White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

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Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Post by canpakes »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri May 20, 2022 6:25 pm
This is the shooter’s bedroom:

Imma call BS on this one, Doc. See this link:

https://news.knowyourmeme.com/news/4cha ... -is-a-hoax

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Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

canpakes wrote:
Fri May 20, 2022 7:55 pm
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Fri May 20, 2022 6:25 pm
This is the shooter’s bedroom:

Imma call BS on this one, Doc. See this link:

https://news.knowyourmeme.com/news/4cha ... -is-a-hoax

Ah, thanks. I appreciate the debunking and clarification.

That said, it’s still of a room posted on 4/chan archived here (from the KYM link):


If the intrepid Internetter is feeling brave I recommend clicking on canpake’s link, and then start clicking on the links to the archived material to get a sense of the sheer lunacy, which includes everything I mentioned before. And, if you haven’t had your fill, I strongly recommend reading 4/chan/pol/ to figure where the trad cons are getting their talking points from. On page 1, given any day at any hour you’ll be slammed with threads advocating tradcon values, antisemitic themes, Naziism, current events slanted hard and far Right, Q conspiracies, antivaxx stuff, pornography, antitrans stuff, so on and so forth. They also archive threads that are searchable by keyword, so you can see what’s been posted recently - note, I don’t know how to search archived material that’s been posted beyond what’s on the site itself, so you may have to google how to do that.

- Doc
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Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Post by ajax18 »

Unless protesters armed with weapons and handcuffs are breaking into Alito’s house to force him to abdicate his position in favor of, say, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the two are in no way comparable.

There is a law on the books that the protest arguably violates. However, it may not be Constitutional. Consider the Constitutional rights of abortion protesters to scream at and harass women seeking medical care. Why don’t the Justices have to run a similar gauntlet when they go to work every day? Even if it’s Constitutional, the protesters are not attempting violent overthrow of the government.
Considering a man was finally arrested for attempting to kill justice Kavanaugh, do you still think the law forbidding people from protesting at the homes of Supreme Court justices is unconstitutional? Or is that just part of a public officials duty to walk the gauntlet? At least Kavanaugh can afford a private security detail. Soon most working class Americans won't be able to afford to exercise their 2nd amendment rights to self protection and preservation.

What would have happened if this were a white man attempting to kill Justice Sotomayor? Fox News and talk radio would be shut down and have their first amendment rights stripped along with the 2nd. But since it's the other way around, it's just memory holed and used as another reason to disarm law biding citizens by the mainstream media. And who cares, because everyone hates Kavanaugh. A psychotic woman claims he sexually assaulted her 30 years ago. And he lied about not voting to uphold Roe v. Wade in the confirmation hearings. So that makes it all ok. The two tiered justice system based upon political opinion in this country is unconstitutional and the worst civil rights violation since 1960. It needs to be cleansed.
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Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Post by Gadianton »

Considering a man was finally arrested for attempting to kill justice Kavanaugh, do you still think the law forbidding people from protesting at the homes of Supreme Court justices is unconstitutional?
If that guy didn't have a gun, Kavanaugh wouldn't have to worry, eh?

Get rid of the guns, and all the commoners you speak of may also avoid having to outlay the money as well as risk their families to get into lethal home protection as their next life endeavor. Wouldn't it be better if poor people could spend the time getting a paying skill or hell, learning to play tennis, rather than being forced to buy firearms and learn to use them properly so their families aren't killed?

You think it's some Godly blessing that a poor person has a right to obtain a firearm to protect his or her life, it sounds good in theory until you realize the problem of needing protection only exists because of the proliferation of guns in the first place.

And don't forget, you're on the list of those who don't own firearms for self-protection. You just argue for what you're told to believe by Breitbart.
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Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Post by ajax18 »

If guns are illegal, only criminals will have guns, most of whom will already be protected from the legal consequenxes of owning and using illegal firearms because of the need to combat and make up for the racist history of this country.
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Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Post by Gadianton »


You should quit reading Breitbart and start thinking for yourself.
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Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Post by honorentheos »

ajax18 wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:55 am
If guns are illegal, only criminals will have guns, most of whom will already be protected from the legal consequenxes of owning and using illegal firearms because of the need to combat and make up for the racist history of this country.
You should be watching the road rather than posting the NRA bumper stickers you are reading. That must be an old truck to have both one from 80s and much more recent. I'm guessing the "cold, dead hands" one fell off or was scrapped off after the truck brake checked someone they thought was following too close. Be careful making this one of your eye exams. He might take your bumper then shoot you for being a pansy in tennis gear if he's an old 80s NRA supporter.
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Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Post by canpakes »

ajax18 wrote:
Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:55 am
If guns are illegal, only criminals will have guns, most of whom will already be protected from the legal consequenxes of owning and using illegal firearms because of the need to combat and make up for the racist history of this country.

Forget about the notion that firearms ownership will be made illegal. That will never happen.

That being the case, can you get behind the idea that certain types of firearms or calibers should be off-limits to purchase until someone reaches at least 21 years of age?

I’m asking as someone who is a member of a firearms-owning family, so this isn’t some sort of ‘gotcha’ question. I just really want to know where you stand on this.
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Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Post by ajax18 »

That being the case, can you get behind the idea that certain types of firearms or calibers should be off-limits to purchase until someone reaches at least 21 years of age?
I guess we don't really have a draft now. I would see it as hypocritical to send someone off to war but not permit them to own a gun at the same age as a civilian. But yes I would have no problem with a law that would make certain firearm purchases off limits until after 21 yoa. That being said, how would any of these proposals really do much to stop crminals from getting guns and killing people? To me most of the gun control talk is an attempt to misdirect the public and point the voters attention to anything other than inflation, the economy, and gas prices, which right now are losing issues for Democrats.
I’m asking as someone who is a member of a firearms-owning family, so this isn’t some sort of ‘gotcha’ question. I just really want to know where you stand on this.
Such a law wouldn't bother me. I'm not going to put much effort into campaigning for it because I don't think it will make much of a difference either way.
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Re: White Supremacist kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket

Post by Gadianton »

Ajax wrote:To me most of the gun control talk is an attempt to misdirect the public and point the voters attention to anything other than inflation, the economy, and gas prices
You can't be serious. Think about previous mass shootings and the public and political reactions, were those also nothing more than misdirection to avoid talking about inflation?

Couldn't I equally say that demanding to talk about inflation all the time is a way to avoid talking about gun control?

By the way, everyone here has tried to discuss inflation with you, Ajax, and you sort of just drop out of the discussion. Everyone posting on this thread has put more effort than you have into understanding inflation.

Just remember, in 2018, Trump was fully engaged in a trade war that one federal reserve bank estimated stripped the economy of 1.7 trillion dollars. Jerome Powell, a republican, covered for Trump by lowering interest rates substantially. That triggered the 'bubble' in asset markets. Trump was delighted over the asset bubble because it made him look like "the stock market president". That's the starting point, Ajax. Your guy, Trump, was the beginning of the recent story of inflation. If you'd like to discuss it again, start another thread and we can carry these comments over there.

I'm pretty sure you aren't interest in discussing, inflation, Ajax.
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