All 11 Megaplex Theaters To Pull Witnesses On Thursday

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Re: All 11 Megaplex Theaters To Pull Witnesses On Thursday

Post by Tom »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Tue Jun 08, 2021 2:41 pm
Tom wrote:
Tue Jun 08, 2021 1:45 pm
The film’s weekend gross has been revised from $155K down to $126,370 on Box Office Mojo. Previously, Sunday’s estimated gross was $40K. That figure is now $6,459. ... e_table_11

The Megaplex Theatres website now lists the film as playing through Tuesday, June 15.
I didn't realize until just now that Megaplex is obviously possessed by Satanic forces. And who is this box office mojo, a child of satan?
For some reason, I suddenly feel compelled to see the number-one faith-focused film in the country, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, tonight.
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Re: All 11 Megaplex Theaters To Pull Witnesses On Thursday

Post by Lem »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Tue Jun 08, 2021 11:19 am
Lem wrote:
Tue Jun 08, 2021 3:27 am
I don't think it is accurate to speak of recouping one's investment, or 'making money back' on this movie, as the million plus dollars it cost were donated, tax free, to a nonprofit. In that sense, those making the donations have already received their return, in the form of a tax deduction.

Prior to the LLC being formed and all of the donations removed from the Interpreter's control, I would have said that any profit made by this movie would go to the Foundation. Now that the private LLC has been formed, however, I would assume all profits would go to it. The listed contact or manager is Peterson, If I recall correctly, but the agent in control of the LLC is a lawyer associated with the church's Intellectual Reserve.
Is it a Utah LLC? What's the name of it? Also, my guess is that the church lawyer is merely the resident agent, so designated to receive legal papers if the LLC is sued for some reason.

The interesting questions come from having a for profit LLC supposedly getting the profits from a film financed by money donated to a 501(c)(3). I am not a tax lawyer or accountant, but maybe those who donated money to Witnesses should check on whether their donations are still tax free? Also, what is DCP going to do with the money? Who else is involved in the LLC? DCP is the named manager but others could be involved holding membership interests in the entity. Is the church involved? Is this why the intellectual reserve lawyer was chosen to be the resident agent? Was the church involved on the script?
Good points. I thought the same thing about the LDS church wanting to be involved when I saw that the lawyer attached to the LLC specialized in LDS church Intellectual Reserves issues. I'll try to find the name again, I think I had it in a draft of a post on the old board. If I recall correctly, Peterson once said something about using the profits from this movie to make another one.
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Re: All 11 Megaplex Theaters To Pull Witnesses On Thursday

Post by Kishkumen »

Tom wrote:
Tue Jun 08, 2021 3:23 pm
For some reason, I suddenly feel compelled to see the number-one faith-focused film in the country, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, tonight.
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Re: All 11 Megaplex Theaters To Pull Witnesses On Thursday

Post by Tom »

Kishkumen wrote:
Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:40 pm
Tom wrote:
Tue Jun 08, 2021 3:23 pm
For some reason, I suddenly feel compelled to see the number-one faith-focused film in the country, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, tonight.
The film has a slightly different title for the Utah market: Witnesses: The Devil Made Me Do It. Joseph Smith: "The court accepts the existence of God every time a witness swears to tell the truth. I think it’s about time they accept the existence of the Devil.”
Last edited by Tom on Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: All 11 Megaplex Theaters To Pull Witnesses On Thursday

Post by Symmachus »

Not to worry; almost by definition, every Mormon movie gets a cult following.

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Re: All 11 Megaplex Theaters To Pull Witnesses On Thursday

Post by Gadianton »

Symmachus wrote:
Tue Jun 08, 2021 4:59 pm
Not to worry; almost by definition, every Mormon movie gets a cult following.

This is from a certain blog out there, today.
Some skeptics, responding (rather defensively, I think) to the accounts given by
the witnesses to the Book of Mormon, attempt to dismiss them by citing the
fallibility of eyewitnesses and the unreliability of human memory. Not wishing to attack
the honesty or the sanity of the witnesses – approaches not easily reconciled with the
historical evidence – they still hope to neutralize the witnesses' claims.
Lol. Which skeptics are those?
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Re: All 11 Megaplex Theaters To Pull Witnesses On Thursday

Post by Lem »

Gadianton wrote:
Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:11 pm
This is from a certain blog out there, today.
Some skeptics, responding (rather defensively, I think) to the accounts given by
the witnesses to the Book of Mormon, attempt to dismiss them by citing the
fallibility of eyewitnesses and the unreliability of human memory. Not wishing to attack
the honesty or the sanity of the witnesses – approaches not easily reconciled with the
historical evidence – they still hope to neutralize the witnesses' claims.
Lol. Which skeptics are those?
Oh good grief. “Skeptics” who “defensively” respond to “witness” accounts? Kind of like how people respond to ufo, fairy, sasquatch and Loch Ness monster witness accounts? And his point about reconciling witness accounts with historical evidence is just nonsensical. When has there ever been “historical evidence” of supernatural events like angels, gold plates disappearing into heaven, visitations, etc., that was NOT based on witness accounts?
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Re: All 11 Megaplex Theaters To Pull Witnesses On Thursday

Post by Dr Moore »

If it all comes down to those witnesses, conversion and retention are in deep trouble.
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Re: All 11 Megaplex Theaters To Pull Witnesses On Thursday

Post by Fence Sitter »

If the 200 year old testimonies of 11 uneducated, largely related, bumpkins are of any value why have only .005% of the world bought into them?
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Re: All 11 Megaplex Theaters To Pull Witnesses On Thursday

Post by Dr Moore »

Were the 3 witnesses unimpeachable men whose lives and actions consistently inspired confidence? The historical evidence says they were not. Not even close.

Likewise, are today’s “special witnesses” of Christ, or I guess now it’s special witnesses of the name of Christ, unimpeachable men whose lives and actions consistently inspire confidence? Well, to me, the answer is also “no.” I was a believing all-in member for over 40 years, and only gave myself permission to question church teachings because the actions of senior church leaders did the opposite of inspiring confidence.

Their individual witnesses count for less because I have no good reason to trust what they say.
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