Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Vēritās »

Binger wrote:
Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:40 am
Vēritās wrote:
Tue Jun 14, 2022 8:10 pm
This is what a gallon of gasoline costs in these countries.

Ecuador $2.55
Algeria $1.19
Libya $0.11
Haiti $2.18
Iran $0.20
Kuwait $1.12
Iraq $1.94
Nigeria $1.57
Saudi Arabia $2.35
Bolivia $2.06
Colombia $2.27
Venezuela $.08
Ecuador $2.55
How does that compare to a pound of bacon?
The cost of eating bacon in Saudi Arabia could be your life.
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Xanax will be happy to know Biden is now pressuring American oil companies to produce more oil and gas and make less profit. So, now Xanax gets to decide whether he likes the feds pressuring free market companies to charge less for the their labor, or that it’s unfair of the feds to pressure free Americans into doing their bidding.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by ajax18 »

Even Joe Biden is smart enough to know that if you print trillions of dollars worth of money that this will result in inflation. The Democrats want gas to be unaffordable. The people they wanted to benefit from the COVID lockdowns and "infrastructure" bill benefited. The people who they wanted to benefit from the George Floyd summer protests of 2020 benefited. They want people like Darrel Brooks out on no cash bail and running over children at a parade and they want the police to have reason to be afraid of trying to arrest him. And they might even be able to get away with doing all of this and still hold onto both houses in Congress, perhaps even without any blatant election fraud.
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Vēritās »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:54 am
Even Joe Biden is smart enough to know that if you print trillions of dollars worth of money that this will result in inflation. The Democrats want gas to be unaffordable. The people they wanted to benefit from the COVID lockdowns and "infrastructure" bill benefited. The people who they wanted to benefit from the George Floyd summer protests of 2020 benefited. They want people like Darrel Brooks out on no cash bail and running over children at a parade and they want the police to have reason to be afraid of trying to arrest him. And they might even be able to get away with doing all of this and still hold onto both houses in Congress, perhaps even without any blatant election fraud.
I'm unaware of any Democrats who want gas to be unaffordable. That doesn't even make sense. Democrats didn't put in place any COVID lockdowns and no infrastructure bill has been passed.

Are you Ok?
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by ajax18 »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:18 pm
Xanax will be happy to know Biden is now pressuring American oil companies to produce more oil and gas and make less profit. So, now Xanax gets to decide whether he likes the feds pressuring free market companies to charge less for the their labor, or that it’s unfair of the feds to pressure free Americans into doing their bidding.

- Doc
Would you invest in oil and gasoline now if you knew that a year from now that the government and climate change crowd is just going to crack down again to the point that it's unprofitable? You're smart enough to comprehend this. People like Joe Biden ans Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are not.
And when the Confederates saw Jackson standing fearless like a stonewall, the army of Northern Virginia took courage and drove the federal army off their land.
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

ajax18 wrote:
Thu Jun 16, 2022 9:21 pm
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:18 pm
Xanax will be happy to know Biden is now pressuring American oil companies to produce more oil and gas and make less profit. So, now Xanax gets to decide whether he likes the feds pressuring free market companies to charge less for the their labor, or that it’s unfair of the feds to pressure free Americans into doing their bidding.

- Doc
Would you invest in oil and gasoline now if you knew that a year from now that the government and climate change crowd is just going to crack down again to the point that it's unprofitable? You're smart enough to comprehend this. People like Joe Biden ans Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are not.
Stay focused you dopey braying donkey. Do you:

1) dislike the feds pressuring free market American oil companies into charging less for the their labor and product?


2) think it’s good the federal government pressures free market American oil companies into doing their bidding?

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Doctor Steuss »

Out of curiosity, I wanted to know what could have kicked WTI and Brent down from their upward trend that put them on a 120 pedestal on the 8th; and once again, it looks like the cartels want to make sure they’re ultimately in control (er, I mean Biden… he’s the one controlling the prices on the international markets of a global commodity). Not sure what it is about that 120 pressure point that always seems to make them jump. I’m guessing that’s where a lot of the harder to wrangle deposits in western countries start to become profitable to access? ... 022-06-05/

ETA: Or maybe I'm just seeing OPEC goblins in benign shadows (which, is definitely possible... dude with a hammer, and things as nails, and all that jazz)
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by ajax18 »

This economy is Gunnar's green new deal that we voted for. We're getting what we chose as a democracy, a Joecession.
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Gunnar »

ajax18 wrote:
Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:50 pm
This economy is Gunnar's green new deal that we voted for. We're getting what we chose as a democracy, a Joecession.
On the contrary. Much of the economic problems we are having are aggravated by irrational resistance to weaning us off of dependence on fossil fuels and will get drastically worse if the world as a whole continues to resist transitioning to green energy. We have numerous times referred you to evidence (which you obviously refuse to even look at) that show conclusively that wind energy and photo-voltaic energy are already cheaper and more cost effective than fossil fuel powered energy, not to mention more environmentally benign, and their advantages over business as usual is becoming greater and more obvious all the time. I urge you once again to look at Rocky Mountain Institute website, for example, and familiarize yourself with the remarkable progress being made in green energy solutions and energy efficiency.

Accelerated Clean Energy Development Could Save Americans $5 Billion Annually, Protecting against Inflation and Rising Natural Gas Prices
With energy security, inflation, and gas and electricity prices flooding the news cycle, leaders are searching for solutions that will provide immediate and sustained relief. Global instability has once again put Americans at the mercy of fossil fuel price spikes — and this trend will continue if we fail to prioritize domestic energy sources like wind and solar that have zero fuel costs.

New RMI analysis shows that investing in and using cleaner energy can help protect against inflation by reducing electricity costs
significantly over the next two years. Our analysis shows that implementing clean energy tax credits for the power sector starting in 2022 would result in cost savings across the continental United States. By 2024, these tax credits could save American electricity customers over $5 billion a year.

A Recipe for Cleaner Energy and Cost Savings

Our analysis examined the cost implications of a few key power sector tax credits, including:

A 10-year extension of the 30 percent Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which allows renewable energy, energy storage, or transmission project owners to recoup 30 percent of their investment through direct pay from the IRS. The ITC provides dollar-for-dollar credit for investments in renewable energy installations. The 10-year time frame will allow for long-term wind and solar investments and give regulators greater certainty on future clean energy costs.

A 10-year extension of the $25/MWh Production Tax Credit (PTC), which would provide a $25 tax rebate for every megawatt-hour of electricity produced by new clean energy sources — including solar — over the first 10 years of operation. The extended PTC allows developers to recoup their costs through direct pay from the IRS. In the past, solar projects have only qualified for the ITC, but with solar prices decreasing, a PTC will more effectively incentivize utilities to bring solar installations online at the pace and scale needed.
To unlock these full savings, we found that the power sector tax credit package needs to be in the form of direct pay, which helps electricity suppliers take full advantage of the incentives to reduce customers’ electricity bills. Today, the absence of a direct pay option for several clean electricity tax credits inhibits many utilities and other electricity suppliers from accessing affordable financing for new projects — which in turn slows renewable energy deployment.

Credits That More Than Pay for Themselves

This package of clean energy tax credits proposed in Congress earlier this year remains one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce emissions, according to research from the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago and the Rhodium Group. This assessment found that these credits more than pay for themselves — with economic benefits three to four times greater than the cost of inaction.
But, of course, you will refuse to even look at the evidence and progress being made. There no room for your bigoted, closed-minded little brain for anything that conflicts with what you are already determined to believe! Backfire effect on steroids!
The backfire effect is the tendency of some people to resist accepting evidence that conflicts with their beliefs. The effect is demonstrated when people presented with that conflicting information become even more convinced of their original beliefs rather than questioning them.

Common sense tells us that if we are presented with new information that clearly suggests we've been wrong about something, we will consider that information and adjust our thinking on the matter. That may happen most of the time. However, some people in some cases will react illogically.

The backfire effect is one manifestation of confirmation bias, the tendency of people to give more credence to evidence that supports their preexisting beliefs. In this case, the bias is so strong that people refuse to consider the possibility that they were mistaken. Data that does not support their beliefs is dismissed and, perhaps because they know on some level that they were wrong, they profess even greater confidence that they have been correct all along. They may dismiss data as statistical noise and take even more extreme positions on issues than was initially the case.

Cognitive errors such as the backfire effect can be problematic for data analysis. Despite all the technology, the human factor is inevitably involved in selection of inputs and criteria as well as interpretation of results. Cognitive bias is unavoidable, however. The best protection from it is awareness of its presence and applying critical thinking skills to overcome it.
See also: The Backfire Effect: Why Facts Don’t Always Change Minds

This effect seems to be particularly strong with respect to political beliefs and voting preferences.
Examples of the backfire effect
The backfire effect has been observed in a number of scientific studies, which looked at various scenarios:

A study that examined voting preference showed that introducing people to negative information about a political candidate that they favor often causes them to increase their support for that candidate.

A study which examined misconceptions about politically-charged topics found that giving people accurate information about these topics often causes them to believe in their original misconception more strongly, in cases where the new information contradicts their preexisting beliefs.

A study which examined parents’ intent to vaccinate their children, found that giving parents who are against vaccination information showing why vaccinating their child is the best course of action, they sometimes become more likely to believe in a link between vaccination and autism.

A study which examined people’s intention to vaccinate against the flu, found that giving people who think that the vaccine is unsafe information disproving myths on the topic, they often ended up with a reduced intent to vaccinate.
This explains why so many Republicans are such diehard Trump supporters, despite his well documented efforts to claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him, despite the fact that even many (if not most) of his closest associates and appointees acknowledge there is zero evidence to support that contention!

I don't know why I even bother. You probably will refuse to give even a second of honest consideration to my arguments. You certainly have never come even close to offering any rational rebuttal to them! As I said: backfire effect on steroids!
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Re: Gas goes to $9.45/gallon in Mendecino, CA

Post by Gunnar »

Ajax, unless you are heavily invested in fossil fuel company stocks, why are you so adamantly opposed to even looking at the well documented economic benefits and potentials of transitioning away from heavy dependence on fossil fuels to the coming green energy revolution? Can you understand why the fossil fuel industry would spend billions of dollars on disinformation to discourage development and use of renewables, even to the great detriment of anyone else not dedicated to making a living from producing and selling the public on ever more dependence on fossil fuels? Is it that you can't stand the very idea of the possibility of being seriously mistaken about anything?

If you can come up with a coherent evidence-based rebuttal to the arguments and goals of organizations like RMI, I would sincerely like to see it!
No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.
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