“King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head”

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Re: “King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head”

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Sun Dec 19, 2021 3:15 am
1. “John Gee, whose name is given in the characters above his head.”
2. “Kerry Muhlestein, whose name is given in the characters above his head.”

The above attempts to put someone in context with the writing in Facsimile No. 3 are untrue. Neither work; the names of Gee and Muhlestein are not written in the writing anymore than the names of King Pharaoh, Shulem, and Olimlah.

There is no power in heaven or on earth that can make such a thing come true other than in one’s own imagination. One is privileged to believe whatever they want but that does not make it necessarily true in the company of everyone else who know better.

Joseph Smith was wrong. I don’t know how many times I can say that before it sinks through hardhearted testimonies maintained by the rigors of religious conditioning that prevent a confession that the Book of Abraham is Joseph Smith’s imagination and personal ideas that he thought would mix well into his religion. There is absolutely nothing, no power on earth or in heaven that could lead me to believe in the lies of what Facsimile No. 3 represent. Absolutely nothing! I KNOW beyond any doubt that those things are not true. Absolutely. Positively. Perfectly. My understanding and knowledge in this is beyond faith and mere belief. It is based on power and ABSOLUTES.
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Is there a prophet in Zion?

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Victim of circumstances involving false translations of the Facsimile in question dates back to Joseph Smith and to those whom he convinced he was spiritually translating Egyptian hieroglyphs by the power of God. This belief continued for many generations in Mormonism and is still alive today, but just barely. General beliefs in the Church about Smith translating the hieroglyphs in the Facsimile is now on life support and the Church is split on how to proceed and in which theory to embrace and promote. It is understood by all of Mormon academia that there are problems with the Book of Abraham translation. The General Authorities of the Church remain silent on the issue because of a gag-order created within the confines of their private fraternity. The General Authorities are not permitted to address these issues or create a platform on which theory they personally support and neither are they permitted to announce their preferences or ideas on how to solve the problems associated with all the controversies about the Book of Abraham. This gag-order will remain in effect until such time as a future President of the Church steps up and courageously tackles the problem by rolling up the sleeves and asking serious questions in search of serious answers. I do not believe we will see this in the actions of President Nelson because he lacks the courage and his administration lacks the fortitude to stand up for what’s right and question what needs to be questioned. Thus, he will continue his ministry and pass the torch along to the next President who is likely to be elder Oaks. It remains to be seen how elder Oaks reacts when he picks up the mantle and has the sole authority to decide how the Church will proceed with the Book of Abraham. If he fails to act, then, another will come after him, and another until someone of courage finally steps up and acts like a prophet.
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A train on tracks

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The long fought battle waged by Book of Abraham apologists has witnessed the loss of many members of the Church who have since resigned or walked away into permanent inactivity. The rate of attrition of the faithful in relying on Smith’s ability to have translated Egyptian is on a track leading to a shutdown whereby an overhaul or rebranding will become necessary. The General Authorities of the Church are divided into two camps as they struggle within themselves which theory to fully embrace:

1. Missing Roll
2. Catalyst

The Church essay on the Book of Abraham makes it clear that both theories are presently acceptable and it has become a matter of personal preference for every member of the Church. This leaves no room for a unified Church all believing the same thing. This same problem exist with Book of Mormon geography which has taken a toll and continues to divide the Church. This is why gag-orders are in place with the General Authorities in preventing them from speaking their own minds or telling the members what their preferences are. The General Authorities remain just as divided as the members wherein there in no unified front in Church leadership when it comes to Book of Mormon geography and Book of Abraham translation theories.

The Mormon train is barreling down the tracks trying to hold everything together but everyone is in their own car believing whatever they want while the train runs down the track going somewhere, anywhere! The situation has become unsustainable and the pressure continues to build and boil over. The General Authorities have to keep their mouths shut and the members are left to wonder when and if leadership will ever provide answers before Jesus returns again to the earth. But the last days continue on in an endless course and will lead into the next century and beyond. It’s not that the second coming is cancelled, it just never was scheduled in the first place because it’s a hoax and a dream to keep the Christian religion alive and maintain power in the clergy.

So what will the Church do next?
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Something vs. Nothing

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When it comes to controversial matters involving the Book of Abraham there is PEARL OF GREAT PRICE CENTRAL that begs excuses through endless possibilities and there are General Authorities that say nothing at all. One gives ridiculous excuses and the other absolutely nothing. The General Authority will tell you that an understanding of these matters is not necessary for your salvation and detracts from the important message that Joseph Smith was inspired to tell the story and reveal eternal concepts therein. The Church leader will tell you to pray and exercise faith in Christ that answers will one day be forthcoming but don’t expect answers overnight. Perhaps those will come in the next life. In the meantime: pray, pay tithing, obey the leaders, attend church, and keep all the commandments. Never mind that the Book of Abraham is a proven hoax and the story told in chapter one is definitely not *how* and *when* Egypt came to be.
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Re: “King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head”

Post by Moksha »

Thought Shulem would enjoy this:

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Re: “King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head”

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:28 am
Thought Shulem would enjoy this:


Dr. Gee,

Please refer to the Doctrine & Covenants and early official Church periodicals that provide *statements* made by the First Presidency about biblical chronology wherein revelations given by the prophet Joseph Smith regarding dating and chronology of the earth’s history after Adam’s fall and when Noah floated about whereby eight souls were saved by water.

Let’s talk about the *BC DATE* in which Smith gave for when Noah floated and Kemet was discovered by “EGYPTUS” and let’s discuss this as it relates to the long periods known as predynastic Egypt and the eventual Unification of both Upper and Lower Egypt. Tell me, Dr. Gee, do your colleagues find Abraham chapter one useful in better understanding Egypt’s making as they compare that with Smith’s chronology?

Is it not so that it’s the Mormons that are poisoning the well of Egyptology? I submit to you that the Book of Abraham is poisoning the well of conventional Egyptology and Mormon apologists are guilty of manufacturing poison and administering it to their victims through PEARL OF GREATH PRICE CENTRAL which poisons the minds of ignorant Latter-day Saints.
Last edited by Shulem on Wed Dec 22, 2021 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: “King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head”

Post by Moksha »

Here is an accompanying thread to the John Gee interview. MDDB participants are firmly hooked on the idea of a missing scroll that actually contained what is claimed in the Book of Abraham.

https://www.mormondialogue.org/topic/74 ... interview/
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Re: “King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head”

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Wed Dec 22, 2021 4:56 am
Here is an accompanying thread to the John Gee interview. MDDB participants are firmly hooked on the idea of a missing scroll that actually contained what is claimed in the Book of Abraham.

https://www.mormondialogue.org/topic/74 ... interview/

The Missing Roll theory is not supported by evidence. Parallels are easily introduced and serve to show that hieroglyphs on the extant papyrus were in fact used to produce the Book of Abraham as presently constituted. We have hard evidence to demonstrate that Smith and his scribes utilized the very hieroglyphs contained on surviving fragments to show those were part and parcel with the scroll allegedly written by the hand of Abraham.

This thread has meticulously labored in showing how the very hieroglyphic characters in the registers of Facsimile No. 3 were used by the prophet to claim that the *NAME* of “King Pharaoh” and the *NAME* Shulem is written within the very hieroglyphs that are before our eyes. We can read those hieroglyphs and we know that the King’s name and the name Shulem is NOT before our eyes. Those names are missing just as the so-called missing roll of Abraham is missing and yet that so-called missing roll is pure fantasy having never existed except in the minds of apologists who spend their energy denying the real evidence and concocting ridiculous theories.

How about the hieroglyphic writings copied into the document Joseph Smith *SIGNED* by his own hand in demonstrating that certain hieroglyphs copied therein told the story of Kutumin and her place in Egyptian history including the very year in which she lived? We see those hieroglyphs before our very eyes just as we do those in Facsimile No. 3 and those that flank the original so-called sacrifice scene of the vignette used to produce Facsimile No. 1.

OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK at exactly what Joseph Smith looked at when he translated and interpreted hieroglyphic writing as it related to what he said it meant! We can believe the prophet when he said he translated the characters from which he personally managed. We have those characters! We can see them before our very eyes. They are NOT missing. Do not believe the apologists. They are lying.

Book of the Dead for Amenhotep Translation


Kirtland Egyptian papers

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It’s that time of year!

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Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone!

Have a safe holiday and be kind to others!

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Re: “King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head”

Post by Moksha »


Cry Heaven and let loose the Penguins of Peace
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