Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

HOSESTY is always the best policy and a virtue and value admired by all. But the Mormon Church since its inception has put itself above everyone else in the world whereby it thinks it’s better than everyone else. This thread, along with others concerning Smith’s perverted interpretations of ancient Egypt serves to remind everyone that Mormons have a serious problem with pride. The leaders of the Church are lifted up in the same kind of pride in which they accuse others and pointing their fingers at the world in judgement. The mishandling of the Egyptian papyrus by the Church will not go down well for the Church in the end. It’s on an unsustainable path in which it continues to cover and hide its deception in pretending and feigning holiness. But the world sees what the Church has done to the Facsimiles and the world will not forgive. It’s only a matter of time before the Church cracks under the awful weight of its own lies. Lying is not the answer and in the end the lies always catch up. The Church must repent and change its course. The Book of Abraham is not an authentic record and its description of how Egypt came to be are lies. LDS Egyptologists Gee and Muhlestein know this. They know the story told in Abraham chapter one is not *how* Egypt came to be nor is it *when* Egypt came to be. Isn’t that right, John and Kerry? Full discussion and exposure of the chronology of ancient Egypt is what will finally turn the Book of Abraham on its head and not even you guys will be able to save it using parallels and all manner of silly excuses. Needless to say, the World Body of Egyptology will step in and intervene should you two attempt to corrupt Egypt’s beginnings using the Book of Abraham as a scientific reference.

The writing is on the wall, guys. You’re going to lose and defeat will be painful. You brought this on yourselves through terrible apologetics and in making bad choices in lying to your people. You two are out of time. The lying must end now.
Last edited by Shulem on Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

As the world becomes more educated about how the original Mormons corrupted the plate of Facsimile No. 3 it will become impossible for the Church to continue to market the Book of Abraham. The book already has a very bad name and is known worldwide as a proven fraud. Its reputation is shot. Joseph Smith was exposed for trying to pull a fast one in telling a whopper about how Egypt came to be. Everyone knows it -- it is a matter of public record. Mormon claims to authenticity and historical value as expressed in that book are met with absolute rejection from science and Egyptology. The book has been proven a complete fraud. The Book of Abraham will never be accepted by professional scholarship for any historical value whatsoever. In fact, Egyptologists have a responsibility to expose this fraud and demonstrate how chapter one is an outright lie and is utterly false. It is NOT history! That is not how Egypt was founded! Smith knew nothing about how Egypt came to be. He was guilty of inventing a fraudulent story that has nothing to do with the REAL Egypt.

Those ARE the facts.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Moksha »

Shulem, what if the LDS apologists you mentioned repositioned the Book of Abraham as speculative Egyptian fan-fiction?
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Mon Jun 27, 2022 8:09 pm
Shulem, what if the LDS apologists you mentioned repositioned the Book of Abraham as speculative Egyptian fan-fiction?

That’s all it is, speculative fiction on Joseph Smith’s part. The information in the Book of Abraham about how Egypt was first formed and became a nation is the furthest thing from the truth -- it’s a lie. It’s anti-Egyptian narrative crafted by the ignorance of a 19th century man who didn’t know jack squat about ancient Egypt. Gee and Muhlestein will be out their minds if they dare try to defend and advance that narrative even from a Catalyst theory point of view. The story in chapter one is literally insane from an Egyptological point of view. The world body of Egyptologists will not stand for it. Gee and Muhlestein know this. The real issue with the Book of Abraham starts with Abraham chapter one about *HOW* and *WHEN* Smith’s false revelations claim Egypt came to be.

Gee and Muhlestein are now on notice. Book of Abraham criticisms coming from me will be miles above anything they ever imagined. They have had it easy but that is going to change. Those bozos are going to pay for what they’ve done. I will show no mercy. They do not deserve it.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Moksha »

The Church will probably emphasize the Book of Mormon while it decommissions the D&C (all thanks to Shulem).
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 9:59 am
The Church will probably emphasize the Book of Mormon while it decommissions the D&C (all thanks to Shulem).

Actually, now that you mention it, the D&C presentations are a carefully collected and constructed work of fictitious revelations. Smith had the audacity to actually speak for God in the first person. It was bold and outright daring. But the revelations were all manmade given for the sole purpose of keeping his adherents in check and maintain their constant devotion to him. The Church was ALWAYS about Joseph Smith and what he was thinking. Joseph Smith WAS the Church! That is the grand secret in understanding and deconstructing the working parts of Mormonism. Everything was always about Joseph Smith who was the center of Mormonism and became the means in which one might be saved, through him. Smith was thrilled and excited that his devotees viewed him and his every word that fell from his lips as if it was Christ’s own heavenly word. It thrilled him to no end! It was like a drug that gave him an amazing high. Smith wanted to be Jesus Christ to his people and he assumed the very role of a Savior as the one who restores all things and that only through him can one be saved. For Joseph, it was never really about Jesus Christ at all. It was ALWAYS about Joseph Smith and how wonderful he was. That *was* the Church! That is what Mormonism was all about, Joseph the seer and the very representative of Jesus being manifested in the flesh as a mortal man who would save the world.

I recommend readers read the following threads which expose false revelation in the D&C and help uncover the mystery of Smith’s pious deception. I’ll bump the threads up into the que because they should be bumped. It will help offset the horrific threads that our new friend Elizabeth has been posting. Apparently, Elizabeth has been posting long and constant cut and paste spam from the Church website for advertisement purposes known only to her. But this is actually a blessing in disguise for the board because it will attract new readers to the board who will quickly give up her garbage and discover the real threads on this board. So, we owe Elizabeth a debt of gratitude for her service! Her spam threads are going to lure a lot of fresh fish to fry!

Thank you, Elizabeth for your service! And keep it up! ;)

Please bookmark and read these informative threads when time allows:
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:39 am
Apparently, Elizabeth has been posting long and constant cut and paste spam from the Church website for advertisement purposes known only to her.
I think they are cross-posts from her similar threads on the LDSFreedomForum.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:21 pm
I think they are cross-posts from her similar threads on the LDSFreedomForum.

She is casting ALL her precious Mormon pearls to swine! How ironic is that? (oink) ;)

Anyway, it will serve to bring in more traffic to the board and that’s a good thing. I’m not going to attempt to explain her reasons or why she is committing these egregious acts. I do think that after a while, in time, Shades will get fed up and pitch her threads down into the spam folder. All he has to do is think to himself: “enough of this” and clickity click, Elizabeth is poof! It may take some time but in the end I think Shades will do the right thing once he thinks it is the right thing. That is the key!

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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Moksha »

Elizabeth seems like a kind person and not at all like the disrupters in Spirit Prison (and now allowed back in Spirit Paradise... go figure, perhaps Shades is one for eternal progression). Diverse peoples with diverse beliefs can exist together in a single community as long as they are not continually firing Binger missiles.
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Steady as we go

Post by Shulem »

Dear friends,

It really is over for the Book of Abraham. Be assured that critical arguments *against* the Book of Abraham and the historical context in which it was produced and presented to the original Latter-day Saint Church are absolutely rock solid. Critical arguments expose the untruthfulness of Joseph Smith’s claims. They counter the divinity of the ORIGINAL Church in which he founded in upstate New York.

The Church headquartered in Salt Lake City inherited Smith’s leftovers and is only a shell of the original church -- in name only having evolved into a business corporation and cult-enterprise masquerading as a church. The leaders of the Church are totally steeped deep into lifelong self-deception and have branded themselves into what they feel is a sacred covenant to keep the jig up at any cost -- apparently to the tune of a hundred billion dollars. Although these brethren (15) are powerful as a unified religious body having huge monetary assets and means at their disposal, having a large worldwide congregation, their power is waning in many ways because the world is changing and shifting. Mormonism is stuck and is being forced to evolve in the midst of that shift. And believe it or not, we here at Discuss Mormonism are empowered to take on the very Church itself having full confidence that our knowledge and understanding is far more powerful than their false priesthoods and stolen Masonic temple covenants! We do not fear the threats given in the D&C or the pretended power of 15 men who have completely deluded themselves. They are in reality weak individuals who are enslaved within the system they support and their interdependency on each other has become essential to their survival.

Let us carry on! More is to come. Please, stay tuned. Do not be concerned about how Church apologists attempt to defend the Book of Abraham in their dishonest and disgusting campaign to keep the members dumb. Keep your eye out and pay attention to this thread. THIS is the tip of the spear! And, the best is yet to come. Trust Shulem. The big fireworks are coming, all in good time. The showstopper will absolutely pull the plug on the Book of Abraham.

Folks, it’s over for the Book of Abraham and nearly time to fully expose Smith’s fictitious lady “Egyptus” as a big lie!
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