midgley has a problem with sensitivity

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Re: midgley has a problem with sensitivity

Post by dantana »

Marcus wrote:
Wed Jan 05, 2022 8:56 pm
Louis Midgley 2 hours ago

When my wife and I lived in Austria for months, the local university people in Salzburg denied knowing a thing about Mauthausen. But they would also tell us a few minutes later that one could tell when Russian POW's were being burned since they had a better diet and the smoke had a different smell.

https://www.patheos.com/blogs/danpeters ... 5675813758
I think he's just a brutal pig who thinks nothing of repeating disgusting rumors. Anyone who isn't a Mormon is less than human to him, so he has no problem disparaging them.
I wonder what it would smell like over there if someone were to refer to the Smith boys as going up the stack at Carthage.
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Re: midgley has a problem with sensitivity

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

malkie wrote:
Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:18 pm
But it is used as an excuse here too.
Or people here don’t larp at being “Saints” who live by “higher standards” and also don’t make all the posters at Sic et Non guilty by association along with DCP, LM, RMcG, and a couple others, unlike those aforementioned do toward this site.

“Up the stack” is an insanely cold way to describe those who died in concentration camps and were cremated. And frankly having a “favorite” concentration camp is pretty dark. Like. Pathologically dark.

- Doc
Last edited by Doctor CamNC4Me on Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: midgley has a problem with sensitivity

Post by malkie »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:23 am
malkie wrote:
Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:18 pm
But it is used as an excuse here too.
Or people here don’t larp at being “Saints” who live by “higher standards” and also don’t make all the posters at Sic et Non guilty by association along with DCP, LM, RMcG, and a couple others, unlike those aforementioned do toward this site.

“Up the stack” is an insanely cold way to those who died in concentration camps and were cremated. And frankly having a “favorite” concentration camp is pretty dark. Like. Pathologically dark.

- Doc
I (almost) completely agree, Doc.

But a few folks here who do seem to like to present themselves as "Saints" use "they deserve it" to excuse abusing others, and double down when called on it.
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Re: midgley has a problem with sensitivity

Post by Moksha »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:23 am
And frankly having a “favorite” concentration camp is pretty dark. Like. Pathologically dark.

- Doc
This is based on an LDS apologetic party game, where they go around in a circle revealing their favorite concentration camp and then tell why. Other Nazi trivia is also included. They call this game, High Hitler.

My guess is that Dr. Midgley was reliving those festive occasions in his post.
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Re: midgley has a problem with sensitivity

Post by Marcus »

Louis Midgley > Dr. Sunstoned
7 hours ago

Stoned: I will explain my remark about Mauthausen again. I have visited that place more than a dozen times. First, to see it myself, then take BYU students to that place, then family and friends to that terrible place.

I am not aware that you, and those from another place, are experts in proper "tone."

I happen to have become a conscious human being during WW II. I followed it as well as one could while it was taking place. For example, my father had a radio that allowed us to listen to the BBC in London while the Germans were bombing that city. That just happened to be at a time when it was not at all sure who would win that war. In addition, family members were involved in our landing in North Africa, then Sicily, then Utah Beach in Normandy, eventually in the famous German counterattack in Belgium, then ending up in Germany. I then followed in great detail the story of German Death Camps. I doubt that you did any of those things. Hence, I happen to find your remark unfortunate.
Midgley is always so sure that no human being outside of his religion has any capacity to think, learn, or make an attempt to understand the world around us. But then, this is the same guy who said gemli has no idea why rape is wrong because he's an atheist.

He really does seem to believe that people who don't believe as he does are somehow subhuman, incapable of thought. Either that, or he really has no capacity to determine right and wrong, or anything of an ethical nature, and has to have every single bit explained to him by someone in his religion. Therefore, he sees anyone outside his religion as having the same incapacity to behave humanly and humanely. In other words, he's a sociopath.
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Re: midgley has a problem with sensitivity

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Wed Jan 05, 2022 8:08 pm
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Wed Jan 05, 2022 7:48 pm
5 days ago Midgley posted:

My tablet is on the fritz right now, but I wonder if one were to open up a large scroll-window on LM’s disqus posting history and then ctl+f’d “up the stack” how many times we’d see that term used.

- Doc
Out of morbid curiosity, I did a search for "up the stack" + Jew in Google to see where the term might have originated. Not much luck, but amongst the top results was another comment by Midgley in another cone of Peterson's blog posts.

https://www.patheos.com/blogs/danpeters ... -jews.html
I think Dr. Steuss was being too kind. Here are LM’s comments:
I wish that Professor Peterson had included a link such as the following to provide details about Mauthausen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi.... You will notice that Mauthausen is 12 miles from Linz and hence on the Danube. The town probably had perhaps no more than four thousand inhabitants when the Wienergraben (stone quarry) was turned into a First class death camp, with a great many smaller camps scattered around that place. It operated from 1938 until 5 May 1945. The US Army had "liberated" Buchenwald, Dauhau, and Belsen-Bergen earlier. But they small operations when compared with Mauthausen. The death totals range from twenty to just over fifty thousand at each of those places. Those others involved the death of twenty or thirty thousand undesirables, including Jews. At Mauthausen there were 122,766 known to have "gone up the stack" after being gassed or otherwise killed. But the best guess is that about 320,000 were burned. It was the Russians who "liberated" the really impressive death camps where "work makes you free," as the signs indicate.

My wife and I have visited that dreadful place six or seven times, sometimes with family members. Doing that has been a kind of pilgrimage for the Midgleys. At least a dozen times we have visited the tiny place in Heidelberg where there once was a Jewish Synagogue. It is now a tiny paved place with a sign indicating how it ceased to exist. Often that sign is marked with graffiti, which makes me ill.

I wanted to visit Auschwitz, but my wife refused to travel to Poland because she could not stand the thought of having to visit that place, where something like five million were "sent up the stack." I have now given up my earlier desire to visit that place. But I have rather recently visited what is known as Terezin (in the Czech Republic) quite near the German boarder and hence not all that far from Dresden. The Germans called it Theresienstadt and it was a kind of town surrounded by large stone fortifications. This Bohenian death camp operated from 1941 to 1945, and 97,297 were killed there, including 35,440 Jews. There are crosses for the gentiles and a Star of David for the Jews, whether assimilated or not, at very large memorial as one approaches that place. If anyone is ever in or near Prague, one can easily take a day-trip to Theresienstadt. I think that these trips are available at the Jewish quarter in Prague, where there are three Synagogues that are worth a visit. I don't think that a guided day trip to Treresienstadt is possible from Dresden, however.
A pilgrimage? Most pilgrims make a journey to a shrine or sacred place as an act of religious devotion or just to learn something about themselves, spiritually. Think about that for a hot minute. LM refers to Mauthausen as a place where he’s a pilgrim, and he finds it sacred. The dude has a screw loose.

- Doc
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Re: midgley has a problem with sensitivity

Post by Moksha »

I imagine to this day that J.A. Topf and Sons remains Dr. Midgley's favorite maker of incinerators.
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Re: midgley has a problem with sensitivity

Post by Philo Sofee »

The reason the concentration camps thrill Lou and Dan is because the more Jews who "went up the stack," the more Lou and Dan can compete in the Mormon Olympics striving for the Gold medal of who got baptized for more dead Jews in the temples, and who was able to do so in more different temples than the other one. Jews "up the stacks" translates to greater righteous and more good works for Lou and Dan than your regular Joe Mormons. In fact, this is the secret reason why they world travel. It's not to enjoy the world and see God's creation, it is to compete for who gets more baptized for the dead with the Holocaust Jews as their key to Elohimhood. Lou is pulling out a head, though they have been neck to neck. I suspect a secret request has been mailed out to the Brethren from these two desiring and begging for more Jewish names so that they can increase their righteousness in the various temple locations. It is easier to be baptizes more in the American temples, but these two are scurrying all over the world in righteousness looking for ways to give them a clear lead in celestialization glories in the next world over their own fellow saints, so they are needing more "up the stack" names in the foreign country temples. It is a testimony builder in all Mormon hearts to see these two achieving such magnificent pinnacles of spirituality from those dead "up the stacks" people who mattered little to Lou and Dan in their lives or their memories. A dead Jew is vastly more important to these guys for their own special chosen righteousness and field of endeavor to be the first ahead of the other one to become an Elohim. Then they can Lord it over the loser when all those "up the stack" Jews begin worshipping the winner and the loser gets to watch and be envious of such great glory and ululation.
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Re: midgley has a problem with sensitivity

Post by Doctor Steuss »

huckelberry wrote:
Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:25 pm
Just as a matter of language to my ears the phrase people going up the stack would be disrespect for the people perpetrating the event not the victims.
Hi Huckleberry,

If you wouldn't mind and/or have time, would you mind expanding on this a bit? I've been churning it over for a day, and I haven't been able to process it this way.

Is it because "stack" elicits a deck of cars to your ears?
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Re: midgley has a problem with sensitivity

Post by huckelberry »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Fri Jan 07, 2022 4:14 pm
huckelberry wrote:
Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:25 pm
Just as a matter of language to my ears the phrase people going up the stack would be disrespect for the people perpetrating the event not the victims.
Hi Huckleberry,

If you wouldn't mind and/or have time, would you mind expanding on this a bit? I've been churning it over for a day, and I haven't been able to process it this way.

Is it because "stack" elicits a deck of cars to your ears?
stack is a chimney up which went the smoke of the human beings that were burnt in the concentration camps.It is a blunt description of what happened to human beings in fascist Germany.
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