Eternal Questions and Answers.

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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

Those who love righteousness possess the Spirit of God, those who delight to do good, can remember good.

They can remember every good principle and every good act;

When they read the Scriptures, the sayings of the Prophets and Apostles will be as near their hearts as lies are to the hearts of the wicked.

By this you may know whether you are Saints or not.

Can you remember good?

If you forget good and remember evil, you may lay it down as a positive fact that you are on the highway to destruction.

If you love the truth you can remember it.
Philo Sofee
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Philo Sofee »

Elizabeth wrote:
Sun May 22, 2022 11:26 am
Those who love righteousness possess the Spirit of God, those who delight to do good, can remember good.

They can remember every good principle and every good act;

When they read the Scriptures, the sayings of the Prophets and Apostles will be as near their hearts as lies are to the hearts of the wicked.

By this you may know whether you are Saints or not.

Can you remember good?

If you forget good and remember evil, you may lay it down as a positive fact that you are on the highway to destruction.

If you love the truth you can remember it.
You have said your God is good and full of love and yet he allows (when he CAN prevent it) EVIL to occur and many millions of innocents to die of no fault of their own, heinous deaths of starvation. It isn't about MY good you were talking about, it was your God's good. The state of the world (which God apparently is supposed to love) demonstrates God does not love nearly to the level we humans do. This is about God's putative love, not ours. Why worship that kind of God who does not bother to interact in positive ways with the world, which, if the scriptures are accurate, he actually bothered to make?
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

:) Read and study The Plan of Salvation and you will know.

We are all subject to Eternal Law as also are Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

Before choosing to partake in this mortal trial, we all understood and accepted the principles and consequences of free agency for all, and that we all will be judged on our thoughts and actions which will then determine our Eternal progression or regression.
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

In 2 Nephi 10:15 Jesus said that he will destroy the secret works of darkness.
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

We must trust that we can each receive personal revelation from the Lord.

"There are revelations of God, there are revelations of man, and there are revelations of the devil." –Joseph Smith.
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

1 Samuel 16:7

“For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”
Philo Sofee
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Philo Sofee »

Elizabeth wrote:
Mon May 23, 2022 6:36 pm
We must trust that we can each receive personal revelation from the Lord.

"There are revelations of God, there are revelations of man, and there are revelations of the devil." –Joseph Smith.
Yes, are you aware that the context of this quote is due to an actual failed prophecy/revelation of Joseph Smith himself and he was wiggling out of it? I mean, come on, do you even bother with actual context for any of your "knowledge"?
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

Philo Sofee
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Philo Sofee »

Elizabeth wrote:
Mon May 23, 2022 6:59 am
In 2 Nephi 10:15 Jesus said that he will destroy the secret works of darkness.
The reason why Joseph Smith was killed for his secretly having himself anointed as King in his secret combinations with Brigham Young and John Taylor... Their works came to nought. The vision ended, the work ceased. All that took its place was a greedy power hungry corporation without any of the gifts of the Spirit.
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Re: Eternal Questions and Answers.

Post by Elizabeth »

The partaking of the fruit of the tree of life by Eve transformed her immortal body to mortality and subject to death.

Adam then also partook of the fruit so that he also would become mortal.

Our Heavenly Father then commanded they leave the Paradise of Eden and enter earthly mortality, reproduce and provide our Heavenly Fathers chosen immortal Spirit children with mortal bodies whereby they too could enter a trial period previous to judgement to determine further progression.
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