NBC news story on Hunter Biden

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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by canpakes »

Markk wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 4:17 pm
Are you saying because the Trump Family was shady, that it is okay for the Biden family to be left alone? Is that a fair statement?
Lol. No.

You really like these absolutes, don’t you? : )

Let me ask you: given that you think that the Bidens run a worldwide corruption conglomerate, do you believe that Trump’s family has a few of their own fingers in the corruption pie?
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by Markk »

canpakes wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 5:56 pm
Markk wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 4:17 pm
Are you saying because the Trump Family was shady, that it is okay for the Biden family to be left alone? Is that a fair statement?
Lol. No.

You really like these absolutes, don’t you? : )

Let me ask you: given that you think that the Bidens run a worldwide corruption conglomerate, do you believe that Trump’s family has a few of their own fingers in the corruption pie?
Yes… and I believe Trump and all the others are huge liars…that’s what they do best…spin and lie. The trick, at least with me, is getting the most “out comes” for ideals I support. Which taking the good with the bad Trump did for me…I can’t just take the good without owning the bad.

History has no shortage of leaders that were corrupt and liars that turned out to be great leaders and accomplish great things. I honestly believe the the best leader would be a benevolent dictator…but we both know that is impossible, but it is theoretically the best option for man-kind.

And yes I do like generalities when speaking in general terms. And I like being specific when specking in specific terms, which we also do here. You do it both ways, why do you have a problem when I do it, and least generally?

I think all the presidents in my generation (Carter maybe not so much?) were corrupt in one way or another, especially to special interests, even if not crossing the line. They get in, and cash out in different ways.

What is Biden doing that is good, and where is he failing IYO…?
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by Markk »

Father Francis wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 5:53 pm
Markk wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 4:23 pm

You can always actually jump in FF….go ahead and break down each item I referenced…I’ve discussed them over and over with Honor and Pakes….please jump in…I’ll make it easy on you…

1st point…

“The VP President as a father that is the lead on negotiating billions of dollars of aid for a corrupt country, while they are getting paid 83k + a month by a Russian backed oligarch who owns a company that will most likely receive part of that aid.”

Is this a true or false statement and does it depict a average family working a 40 hour week?
You want a true of false answer based on a statement that includes "most likely"? We know where that "most likely" ended up. You then follow up loaded question that has nothing to do with anything. No one here thinks the Bidens are regular working folk.

You're way over your head. Out of your depths, out of your element.


So far…you have offered nothing. If on gets in “over there head” that says ones thing, they are “in”....it is easy to criticize from the porch…so answer my question in my last post to you, and lets see how far I am over my head, and lets see if you even know what the arguments are…fair?
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by Father Francis »

Markk wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 6:34 pm
Father Francis wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 5:53 pm
You want a true of false answer based on a statement that includes "most likely"? We know where that "most likely" ended up. You then follow up loaded question that has nothing to do with anything. No one here thinks the Bidens are regular working folk.

You're way over your head. Out of your depths, out of your element.

So far…you have offered nothing. If on gets in “over there head” that says ones thing, they are “in”....it is easy to criticize from the porch…so answer my question in my last post to you, and lets see how far I am over my head, and lets see if you even know what the arguments are…fair?
Your questions have been answered. You just don't like the answers.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by Markk »

Father Francis wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 6:37 pm
Markk wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 6:34 pm
So far…you have offered nothing. If on gets in “over there head” that says ones thing, they are “in”....it is easy to criticize from the porch…so answer my question in my last post to you, and lets see how far I am over my head, and lets see if you even know what the arguments are…fair?
Your questions have been answered. You just don't like the answers.
I am asking you to opine, instead of just being a parrot. Your opinion is noted.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by Father Francis »

Markk wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 6:51 pm
Father Francis wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 6:37 pm
Your questions have been answered. You just don't like the answers
I am asking you to opine, instead of just being a parrot. Your opinion is noted.
Did I parrot or opine? Your two sentences contradict themselves.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by honorentheos »

Markk wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 6:30 pm
What is Biden doing that is good, and where is he failing IYO…?
If you wished to start a new thread I'd be happy to discuss the performance of the Biden administration. I don't believe a thread about Hunter Biden's laptop and a conservative media conspiracy theory is the appropriate place for that discussion. Why? Because the latter isn't actually about Joe Biden.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by Markk »

LOL…It is my thread so I give you permission to discuss it, or what ever else you like Honor.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by ajax18 »

Didn't CBS finally admit that Joe Biden was the big guy Hunter was referring to? It was a couple years late. Why did they choose to admit this now?
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: NBC news story on Hunter Biden

Post by ajax18 »

honorentheos wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 7:27 pm
Markk wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 6:30 pm
What is Biden doing that is good, and where is he failing IYO…?
If you wished to start a new thread I'd be happy to discuss the performance of the Biden administration. I don't believe a thread about Hunter Biden's laptop and a conservative media conspiracy theory is the appropriate place for that discussion. Why? Because the latter isn't actually about Joe Biden.
Now that your own media has admitted that Hunter Biden's laptop is real and not Russian disinformation (which essentially means information that the left doesn't like), do you stil believe this is a right wing media conspiracy theory?

The coverup is often what gets politicians in more trouble than what they cover up, namely having the FBI direct Facebook to shut down the story as admitted by Mark Zuckerburg. But as long as the Democrats keep harvesting ballits and finding just enough mail in votes to win each election they'll get away with and continue to get away with influence pedaling, weaponizing the IRS and justice dept against their political oppents, and squelching free speech through control of social media.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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