Did Trump "Drain" the swamp?

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Re: Did Trump "Drain" the swamp?

Post by Markk »

canpakes wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 2:22 am
Markk wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 12:37 am
LOL…under Biden they are promoting there is basically no such thing as a Woman…How can you say that when the judge that Biden appointed is not even sure what a Women is?

Has any Justice ever answered that question?

Perhaps you should ask the ones that are already on the court, if this irks you so. Or maybe consider why it was asked in the first place. ; )
Do you know what a woman is? Or are you confused like Gad and the others here?
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Re: Did Trump "Drain" the swamp?

Post by canpakes »

Markk wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 2:28 am
canpakes wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 2:22 am

Has any Justice ever answered that question?

Perhaps you should ask the ones that are already on the court, if this irks you so. Or maybe consider why it was asked in the first place. ; )
Do you know what a woman is? Or are you confused like Gad and the others here?
I have my own generalized personal definition, but as it isn’t a legal definition, it’s pretty useless to anyone outside of myself.

What should the legal definition be, in your opinion? That was the question, was it not?

Which Justices have answered this?
Father Francis
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Re: Did Trump "Drain" the swamp?

Post by Father Francis »

Markk wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 12:37 am
LOL…under Biden they are promoting there is basically no such thing as a Woman…How can you say that when the judge that Biden appointed is not even sure what a Women is?

What they ar e going to do is give the states control over whether a Baby is murdered or not…so don’t worry, many states will carry on your wish.
Goalpost shifting. Markkk lost the vaccine argument and proceeds to move onto "what is a woman"? and Democrat's are baby killers...

On the first point, Markkk sounds like this:

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Re: Did Trump "Drain" the swamp?

Post by Markk »

canpakes wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 2:32 am
Markk wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 2:28 am

Do you know what a woman is? Or are you confused like Gad and the others here?
I have my own generalized personal definition, but as it isn’t a legal definition, it’s pretty useless to anyone outside of myself.

What should the legal definition be, in your opinion? That was the question, was it not?

Which Justices have answered this?
No I said nothing about a legal definition…I asked what your definition is? But here is one legal def from a legal dictionary…
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
WOMEN, persons. In its most enlarged sense, this word signifies all the females of the human species; but in a more restricted sense, it means all such females who have arrived at the age of puberty. Mulieris appellatione etiam virgo viri potens continetur. Dig. 50, 16, 13.
2. Women are either single or married. 1. Single or unmarried women have all the civil rights of men; they may therefore enter into contracts or engagements; sue and be sued; be trustees or guardians, they may be witnesses, and may for that purpose attest all papers; but they are generally, not possessed of any political power; hence they cannot be elected representatives of the people, nor be appointed to the offices of judge, attorney at law, sheriff, constable, or any other office, unless expressly authorized by law; instances occur of their being appointed postmistresses nor can they vote at any election. Woodes. Lect. 31; 4 Inst. 5; but see Callis, Sew. 252; 2 Inst 34; 4 Inst. 311, marg.
3.-2. The existence of a married woman being merged, by a fiction of law, in the being of her husband, she is rendered incapable, during the coverture, of entering into any contract, or of suing or being sued, except she be joined with her husband; and she labors under all the incapacities above mentioned, to which single women are subject. Vide Abortion; Contract; Divorce; Feminine; Foetus; Gender; Incapacity; Man; Marriage; Masculine; Mother; Necessaries; Parties to Actions Parties to Contracts; Pregnancy; Wife.

I only know of one Justice that was asked…maybe we should ask them? Maybe do a search of decisions?

What is you definition? That was the question. And in regards to an aborted birth, does a woman have the right to choose?
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Re: Did Trump "Drain" the swamp?

Post by Markk »

Father Francis
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Re: Did Trump "Drain" the swamp?

Post by Father Francis »

Markk wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 2:47 am
canpakes wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 2:32 am
I have my own generalized personal definition, but as it isn’t a legal definition, it’s pretty useless to anyone outside of myself.

What should the legal definition be, in your opinion? That was the question, was it not?

Which Justices have answered this?
No I said nothing about a legal definition…I asked what your definition is? But here is one legal def from a legal dictionary…
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
WOMEN, persons. In its most enlarged sense, this word signifies all the females of the human species; but in a more restricted sense, it means all such females who have arrived at the age of puberty. Mulieris appellatione etiam virgo viri potens continetur. Dig. 50, 16, 13.
2. Women are either single or married. 1. Single or unmarried women have all the civil rights of men; they may therefore enter into contracts or engagements; sue and be sued; be trustees or guardians, they may be witnesses, and may for that purpose attest all papers; but they are generally, not possessed of any political power; hence they cannot be elected representatives of the people, nor be appointed to the offices of judge, attorney at law, sheriff, constable, or any other office, unless expressly authorized by law; instances occur of their being appointed postmistresses nor can they vote at any election. Woodes. Lect. 31; 4 Inst. 5; but see Callis, Sew. 252; 2 Inst 34; 4 Inst. 311, marg.
3.-2. The existence of a married woman being merged, by a fiction of law, in the being of her husband, she is rendered incapable, during the coverture, of entering into any contract, or of suing or being sued, except she be joined with her husband; and she labors under all the incapacities above mentioned, to which single women are subject. Vide Abortion; Contract; Divorce; Feminine; Foetus; Gender; Incapacity; Man; Marriage; Masculine; Mother; Necessaries; Parties to Actions Parties to Contracts; Pregnancy; Wife.

I only know of one Justice that was asked…maybe we should ask them? Maybe do a search of decisions?

What is you definition? That was the question. And in regards to an aborted birth, does a woman have the right to choose?
What does the word "abortion" mean from a medical context?

Or a military one?

I doubt you have experience in any of those fields.

Spontaneous abortion is another term for miscarriage. God's will. He is the biggest abortion doctor of all, if He exists. Especially in late term, partial birth and just after birth deaths.

Babies just die sometimes not matter what you do.

If the mother dies, the nurse and doctor missed something.

Sounds like the Republican platform to me, except they hope the doctor missed something and mock his liberal tears for crying over the dead and disadvantaged.
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Re: Did Trump "Drain" the swamp?

Post by canpakes »

Markk wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 2:47 am
canpakes wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 2:32 am
What should the legal definition be, in your opinion? That was the question, was it not?

Which Justices have answered this?
No I said nothing about a legal definition…I asked what your definition is? But here is one legal def from a legal dictionary…

I think that you’ll need to step back one more, to this:


I don’t have a problem aligning to this definition for my own legal reasons, but I’m also not in a position to advise or decide on legal matters regarding others.

Brown’s refusal to define ‘woman’ was prudent, as any answer she would have provided would likely be used in any litigation involving (as example) transgender athletics. As she isn’t a member of the SC, then it’s not her position to influence the court’s position while being considered for a future position on it.

Let the present Justices decide that definition, or let Brown decide it with them after she joins, if her input is wanted by partisan players.
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Re: Did Trump "Drain" the swamp?

Post by Markk »

What is your definition of a woman….?
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Doctor Steuss
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Re: Did Trump "Drain" the swamp?

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Res Ipsa wrote:
Sat Apr 30, 2022 2:42 pm
The only criticism I have is that Warp Speed was completely duplicative off the international program that had the same function — the Covax Accelerator. The decision to run a parallel effort was purely political, based on Trump’s hostility toward China and the WHO. Even worse, Warp Speed didn’t even share data as part of the Solidarity Trial, which supplied a broad base of data across countries to evaluate safety and efficacy of vaccines and treatments.

That decision was counterproductive, as it resulted in a glut of vaccines in the US, but a shortage of vaccines in many other countries. And until the rate of transmission is slowed everywhere, variants that originate in countries with insufficient vaccines will result in repeated waves of infection in the US. It’sa perfect example of how “America First” is the wrong strategy when addressing worldwide problems.
I think it's worth noting that Trump also withdrew US financial support of the ACT-Accelerator. So he not only created a parallel effort, but he knowingly hobbled the global effort at the same time.
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Re: Did Trump "Drain" the swamp?

Post by K Graham »

Remember that time during a global pandemic when the CDC and everyone else with a brain urged the US government to expand testing so we could better know who was infected and where the surges are happening?

Yeah, and remember our President at the time responded by saying we should stop testing for COVID because when you stop testing the actual number of (known) infections goes down. This was just one of many idiotic things Trump did that ended up killing Americans.

This was almost as dumb as Trump's son in law telling the world that, yes, we do have a stockpile of ventilators, but those belong to the Federal government, not the people who actually need them!

"I am not an American ... In my view premarital sex should be illegal" - Ajax18
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