Book of Mormon Original Manuscript

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False Prophecy

Post by Shulem »

The patriarchal blessing given by Oliver Cowdery to Joseph Smith by way of revelation and vision gives insight into the coming ultimate failures of Smith’s ambitious plans to take place later in Nauvoo. This blessing was given to Smith in 1835 and is available here at the Joseph Smith Papers: Blessing from Oliver Cowdery.

Let’s briefly examine some failed prophecies as they serve to remind us of the Nauvoo House failure.

Oliver Cowdery, Blessing, to Joseph Smith, wrote: The Lord make thee as Joseph the Seer, who was of the house of Ephraim, the brother of Manasseh: the Lord do thee good and bring peace and blessings upon thy house as he brought them upon the house of Joseph the Seer, who was raised up of a choice vine from the stem of Jacob through the root of Joseph, even that Joseph who was separated from his brethren — For, like Joseph of old shall he be: he shall save the just from desolation, by the wise counsel of the Almighty

We clearly have seen that Joseph Smith was no SEER, unable to see what lies before him. Smith was not anything like biblical Joseph in Egypt whereby he saved his people and triumphed victoriously. Ultimately, Smith was run out of Nauvoo for a multiplicity of reasons and met his fate at Carthage Jail. The only comparison he shares with biblical Joseph of Egypt is his name.

Oliver Cowdery, Blessing, to Joseph Smith, wrote: In due time shall he go forth toward the north, and by the power of his word shall the deep begin to give way and the ice melt before the sun. By the keys of the Kingdom shall he lead Israel into the land of Zion

No, this will not happen. Smith will not go to the north countries (133:26) and melt ice. Neither will he build the Missouri temple or the Nauvoo House. Fail, fail, fail.

Oliver Cowdery, Blessing, to Joseph Smith, wrote: His learning and wisdom shall astonish the great, for they shall acknowledge that by his intelligence he has far surpassed their learning and their science.

Only in Mormon universities is Smith esteemed as anything great. His understanding of science was rudimentary at most and his translations of Egyptian language was an absolute farce.

Oliver Cowdery, Blessing, to Joseph Smith, wrote: In palaces of governors, rulers and kings shall he be honored, even in his person, for God shall give him power to prevail.

Absolutely false! This was a pipe dream by Smith and was never realized. Smith never entertained leaders or kings and failed to build his Nauvoo House in which to fulfill false prophecies.

Oliver Cowdery, Blessing, to Joseph Smith, wrote: Multitudes, multitudes, shall come to a knowledge of the truth through his ministry, and he shall be welcomed into the presence of kings and the great ones of the earth; for he shall claim his place among the nobles of the earth and shall be reverenced by them.

No, this did not happen. Smith was run out of Nauvoo and shot at Carthage Jail. The prophecy is absolutely false. It never happened. It was never fulfilled. Smith is dead. The revelation and blessing given by Oliver to Joseph is Mormon propaganda.
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Re: False Prophecy

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 10:39 pm
The patriarchal blessing given by Oliver Cowdery to Joseph Smith by way of revelation and vision gives insight into the coming ultimate failures of Smith’s ambitious plans to take place later in Nauvoo. This blessing was given to Smith in 1835 and is available here at the Joseph Smith Papers: Blessing from Oliver Cowdery.

The failed prophecies of Oliver Cowdery’s blessing given to the prophet Joseph Smith stands as a monumental testimony that Mormonism was making stuff up as it went along, shooting from the hips, making wild guesses, and hoping for amazing things to verify their so-called prophecies. But so often, the prophecies failed and Mormonism was proven false, again and again.

The Church today, doesn’t care to discuss Cowdery’s blessing to the membership because it’s not faith promoting seeing that it actually does the opposite in opening one’s eyes to the fact that Cowdery’s inspiration was tapped into a lake of falsehoods and one can simply say, “those things are not true, they did not happen”. The same goes for the Nauvoo House. It did not happen. Neither was the Missouri temple built because Smith bit off more than he could chew and made promises to his people that he couldn’t keep let alone manage. The Latter-day Saints and their God were denied their temple in which they were commanded to build. The answer from the world was “NO!” Thus, the Mormons and their God were forced to have to accept failure.
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Re: Book of Mormon Original Manuscript

Post by Shulem »

Blessing from Oliver Cowdery
Oliver Cowdery by revelation and vision wrote:
He shall be welcomed into the presence of kings and the great ones of the earth . . .

His cattle shall increase to a multitude: he shall have horses and mules, asses, she asses and dromedaries, camels and elephants . . .

His enemies shall be consumed, many of them, and many shall turn and be his friends in very deed: he shall remain to a good old age, even till his head is like the pure wool.

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Re: Book of Mormon Original Manuscript

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 7:59 pm
Blessing from Oliver Cowdery
Oliver Cowdery by revelation and vision wrote:
1) He shall be welcomed into the presence of kings and the great ones of the earth . . .

2)His cattle shall increase to a multitude: he shall have horses and mules, asses, she asses and dromedaries, camels and elephants . . .

3)His enemies shall be consumed, many of them, and many shall turn and be his friends in very deed: he shall remain to a good old age, even till his head is like the pure wool.

1) WRONG. Smith was never welcomed into the presence of kings.
2) WRONG. Smith had horses to ride but never possessed camels and elephants.
3. WRONG. Smith died at the young age of 38 with a regular head of hair.

The blessing given by Oliver Cowdery to Joseph Smith by revelation and vision was a false prophecy and was never fulfilled. Smith died without ever building his Nauvoo House and his hair never turned woolen in color.

I bear solemn testimony that Joseph Smith was a false prophet. The evidence to show his prophecies failed is conclusive.

Now, with that said, please repeat the following words and let truth ring aloud and clear in your own ears:

“I know by the evidence that it’s a historical fact that Joseph Smith failed to build the Nauvoo House and entertain leaders of nations. I also know that Joseph Smith did not live to a ripe age when his hair would turn woolen in color and that he never owned elephants and camels.”
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Re: Book of Mormon Original Manuscript

Post by Philo Sofee »

Those elephants and camels could, through apologetic exegesis be understood to be cats and dogs Shulem. If you were half familiar with tapirs as horses and its delightful logic, you would recognize the clues. And, someday as pure bonus, the elephants and camels AS dogs and cats WILL be found in Mesomaerica, perhaps not literally, but they shall be in ancient paintings on the inside of a sacred edifice showing how indeed, the Lord works in mysterious ways. Time for you to repent pal. The flora and fauna in this blessing has possibility. It doesn't matter if it's only 0.0000000000000000000000000004%, its possible.
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“He shall have . . . elephants”

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 11:48 pm
Those elephants and camels could, through apologetic exegesis be understood to be cats and dogs Shulem.

It does make one wonder why Oliver Cowdery included elephants (plural) as one of the animals mentioned in Joseph’s patriarchal blessing. Recall that Smith & Cowdery also included elephants in the Book of Mormon (Ether 9:19) and this must have seemed risky on their part knowing that elephants were an exotic animal inhabiting the other half of the globe, namely Africa and Asia.

It’s interesting to note that the first circus elephant brought to America sailed from India and arrived in New York in December of 1796. Sadly, the poor elephant was unlawfully shot by a farmer in 1816 and 11 years later the elephant was memorialized in Somers, New York with a statue. Bailey circus soon brought more elephants to America. I wonder if Joe & Oliver had heard of that while in their youth? Do you think? I'll bet you anything Joe & Oliver were thrilled with the idea of seeing a circus elephant! Step right up and see the elephants!

I’ll also bet that Smith planned to purchase elephants and bring them to Nauvoo as part of his grand showing before kings and rulers who would visit the cornerstone of Zion while staying at the Nauvoo House.

Elephant Hotel constructed in 1821

1797 is when elephants first arrived in America for the circus

“And they also had horses, and asses, and there were elephants and cureloms and cumoms; all of which were useful unto man, and more especially the elephants and cureloms and cumoms.”

Last edited by Shulem on Wed May 05, 2021 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: False Prophecy

Post by TheSonOfKorihor »

Shulem wrote:
Sun May 02, 2021 10:39 pm
The patriarchal blessing given by Oliver Cowdery to Joseph Smith by way of revelation and vision gives insight into the coming ultimate failures of Smith’s ambitious plans to take place later in Nauvoo. This blessing was given to Smith in 1835 and is available here at the Joseph Smith Papers: Blessing from Oliver Cowdery.
Don’t you know that patriarchal blessings are only a preview of the life you could have if you live righteously (or so I’ve been told)? And clearly Joseph was not a very righteous man…
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Re: False Prophecy

Post by Shulem »

TheSonOfKorihor wrote:
Wed May 05, 2021 4:37 pm
Don’t you know that patriarchal blessings are only a preview of the life you could have if you live righteously (or so I’ve been told)? And clearly Joseph was not a very righteous man…

Indeed, patriarchal blessing have since evolved into a could-happen scenario *IF* things go that way. But in the beginning of the Church, I perceive patriarchal blessings were literal prophecies that were set to be fulfilled. But so many of them failed and today in our time patriarchal blessings are really nothing more than well wishes or a lengthy spiritual message like that of a Chinese fortune cookie.

Here are a few clips from Joseph Smith’s official Patriarchal Blessing given by his father, Joseph Smith Sr.:

Joseph, my son, I lay my hands upon thy head in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to confirm upon thee a father’s blessing.

His feet shall stand upon the neck of his enemies, and he shall walk upon the ashes of those who seek his destruction: with wine and oil it shall he be sustained (Joseph prevailed not and failed to witness the destruction of his enemies)

No weapon formed against him shall prosper (Except for those that chased the Mormons from state to state)

Therefore, my son, I know for a surety that these things will be fulfilled, and I confirm upon thee all these blessings. (Nothing more than wishes)

Thou shalt live to do the work which the Lord shall command thee: (Except for building the Missouri temple and Nauvoo House)

Thou shalt escape the edge of the sword, and put to flight the armies of the wicked. (Not so. He will die in Carthage in just 10 years)

Thou shalt be gathered to Zion and in the goodly land thou shalt enjoy thine inheritance; thy children and thy children’s children to the latest generation (No! He will be run out of Missouri and Nauvoo and never see any grandchildren. Joseph will be shot at Carthage!)

I’m afraid that the father’s blessing was no more effective than Cowdery’s. All false prophecies. If the Church wants to be true and have a leg to stand on then the prophecies must be fulfilled, not failed.
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Elephant in Nauvoo?

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Wed May 05, 2021 1:43 am
I’ll also bet that Smith planned to purchase elephants and bring them to Nauvoo as part of his grand showing before kings and rulers who would visit the cornerstone of Zion while staying at the Nauvoo House.

Can I back my statement up with a little proof, perhaps? I think so. I also think that Smith was well aware of what Cowdery had pronounced in his blessing and was going to do everything in his power to fulfil it just as soon as he was able. Perhaps they had discussed the possibility of bringing circus animals to Nauvoo and make a real showing -- put Nauvoo on the map! I tend to think that Joseph & Oliver were in bed together (not literally) but discussed all the makings and trappings of building up Zion and making it great.

I now present an incident recorded in Church archives that shows even the simplest and innocent minds of Smith’s day were contemplating elephants coming to Nauvoo, perhaps, in fulfillment to some prophecy or promise that had been made in various company and group settings. Indeed, elephants would be seen in Nauvoo and Smith’s prophecy would one day be fulfilled!

Minutes and Discourses, Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL, 6–8 Apr. 1843; in Joseph Smith, Journal wrote: Hyrum. Said he felt it his duty to defend the committee so far as he could. he would as soon go to hell as be a committee. . . . but to make a comparison for the temple committee. a little boy came in & said he saw an elephant on a tree. & the people did not believe it. & they looked and it was only an owl.—

Minutes and Discourses

An elephant on a tree seen by a little boy? It seems that elephants in Nauvoo were to be expected and a little boy claims to see one. It all seems to fit. Nauvoo would one day have an elephant and Joseph Smith would be the ringmaster! Welcome to Nauvoo!

In the meantime, the saints were desperately trying to build the Nauvoo House and the Nauvoo temple simultaneously and were failing at every step. The Nauvoo House and the promises affixed to it by revelation would have to out of necessity be abandoned. The idea of an elephant coming to Nauvoo would be nothing more than a pipe dream or, Oliver Cowdery’s false revelation!

It has never been more clear to me than right now, Mormonism is utterly false and spiritually bankrupt. Oliver Cowdery’s prophecy that Smith would own elephants was no truer than the Book of Mormon or the Explanations of Facsimile No. 3, which claims there is a King’s name in the writing. I don’t believe any of it and for very good reason, I know in my heart and mind that Mormonism was fabricated out of Smith’s imagination.

I have a solid testimony that the Church is NOT true. I bear witness of that truth and my testimony.

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I prophecy that pleasure parties shall come from England

Post by Shulem »

Another version of Smith’s prophecy of Section 124 failed, or in another words, it did not happen as promised.

Joseph Smith, Discourse, Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL wrote: Joseph Smith Papers
Discourse, circa 19 July 1840, as Reported by Martha Jane Knowlton Coray–B

. . . . A few Item from a discourse delivered by Joseph Smith July 19— 1840

. . . . Then shall the Lord say Go tell all my servants who are the strength of mine house my young men and middle aged &c Come to the Land of my vineyard and fight the battle of the Lord— Then the Kings & Queens shall come then the rulers of the Earth shall come then shall all saints come yea the Foreign saints shall come to fight for the Land of my vineyard for in this thing Shall be their safety and they will have no power to choose but will come as a man fleeth from a sudden destruction.

. . . . For Zion and Jerusalem and must both be built up before the coming of Christ This will near a half of a century How long will it take to do this 10 years yes more than 40 years will pass before this work will be accomplished and when these cities are built then shall the coming of the son of man be.

. . . . And I prophecy in the name of the Lord that the state of Illinois shall become a great mountain and mighty mountain as city set upon a hill that cannot be hid and a great that giveth light to the world and The city of Nauvoo also shall become the Greatest city in the whole world—

. . . . Then shall the poor be fed by the curious who shall come from all parts of the world to see this wonderful temple Yea I prophecy that pleasure parties shall come from England to see the Mamoth and like the Queen of Sheba shall say the half never was told them. School houses shall be built here and High schools shall be established and the great men of the shall send their sons here to board while they are receiving their education among us and even Noblemen shall crave the priviledge of educating their children with us and these poor saints shall chink in their pockets the money of these proud men received from such as come and dwell with us.

. . . . Now brethren I obligate myself to build as great a temple as ever solomon did if the church will back me up. moreover it shall not impoverish any man but enrich thousands and I prophecy that the time shall be when these saints shall ride proudly over the mountains of Missouri and no Gentile dog nor Missouri dog Shall dare lift a tongue against them but will lick up the dust from beneath their feet will of God that I might live to behold that temple completed and finished from the foundation to the top stone.


Joseph Smith related the idea of royalty coming to visit him in Nauvoo even as the the Queen of Sheba visited Solomon at his temple in Jerusalem. This is Smith’s delusion of grandeur.

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