Shithole Countries

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Re: ____ Countries

Post by _MeDotOrg »

Maxine Waters wrote:President Trump could care less whether foreign leaders are offended by his painfully true comments. His commitment is to the American people not the world.

Do you think the only people who are offended are foreign leaders? If his 'commitment' is to the American people, are you saying there is no way for the President to object to an immigration policy without referring to other countries as shitholes? Does he honestly think that no true American would be upset by calling another country a shithole?

People justify this language by saying it's 'authentic', like the guys talking at the end of the bar. That's great, if you want our foreign policy decided by the guys at the end of the bar. Donald Trump is authentic? Who frigging cares if he is authentic? I want him to be smart. I want him to go an entire week without embarrassing the half of the country that actually thinks that our standing in the world is something worth cultivating and not destroying,
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Re: Shithole Countries

Post by _EAllusion »

For all the bellyaching about the condescension of liberal elitists, the idea that Trump just talks like regular Joe Schmos do is incredibly condescending towards them.

Oh, this vulgar racist who sounds like he might be senile is just how the regular folk talk. *Puts on trucker hat* Isn't that right, you schlubs?
_Black Moclips
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Re: ____ Countries

Post by _Black Moclips »

To be honest, if someone asked me "Would you ever move to Haiti?", there is a good chance I would say - "Hell no, I'd never move to that ___hole country". I'd say the same thing about almost all of Africa as well.

But to be clear, its the country, government, infrastructure, economy, standard of living, and freedom index that is ___hole, not the people themselves.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Shithole Countries

Post by _Jersey Girl »

EAllusion wrote:For all the bellyaching about the condescension of liberal elitists, the idea that Trump just talks like regular Joe Schmos do is incredibly condescending towards them.

Oh, this vulgar racist who sounds like he might be senile is just how the regular folk talk. *Puts on trucker hat* Isn't that right, you schlubs?

You're forgetting something.

Trump has seen Newark.
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_Maxine Waters
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Re: ____ Countries

Post by _Maxine Waters »

Do you think the only people who are offended are foreign leaders? If his 'commitment' is to the American people, are you saying there is no way for the President to object to an immigration policy without referring to other countries as ____?

I kind of agree with Ari Fleischer. I wish the President hadn't used this term. Perhaps he could have just said we can't afford to keep importing more poverty into the country.

MeDotOrg, your side is going to have to compromise or we will start deporting people. If you want the amnesty, we want the wall, electronic surveillance, and everything else we need to enforce the border so we're not doing another mass amnesty in 10 years.

I heard one liberal snowflake on CNN saying that chain migration is an offensive term because it reminds people of slaves being brought to the US in chains. Obviously that wasn't the chain, that chain migration refers to. If the left had their way we wouldn't be allowed to say illegal immigrant without facing jail time. This is partly a backlash against such political correctness. We're not going to allow you to fundamentally transform the US into a socialist state through mass and illegal immigration.
“There were mothers who took this [Rodney King LA riots] as an opportunity to take some milk, to take some bread, to take some shoes ... They are not crooks.”

This liberal would be about socializing . . . uh, umm. . . . Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.
_Maxine Waters
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Re: ____ Countries

Post by _Maxine Waters »

“There were mothers who took this [Rodney King LA riots] as an opportunity to take some milk, to take some bread, to take some shoes ... They are not crooks.”

This liberal would be about socializing . . . uh, umm. . . . Would be about, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.
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Re: ____ Countries

Post by _EAllusion »

Maxine Waters wrote:Perhaps he could have just said we can't afford to keep importing more poverty into the country.

The problem with that is that immigrants from African nations are better educated and have better employment numbers than immigrants from Norway (or native born Americans for that matter). As an argument for skills based immigration, it's completely false. But that's not what Trump was saying. What Trump was saying is that Africans make African nations bad, so we shouldn't bring them over here.

The US is, or perhaps was until the election of Trump, a brain drain on poor nations because it provides economic opportunity and the world's best university system.

According to attendees of the meeting not currently having a mysterious case of amnesia, Trump was particularly opposed to Haitians. It wouldn't at all be surprising if his swiss cheese brain is still locked in the early 80's New York panic over AIDS and its association with Homosexuals, Hemophiliacs, and Hatians.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: ____ Countries

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

EAllusion wrote:
Maxine Waters wrote:Perhaps he could have just said we can't afford to keep importing more poverty into the country.

The problem with that is that immigrants from African nations are better educated and have better employment numbers than immigrants from Norway (or native born Americans for that matter). As an argument for skills based immigration, it's completely false. But that's not what Trump was saying. What Trump was saying is that Africans make African nations bad, so we shouldn't bring them over here.

The US is, or perhaps was until the election of Trump, a brain drain on poor nations because it provides economic opportunity and the world's best university system.

According to attendees of the meeting not currently having a mysterious case of amnesia, Trump was particularly opposed to Haitians. It wouldn't at all be surprising if his swiss cheese brain is still locked in the early 80's New York panic over AIDS and its association with Homosexuals, Hemophiliacs, and Hatians.

So, basically we're “F” ing over poor countries by taking their best and brightest? We're extending their poverty cycle while harvesting the best for our own selfish interests? Isn't this an argument against taking their talent for our own use?

- Doc
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

Every record...falsified, every book rewritten...every statue...has been renamed or torn down, every date...altered...the process is continuing...minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Ideology is always right.
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Re: ____ Countries

Post by _EAllusion »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
So, basically we're “F” ing over poor countries by taking their best and brightest? We're extending their poverty cycle while harvesting the best for our own selfish interests? Isn't this an argument against taking their talent for our own use?

- Doc
I think people should be allowed the freedom to reach their potential, but yes, it's not helpful to other nations when some of their best educated decide to leave their country for here. Much in the same way, refugees fleeing madness from governments only weakens the resistance to those governments. But if we respect the dignity of the individual, we accept those yearning to breath free.

Would you prefer the top aptitude test performers in WV were forbidden from leaving the state to help it become less of a shithole? Probably not, and the same reasoning as to why is generalizable to immigration policy.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: ____ Countries

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

EAllusion wrote:Would you prefer the top aptitude test performers in WV were forbidden from leaving the state to help it become less of a ____? Probably not, and the same reasoning as to why is generalizable to immigration policy.

Well, I like WV the way it is. I seriously considered buying a home there since hiking and rafting in WV is so awesome. I don't really care if WV'ians leave or not.

I find it a little disheartening you think stealing poor countries' brain resources is ok. I guess White imperialism never really goes away, does it?

- Doc
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

Every record...falsified, every book rewritten...every statue...has been renamed or torn down, every date...altered...the process is continuing...minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Ideology is always right.
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