Is being a "Mormon" as a Man (and Married LDS), Better in the Midst of Wokeism & Secular Culture?

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Free Ranger
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Is being a "Mormon" as a Man (and Married LDS), Better in the Midst of Wokeism & Secular Culture?

Post by Free Ranger »

I know that any time you share an opinion that even sounds conservative you are at risk of being labelled Alt-Right nowadays. So let me begin by saying that I am what some have called a "90s Liberal." I supported first-wave feminism, and one of the reasons I left the Mormon Church around 2007 was because of the Seed of Cain doctrine which I considered racist (which the Church finally disavowed in their 2013's essay, Race and the Priesthood). I have voted Democrat in every election so far. I am actually high in empathy and believe in Universal Health Care and other policies that some conservatives reject. But I don't fit the cookie-cutter mold of either the far right or the far left. I exist on a spectrum and there are many nuances to my points of view.

In my opinion, we are going through a current schizophrenic insanity which is captured in season 2, episode 2 of the TV show Euphoria. First, the character Kat has a Dothraki sex dream where he basically takes her like an ancient Viking! See ... e-2-recap/

Then, in the same episode they basically call third-wave feminism/wokeism a "self-help cult." See:
They even throw in a woman with blue hair to make it clear. Message of the epiosde: all this feminist feminine empowerment is BS; the problem is not "the patriarchy," and you're not really a "bad bitch"; and getting in touch with your inner "feminine warrior" and slaying alleged "toxic masculinity" is bulshit. In the real world women are biologically designed through millions of years of evolution and the self-help cult of feminizing Wokeism isn't going to change that. Nature can't be changed no matter how much a blue-haired woman yells at the top of her lungs. Nature determines that being unhealthy and eating junk food will not make you "healthy" (as the woman tells Kat in the video) while Kat says, "But I don't like feel healthy . . . Like, seriously I'm not!" Nature determines what a woman biologically finds attractive and desires, which is not a super Woke guy, they want an effing Viking!

Marriage is still the traditional way men and women express their commitment to each other when in love. But the fact is I had an exmormon friend who went through a divorce, wife cheated on him and deceived him, and the family courts did not care. He tried to appeal to the former ethics they had as Mormons but she had completely abandoned any Higher Standard of Ethics at that point as she did not believe in God and justified her actions. I sat with my friend before his case was heard, and I watched other men get railroaded by the secular family court system; as lawyers (like sharks sensing blood in the water), swooped in to earn money off of people's misery. At the time of my friend's divorce I watched the documentary "Divorce Corp" and was shocked, that while most documentaries exaggerate things, I found most of this documentary to actually reflect the reality I had experienced while supporting my friend. See:
Being Mormon and married is no guarantee none of these things are going to happen to you, but it is greatly diminished.

I can't turn on TV or watch movies now or go on social media without seeing men constantly being disparaged and maligned for being men. Instead of going after the minority of truly bad men, all men and all of masculinity is thrown under the bus. Men are under attack in this atmosphere. The Mormon Church has thus from my perspective become a lighthouse in the darkness. This is no longer about condemning bad man or making evil men good, it has become a feminist/Woke religion about attacking all men and replacing patriarchy with matriarchy, masculinity with universal femininity, so that we do indeed need an antidote to the Chaos. Jordan Peterson attempted such a thing in his book and one could easily call the Mormon scriptures an antidote to the modern chaos. Even exMormon atheists like Chris Hanna and Jonathan Streeter have decided to call out the crazy chaos for what it is. See

I have a Mormon uncle who ruled the roost as a devout Mormon and now that his wife has a debilitating illness, it is his masculine power and money that is capable of taking care of her and giving her healing luxuries that she would not have had if she was a single woman and relying on the state to take care of her. In other words, yes she allegedly "sacrificed being a Wokeist feminist," to be a stereotypical Mormon housewife, but she also raised healthy and successful kids and supported a good husband who is now taking care of her when she needs it.

I once was listening to a talk show of the middle-aged couple who are comedians and the blond woman was saying that she never understood this disparaging of the woman as the homemaker, she was like why would you want to go deal with the stress of a career and a boss yelling at you. She pointed out that she loved raising her kids and yeah now that the kids are grown she occasionally does stand-up comedy acts but she liked being a mother. I have a friend who is in her forties who had a husband who played video games and rejected his masculine responsibilities. She eventually went through a divorce and now she is a career woman and when I last talked to her she's not very happy. She has career power, a condo, and mucho money but she's miserable. She's always tired. She wants a man but tells me that in the cultural atmosphere a lot of men are feminized and want a mother figure to take care of them. She says she would love to have a real Mormon man.

In the Mormon Church you have a clear top down patriarchy that puts positive pressure on men to be men, to be good men, to be protectors and providers. So now after many years as an exMormon I think that's what I like about Mormonism most of all now, the fact that it is patriarchal. Because you know what happens when you have "too many roosters," you have chaos. You can't have both the man and the woman in a small space taking on the role of the rooster, the reason why the military functions as well as it does amidst chaos is because of hierarchy. A lot of far-Leftists quote Nietzsche but they really haven't sat and read him and noticed that he makes a strong case for "rank order." Instead of attacking masculinity and rank order, it is celebrated in Mormonism. So as a man, why would I not choose to get married as a Mormon where my masculinity, and hierarchy, is respected?

When I watch TV shows and movies now, even the good man is under attack. For example, in the 2021 show Sex/Life, this woman's husband is the ideal good man, good looking, masculine, protector and provider; yet she is presented as the hero in the story who cheats on him, lies to him, and in the final scenes it is her sitting down watching her kids on stage at a school play next to her husband (who is a good man); and her getting up and abandoning her family to go continue to cheat on her husband and then choose a high demand career over her kids. So I finished watching the series and I am like, this as what non-Mormon culture is offering me? Why the hell would I join that world?

Atheists in the 2010s did not create the utopian Vulcan world of rationality they dreamed of, instead they left a moral vacuum and Wokeism filled it. Religion is never going away and we see that with the religion of Wokeism and Hollywood attempting to replace the more patriarchal Christian Mythos with the feminizing Woke Mythos. In Terminator: Dark Fate, the male hero John Connor is killed off and replaced with a new "female savior" who in the scene at the top of the train basically indirectly mocks the male savior of Christianity. Also see this deleted scene:
While the embodiment of masculinity, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is demoted to a robotic maid. In the last Star Wars movies, Luke Skywalker is turned into a grumpy old man accused of attempted murder. But in the Mormon Mythos you have Captain Moroni and the righteous Nephi and the hymn "praise to the man." Thus, not being someone who's willing to hate my ethnicity or inner masculinity, I am finding the Mormon Church is currently an antidote to the far-Left Progressivism and chaos and attack on men.

I was watching another popular podcaster and they were talking about men getting married and he said that before he got married he said to his wife, he's like okay what is going to be the system or structure that binds this relationship. I'm paraphrasing. In the Mormon Church you have that binding system that keeps you accountable. Daily scripture study is programming you and your wife everyday with a higher ethic and a shared standard. Going to the church weekly is the equivalent of those digital signs on the side of the road that tells you your car's speed. It keeps you in check. Being part of a community that's whole focus is on maintaining the marriage relationship and family unity for here and into eternity bolsters your commitment and keeps the relationship accountable; because if things are not going well in your relationship there are spiritual brothers and sisters all around you to see it. This also means that if you are a guy who is not living up to the noble ideals of being a good man and husband then that will be thrown into the light; just as if she is not living up to her ideals as a woman and a wife that will be thrown into the light. You don't have that in a secular marriage, where you essentially go your own way and do your own thing; there's no accountability, there's no tribal community to lift you up and hold you accountable.

Living in California, I'm still a not a big fan of state marriage but if I were to ever get married it would be as a Mormon. I don't even believe in all of Mormonism supernaturally but I am culturally Mormon and I currently believe in enough of it that it sounds more sane and stabilizing than secular culture. My current opinion is that I would more likely have a healthy and successful marriage as a Mormon. And I'm more likely to be respected as a man within Mormon culture than in most areas of secular culture. Yes there are exceptions, I know, I know, I know. But you give me a better structure for keeping a marriage intact? Give me a better Christian-ethics-based community/familial fraternity, that respects men and honors men as men?
Last edited by Free Ranger on Thu Mar 31, 2022 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Philo Sofee
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Re: Is being a "Mormon" as a Man (and Married LDS), Better in the Midst of Wokeism & Secular Culture?

Post by Philo Sofee »

Free Ranger
But you give me a better structure for keeping a marriage intact? Give me a better Christian-ethics-based community/familial fraternity, that respects men and honors men as men?
Good to meet you Ranger! Welcome. I would say I don't worry about neither Mormon or Christian basis in marriage at all, but in a human/love/friendship basis. This second time for me has worked for 34 years as opposed to the mere 4 1/2 years of Mormon based marriage... friendship/love marriage is vastly superior to any religious basis in my opinion.
Free Ranger
Posts: 221
Joined: Thu Oct 28, 2021 7:17 pm

Re: Is being a "Mormon" as a Man (and Married LDS), Better in the Midst of Wokeism & Secular Culture?

Post by Free Ranger »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:07 pm
Free Ranger
But you give me a better structure for keeping a marriage intact? Give me a better Christian-ethics-based community/familial fraternity, that respects men and honors men as men?
Good to meet you Ranger! Welcome. I would say I don't worry about neither Mormon or Christian basis in marriage at all, but in a human/love/friendship basis. This second time for me has worked for 34 years as opposed to the mere 4 1/2 years of Mormon based marriage... friendship/love marriage is vastly superior to any religious basis in my opinion.
Thank you for the warm welcome Philo Sofee,

And thanks for sharing your experience. The atheistic rational side of myself understands and agrees with what you are saying. I agree that when it comes down to it, a healthy relationship (any relationship) is based on a "human/love/friendship basis" as you put it. But I also think that marriage can be very stressful, from what I am told. So I think a marriage can be helped by the rituals and ethics of religion when it does become stressful. I also know that people change and grow apart in many cases. In my friend's case (I mentioned) they began on a friendship basis but she grew into a different worldview. I'm willing to say that on some level the human element of the friendship and bond was severed before she cheated and put him through hell in divorce court. But I also think that on atheism and secularism, she had no objective morality to hold herself accountable. But if she was religious, she would have had the "LDS cultural superego" keep her in check, instead of letting her self-centerness and Id run free.

So the "religious humanist" in me thinks that you are statistically more likely to have a healthier marriage in Mormonism in the current culture. A quick Google search did seem to show that Mormons are less likely to cheat on each other. But I also agree with you that I could marry a secular woman as an agnostic humanist and we could form a good friendship and discuss our ethics and commitment and have a healthy relationship (as you appeared to have). I'm not an absolutist just thinking things through. I'm looking to be practical and go with the best probable outcome. Right now, while I think there are exceptions (like you), I think I'm more likely to have more security through a Mormon marriage. So that given I have so much to lose being married as a man in California, I'm seeking to reduce my risks.
Last edited by Free Ranger on Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 5289
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Re: Is being a "Mormon" as a Man (and Married LDS), Better in the Midst of Wokeism & Secular Culture?

Post by Marcus »

In your first sentence, you said you were worried about being labeled “Alt-Right.”

I wouldn’t worry about that. “Sexist,” on the other hand, fits you like a glove! Wow, it’s been quite some time since I’ve seen such a sexist rant but damn, brother, you did a stellar job! I pulled out a few of your highlights:
Free Ranger wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:26 pm
I even throw in a woman with blue hair to make it clear…

Message: all this feminist feminine empowerment is BS; the problem is not "the patriarchy," and you're not really a "bad bitch"; and getting in touch with your inner "feminine warrior" and slaying alleged "toxic masculinity" is bulshit. In the real world women are biologically designed through millions of years of evolution and the self-help cult of feminizing Wokeism isn't going to change that. Nature can't be changed no matter how much a blue-haired woman yells at the top of her lungs…

…Nature determines what a woman biologically finds attractive and desires, which is not a super Woke guy, they want an effing Viking!

Marriage is still the traditional way men and women express their commitment to each other when in love….

…but she had completely abandoned any Higher Standard of Ethics at that point as she did not believe in God and justified her actions.

…Being Mormon and married is no guarantee none of these things are going to happen to you, but it is greatly diminished.

I can't turn on TV or watch movies now or go on social media without seeing men constantly being disparaged and maligned for being men. Instead of going after the minority of truly bad men, all men and all of masculinity is thrown under the bus. Men are under attack in this atmosphere…

The Mormon Church has this from my perspective become a lighthouse in the darkness. This is no longer about condemning bad man or making evil men good, it has become a feminist/Woke religion about attacking all men…

…I have a Mormon uncle who ruled the roost as a devout Mormon and now that his wife has a debilitating illness, it is his masculine power and money that is capable of taking care of her and giving her healing luxuries that she would not have had if she was a single woman and relying on the state to take care of her…

In other words, yes she allegedly "sacrificed being a Wokeist feminist," to be a stereotypical Mormon housewife, but she also raised healthy and successful kids and supported a good husband who is now taking care of her when she needs it….

I personally have a friend who is in her forties who had a husband who played video games and rejected his masculine responsibilities. She eventually went through a divorce and now she is a career woman and when I last talked to her she's not very happy. She has career power, a condo, and mucho money but she's miserable. She's always tired. She wants a man but tells me that in the cultural atmosphere a lot of men are feminized and want a mother figure to take care of them. She says she would love to have a real Mormon man….

In the Mormon Church you have a clear top down patriarchy that puts positive pressure on men to be men, to be good men, to be protectors and providers. So now after many years as an exMormon I think that's what I like about Mormonism most of all now, the fact that it is patriarchal.

Because you know what happens when you have too many roosters, you have chaos. You can't have both the man and the woman in a small space taking on the role of the rooster, the reason why the military functions as well as it does amidst chaos is because of hierarchy….

Instead of attacking masculinity and rank order, it is celebrated in Mormonism. So as a man, why would I not choose to get married as a Mormon where my masculinity and hierarchy is respected?

When I watch TV shows and movies now, even the good man is under attack. For example, in the 2021 show Sex/Life, this woman's husband is the ideal good man, good looking, masculine, protector and provider; yet she is presented as the hero in the story who cheats on him, lies to him, and in the final scenes it is her sitting down watching her kids on stage at a school play next to her husband (who is a good man); and her getting up and abandoning her family to go continue to cheat on her husband and then choose a high demand career over her kids. So I finished watching the series and I am like, this as what non-Mormon culture is offering me? Why the hell would I join that world?

…Religion is never going away and we see that with Hollywood attempting to replace the more patriarchal Christian Mythos with the feminizing Woke Mythos…

Thus, not being someone who's willing to hate my ethnicity or inner masculinity, I am finding the Mormon Church is currently an antidote to the far-Left Progressivism and chaos and attack on men….

This also means that if you are a guy who is not living up to the noble ideals of being a good man and husband then that will be thrown into the light; just as if she is not living up to her ideals as a woman and a wife that will be thrown into the light. You don't have that in a secular marriage, where you essentially go your own way and do your own thing; there's no accountability, there's no tribal community to lift you up and hold you accountable….

My current opinion is that I would more likely have a healthy and successful marriage as a Mormon. And I'm more likely to be respected as men within Mormon culture then in most areas of secular culture. Yes there are exceptions, I know, I know, I know. But you give me a better structure for keeping a marriage intact? Give me a better Christian-ethics-based community/familial fraternity, that respects men and honors men as men?
I don’t know if you intended this, but you very clearly delineated the sexism embedded in some Mormon views. It’s like a goddamn time capsule!

I will say this, your definition of single women as having to rely on “the state” to be taken care of is pretty naïve. Something tells me you don’t actually know too many women.
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Re: Is being a "Mormon" as a Man (and Married LDS), Better in the Midst of Wokeism & Secular Culture?

Post by Marcus »

Free Ranger wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:27 pm
…But I also think that marriage can be very stressful, from what I am told….
Oh. Well, that explains a lot.
Posts: 5560
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Re: Is being a "Mormon" as a Man (and Married LDS), Better in the Midst of Wokeism & Secular Culture?

Post by drumdude »

I don't see Mormon men as very masculine at all when they get up every Sunday to cry in public. It's a fake veneer of masculinity, and virtue signaling to the rest of the congregation.

Real men don't need to show that they are real men. They don't need to control women and treat them as one of the children. They don't need to benefit from a nepotistic corporation which promotes yes-men and brown nosers.

The real men are outside the LDS church, not inside it.
Free Ranger
Posts: 221
Joined: Thu Oct 28, 2021 7:17 pm

Re: Is being a "Mormon" as a Man (and Married LDS), Better in the Midst of Wokeism & Secular Culture?

Post by Free Ranger »

Marcus wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:28 pm
In your first sentence, you said you were worried about being labeled “Alt-Right.”

I wouldn’t worry about that. “Sexist,” on the other hand, fits you like a glove! Wow, it’s been quite some time since I’ve seen such a sexist rant but damn, brother, you did a stellar job! I pulled out a few of your highlights:
Free Ranger wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:26 pm
I even throw in a woman with blue hair to make it clear…

Message: all this feminist feminine empowerment is B.S.; the problem is not "the patriarchy," and you're not really a "bad bitch"; and getting in touch with your inner "feminine warrior" and slaying alleged "toxic masculinity" is bulshit. In the real world women are biologically designed through millions of years of evolution and the self-help cult of feminizing Wokeism isn't going to change that. Nature can't be changed no matter how much a blue-haired woman yells at the top of her lungs…

…Nature determines what a woman biologically finds attractive and desires, which is not a super Woke guy, they want an effing Viking!

Marriage is still the traditional way men and women express their commitment to each other when in love….

…but she had completely abandoned any Higher Standard of Ethics at that point as she did not believe in God and justified her actions.

…Being Mormon and married is no guarantee none of these things are going to happen to you, but it is greatly diminished.

I can't turn on TV or watch movies now or go on social media without seeing men constantly being disparaged and maligned for being men. Instead of going after the minority of truly bad men, all men and all of masculinity is thrown under the bus. Men are under attack in this atmosphere…

The Mormon Church has this from my perspective become a lighthouse in the darkness. This is no longer about condemning bad man or making evil men good, it has become a feminist/Woke religion about attacking all men…

…I have a Mormon uncle who ruled the roost as a devout Mormon and now that his wife has a debilitating illness, it is his masculine power and money that is capable of taking care of her and giving her healing luxuries that she would not have had if she was a single woman and relying on the state to take care of her…

In other words, yes she allegedly "sacrificed being a Wokeist feminist," to be a stereotypical Mormon housewife, but she also raised healthy and successful kids and supported a good husband who is now taking care of her when she needs it….

I personally have a friend who is in her forties who had a husband who played video games and rejected his masculine responsibilities. She eventually went through a divorce and now she is a career woman and when I last talked to her she's not very happy. She has career power, a condo, and mucho money but she's miserable. She's always tired. She wants a man but tells me that in the cultural atmosphere a lot of men are feminized and want a mother figure to take care of them. She says she would love to have a real Mormon man….

In the Mormon Church you have a clear top down patriarchy that puts positive pressure on men to be men, to be good men, to be protectors and providers. So now after many years as an exMormon I think that's what I like about Mormonism most of all now, the fact that it is patriarchal.

Because you know what happens when you have too many roosters, you have chaos. You can't have both the man and the woman in a small space taking on the role of the rooster, the reason why the military functions as well as it does amidst chaos is because of hierarchy….

Instead of attacking masculinity and rank order, it is celebrated in Mormonism. So as a man, why would I not choose to get married as a Mormon where my masculinity and hierarchy is respected?

When I watch TV shows and movies now, even the good man is under attack. For example, in the 2021 show Sex/Life, this woman's husband is the ideal good man, good looking, masculine, protector and provider; yet she is presented as the hero in the story who cheats on him, lies to him, and in the final scenes it is her sitting down watching her kids on stage at a school play next to her husband (who is a good man); and her getting up and abandoning her family to go continue to cheat on her husband and then choose a high demand career over her kids. So I finished watching the series and I am like, this as what non-Mormon culture is offering me? Why the hell would I join that world?

…Religion is never going away and we see that with Hollywood attempting to replace the more patriarchal Christian Mythos with the feminizing Woke Mythos…

Thus, not being someone who's willing to hate my ethnicity or inner masculinity, I am finding the Mormon Church is currently an antidote to the far-Left Progressivism and chaos and attack on men….

This also means that if you are a guy who is not living up to the noble ideals of being a good man and husband then that will be thrown into the light; just as if she is not living up to her ideals as a woman and a wife that will be thrown into the light. You don't have that in a secular marriage, where you essentially go your own way and do your own thing; there's no accountability, there's no tribal community to lift you up and hold you accountable….

My current opinion is that I would more likely have a healthy and successful marriage as a Mormon. And I'm more likely to be respected as men within Mormon culture then in most areas of secular culture. Yes there are exceptions, I know, I know, I know. But you give me a better structure for keeping a marriage intact? Give me a better Christian-ethics-based community/familial fraternity, that respects men and honors men as men?
I don’t know if you intended this, but you very clearly delineated the sexism embedded in some Mormon views. It’s like a goddamn time capsule!

I will say this, your definition of single women as having to rely on “the state” to be taken care of is pretty naïve. Something tells me you don’t actually know too many women.
You're not really changing my mind by trying to label me sexist. You're just making me as an exMormon find more value in Mormonism as of 2022, where I'm respected more as a man. If that is your goal to make ex-Mormonism as a club appear distasteful to me, then you're succeeding.

If you're willing to say that women can be sexist too against men, which is what I showed in my "rant," then I would take your attempt at an insult more seriously. As of right now, your words are like white noise to me, just more Wokeist nonsense to me. You mine as well tack on chauvinist pig and other labels. You also failed to address my actual arguments and the evidence I demonstrated. You're angry at me instead of the anti-Woke message of the Euphoria TV show itself. Nature itself is sexist buddy, which is why the character Kat has a fantasy of her good and nice Woke boyfriend getting killed off by a Viking-like character who she then has sex with as her "nice" boyfriend's corpse rots. Google it to see images of the scene. Isn't that sexist against men? if you don't like reality that is sexist, stop being an atheist for science which I predict you are.
Last edited by Free Ranger on Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Free Ranger
Posts: 221
Joined: Thu Oct 28, 2021 7:17 pm

Re: Is being a "Mormon" as a Man (and Married LDS), Better in the Midst of Wokeism & Secular Culture?

Post by Free Ranger »

Marcus wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:30 pm
Free Ranger wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:27 pm
…But I also think that marriage can be very stressful, from what I am told….
Oh. Well, that explains a lot.
What does that explain? Are you saying marriage can't be stressful? You do know there is a whole cottage industry of marriage counseling, right?
Free Ranger
Posts: 221
Joined: Thu Oct 28, 2021 7:17 pm

Re: Is being a "Mormon" as a Man (and Married LDS), Better in the Midst of Wokeism & Secular Culture?

Post by Free Ranger »

drumdude wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:33 pm
I don't see Mormon men as very masculine at all when they get up every Sunday to cry in public. It's a fake veneer of masculinity, and virtue signaling to the rest of the congregation.

Real men don't need to show that they are real men. They don't need to control women and treat them as one of the children. They don't need to benefit from a nepotistic corporation which promotes yes-men and brown nosers.

The real men are outside the LDS church, not inside it.
Someone on here said I was being sexist but mocking men for crying is not sexist? You're also making huge generalizations in your criticisms and I think you are being very unfair to the majority of good Mormon men and hyperfocusing on the "bad" Mormon men. You are not changing my mind. I actually came on here to seriously have my mind changed if I am mistaken in my opinions.
Last edited by Free Ranger on Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 5289
Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:44 pm

Re: Is being a "Mormon" as a Man (and Married LDS), Better in the Midst of Wokeism & Secular Culture?

Post by Marcus »

Free Ranger wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:42 pm
You're not really changing my mind by trying to label me sexist.
:lol: You misunderstand. You ARE sexist, but I have no goal of changing your mind.
You're just making me as an exMormon find more value in Mormonism as of 2022, where I'm respected more as a man. If that is your goal to make ex-Mormonism as a club appear distasteful to me, then you're succeeding.
nope, again no goal to change you. You are what you are.
If you're willing to say that women can be sexist too against men, which is what I showed in my "rant," then I would take your attempt at an insult more seriously.
sure. Anybody can be sexist. You’re pretty far up the list, however.
As of right now, your words are like white noise to me, just more Wokeist nonsense to me. You mine as well tack on chauvinist pig and other labels. You also failed to address my actual arguments and the evidence I demonstrated.
please. You made no “arguments” and you demonstrated no “evidence.”
you're angry at me instead of the anti-Woke message of the Euphoria TV show itself.
:lol: No. laughing at you, yes.
Nature itself is sexist buddy,
No, it’s people like you who are sexist. Luckily, many are getting past that. Join us!!
if you don't reality that is sexist, stop being an atheist for science which I predict you are.
Umm…. Can you rephrase? You’re not really making sense.
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