On Going Inactive

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Re: On Going Inactive

Post by _Tobin »

consiglieri wrote:
--having been forbidden to join any of the religious sects of the day, and being of very tender years, and persecuted by those who ought to have been my friends and to have treated me kindly, and if they supposed me to be deluded to have endeavored in a proper and affectionate manner to have reclaimed me--
Are you so deluded that they need to reclaim you consiglieri?

Look. If you don't want to go to church, fine. But don't whine about people not coming by and making sure you attend. I have lived in my current ward for over a decade and go almost never (maybe once or twice a year at most). I have a few friends in that ward and know quite a few of my neighbors who attend the same ward and they never bug me about it. And if someone would like to go down that road with me, I'd give them fair warning then unload with both barrels if they didn't back off.
"You lack vision, but I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night.... Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God, it'll be beautiful." -- Judge Doom
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Re: On Going Inactive

Post by _consiglieri »

I was not trying to whine, Tobin.

But I can understand if you (and others) may have taken it that way.
You prove yourself of the devil and anti-mormon every word you utter, because only the devil perverts facts to make their case.--ldsfaqs (6-24-13)
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Re: On Going Inactive

Post by _Kishkumen »

consiglieri wrote:I was not trying to whine, Tobin.

But I can understand if you (and others) may have taken it that way.

Who is whining? I see you remarking on the surprising fact that you were deeply involved in this community and now it is as though you never existed for them.

That says a lot about the LDS Church as a community, not much about you. After all, you are one of many people whom I have heard say this kind of thing.
"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
_Fence Sitter
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Re: On Going Inactive

Post by _Fence Sitter »

Well if it will make you feel any better Consig, twice a year at conference the church proudly and publicly claims you as a member!
"Any over-ritualized religion since the dawn of time can make its priests say yes, we know, it is rotten, and hard luck, but just do as we say, keep at the ritual, stick it out, give us your money and you'll end up with the angels in heaven for evermore."
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Re: On Going Inactive

Post by _Tobin »

Kishkumen wrote:Who is whining? I see you remarking on the surprising fact that you were deeply involved in this community and now it is as though you never existed for them.

That says a lot about the LDS Church as a community, not much about you. After all, you are one of many people whom I have heard say this kind of thing.
So you claim. However, in fact the LDS Church of today is far from a community. It is an anesthetized sterile corporate top-down bureaucracy driving a correlated program of indoctrination. All decisions are edicts from the top and all others are expected to simply accept their decisions without dissent. Have you been to a general conference? All votes are one-sided communist-style edicts in which everyone simply rubber stamps those selected and what they decide. I don't know about you, but I seriously doubt a corporate communist culture run by 15 politburo members should be called a community. It's a clockwork.
"You lack vision, but I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night.... Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God, it'll be beautiful." -- Judge Doom
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Re: On Going Inactive

Post by _Symmachus »

Tobin wrote:So you claim. However, in fact the LDS Church of today is far from a community. It is an anesthetized sterile corporate top-down bureaucracy driving a correlated program of indoctrination. All decisions are edicts from the top and all others are expected to simply accept their decisions without dissent. Have you been to a general conference? All votes are one-sided communist-style edicts in which everyone simply rubber stamps those selected and what they decide. I don't know about you, but I seriously doubt a corporate communist culture run by 15 politburo members should be called a community. It's a clockwork.

Well, any agglomeration of individuals with stated or even unstated common attitudes, goals, etc. is a community, but one can take your point without insisting on strict definitions.

I am reminded of some of the greatest lines of American screenwriting of the 1970s:

Higgins: It'd have to be somebody in the community.

Joe Turner: Community?

Higgins: Intelligence field.

Joe Turner: Community! Jesus, you guys are kind to yourselves...Community!
"As to any slivers of light or any particles of darkness of the past, we forget about them."

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Re: On Going Inactive

Post by _Kishkumen »

Tobin wrote:However, in fact the LDS Church of today is far from a community. It is an anesthetized sterile corporate top-down bureaucracy driving a correlated program of indoctrination. All decisions are edicts from the top and all others are expected to simply accept their decisions without dissent. Have you been to a general conference? All votes are one-sided communist-style edicts in which everyone simply rubber stamps those selected and what they decide. I don't know about you, but I seriously doubt a corporate communist culture run by 15 politburo members should be called a community. It's a clockwork.

"Petition wasn’t meant to start a witch hunt as I’ve said 6000 times." ~ Hanna Seariac, LDS apologist
_Dr. Shades
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Re: On Going Inactive

Post by _Dr. Shades »

Fence Sitter wrote:Well if it will make you feel any better Consig, twice a year at conference the church proudly and publicly claims you as a member!

It's actually only once a year, during the April General Conference.
"Finally, for your rather strange idea that miracles are somehow linked to the amount of gay sexual gratification that is taking place would require that primitive Christianity was launched by gay sex, would it not?"

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Re: On Going Inactive

Post by _Maksutov »

Kishkumen wrote:
Tobin wrote:However, in fact the LDS Church of today is far from a community. It is an anesthetized sterile corporate top-down bureaucracy driving a correlated program of indoctrination. All decisions are edicts from the top and all others are expected to simply accept their decisions without dissent. Have you been to a general conference? All votes are one-sided communist-style edicts in which everyone simply rubber stamps those selected and what they decide. I don't know about you, but I seriously doubt a corporate communist culture run by 15 politburo members should be called a community. It's a clockwork.


Damnit. Now I have to take Tobin off ignore.
"God" is the original deus ex machina. --Maksutov
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