“King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head”

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Re: “King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head”

Post by Shulem »

A king’s name you say?


Would you believe:

Fig. 2. King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head: Zizzer-zazzer-zuzz?

There, you see, the Church is still true.

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Names and more names

Post by Shulem »

The Book of Mormon asserts that ancient prophets knew of the name “Jesus Christ” as a futuristic personal name ascribed to the Messiah many hundreds of years before his birth. This is not only a prophecy but a direct reference to the name and title of the person in question. Compare that with Smith’s revelations about names in Facsimile No. 3 and there is contrast that suddenly takes on new meaning. How? Smith said there was a king’s name in the hieroglyphs above Fig. 2. He also identified other hieroglyphs in the labeling to have the names “Shulem” and “Olimlah”. Each of these declarations, including the ones in the Book of Mormon about the name “Jesus Christ” should be given equal consideration because either the statements are true or they are not. Either there really were Book of Mormon prophets that Smith visualized while his face was translating in a hat or there were not. I choose to believe there were no prophets in ancient America uttering the name of “Jesus Christ” as Smith said in his novel. I also choose to believe that there is no king’s name in Facsimile No. 3. I choose to believe that the names “Shulem” and “Olimlah” are also not written in the labels of the hieroglyphic script as Smith claimed.

Throw out the baby with the bath water!

[X] Jesus Christ
[X] King’s name
[X] Shulem
[X] Olimlah

All of the above are untrue.
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Re: “King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head”

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Sat Jun 25, 2022 2:43 pm
A king’s name you say?


Would you believe:

Fig. 2. King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head: Zizzer-zazzer-zuzz?

There, you see, the Church is still true.

Would you mind if the Interpreter borrowed this as more proof of the truthfulness of the Gospel?
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Doth Elizabeth know?

Post by Shulem »

Elizabeth wrote:LDS...


QUESTIONS for our friend, Elizabeth:
  • What is the king’s name above the head of Fig. 2 in Facsimile No. 3?
  • Why can’t Egyptologists transliterate the name “Shulem” or “Olimlah” in the hieroglyphic labels of Facsimile No. 3?
  • Why did Joseph Smith who was the supreme editor of the Times and Seasons order the snout hacked off the face of the jackal-headed god Anubis in the original printing plate?

PS. I realize these questions are simply too hard for church members to answer. These questions serve as proof that Mormons have no answers to counter ABSOLUTE PROOF that Joseph Smith was a conman. Critics may feel vindicated with a peaceful feeling in the heart that Smith has been proven a fraud and that he did in FACT lie. Nothing on God’s green earth can refute that.

I lift my voice up as a testimony to the whole world. It brings joy to my soul knowing that I have helped expose original lies of Mormonism.


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Re: Doth Elizabeth know?

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 2:34 pm
  • What is the king’s name above the head of Fig. 2 in Facsimile No. 3?

There is no pharaonic name above the head of Fig. 2. The Explanation given by Smith is a lie.

Shulem wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 2:34 pm
  • Why can’t Egyptologists transliterate the name “Shulem” or “Olimlah” in the hieroglyphic labels of Facsimile No. 3?

Because the names do not exist in the hieroglyphic labels of Facsimile No. 3. The Explanations given by Smith are lies.

Shulem wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 2:34 pm
  • Why did Joseph Smith who was the supreme editor of the Times and Seasons order the snout hacked off the face of the jackal-headed god Anubis in the original printing plate?

Smith forced himself to backtrack and cover his lies because he knew that an Egyptian god-figure was not a slave as he previously claimed. He was a liar and the Explanations of Facsimile No. 3 and his actions in mutilating the god are absolute proof that he was lying.

Today, Church leaders continue to cover the lies propagated by Smith. They join with the communal lies of the past and maintain them today as well as tomorrow. It is a continuous string of lies that started with Smith and continued through each corrupt Church President in effort to mislead everyone. The lies about the Facsimiles are all the proof anyone needs to know that Church Presidents are corrupt and are living a lie.
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We don’t know

Post by Shulem »

The king’s name!

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Re: We don’t know

Post by Shulem »

Mormon Missionaries wrote: We don’t know the king’s name!



Have you guys even bothered to pray about it? Have you asked God? If you lack wisdom then ask of God! Don’t tell me about the Book of Mormon and all the crazy fictitious names therein until you can tell me the king’s name in Facsimile No. 3. Doesn’t that sound reasonable enough? If the Book of Mormon is true then so also is the Explanation given in Facsimile No. 3; so, what is the king’s name?

Speak up please, I can’t hear you.
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Post by Shulem »

Elizabeth wrote:LDS...


Would you please pull that silly horn out of your mouth and tell me the king’s name written in the hieroglyphic writing above the head of Fig. 2?

What’s the name?

What is it?

Tell me, please.

Or don’t you know?
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Mormon Gag Order?

Post by Shulem »


The gag order starts with the President of the Church and his counsellors. They are under a spiritual gag order to not discuss the Facsimiles publicly. The same order is placed on the Quorum of the Twelve and has been passed along in essence to all of the General Authorities of the Church as the example has been set from the top levels.


The Church pleads the 5th.


Because it knows it’s guilty and there is no hope or help from heaven. The mouth of the Holy Ghost has been stopped cold! The heavens are closed and there is no revelation to the prophet on what to do. Mormonism is suffering a dearth of revelation and innovation on how to overcome this obvious fraud that is so apparent that nobody can deny it and keep a straight face.

Everyone knows the Mormon Facsimiles are a fraud. And with that comes the exit door for a way out of Mormonism.

[x] The Facsimiles are a fraud
[x] The Book of Abraham is fiction
[x] Egypt predates Smith’s account by thousands of years
[x] Smith’s account of how Egypt sprung forth is a lie
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No name Pharaoh

Post by Shulem »

News reporter wrote:President Nelson!

What’s the Church’s position on the king’s name in Facsimile No. 3? Has God revealed the Pharaoh’s name to the prophets?
President Nelson wrote:No comment!


[x] A prophet who does not prophesy.
[x] A prophet who does not know.
[x] A revelator who has no revelation.
[x] A prophet who cannot say.
[x] A seer who is in the dark.
[x] A seer who cannot see.
[x] A man who is pretending to be what he is not.
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