Clinton campaign spied on Pres. Trump

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Clinton campaign spied on Pres. Trump

Post by ajax18 »

48 Hours: Media Ignore Durham Investigation of Hillary Clinton’s Operatives Allegedly Spying on Trump
The establishment media ignored news over the weekend from the John Durham probe that alleged Hillary Clinton’s campaign operatives spied on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and presidency.

After the revelations of Hillary Clinton’s alleged shenanigans broke early Saturday morning, the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CBS News, NBC News, and ABC News – all ignored one of the largest political scandals of the past ten years.

On Monday morning, Rasmussen Reports announced the Associated Press, New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal had continued for 48 hours to ignore the scandalous scandal. Instead, the publications preferred to direct reader’s attention to the Super Bowl and the Olympics in Communist China:

In the past, the establishment media have acknowledged Durham’s investigation as a distraction with “no real evidence.”
john durham

John Durham speaks to reporters on the steps of the U.S. District Court in New Haven, CN. (AP Photo/Bob Child, File).

“There’s no real evidence,” CBS reporter Lesley Stahl said in 2020. “This is ’60 Minutes.’ We can’t put on things we can’t verify.”

CNN’s Don Lemon told disgraced former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo in 2019 the investigation is BS and unbelievable. “Nothing happens and they just move on to the next conspiracy theory,” Lemon said. “It is never going to end and guess what? People who want to believe that BS are going to believe it.”
Don Lemon attends CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute at the American Museum of Natural History on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015, in New York. (Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

Don Lemon (Charles Sykes/Invision/AP)

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow also poo-pooed the scandal in October. “It’s a boomerang,” she claimed. “Because it’s apparently an ongoing, concerted Republican and pro-Trump project to try to turn the investigation of the Russia scandal into some kind of scandal itself.”

Rasmussen polling revealed last week the majority of voters (58 percent) believe the establishment is the enemy of the people.

Reportedly, additional revelations are to be issued from the Durham probe. Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told Fox News on Monday more indictments may be forthcoming.

“Based on more intelligence that has not yet been declassified, I would expect there to be frankly, quite a few more indictments,” he said. “I think this conspiracy, and I do think there was a criminal conspiracy, is broad and deep.”

Donald Trump believes Durham’s probe will prove his “campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign” and that the operatives should be “subject to criminal prosecution.” ... ing-trump/

Watergate was a few Republicans spying on a Democrat opponent. Russiagate was the Clinton campaign spying on their political opponent, their lawyers instructing people on the Clinton payroll to find something to make the allegation of Trump making a backroom deal with Russia plausible. What makes it so much worse than Watergate was that this offense was committed against a sitting president.
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Re: Clinton campaign spied on Pres. Trump

Post by huckelberry »

interesting, so what was the criminal activity this is concerned with?
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Re: Clinton campaign spied on Pres. Trump

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »


I don’t care because it doesn’t matter
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Re: Clinton campaign spied on Pres. Trump

Post by ajax18 »

huckelberry wrote:
Tue Feb 15, 2022 1:11 am
interesting, so what was the criminal activity this is concerned with?
John Durham, the special counsel appointed under former President Trump to investigate the FBI's probing of Russian interference in the 2016 election, alleged in court that a tech executive "exploited" access to White House data in order to find damning information about Trump.

In a court filing submitted Friday, Durham's office said that the executive, who is referred to in legal filings only as "Tech Executive-1" but has been identified in news reports as Rodney Joffe, used his company's access to nonpublic government domain name system (DNS) data through a pending cybersecurity contract as he was analyzing supposed links between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.

"Tech Executive-1’s employer, Internet Company-1, had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP," Durham's office wrote, using an acronym for the White House's Executive Office of the President.

"Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump." ... hite-house

So the Democrats had a member of the Deep State inside the white house who was in charge of the servers who could extract data as instructed by Clinton campaign lawyers to create a narrative to make it plausibly seem that there was a current secret backdoor connection between the Trump white house and Putin. The opposing political party cannot be allowed to pay people to extract data from a private white house server and then feed manipulated information to their advocates in the media with the aim of making up charges out of whole cloth in an effort to impeach a democratically elected president. They wanted to intimidate President Trump into resigning and wasted tens of millions in taxpayer dollars as they bore false witness.

What if the Trump campaign paid someone who worked in the Biden administration to monitor private servers and then leak selected information out of context to the media with the aim of impeaching the president?

"It shows how totally corrupt and shameless the media is," Trump said in a statement. "Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and the Republicans, in particular President Donald Trump, got caught illegally spying into the Office of the President? All hell would break loose and the electric chair would immediately come out of retirement. The good news is, everybody is talking about not only this atrocity against our Nation, but that the press refuses to even mention the major crime that took place." ... hite-house
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Re: Clinton campaign spied on Pres. Trump

Post by K Graham »

Another laughable nuthin burger that will be hyped by the perpetually outraged fake news outlets on the Right.
It’s useful to note that Durham’s claim about data being “exploited” emerged early. Both Wheeler and Graham elevated questions about the ethics of digging through collected DNS records to investigate something that was probably outside of any agreement governing what the data was being collected for. But that doesn’t mean 1) that any laws were violated or 2) that this constitutes “hacking.” If I give you a key to my house and you use it to come in and read my diary, I will certainly be angry with you, but it’s not like you committed burglary.

Yet that’s how the paragraph above has at times been conveyed. On Fox News, for example, a story about the Durham filing ran with the headline “Clinton campaign paid to ‘infiltrate’ Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham.” There are a few problems with this, including that the connection between Clinton’s team and the Perkins Coie Alfa Bank investigation is not direct, nor did Durham use the word “infiltrate,” a word that suggests illicit access to data.

Instead, both of those claims come not from Durham but, as the article makes clear, from former Trump staffer Kash Patel. It’s a statement from Patel that makes the Clinton claim and uses the word infiltrate. It’s Patel — whose recent career has often centered on backstopping Trump’s claims of being unfairly investigated — who drew the line that Fox is attributing to the special counsel. (Fox News later updated its headline.)

Durham describes an effort to impugn Trump by claiming that during a meeting with a government agency in February 2017, Sussman alleged that DNS lookups “demonstrated that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations.” This doesn’t support a throughline back to Clinton, of course, since Trump wasn’t spending much time at the White House while Clinton was still a presidential candidate. Durham’s filing asserts that the lookups centered on those phones went back to 2014, when Trump wasn’t even yet a candidate.

There are legitimate questions about the effort to link Trump back to Russia using this data that was not only sketchy at the outset, but had also been debunked by the time the election was over. But there is no question that this is not proof that Trump Tower was “wiretapped.” It is not proof that Mark Levin’s claims in early 2017 were accurate, since they weren’t. If it’s evidence of Trump being “spied on,” as the former president has also claimed in recent days, it’s a very broad sort of spying — collecting all of the domain-name lookups from a physical location or a network — being conducted not by the Obama administration or by Hillary Clinton, but by an anti-Trump lawyer.
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Re: Clinton campaign spied on Pres. Trump

Post by ajax18 »

collecting all of the domain-name lookups from a physical location or a network — being conducted not by the Obama administration or by Hillary Clinton, but by an anti-Trump lawyer.
They were on the Clinton campaigns payroll!
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Re: Clinton campaign spied on Pres. Trump

Post by K Graham »

Yet another example of the disparity between legit news outlets and the lies promulgated by the perpetually outraged Right Wing propaganda mill.

The Fox News and GOP spin doesn't line up with what a court document actually says.

Hillary Clinton isn’t running for president in 2024. She hasn’t held office since 2013. And yet, I’d argue that given the outsized fixation on her even now, she — not former President Donald Trump — is the central figure in conservatives’ imaginations.

The latest right-wing attack on Clinton claims her campaign “spied” on Trump during the 2016 campaign and his early days in office, echoing the long-debunked “Spygate” conspiracy theory, which falsely said the Obama administration surveilled him. It’s a claim that has Republicans practically giddy, as was made clear in a Fox News chyron Monday morning that looked straight out of 2010: “GOP Eager To Probe Hillary Clinton If House Flips.” That evening, Fox News was still at it, outright accusing Clinton of framing Trump.

Trump himself in a statement Saturday called this nothing of a story a “scandal far greater in scope than Watergate” and averred that in “a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death.” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Fox News on Sunday that Trump’s statement was “right on target” — seemingly including the unhinged call for the death penalty for Clinton’s retinue.

As with so many of the conspiracy theories centered on Clinton, not much roots the right-wing hype to reality. In this case, Clinton’s enemies are harping on a document special counsel John Durham filed in court last week, related to the disturbingly weak charges he’s brought against a former Clinton campaign lawyer named Michael Sussmann. Trump’s Justice Department asked Durham to investigate the origins of the investigation into the Trump campaign by special counsel Robert Mueller, which hasn’t turned up the conspiracy against Trump that his supporters believe exists.

In asking the court to determine whether the law firm representing Sussmann has a conflict of interest, Durham filled in the rest of the document with mostly unrelated details that make great grist for the conservative outrage mill. I’ll spare you the nitty-gritty, but here’s the part that the GOP thinks is worth new investigations:
The Government’s evidence at trial will also establish that among the Internet data Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system (“DNS”) Internet traffic pertaining to (i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States (“EOP”). (Tech Executive-1’s employer, Internet Company-1, had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP. Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump.)
Sounds shady, but Durham’s filing doesn’t leave the impression that this was any kind of “wiretap,” as Trump had claimed, or hacking to “infiltrate” his campaign, as Fox News’ headline put it. Even former Trump appointee John Ratcliffe had to admit on Fox News that there was nothing really illegal about how that data was obtained.

Nor is there any real connection to Clinton herself or her campaign, not in the Sussmann indictment nor in last week’s filing. Instead, it’s former Trump lackey Kash Patel, not Durham, who made that baseless claim to Fox News. Patel also issued a statement using the word “infiltrate,” which has become key to the current freakout.

Republicans love milking every possible Clinton scandal for all it’s worth. If House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., became speaker, he’d love nothing more than to spend his first years presiding over the Revenge of the Benghazi Committee, a sequel that absolutely nobody needs. His goal would be getting “Clinton” and “investigation” together in headlines, which gets the base going, even if there’s no malfeasance to uncover.

Whenever I write about anything related to Trump, especially his ongoing efforts to subvert democracy and the Constitution, someone in an email accuses me of having “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” I chuckle, but I’m struck by the irony given the Republicans’ continued obsession with Clinton. It almost feels Dadaist at this point, a trip into the absurd that will keep going until Trump has finally managed to “lock her up.”

Clinton won’t be on the ballot in 2024; Trump likely will. She isn’t holding rallies and encouraging future assaults on democracy; he is. Whereas Trump and his followers luxuriate in his ability to live in liberals’ heads rent-free, Clinton would very much like to be excluded from this narrative. But the GOP isn’t about to let a little thing like “facts” get in the way of the strategy of going after Clinton as a springboard back to power.
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Re: Clinton campaign spied on Pres. Trump

Post by Some Schmo »

The right wing represents morons, because morons make up the majority of the right wing.

That's really all there is to say about it. They love being morons. They are better at it than anyone else.
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Re: Clinton campaign spied on Pres. Trump

Post by Moksha »

Some Schmo wrote:
Tue Feb 15, 2022 2:04 pm
The right wing represents morons, because morons make up the majority of the right wing.

That's really all there is to say about it. They love being morons. They are better at it than anyone else.
Wonder if the best interest of Republicans would be served if they required an LDS Temple recommend as a voter ID? While that would also disenfranchise most Republican voters, it would never the less give them an automatic 80% majority in all elections. They could be morons in comfort and continue to play church.
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Re: Clinton campaign spied on Pres. Trump

Post by Binger »


K said that Hillary did it but CNN hasn’t mentioned it so Trump is bad.

Then Schmo said something in Canadian about being in the same church as KGraham.
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