Mississippi Governor says he will force children and incest victims to give birth

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Re: Mississippi Governor says he will force children and incest victims to give birth

Post by Chap »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 7:06 pm
The reason contraception doesn't work is because the female sex drive is to have babies not just hump. Most of these pregnancies have nothing to do with the availability of contraception.
Do you know a lot of women, I wonder?

Your point of view was pathetically outdated even when my own father (who loved his wife a lot but had only two carefully spaced children) talked to me about contraception a long, long time ago.

I am also happy to report that there are a lot of women around (at least the rather well-educated sort that I have had the good fortune to meet) who have shown every sign of wanting to have sex because it is a very nice thing to do. And if it is done well, women often find it a VERY nice thing to do.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
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Re: Mississippi Governor says he will force children and incest victims to give birth

Post by ajax18 »

So when Mom or Dad become disabled and lose their primary source of income (whatever that may be) who do they return the child to since they can't make good on their agreement as per you?
You could always go back to work and cosign on their affidavit of support for the child they seek a license to have.
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Re: Mississippi Governor says he will force children and incest victims to give birth

Post by Chap »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 7:31 pm
So when Mom or Dad become disabled and lose their primary source of income (whatever that may be) who do they return the child to since they can't make good on their agreement as per you?
You could always go back to work and cosign on their affidavit of support for the child they seek a license to have.
Help me out here someone.

Does ajax not realise that Jersey Girl is talking about a hypothetical situation, not about members of her own family?

Also, Jersey Girl made it quite plain that she was asking about what ajax would wish to happen if a couple pass the income test he proposes to get permission to start having kids, produce kids, and then lose the income that gave them permission to have those children.

What then, according to ajax? Do they have to give the kids back (to whom?). He clearly has not thought it through. Surprise.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
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Re: Mississippi Governor says he will force children and incest victims to give birth

Post by canpakes »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 7:06 pm
Notice how the existence of highly effective forms of contraception is ignored here.
Tell that to Canpakes.

As I said earlier:
There are no prescribed or OTC birth control methods that are always 100% effective.
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Re: Mississippi Governor says he will force children and incest victims to give birth

Post by Binger »

canpakes wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 8:03 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 7:06 pm

Tell that to Canpakes.

As I said earlier:
There are no prescribed or OTC birth control methods that are always 100% effective.
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Re: Mississippi Governor says he will force children and incest victims to give birth

Post by Chap »

canpakes wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 8:03 pm

As I said earlier:
There are no prescribed or OTC birth control methods that are always 100% effective.
Nothing of a medical nature is ever precisely 100% effective. There are, however, combinations of methods that (for those who need something pretty damn near to absolute certainty) provide something so close to that as to permit a reasonable person to act as though they were 100% effective. Of course if you prefer celibacy, that's up to you.


The Buddy System: Effectiveness Rates for Backing Up Your Birth Control With a Second Method
You already know that no method of contraception is 100% effective to prevent pregnancy when you're engaging in sexual activity which presents a risk of pregnancy. You probably also know, however, that there are reliable methods which are very effective when used properly, and that if you use contraception correctly and consistently, pregnancy becomes a whole lot less likely. But did you know that by doubling up and using two methods, with almost any combination you use, you can get mighty close to that 100% with many combos?

Hormonal methods of contraception are currently the most effective, reversible methods of birth control with perfect use. But with most of them, we can goof up -- maybe we skipped a couple pills or got a new prescription late, maybe we're not so timely about getting our injections or don't have consistent healthcare to get a new one on time, maybe we didn't realize our patch fell off. Oops. But if we're consistently backing up with a secondary method, even if our primary one fails, we're covered. As well, not everyone can use or wants to use a hormonal method: some of us prefer non-hormonal methods or those are our only safe or affordable options. While they aren't as effective in perfect use, if we add a backup method to the mix, we can be just as protected or even more protected from pregnancy as we could be with a more effective single method.

You'll see that some combinations can increase your level of protection substantially, while with other pairs -- especially where user error is a non-issue, like with an IUD or an implant -- the difference is so slight that backing up is just overkill. Regardless, there is no single combination of any two methods here which would leave you with less than 92% effectiveness, and most combinations will bump you up to over 95% protection. The highest combined methods' typical use effectiveness -- condoms paired with an implant - is 99.99% effective, while the lowest -- withdrawal buddied up with spermicide - is 92.17% effective. But no matter how you slice it, adding a second method always bumps up your protection against unwanted pregnancy.

exclamateThe Caveats: This is a mathematical application. That doesn't mean it's not accurate -- it is, and I've got the migraine and a pile of paper covered with my chicken scratches to prove it -- but it does mean that these rates are arrived at through math, based on the combined effectiveness rates of single methods, not through specific study or clinical trials of the combined methods. The sources of our efficiency rates for single methods can be found on the Birth Control Bingo pages linked for each method.

In some cases, combining any two or more methods may possibly slightly reduce the effectiveness of one in actual use. For example, because oral contraceptive pills thicken cervical mucus, condoms, when not used with additional lubricant, can be more inclined to break due to increased friction. Using withdrawal with condoms may make it more likely to forget to hold the base of the condom and create a condom slip which may not have been as likely to happen without adding withdrawal to the mix. Without specific study on these things, we can't predict how much it may reduce the effectiveness of one method in those cases nor account for that possibility in the math. However, we have only listed combinations of methods which are safe and sound to use together and make for good mates. For instance, it would not be safe to combine Depo-Provera with another hormonal method. The vaginal effects of combining a ring and spermicides could cause a good deal of vaginal irritation . Using more than one condom is something we know makes condoms less effective, not more. Natural family planning can't be combined with oral contraceptives since a person using oral contraceptives no longer has a natural fertility cycle to chart in the first place.

We've also not done the math for using more than two methods. If you are properly and consistently using two reliable methods of contraception, the risk of pregnancy is incredibly small, and adding a third method is not likely to increase your protection by very much. The difference between a combined method that is 99.8% effective with typical use of both and three methods which are 99.78% effective together, for instance, is so small a statistical difference that adding a third method is likely to just be a needless expense and pain in your butt.

Certainly, if you prefer more than two methods, so long as they don't interfere with one another, you can choose to do that, but we'd also encourage you to evaluate your feelings. If two methods with something like a less than 2% chance of pregnancy in typical use -- and that still allows for room when it comes to user error -- still doesn't leave you feeling safe enough, you might want to consider that you're not comfortable enough with the small amount of risk which will always be a part of sexual activities that can result in pregnancy. It would probably be a good idea in that case to revisit your readiness, and either stick with activities which don't carry those risks, or hold off on heterosex (genital intercourse with an opposite-sex partner) until you're feeling more prepared for some small level of risk. When you're so freaked about the possibility of pregnancy that no amount of birth control feels like enough, it's unlikely that even with four methods, that level of anxiety is not going to leave room for actually enjoying the sex you're having (which is the whole point). Your enjoyment is going to be seriously hindered if you're taking a pill, putting in a diaphragm, having your partner put on a condom, using withdrawal and then taking EC. It's ideal and laudable to be smart and to be safe, but if your contraceptive practices start to feel like you're building a bomb shelter in preparation for a nuclear war every time you have sex, you or your partners are probably better off when it comes to your pleasure and mental health to recognize that you're not up to any risk of pregnancy, even a very statistically unlikely one, and to choose to engage in activities where your risks are far lower or nonexistent.

Listings for each single method are alphabetical. The combinations are listed from most to least effective with typical use, since typical use tends to be the most accurate measure for real people in real -- and frequently imperfect -- life. For more information on any of the single methods listed, just click on the links in their titles.

The original text is followed by a long list of combined methods, many of them conservatively estimated as having 99.99% effectiveness.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
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Re: Mississippi Governor says he will force children and incest victims to give birth

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Chap wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 7:20 pm
ajax18 wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 7:06 pm
The reason contraception doesn't work is because the female sex drive is to have babies not just hump. Most of these pregnancies have nothing to do with the availability of contraception.
Do you know a lot of women, I wonder?

Your point of view was pathetically outdated even when my own father (who loved his wife a lot but had only two carefully spaced children) talked to me about contraception a long, long time ago.

I am also happy to report that there are a lot of women around (at least the rather well-educated sort that I have had the good fortune to meet) who have shown every sign of wanting to have sex because it is a very nice thing to do. And if it is done well, women often find it a VERY nice thing to do.

Ajax, much like most Conservatives here in America, are steeped in projection, myopia, and a chronic case of anti-empathy when something isn’t directly affecting them. When Ajax is bitching about women he’s really just bitching about his own life - women not wanting to hump for pleasure, but solely to make babies, is his own experience.

Also, as you know, you can take it to the bank virtually any time Ajax asserts something, not only is he wrong, but he’s fantastically wrong.

- Doc
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Re: Mississippi Governor says he will force children and incest victims to give birth

Post by canpakes »

Binger wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 8:08 pm

“Your doctor will see you now.”

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Re: Mississippi Governor says he will force children and incest victims to give birth

Post by Chap »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 8:51 pm

Ajax, much like most Conservatives here in America, are steeped in projection, myopia, and a chronic case of anti-empathy when something isn’t directly affecting them. When Ajax is bitching about women he’s really just bitching about his own life - women not wanting to hump for pleasure, but solely to make babies, is his own experience.

Also, as you know, you can take it to the bank virtually any time Ajax asserts something, not only is he wrong, but he’s fantastically wrong.

- Doc
I sorta thought that. But there may be boys and girls reading this who may be misled and depressed by what Ajax writes: I imagine them thinking "Oh no, girls don't like sex except for having babies!" or "So I am in some way freakish for really liking the idea of having sex with boys?". Hence my post.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
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Re: Mississippi Governor says he will force children and incest victims to give birth

Post by canpakes »

ajax18 wrote:
Wed May 11, 2022 7:06 pm
The reason contraception doesn't work is because the female sex drive is to have babies not just hump.

In fact, some primates, bats and dolphins appear to enjoy sex play that is not directed towards reproduction. Why would Gawd make those animals so evil?

By the way, are you ever going to answer either of the two questions asked earlier? : D
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