My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

So, this comment by this Belgium Officer touches on some of the same data points that have been discussed recently across social media:

^ start at 2:39 - though the whole video is a nice reintroduction to the idea that this has been happening for a while

What’s interesting to me is Senator Harry Reid, who by all appearances was never a dyed-in-the-wool kook synced up with a couple of other Senators, and got funding for the "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program" (AATIP) in 2007. Sen. Reid tried to get the AATIP designated as a Special Access Program (SAP) which is where black projects are housed. By doing so, he and his AATIP investigators would have had access to a lot of very close-held information.

The Pentagon denied the request.

Hrm. I get that these SAPs are highly compartmentalized, I do, but arguably one of the most powerful Senators in recent memory getting stonewalled by the Pentagon regarding potential national security threats kind of pushes me in the direction that some of these sightings are our things floating and flying around. But, I have no idea. Period.

What’s doubly interesting to me is the Chinese have recently stoop up their version of AATIP, the name escapes me right now, and are looking at the matter seriously, like really seriously, devoting massive resources to it if I recall correctly.

So. If these things aren’t a hoax propagated by the CIA to secure more obscene national defense spending and it’s as real as we can comprehend we have this:

1. Anti-gravity propulsion.

2. Instantaneous acceleration.

3. Hypersonic velocity (with no sonic boom!).

4. Low observability - sometimes only appearing on infrared and radar.

5. Being able to travel between space, air, and water without any impact on speed.

I’ll try to provide a ‘money shot’ post in a second.

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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

From Reddit:


So. UAP doesn’t have to mean ETs, BUT is it modern tech? UAPs/UFOs have been seen with the same capabilities since at least the 40s. Other theories I’ve been seeing are:

Human-made technology, from the future, but not actually here with us, OR ‘hu-tech’ actually here, OR an undetected civilization, OR hu-tech from an official government, OR hu-tech from a reverse-engineering downed craft.


An interdimensional civilisation that can appear in our dimension at will, OR just kind of pops in and out of 3d space.


Ocean creatures.


A non-human Type-2 or higher civilization



Simulation theory glitches.


Von Neumann probes -


*insert your pet theory here*

I guess at the end of the day is if we do, in fact, verify this crap is flying around it really opens up a Pandora’s 📦 of the unknown. I kind of hope it’s the case because I don’t know about you guys, but after Trump I’m convinced weird is the new normal and I’m down with some weird crap happening.

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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Moksha »

Rep. Louis Gohmert wants to know if the forest service can change the moon's orbit to combat climate change.

It was a disservice to Texans when they outlawed science education in schools following the Scopes case in Tennessee in 1925.
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Gadianton »

Of the 5 characteristics listed I think you can strike #1 as excessively interpretive. The others are more or less valid. I don't think of the latest clip
leaked last month that anyone said when splashing into the ocean, it was travelling at the exact same speed.

As for the reddit graphic. Yeah, I just don't get into that stuff. The more ontology credits you spend, the less you have to explain. If the world is a simulation, then anything is covered by malicious code.

One of the problems with any alien hypothesis is how to confirm or falsify? a simulation is outright unfalsifiable, and anything is consistent with code. Even with the most usual and dumb theory, automation that travelled subluminal and has no communication with home base -- how would you confirm or refute it?

One of those big pills is captured. We can't identify any the parts. Seems like otherworldly is on the table, but how do you prove that?

Even if you produced a Grey or two, it's possible they are genetically engineered on earth. There really is no smoking-gun available. Maybe a fleet of two-thousand ships attacking would be a smoking gun.

Here is the best I can come up with:

According to the pilots, these things actively jam radars and they do so over our own waters, and allegedly, that's an act of war. What do military brass make of them?

Assuming that interactions increase, if military brass believe they are terrestrial drones -- Chinese or Russian -- then we should full-on attack them and see if we can knock one down. If the brass thinks they are alien, then we'll passively study them and do anything and everything to avoid pissing them off.
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Dr. Shades »

dantana wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:25 am
I don't see how it could be aliens. There is no tech. we are aware of that would allow this.
So, if we aren’t aware of some tech., then it can’t possibly exist? Sort of like how nobody was aware of cellular telephone technology 100 years ago, so it doesn’t exist now?
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Chap »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:37 pm
dantana wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:25 am
I don't see how it could be aliens. There is no tech. we are aware of that would allow this.
So, if we aren’t aware of some tech., then it can’t possibly exist? Sort of like how nobody was aware of cellular telephone technology 100 years ago, so it doesn’t exist now?
It is not a question of our not having managed to solve some particular technical problem - which in the case of cellphones involved, amongst other things, a combination of miniaturisation with the development of software to handle a large volumes of calls in the system simultaneously. You just had to find ways of doing stuff we could basically already handle, but on a much smaller size scale and much faster and with greater complexity.

The issue in the case of aliens reaching us by interstellar travel is not like that: rather, it is a question of our needing to discover utterly new laws of physics that must include, as a special case, relativity (a theory that has repeatedly measured up to all the tests we can throw at it), but also offers ways of transcending important parts of it such as the limitations imposed by the speed of light. Otherwise no aliens are likely ever to have reached us.

Saying 'we haven't got the tech to do that - yet' simply does not capture the magnitude of the challenge.'
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by dantana »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:37 pm
dantana wrote:
Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:25 am
I don't see how it could be aliens. There is no tech. we are aware of that would allow this.
So, if we aren’t aware of some tech., then it can’t possibly exist? Sort of like how nobody was aware of cellular telephone technology 100 years ago, so it doesn’t exist now?
So, it seems I did a poor job of communicating the point I was intending. I'll try again.
Dantana wrote, "I don't see how it could be aliens. There is no tech. we are aware of that would allow this. Therefor it must be terrestrial in nature, using tech we are yet unaware of."
If one reads both sentences in sequence, they are contradictary. Why did I do that? Because I thought I saw a few posters up-thread take a position of - 'It's probably not aliens, because the laws of physics as we now understand them don't allow it. Therefore it's more likely to be local, even though that is also breaking the law of physics as we now understand them.'
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by MeDotOrg »

Moksha wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 3:03 am
Rep. Louis Gohmert wants to know if the forest service can change the moon's orbit to combat climate change.

It was a disservice to Texans when they outlawed science education in schools following the Scopes case in Tennessee in 1925.
To be fair, I've thought the Bureau of Land Management must feel terribly ignored as an acronym. If Louis and Marjorie Taylor Greene can figure out how to take control of the Jewish Space Laser, just use that to move the moon's orbit. Problem solved.

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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by Bret Ripley »

I saw a UFO once, clear as day, many years ago while driving on the freeway near Seattle. Just before my view was blocked by an overpass, the tip of a large pitch-black triangular vehicle loomed directly overhead as it was overtaking me at a very low altitude. I drove under the overpass with my heart in my throat, telling myself that I must be seeing things. I had just about convinced myself that it had just been some trick of the light, but as I emerged from the overpass there it was, sure enough, directly ahead. But I will have to stop here, because that's the end of my "That One Time I Saw A UFO" story and the beginning of "The First Time I Saw A Northrop Grumman B-2 Stealth Bomber."
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Re: My Take on the UFO Craze Hitting Us Now

Post by doubtingthomas »

Chap wrote:
Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:18 pm
The issue in the case of aliens reaching us by interstellar travel is not like that: rather, it is a question of our needing to discover utterly new laws of physics that must include, as a special case, relativity (a theory that has repeatedly measured up to all the tests we can throw at it), but also offers ways of transcending important parts of it such as the limitations imposed by the speed of light. Otherwise no aliens are likely ever to have reached us.
Actually it is possible to travel thousands of light years in just a few years without the need of a wormhole tech. ... ight-by-15
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