Life Under Coronavirus

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Life Under Coronavirus

Post by _MsJack »

Splitting this off from the other mega-thread, from about here:


Tell me about your lives under coronavirus / social distancing / self-isolation, or tell us about the virus if you do catch it. Save the posts on the actual spread of the virus itself for that thread.
"It seems to me that these women were the head (κεφάλαιον) of the church which was at Philippi." ~ John Chrysostom, Homilies on Philippians 13

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Re: Life Under Coronavirus

Post by _MsJack »

Lemmie wrote:Our schools just announced closure here too! That makes all three universities associated with our family, and local high school and middle school all closed. The one family member still traveling into New York City at least doesn’t take mass transit, but still stressful.

My husband works from home 3 days a week and takes public transit into the city two days. I knew his boss would let him work from home 5 days and asked him whether he really wanted to keep taking public transit, but he went on Thursday. Now the kids being home from school has forced his hand.

Lemmie wrote:I feel for you with a 6 year old under “house arrest”! Not easy. Does he do legos or Duplos?

He's high-functioning autistic and very smart, but behaviorally difficult. He has some Legos, but they aren't his favorite. Lately he has been snatching up any bit of tech he can get and plugging it into different consoles and computers, just to see how things work. I'm hoping the Kano computer will be a good experiment for him (and that he'll stop messing with my RetroPi :-P).

Lemmie wrote:Also, “A quiet place 2” looks pretty interesting. Something to look forward to, right?

The first one had plot holes you could drive a truck through, but was pretty good if you could forgive that. Hopefully this one will be at least a little entertaining.

We are actually going to go and see a movie in the theater tomorrow, Bad Boys 2. It's been out nearly 2 months so between that and the virus, we expect the theater will be deserted.

We also love cheesy bad movies. I think VelociPastor is on the menu for home viewing this weekend.
"It seems to me that these women were the head (κεφάλαιον) of the church which was at Philippi." ~ John Chrysostom, Homilies on Philippians 13

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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Life Under Coronavirus

Post by _Jersey Girl »

I'm not exactly sure what you want, Jack, but here goes. We are all social distancing ourselves from each other and we're only approx. 15 minutes away in any given direction. Using messages, phone calls, face time and emails to keep in touch.

But other than that, staying home and hunkering down isn't anything new to us this time of year. We've got plenty of food (and cookies!) to last (if I had to guess) two months and an alternate storage in our basement.

I'm an introvert and an only child (with 4 siblings, long story) I can be just fine for days on end without ever talking to or seeing another human being, I actually prefer it. But I don't like the idea of being deprived of my people.

I'm starting a new online class today about the Book of Kells--are you familiar with it? I've got a stash of crafts/DIYs to do, books to read, plenty of movies, yoga DVDs and of course youtube channels I follow regularly. I think I might make a run for a couple of buckets of interior paint next week and see how far I get with the first room. I'd like to come out the other end of this mess with something to show for it. There's always online shopping in a pinch.

Other than that and anything else I decide to cook up, I'm just going to be a cat. Curl up somewhere in a corner and sleep whenever I want to. Cats don't care about what's going on in the outside world. All they care about is food, water, and a warm place to sleep.

Cats are introverts. Write that down.

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_Res Ipsa
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Re: Life Under Coronavirus

Post by _Res Ipsa »

Schools closed for six weeks, so we’ll all be home. College senior will have online classes.

I’ve broken off from the groups I get together with socially. D&D group will play by Google Hangouts. Other regular gaming groups are on indefinite hold. Staying away from group walks because I’m one of the younger walkers and I’d hate to pass this on to the others. Planning to resume geocaching and hiking as the weather improves. My sister postponed her wedding, so no trip to Arizona. Working on bundling errands together into a single trip.

Other than missing my peeps and having family around during the day, not noticing that much.
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Re: Life Under Coronavirus

Post by _EAllusion »

I've moved to administrative tasks at home as I have the freedom to do that.
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Re: Life Under Coronavirus

Post by _DoubtingThomas »

I hope to get coronavirus so I can take a break from work.
_Res Ipsa
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Re: Life Under Coronavirus

Post by _Res Ipsa »

Seattle Mayor reports that first responders are running out of PPE. A memo sent out at one local hospital says they expect condition like those in Northern Italy to happen here. All elective surgeries at that hospital have been canceled. They are down to a four day supply of gloves.
​“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.”

― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, 1951
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Re: Life Under Coronavirus

Post by _MeDotOrg »

The best feel-good story of the Corona Virus:

In this quarantined Italian town of Siena, neighbors sing songs out their windows together.

Follow the link. It is heart warming, the absolute best part of humanity.
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Re: Life Under Coronavirus

Post by _Lemmie »

-- oh never mind.

Bodhi: you like to start crap, don't you?

Point Break
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Re: Life Under Coronavirus

Post by _MsJack »

Thanks for the updates everyone. RI, I'm sorry you're having to job hunt at a time like this.

Took my son to jiu-jitsu this morning thinking it would be our last time in a few weeks. Only 3 students came! (For comparison, we had about 20 kids at Tuesday night's class.) If the classes stay that small, and my instructor keeps holding them, I may go ahead and keep bringing my son to BJJ after all. The three boys sure did have fun today though.

Husband and I did some final panic-buying. Sam's Club was a zoo. No paper products whatsoever (napkins, TP, tissue, paper towels), no pizza, lots of empty shelves, no eggs, almost out of bottled water. No bread, only buns. No shopping carts in the front of the store; had to bring one in from the parking lot. A line for the registers that went halfway to the back of the store.

Went to a CVS next. No toilet paper there and they were almost out of paper towels, but most everything else was in stock. They told me they'd get a new shipment in on Tuesday morning.

The local Wal-Mart Marketplace was next. No paper products there, low on pizza, very low supply of bread, no eggs. My son will have to live with limited hard-boiled eggs this week.

Needless to say, no hand sanitizer anywhere to be seen. My husband and I ate at an Indian restaurant for lunch, where we were the only customers there.

I did most of my panic-buying weeks ago, so we probably have enough paper products to last us 2 months. I am just amazed and hoping some of this panic-hoarding fizzles out soon.
"It seems to me that these women were the head (κεφάλαιον) of the church which was at Philippi." ~ John Chrysostom, Homilies on Philippians 13

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