Eternal Questions and Answers.

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Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

Last edited by Elizabeth on Fri Jul 15, 2022 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

The reason for Easter celebration is Jesus Christ was worthy enough to be able to use His powers inherited from His Father, the God of this Universe, combined with his mortality, inherited from His mother, to overcome the powers of death and darkness, and be resurrected to Eternal Life ... thereby opening the way for the rest of mortality to likewise have this chance. :)
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by bill4long »

Elizabeth wrote:
Sat Apr 23, 2022 9:50 am
The reason for Easter celebration is Jesus Christ was worthy enough to be able to use His powers inherited from His Father, the God of this Universe, combined with his mortality, inherited from His mother, to overcome the powers of death and darkness, and be resurrected to Eternal Life ... thereby opening the way for the rest of mortality to likewise have this chance. :)
Here's the thing, the abberation of Mormonism is not required to believe what you just wrote for the most part.

Now, the Jesus of the New Testament didn't "inherit powers." He was granted powers.

Big difference. You think your "heavenly father" provided divine semen to Mary, doncha? That provided "powers" to Jesus.


We can discuss this.

Last edited by bill4long on Mon Apr 25, 2022 5:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

Faith in Jesus Christ helps us prepare for the Final Judgment.

Through faithful discipleship to Him and genuine repentance of all our sins, we can be forgiven, and be able to dwell in the presence of God.
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

Spirit beings have the same bodily form as mortals except that the Spirit body is in perfect form (see Ether 3:16).

Spirits carry with them from earth their attitudes of devotion or antagonism toward things of righteousness (see Alma 34:34). They have the same appetites and desires that they had when they lived on earth.

All Spirits are in adult form. They were adults before their mortal existence, and they are in adult form after death, even if they die as infants or children.
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Philo Sofee »

Elizabeth wrote:
Sat Apr 23, 2022 9:48 am
Yeah the white Jesus just doesn't exist ya know...
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Philo Sofee »

Elizabeth wrote:
Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:45 am
Spirit beings have the same bodily form as mortals except that the Spirit body is in perfect form (see Ether 3:16).

Spirits carry with them from earth their attitudes of devotion or antagonism toward things of righteousness (see Alma 34:34). They have the same appetites and desires that they had when they lived on earth.

All Spirits are in adult form. They were adults before their mortal existence, and they are in adult form after death, even if they die as infants or children.
This has been speculated for eons, and is a fascinating topic to be sure... but it still falls short of what's behind the spirits...i.e., that which is beyond all forms...
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

The Spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called Paradise.

Spirits are classified according to the purity of their lives and their obedience to the will of the Lord while on earth.

The righteous and the wicked are separated (see 1 Nephi 15:28–30), but all may still progress if they learn and accept Gospel principles and live in accordance with them.

The Apostle Peter referred to the postmortal spirit world as a prison, which it is for some (see 1 Peter 3:18–20).

In the spirit prison are also the Spirits of those who have not yet received the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These Spirits still have agency, and may be enticed by both good and evil. If they accept the Gospel and the ordinances performed for them in the Temples, they may be able to leave the spirit prison and dwell in Paradise.

The Spirits in Paradise can teach the Spirits in prison (see D&C 138).

Also in the spirit prison are those who rejected the Gospel after it was preached to them either on earth or in the spirit prison.

These Spirits suffer in a condition known as hell. They have removed themselves from the mercy of Jesus Christ, who said:
“Behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; but if they would not repent they must suffer even as I; which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit” (D&C 19:16–18).

After suffering for their sins, they may be allowed, through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to inherit the lowest degree of glory, which is the Telestial Kingdom.
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

The Scriptures teach that all will be judged according to our works:
“And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works” (Revelation 20:12; see also D&C 76:111; 1 Nephi 15:32; Abraham 3:25–28).

We will also be judged “according to the desire of our hearts” (D&C 137:9; see also Alma 41:3).

The Lord said: “Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned” (Matthew 12:36–37).

Thankfully there is forgiveness for those who have genuinely repented in the name of Jesus Christ and who have then strived to follow the Gospel in their lives.
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth » ... 3?lang=eng

"In accordance with the plan adopted in the council of the Gods, man was created as an embodied spirit; his tabernacle of flesh was composed of the elements of earth. He was given commandment and law, and was free to obey or disobey—with the just and inevitable condition that he should enjoy or suffer the natural results of his choice. Adam, the first man placed upon the earth in pursuance of the established plan, and Eve who was given unto him as companion and associate, indispensable to him in the appointed mission of peopling the earth, disobeyed the express commandment of God and so brought about the “fall of man,” whereby the mortal state, of which death is an essential element was inaugurated. It is not proposed to consider here at length the doctrine of the fall; for the present argument it is sufficient to establish the fact of the momentous occurrence and its portentous consequences. The woman was deceived, and in direct violation of counsel and commandment partook of the food that had been forbidden, as a result of which act her body became degenerate and subject to death. Adam realized the disparity that had been brought between him and his companion, and with some measure of understanding followed her course, thus becoming her partner in bodily degeneracy. Note in this matter the words of Paul the apostle: “Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”

The man and the woman had now become mortal; through indulgence in food unsuited to their nature and condition and against which they had been specifically warned, and as the inevitable result of their disobeying the divine law and commandment, they became liable to the physical ailments and bodily frailties to which mankind has since been the natural heir. Those bodies, which before the fall had been perfect in form and function, were now subjects for eventual dissolution or death. The arch-tempter through whose sophistries, half-truths and infamous falsehoods, Eve had been beguiled, was none other than Satan, or Lucifer, that rebellious and fallen “son of the morning,” whose proposal involving the destruction of man’s liberty had been rejected in the council of the heavens, and who had been “cast out into the earth,” he and all his angels as unembodied spirits, never to be tabernacled in bodies of their own. As an act of diabolic reprisal following his rejection in the council, his defeat by Michael and the heavenly hosts, and his ignominious expulsion from heaven, Satan planned to destroy the bodies in which the faithful spirits—those who had kept their first estate—would be born; and his beguilement of Eve was but an early stage of that infernal scheme.”
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