My Weekly Russell: 9) Russell Experiences the Shining at Resort Hotel in Colorado

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My Weekly Russell: 9) Russell Experiences the Shining at Resort Hotel in Colorado

Post by Gabriel »

The Broodmoor Hotel.jpg
The Shining.jpg
(Note: This photo is a dramatic representation of a real event. The actors were paid.)

Abstract: Russell is gifted with "the shining", psychic abilities that enable him to know that he just can't stand it here any longer.

Gentle Reader,

I repent from my previous (and customary) laxness and laziness by presenting for your edification, a TLDR: The following post recounts the circumstances of Russell’s open-heart surgery on Elder Paul H. Dunn. It is faith-promoting. Paul H. Dunn even makes a cameo appearance to add his two-cents (making it doubly faith-promoting: “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established”. 2 Corinthians 13:1). This post shall be punctuated with a few editorial ramblings by Yours Truly. Caveat lector!

Unless otherwise noted, all quotes are from Russell’s autobiography, From Heart to Heart. Quality Press, Inc: Russell M. Nelson. 1979.

Russell’s Paul H. Dunn story is to be found in chapter 24 entitled, The Lord Watches Over His Anointed.
”Russell M. Nelson” wrote: It has been my privilege to be of professional service to many important leaders in the Church. To me, the story in each of these instances is thrilling, for I recognize the hand of the Lord in a very special way. Inasmuch as doctor-patient relationships are very confidential, I asked each of these brethren, as I did with President Kimball, for permission to share these historical events in this book. For their approval, I acknowledge their graciousness thankfully.

(Disclaimer: We learned in a previous episode of MWR that patient approval is not required if the sitting prophet demands any confidential medical information on Dr. Nelson’s patients).

Russell then proceeds to describe the miraculous events accompanying his operations on Elder Paul H. Dunn, President George Frost, D. Arthur Haycock, Elder Boyd K. Packer, President Kenneth J. Palmer, President Percy J. Rivers, and Elder Robert L. Simpson. He begins this chapter with his most dramatic story involving Paul H. Dunn.

As mentioned previously, I have been comparing Russell’s autobiography with his later biographies by Spencer J. Condie (Russell M. Nelson: Father, Surgeon, Apostle) and Sheri Dew (Insights From A Prophet’s Life). I have noticed that Condie appears to be more circumspect in what he recounts from Russell’s book. Condie appears to omit any material details in Russell’s book that can’t be verified by other sources. He also covers himself by providing plenty of footnotes to reference them. Paul H. Dunn was damaged goods when Condie wrote Russell’s biography and I have little doubt that he decided that including Dunn in any way shape or form in his biography would be seen as more of a liability than an asset (just like any account of the historic Priesthood Proclamation.) So, Paul Dunn is a non-person in Condie’s book.

Sheri Dew, however, takes a more hagiographic tack in her book. Russell M. Nelson is a prophet and Dew takes him at his word. She does write about Russell’s Paul Dunn operation, albeit in truncated form.

But, fortunately for us, in Russell M. Nelson we are blessed to find a man whose writing hand is ever at the ready to record all the righteous deeds that his other hand is doing. So, let us begin with the man who first told this story.

In The Lord Watches Over His Anointed, p. 195 Russell continues his narrative under the heading, Elder Paul H. Dunn:
”Russell M. Nelson” wrote: On Friday, May 3, 1974, Dantzel and I were in Colorado Springs, Colorado, at the Broadmoor Hotel for surgical meetings. The meetings were scheduled to last five days. We had a lovely room there on the lakefront and were enjoying a reunion that was precious to us, for the times when we could be alone under such pleasant circumstances were few and far between.
We had spent three lovely days there, but that Friday night I awakened with a very uneasy feeling, and I said, “Dantzel, I can't stand it here any longer. Let's pack and go home.”

As she looked about our spacious apartment and then looked at me, she said, "You've got to be kidding!"

I said, "No, I just can't stand it here any longer. Let's go home."

Without stopping to call for reservations, we went directly to the airport, caught the next plane for Denver, and again without reservations went to wait for the next plane from Denver to Salt Lake City. We boarded that plane without much waiting and arrived an hour later at the Salt Lake Airport.

As soon as we reached a telephone, I called Mrs. Kemp at my office and said, "Who's looking for me?"

"How did you know?" she said. "Dr. Ernest Wilkinson called just a few minutes ago and said he needed you for Elder Paul H. Dunn. He has admitted Elder Dunn to the coronary care unit at the LDS Hospital, and he wants you to see him right away."

So I asked Dantzel to go home in a taxi, and I went directly to the LDS Hospital. There I learned that Elder Dunn had been preparing to tour the Kentucky Louisville Mission when the trouble developed. This story is told best by him as he subsequently relayed it to me. For his providing this account, I am very grateful. He recalled.

“I had been speaking at a banquet the night before I was to depart. I was speaking before the state government officials when, during my talk, I felt a sharp angina pain in my chest. Not knowing what to do, I finished the speech. Later that evening the pain subsided, and I didn't think much of it. But during the night at approximately 2:00 a.m., I awakened with a similar pain, and this time my left arm was numb. It was then that I recognized some of the symptoms. About 5:00 that morning, Dr. Wilkinson was called."

Dr. Wilkinson told him to come to the Salt Lake Clinic immediately. There he obtained electrocardiographic evidence of cardiac jeopardy, so he put Elder Dunn in the hospital and called for me. On Saturday, May 4, I proceeded with a selective coronary arteriogram, which demonstrated a complete obstruction of the right coronary artery and about a 95 percent obstruction of the front and rear branches of the left coronary artery. This told us that Elder Dunn was in severe and immediate danger. We proceeded to give this information to Elder Dunn along with the recommendation that an operation be done at once to bring new blood supply to his coronary arteries, for a heart attack was impending which would likely be fatal.

Elder Dunn understandably felt a desire to consult with President Kimball, so I set about to call him. Of course, to get President Kimball on the line directly is not always possible. Nonetheless, I dialed his home phone number and who should answer the phone but President Kimball! I explained the situation briefly and asked President Kimball if he would like to come to the hospital to counsel with Elder Dunn and give him a blessing. He said, "I will be right there."

Within ten minutes, President Kimball arrived at the hospital and was at Elder Dunn's side, counseling him to proceed with the operation as recommended. Then he gave him a wonderful blessing. Dr. Wilkinson and I were privileged to assist President Kimball in giving that blessing. While we were doing so, my nurse, Karen McKellar, and the others were getting the operating room ready. As soon as the blessing was completed, we took Elder Dunn directly to the operating room and proceeded to open his chest.
As soon as the chest had been entered and the pericardium was opened, the heart attack came. The electrocardiographic tracing on the monitor became a flat line and the blood pressure fell toward zero.

Immediately we instituted manual compression of the heart and connected Elder Dunn to the heart-lung machine as expeditiously as possible while pumping his heart manually. After the heart-lung machine restored circulation to his body, we proceeded to perform three coronary artery grafts. When we allowed the blood to flow through the grafts and nourish his heart, the limp heart sprang to life again, supporting his circulation and giving evidence that the operation had been successful. Thus, May 4 was an eventful day in the life of Elder Paul H. Dunn.

At the time of this writing (1978), Elder Dunn is doing extraordinarily well. He is carrying an enormous responsibility in the Church as one of the presidents of the First Quorum of the Seventy. Each time he and I look at each other, we recognize that we know better than anyone else how the Lord inspired and blessed all concerned that he may continue to live, for a delay of even fifteen more minutes might have made that blessing impossible.
Note that “the time of this writing (1978)” is Russell’s recollection four years after the event. 1974 was just one good year among many in Russell’s eventful life. In February of that year., we learned that Russell had a miraculous plane flight in Argentina, on March 23rd , Russell flew to Tallahassee Florida to assist in “Meet the Mormons” week, in May, Russell saved the anointed Paul Dunn to tell many more faith-promoting stories, on June 9th, Russell, having proved all things and held fast to that which is good, having his heart weighed in the balance against a feather and found not wanting, was given his second anointing by President Kimball in the Salt Lake Temple (see representation below), in late August, Russell flew first-class back to Argentina to receive a gold medal from the Government for his surgical work and to ski in the Andes. There was one minor glitch that occurred on November 13th:

From his Highlights of 1974 on p. 363:
”Russell M. Nelson” wrote: Was given a summons to be a defendant in my first lawsuit, Z.B. vs. Russell M. Nelson, for $150,000. (This suit went to court in 1977 and I won, eight votes to zero from the eight-member jury.)
He doesn’t elaborate on this anywhere else in his book, but all’s well that ends well, and Russell recovered by the end of the year, attending the dedication of the Washington D.C. temple, followed by a cruise around the Virgin Islands aboard the (then) largest fiber-glass yacht in the world with his worthy and wealthy friends.

the heart is weighed in the balance.jpg
For those interested, here is Russell’s Paul Dunn story as told in his biography by Sheri Dew. From Insights From A Prophet’s Life, Deseret Book Company, Salt Lake City, 2019, p.115-116 in her chapter entitled “Who's looking for me?" - Dr. Russell M. Nelson
”Sheri Dew” wrote: Over time, Russell Nelson increasingly grew into the principle of revelation, as the Prophet Joseph Smith taught, and become increasingly responsive to the whisperings of the Spirit.

On one occasion, in an attempt to have some time together, he and Dantzel decided to take a few days off and combine them with medical meetings in Colorado Springs, Colorado. With the meetings concluded, in the middle of their third night away, Russell awoke with feelings of anxiety that had no apparent cause. Finally, he awakened Dantzel, described his unease, and asked if they could pack and go home immediately.

Within a matter of minutes, they were on their way to the airport, managed to get seats on the next flight home from Denver, and landed in Salt Lake City an hour after takeoff. When Russell called his secretary from the airport to ask who was looking for him, she responded with surprise in her voice, "How did you know? You're needed at the hospital for Elder Paul H. Dunn."

They hurried to the hospital to find that Elder Dunn had experienced heart-attack-like symptoms during the night, and a subsequent arteriogram had confirmed that he had what amounted to a complete obstruction of the coronary arteries. As Dr. Nelson prepared to operate, President Kimball arrived to give Elder Dunn a blessing, and the surgical procedure began immediately.

Dr. Nelson had barely opened the patient's chest when Elder Dunn had a full-on heart attack. Russell was able to stabilize his circulation and perform the necessary bypasses. Elder Dunn recovered and in time was able to resume his full schedule.

Such experiences continued to help Russell Nelson refine his ability to discern promptings of the Spirit and know when to take action.
I may elaborate on this chapter from Russell, The Lord Watches Over His Anointed, in a future post. But for now….

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Re: My Weekly Russell: 9) Russell Experiences the Shining at Resort Hotel in Colorado

Post by Gadianton »

Thank you Gabriel for another surreal installment. You have a keen eye for the good stuff.

There is some lacking of self-awareness going on in this account.
Elder Dunn understandably felt a desire to consult with President Kimball,
Nonetheless, I dialed his home phone number and who should answer the phone but President Kimball!
As soon as the chest had been entered and the pericardium was opened, the heart attack came. The electrocardiographic tracing on the monitor became a flat line and the blood pressure fell toward zero.
Dunn understandably felt the desire to consult with the busiest man in Mormonism while he was having a heart attack? It was 'understandable' to his heart surgeon? So much so that Rusty made that happen, and then postponed the surgery for SWK to come down and chat, and give a blessing and all of that BS? As he was opened, Dunn 'flatlined'. And so, what Rusty is really saying, is that his recklessness, such as it was on his rafting trip, is the cause of another near death? Sure, they were able to salvage the situation but had they operated post haste, the dire emergency might not have presented itself.

It's hard to determine what really happened. So much is centered around Rusty going into DCP mode to name drop and brag about having SWK's direct phone number. The subtext of this story to his family is his 'in' with the church leaders.

But the worst is to come. From Dew's account:
Dew wrote:On one occasion, in an attempt to have some time together, he and Dantzel decided to take a few days off and combine them with medical meetings in Colorado Springs, Colorado. With the meetings concluded, in the middle of their third night away, Russell awoke with feelings of anxiety that had no apparent cause.
This is unreal. The lack of awareness branches in several directions in just two sentences. It's unbelievable how these people can publish this stuff.
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Re: My Weekly Russell: 9) Russell Experiences the Shining at Resort Hotel in Colorado

Post by Moksha »

Gadianton wrote:
Sat Oct 23, 2021 12:57 am
Dew wrote:With the meetings concluded, in the middle of their third night away, Russell awoke with feelings of anxiety that had no apparent cause.
This is unreal. The lack of awareness branches in several directions in just two sentences. It's unbelievable how these people can publish this stuff.
They were foreshadowing the supernatural, much like Stephen King did in The Shining.
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Re: My Weekly Russell: 9) Russell Experiences the Shining at Resort Hotel in Colorado

Post by Gadianton »

They go to the resort for the medical conference and for alone time. As soon as the conference ends and the alone time begins, Rusty, an overachiever and workaholic, wakes up feeling anxious and wants to leave immediately. And his wife can't ever bring it up in the future because conveniently, a medical emergency with one of the brethren gives him an out, post hoc.
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Re: My Weekly Russell: 9) Russell Experiences the Shining at Resort Hotel in Colorado

Post by consiglieri »

And Danztzel never suggested her husband just call SLC from the hotel?

Guess the phones must not have been working.

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Re: My Weekly Russell: 9) Russell Experiences the Shining at Resort Hotel in Colorado

Post by Lem »

Gabriel wrote:
Fri Oct 22, 2021 7:17 pm

In The Lord Watches Over His Anointed, p. 195 Russell continues his narrative under the heading, Elder Paul H. Dunn:
”Russell M. Nelson” wrote: On Friday, May 3, 1974, Dantzel and I were in Colorado Springs, Colorado, at the Broadmoor Hotel for surgical meetings. The meetings were scheduled to last five days. We had a lovely room there on the lakefront and were enjoying a reunion that was precious to us, for the times when we could be alone under such pleasant circumstances were few and far between.
We had spent three lovely days there, but that Friday night I awakened with a very uneasy feeling, and I said, “Dantzel, I can't stand it here any longer. Let's pack and go home.”

As she looked about our spacious apartment and then looked at me, she said, "You've got to be kidding!"

I said, "No, I just can't stand it here any longer. Let's go home."
The timing just seemed weird, so I looked it up.
May 1-3, 1974 The Broadmoor
Colorado Springs, Colorado ... ations.cgi
That’s Wednesday through Friday. Three days.

I agree with Gad. the true part is, sadly, that the instant the conference ended and his romantic time started, he said to his wife “I can’t stand it here any longer,” and made her pack up and leave. Or, more likely, he had no plans to stay at all, beyond his work time. What a romantic.

The rest is just convenient re-writing to aggrandize himself.
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Re: My Weekly Russell: 9) Russell Experiences the Shining at Resort Hotel in Colorado

Post by Moksha »

consiglieri wrote:
Sat Oct 23, 2021 4:34 pm
And Danztzel never suggested her husband just call SLC from the hotel?

Guess the phones must not have been working.

It would not have made for a good Paul H. Dunn story. As that still small voice would say at the Broadmoor, Nomrom.
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Re: My Weekly Russell: 9) Russell Experiences the Shining at Resort Hotel in Colorado

Post by Equality »

Elder Dunn understandably felt a desire to consult with President Kimball, so I set about to call him. Of course, to get President Kimball on the line directly is not always possible. Nonetheless, I dialed his home phone number and who should answer the phone but President Kimball!
Yes, I too am always amazed when I call someone's number and the person whose number I just dialed answers the phone. It's a miracle!
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Re: My Weekly Russell: 9) Russell Experiences the Shining at Resort Hotel in Colorado

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Gabriel, I just want to chime in and say your Russell M. Nelson series has been nothing but a watershed moment in exposing the LDS hierarchy for what it is. Absolutely groundbreaking stuff. The money you spent on that book is worth every penny for the treasure trove of behavioral traits that define not just Russell M. Nelson, but the inner circle of the brethren and sistren.

- Doc
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Re: My Weekly Russell: 9) Russell Experiences the Shining at Resort Hotel in Colorado

Post by Morley »

When it's complete, I'd like to see My Weekly Russell compiled and put into the Hall of Fame Threads
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