need to go through this time around – what part to play. I choose the environment to produce a character matching what I need to experience in this lifetime. I choose my parents, the time period, Earth, etc. Nothing is a coincidence. Before birth, I read the script for my part. Now, I am living what I preordained.

Time is an illusion so there is really no “before”, but from my perspective here on earth – time is experienced as linear. I entered into a soul contract – a kind of soul chart – before I arrived here on earth. This contract or chart is equivalent to an actor’s script for a movie. When I was born, I forgot everything, but the link to my soul contract is intact through my intuition. It “knows the script” and the part I’m supposed to play, but at birth, I forgot, only to grow and to once again, re-member. This is my purpose in life; to re-member who I am – a soul aspect of the One Mind. Thus, I forgot so that I can re-member once again and become a member of the One Mind – and experience Oneness.

I’m not here to learn anything per se. Life on Earth is not a school. School is a place where one goes to find out something, they don’t know to gain new knowledge. It’s not a place one goes if they already know something. I came here as a soul to gain experience of what I already know conceptually. There is nothing “new” to learn. I only need to remember who I AM and act on it. I AM God in Disguise, but I have forgotten who I am since my birth. My soul knows all there is to know all the time. There’s nothing truly lost, nothing unknown. But knowing is not enough. The One Mind, through every soul or point of consciousness, seeks to experience everything.

I can know myself as one who is kind, but unless I do something which displays my kindness through acts, I have nothing but a concept. The One Mind – All That Is – knows everything, but it lacks the experience of the knowing so it creates a space-time “bubble” (the universe) with linear time so it can experience all that it knows through me and every other point of consciousness. It’s like comparing theory with practice. Before I got my driver’s license, I had to study traffic law and how a car works – how to drive it; all based on theory. But theory is not enough. I had to practice driving. I had to gain real driving experience. The same principle is applied to the soul. It knows everything, but that’s not enough. The soul comes here in order to gain experience.

How does the One Cosmic Mind make sure that a soul using a human body on planet Earth, play their part? How does this work? It works through soul contracts. I choose my part before I was born. Before I arrived on Earth in this lifetime, my soul created a chart and contract for this lifetime. This chart was configured very meticulously. As a soul, I seek fulfillment in areas that I’ve not yet experienced. Like a tree, I branch out and expand.

Feelings are the language of the soul and it wants to experience every feeling from fear to love – the whole spectrum. But it’s not possible to achieve this in one lifetime. The soul uses many lifetimes to gain and increase experience. The ultimate goal is to once again achieve love and oneness. The soul choses a different character for every lifetime. In this lifetime I chose my current character because I believed it would give me the experiences, I was seeking this time around. There are people – even entire groups of people – who have been born into what may be considered disadvantaged. But from a soul perspective, no one is disadvantaged; every soul creates for itself the exact person, events, and circumstances needed to accomplish what It wishes to accomplish. In other words, I choose everything to include my parents, country, and the circumstances surrounding my re-entry.

During my life, I continue to choose and create things, events, and circumstances designed to bring me the opportunities I desire in order to gain experiences in accordance with my soul contract. It’s important to understand that all of the preplanning and the choices I make on earth, assist me to manifest my highest human and spiritual potential. Within my very DNA, there are triggers that go off and cause certain vibrations which attract people and circumstances into my life in accordance with my soul contract. These triggers have been pre-planned and will go off at certain stages in my life. I’ve been shaped and conditioned by the environment I grew up in. My parents and siblings helped shape me into the character I chose to play. That’s why I chose my parents, family, and place of birth. It gave me the perfect condition I needed in order to create my character. From a human perspective it might be difficult to accept the concept of soul contracts. For instance – why would anyone want to be born into extreme poverty or into a childhood of abuse or violence? The soul is after the feeling and it doesn’t see the world as “right” or “wrong” – as “good” or “bad” – as “advantaged” or “disadvantaged”. Life is all about gaining new experiences on a complete scale ranging from fear to love.
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