Should Democrats be allowed in Temples?

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Re: Should Democrats be allowed in Temples?

Post by ¥akaSteelhead »

So...... how is the set price for all missions at $400 a month, and the use of the resultant funds to subsidies high cost missions, or poor missionaries entirely not "socialism" as practiced by the church?
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Re: Should Democrats be allowed in Temples?

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Trump is a fraud and is leading the white working class to disaster. - JD Vance
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Re: Should Democrats be allowed in Temples?

Post by Jeff »

Fred wrote:
Mon May 16, 2022 2:06 pm
It is my belief that all democrats, without exception, are among the third part of spirits in the pre-existence that saw the advantage of following Lucifer with a body, as opposed to getting kicked out with him. They attempted to fool God into thinking they were following His plan.

Only the most perverse, depraved, twisted, and evil spirits actually believe that the democrat mantra is correct. A spirit of light would never believe such garbage. A democrat can repent, but in so doing, would no longer be a democrat.

Democrats have never been good. Even the JFK democrats were socialists and therefore of the devil. It is not possible for a democrat to be a Christian.

Some people, like the creator of a certain forum, believe that the democrat/republican is a false dichotomy. While it is true that many republicans are merely RINOS, and therefore evil, the possibility does exist that a republican can be a good person. It is not possible for a democrat to be a good person.
Democrats should not be permitted in Mormon temples or churches. They are soulless.
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Re: Should Democrats be allowed in Temples?

Post by canpakes »

I don’t quite see how the OP helps folks take the ‘non-Democrat’ side seriously.

But, I suspect that this is more about gumming up the board, via efforts from angry active believers and/or other ‘non-Democrat’ types. ; )
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Re: Should Democrats be allowed in Temples?

Post by Schreech »

Jeff wrote:
Mon May 16, 2022 5:28 pm

Democrats should not be permitted in Mormon temples or churches. They are soulless.

Amen brother - keep those temples pure! can't have those soulless demonRats defiling the robes of the holy priesthood!
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Re: Should Democrats be allowed in Temples?

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Reasons you become a candidate for excommunication:

- Gross iniquity.
- Plural marriage (advocating for, or practicing).
- Apostatizing from the teachings of the Church.

As the Church is not actively initiating courts of love for all known Democrats within the Church, it means that the Church itself is in apostasy. Therefore, we must excommunicate the Church because the Church itself is Democrat.

Ipso facto, abaracadabara.
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Re: Should Democrats be allowed in Temples?

Post by canpakes »

¥akaSteelhead wrote:
Mon May 16, 2022 4:48 pm
So...... how is the set price for all missions at $400 a month, and the use of the resultant funds to subsidies high cost missions, or poor missionaries entirely not "socialism" as practiced by the church?

And, given that the Church is filled with so many folks claiming to be Republican/conservative - but obviously so tainted and possessed by this crazy LDS socialism - we can only conclude that these so-called Republicans are really just lying Democrats. Thus, the Church is nothing more than a cabal of horrible, lying Democrats pretending to be Republicans.

Jeff’s going to hell for certain. What a lying, liary Democrat he is.
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Re: Should Democrats be allowed in Temples?

Post by Res Ipsa »

canpakes wrote:
Mon May 16, 2022 5:47 pm
I don’t quite see how the opening post helps folks take the ‘non-Democrat’ side seriously.

But, I suspect that this is more about gumming up the board, via efforts from angry active believers and/or other ‘non-Democrat’ types. ; )
I believe it falls into Shades' category of building a monument.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Re: Should Democrats be allowed in Temples?

Post by Chap »

Kishkumen wrote:
Mon May 16, 2022 4:08 pm
I always find the attempt to judge current political parties by LDS theology to be tiresome.
Hmm. Well, given the nature and mode of the judgement expressed, I'd prefer 'scary', if that's all right with you.

Oh, and that guy could go out tomorrow and buy an assault rifle if he felt it was a good way to deal with all the evil people.
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
Mayan Elephant:
Not only have I denounced the Big Lie, I have denounced the Big lie big lie.
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Doctor Steuss
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Re: Should Democrats be allowed in Temples?

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Jeff wrote:
Mon May 16, 2022 5:28 pm
They are soulless.
It's true. I have a friend that's a barber. He says that if you look closely at the hairline of Democrats, you can see "emét" inscribed. While maybe not enough to make an immediate difference with elections, he has been covertly removing the aleph from them while giving a trim.
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