Jen Psaki Owns FOX

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Jen Psaki Owns FOX

Post by Alf'Omega »

This seems like a daily event. Peter Douchie is always asking idiotic "gotcha" questions and Psaki is making a habit of mopping the floors with him. Here is the latest example. ... 11653?s=20

Fox News' Peter Doocy asks if the White House is concerned about police leaving the force over vaccine mandates:

Press Sec. Jen Psaki: "What was the #1 cause of death among police officers last year? Do you know?"

Doocy: *silence*

Psaki: "COVID-19."
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Re: Jen Psaki Owns FOX

Post by Some Schmo »

The difference between Psaki and Sarah Huckabee is like the difference between infinity and 1.
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Re: Jen Psaki Owns FOX

Post by Gadianton »

yeah that was funny. another unhinged right-winger who can't stick with the point.

Right-winger: let's talk about Covid-19 and Law enforcement.
normal, unmoronic person: okay, great; Covid-19 was the #1 cause of death amongst LE last year.
Right-winger: there are other issues besides Covid-19! terrorism, drugs, gangs...!
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Re: Jen Psaki Owns FOX

Post by Alf'Omega »

Frankly I don't know why Psaki even tolerates these dumb questions about fake narratives that were invented from whole cloth by FOX News. All this does is enable them to keep doing it.

This idiot just takes for granted that "tons" of police and military are leaving their jobs over vaccines. When pressed on evidence for this, he provided the figure for those who've yet to be vaccinated. I mean, really? This is journalism? Just because someone has yet to be vaccinated doesn't mean they're refusing to get it done nor does it mean they're willing to quit their job over it. And this doesn't even address the idiotic leap in logic that a 5% decrease in police/military automatically causes Americans to die, especially at a rate higher than COVID deaths.
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Re: Jen Psaki Owns FOX

Post by Some Schmo »

Gadianton wrote:
Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:05 pm
yeah that was funny. another unhinged right-winger who can't stick with the point.

Right-winger: let's talk about Covid-19 and Law enforcement.
normal, unmoronic person: okay, great; Covid-19 was the #1 cause of death amongst LE last year.
Right-winger: there are other issues besides Covid-19! terrorism, drugs, gangs...!
And the final nail in the sanity coffin is that people will see that and say, "She wouldn't even answer the question."
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Re: Jen Psaki Owns FOX

Post by Some Schmo »

Alf'Omega wrote:
Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:34 pm
Frankly I don't know why Psaki even tolerates these dumb questions about fake narratives that were invented from whole cloth by FOX News. All this does is enable them to keep doing it.
Agreed. I thought she was way too patient.
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Re: Jen Psaki Owns FOX

Post by Moksha »

Alf'Omega wrote:
Thu Oct 21, 2021 3:43 pm
Fox News' Peter Doocy asks if the White House is concerned about police leaving the force over vaccine mandates:
That probably would benefit the public as well.
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Re: Jen Psaki Owns FOX

Post by Gunnar »

Perhaps policing and and law enforcement in general will become more efficient and effective if purged of those individuals who are too stupid or irrational to accept the realities of the pandemic and the wisdom of getting vaccinated.

One of the things I find so irrational about opposition to vaccination mandates in general is that a significant portion of those resisting getting vaccinated openly admit resisting doing so merely or mainly because they hate being told that they have to, not because they have any doubts about the efficacy of the vaccine itself. It's almost as stupid as jumping off a cliff to one's almost certain injury or death, when they would never think of doing so if not for resentment over not being allowed the choice to do so.

It is like characterization of the obstinacy I was once told of Afrikaners. It is said that if you tell a Northbound Afrikaner that he must go north, he will immediately turn 180 degrees and head South, even if North was his originally intended destination.
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Re: Jen Psaki Owns FOX

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Gunnar wrote:
Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:31 am
Perhaps policing and and law enforcement in general will become more efficient and effective if purged of those individuals who are too stupid or irrational to accept the realities of the pandemic and the wisdom of getting vaccinated.
But 99% of law enforcement officers have kept their jobs! Why is everyone so worried about a vaccine mandate that only has a 1% jobless rate?

- Doc
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Re: Jen Psaki Owns FOX

Post by Alf'Omega »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri Oct 22, 2021 1:10 pm
Gunnar wrote:
Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:31 am
Perhaps policing and and law enforcement in general will become more efficient and effective if purged of those individuals who are too stupid or irrational to accept the realities of the pandemic and the wisdom of getting vaccinated.
But 99% of law enforcement officers have kept their jobs! Why is everyone so worried about a vaccine mandate that only has a 1% jobless rate?

- Doc
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