906 million dollars

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Re: 906 million dollars

Post by BeNotDeceived »

$124 billion sits in one Ensign Peak Advisors account and the church donates .007% of that to charity??? This is a despicable church (er, I mean real estate corporation) that needs to refund everyone down to the last penny of tithing and donations, admit the 'church' is a sham and that the whole thing is a fraud and was created by perhaps the most charismatic con-man of the 19th century, have their tax-exempt status revoked with billions in fines for theft by deception and flagrant violations of tax exempt law and then convert to a real estate corporation and be done with it!
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Re: 906 million dollars

Post by IHAQ »

It's worth noting that the $906 million in the headline is not a cash sum. Here is how the church articulates it:
$906 million was expended to help those in need through:
■ FAST-OFFERING ASSISTANCE, which provides temporary financial help to those in need.
■ BISHOPS’ ORDERS FOR GOODS, including giving food and commodities from bishops’ storehouses and Deseret Industries stores to those in need.
■ HUMANITARIAN PROJECTS, including charitable relief in communities across the world.
■ DONATED COMMODITIES, including Church-produced goods provided to communities through food banks and other agencies.
■ DONATED CLOTHING, including discounted or free apparel given to Deseret Industries.
■ CHURCH OPERATIONS, including Family Services counseling, employment centers, farms and food-processing facilities, and Deseret Industries.
https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/bc/ ... f?lang=eng

The Church has put a $price on donated food, clothing and other goods. It's put a $price on the donated time of volunteers.
Volunteers contributed more than 6.8 million hours of service through:
■ SERVICE AT CHURCH FACILITIES, such as farms, orchards, canneries, Deseret Industries stores, and more.
■ MISSIONS TO CARE FOR THOSE IN NEED, including volunteer service in 85 countries around the world.
■ CHURCH-SPONSORED COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS, including cleanup after natural disasters.
The value of those 6.8 million volunteer hours is included in the $906 million expenditure figure. The Church is claiming two separate headlines for the same donated hours.

It's worth noting that, unlike this 47 page self-aggrandising and misleading piece of propaganda, there is no annual report explaining in this kind of detail how all the other donated funds are being used. I guess that report wouldn't look so faith promoting...
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Re: 906 million dollars

Post by Moksha »

IHAQ wrote:
Tue May 17, 2022 8:08 am
The value of those 6.8 million volunteer hours is included in the $906 million expenditure figure.
Good to see all the hours of free labor being put in by ward members, as good works, are being recognized. This tabulation and the BYU football statistics put the membership count to shame.
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Re: 906 million dollars

Post by BeNotDeceived »


Not to mention $124 billion sitting in an Ensign Peak investment account.
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Re: 906 million dollars

Post by KevinSim »

BeNotDeceived wrote:
Mon May 16, 2022 7:32 pm
$124 billion sits in one Ensign Peak Advisors account and the church donates .007% of that to charity???
Joseph Smith said no unhallowed hand could stop this work. Whether that is strictly true is a good question, but I think it's safe to say that if your goal is to reach all Latter-day Saint ears, some are going to be put off by glaring mathematical errors. 906 million is not .007% of 124 billion. You're off by two orders of magnitude, BeNotDeceived. You're either exaggerating the wealth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or you're understating its humanitarian contributions. Either way, what's the point? Why not put in a little effort to be accurate?
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Re: 906 million dollars

Post by drumdude »

I remember the commercials on TV in the 1990s and early 2000s. The Church was trying to get free book of Mormons in the hands of every person on earth. For some reason, they decided to stop spending money advertising the church on TV, at least in my area.

The church could spend all 500 billion of the money they're hoarding to pay every person on earth to read the Book of Mormon. If they're the most correct religion on earth, that should guarantee the church covers the globe and prophesy is fulfilled in these "latter" days.

But the church leaders know that 99.9% of everyone who hears about Mormonism rejects it. Either Mormonism is false, or God wants it to seem false. This is why DCP has to argue that God actually WANTS to remain hidden, he WANTS his true religion to seem like a scam. What a loving heavenly father...
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Re: 906 million dollars

Post by KevinSim »

drumdude wrote:
Wed May 18, 2022 3:33 am
Either Mormonism is false, or God wants it to seem false.
Drumdude, how did you come to that conclusion?
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Re: 906 million dollars

Post by drumdude »

This explains my reasoning:

drumdude wrote:
Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:00 pm
Dan wrote some article about how miraculous it is that Joseph Smith dictated the same sentence at different points in the translation process.

https://journal.interpreterfoundation.o ... -an-angel/

Yawn. However, here's something interesting from Alma he quoted:
DCP wrote:Consider the story in which Alma the Younger famously expresses his yearning to reach all humanity with the message of the gospel:

Candidly, I didn’t like it at all; I’m not really sure why. However, I’ve come to like it quite a bit over recent years. Again, I’m not quite sure why that should be so, except that I’ve begun to appreciate much more than I once did the urgency of getting the message of the Gospel and, now, of the Restoration out to humanity, and of calling people (not excluding myself) to repentance — as well as to feel more sharply than I once did a frustration at our inability to do so as widely and extensively and powerfully as we would like. I’ve seen too many individuals and families make choices that have led to pain and suffering, and I worry about a society that seems, collectively speaking, to be making analogous choices. How I wish that “they should repent and come unto our God, that there might not be more sorrow upon all the face of the earth!”
I'll do some more mind reading of Peterson and claim that some cognitive dissonance may be the cause of his unease. Dan, perhaps unconsciously, struggles with God's divine hiddenness. God chooses to make all the religions appear equally false to unbiased outside observers. He chooses to hide all the evidence of Nephites and Lamanites. He chose every single stumbling block within Mormon history - Polygamy, Polyandry, Fraud, Deceit, Murder. Child brides, for heaven's sake. He allowed the Internet to spread awareness of these vast problems within Mormonism. Currently, he is causing Mormon growth to flatline and likely begin declining.

If there is a Mormon God, he is trying as hard as he can to prevent people from following him. Where are the angels?
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